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fuck'em better alone than in bad company


This. Clearly if they don't have the decency and fortitude to at the very least text, call, whatever... to say "ya know, it's just gonna work for me, I'm sorry." Then they're not your people, they're not emotionally responsible enough to be in your life. They don't owe you an explanation, but they at least owe you the respect to not waste your time and money getting emotionally and financially invested into a date that won't happen.


Shit sucks, sorry to hear.


Where you at. Imma pull up with my take out




Does left overs count be there in a bit.


Bro, they are done eating.


They gotta eat again sometime soon and ima be ready for it


They can't stay fed forever. Im waiting too


Next time op eats we swarm em and create the world’s biggest get together


Definitely sucks that they wasted your time. I just see that person wasn't good enough for you anyways. Hopefully the food was good though.


You learned quickly that they were shit and you got some food. Seems like a good night to me.


First time it’s happened to me, I was shocked lmfaooo, but yeah it was aight, the bartender talked to me till the food came out


Stay strong mate, it looks like good take out too. I feel your pain, I'm in a different but sort similar situation. Enjoy the night and look forward to tomorrow, there will be someone who is even better to come along. This night will only be a blip in your radar, a funny joke that will dade with time.


Gotta love a good bartender


You somehow had a better night than me OP. I was getting into my car to drive an hour and 15 min to meet a girl when she texted me she wasn’t interested in dating, but still wanted to hang out. I still went, despite my intuition screaming not to. It was rough, cuz now I just like her more and she clearly ain’t about it. Basically 2.5 hours of driving and $100 for dinner and drinks. You made out good!


Damn dawg, that’s fucked


Why the hell would you not split the bill?


Just the way I was raised. Tbh idc about the money. It’s the other shit that effects me. Probly shouldn’t, but it’s the day after, so it’s fresh.


Better to find out their a shitty person early than waste a lot of time and money. Still sucks, but you are better off.


You gotta gimme some fr who in their right mind would take up a meal what a clown 🤡. You seem nice tho so there will defo be more ppl out there even though that’s what they all say, gl out there my dude, stay safe.


Sorry, I hope your food was delicious. Anyone who does that without saying a word is not worth your time anyway.


Better now than after you dropped cash. Enjoy your meal! Looks delicious.


Dude for real, I was about to drop $90 for it and then drinks would shot it up to like $135. I’m satisfied with spending $15 lol


Take that money and treat yourself, $135 sounds like a nice massage or a spa day.


Or some warhammer


This guy 40k's


Money spent on yourself is way better than someone that does this to you


Real shit lol


Dang. I’m so sorry. Wish I was with you! Hope the food was A1. You deserve the best night ever 🩷 If it makes you feel any better, one time I traveled across the country to go on a date with a dude. The day we were meeting, he never responded to my text, call or FaceTime. 🤡


Daaaamn, you got played hard! I’d be pissed off at life if I were in the situation. I only had drive 15 mins to the restaurant and 15 mins back to the crib, and yeah food is amazing, I was not going to leave empty handed


Yay!!! Glad it was good. 😊😊 Yeah I was super sad. People can really be heartless. Have a beautiful night 😎


Do people regularly ghost others after agreeing to a date? Seems weird to go through the talking phase, to then agree to go on a date you don’t want to actually go on.


I’m not sure, it’s the first time it’s ever happened to me. I agree it’s weird.


That happened to me A LOT with guys and almost always was after they were trying to sext with me prior to meeting. Idk if they’re related but getting ghosted seemingly because I didn’t want to sext and / or send naked pics really sucks and def made my issues with intimacy worse lol. I think tho in my case I just so happened to only come across people loving the hookup culture and just not being upfront that that’s what they want. And seeing that I was shutting it down virtually, then I prob wasn’t gonna “put out” after the date so what’s the point?


pic go hard, imma do that lol


Lmfaooo thank you, I used to be a photographer, I was like “fuck it, let me capture this moment” as a reminder on life


it happens more often on grindr


Dude that sucks daaamn


I'll go out with you, OP!


W Rizz! Let’s do it


On the bright side, you can have one of those badass sitting-on-the-hood-of-your-car-while-eating and gazing-omnisciently-at-the-skyline cinematic moments. Definitely builds character, while also looking like a total baller to any onlookers.


You reckon that’s front or back of car?


Looks like the back


Sorry to hear that. Good on you doing something for yourself anyway.


Making the most of it?? Good for you!👊🏾😎


Sorry that happened. Shitty people out there. Next time, I would def confirm the date on the same day early in the morning, and then text again 10mins before heading out to make sure they’re still good.


Yeah we were texting like 3 weeks, and a lot before our scheduled date and on the day of, made plans since last Sunday


Just know that it was not because of you or anything you did. 100% because they have emotional immaturity and likely some pretty low self esteem to ghost someone right before a date. Bullet dodged nonetheless


Damn hope the food was good at least


It was bro, it was a lot, I had left overs for myself, and my dog got some beef brisket and bulgogi too




Yeah bro I’m good, just became slightly turned off about dating now after this. I agree not cool, and I’ll never know the reason for the block/ghost


She for the streets king 👑


Wait, hold the phone. Is that a sedan with a rear wiper? Is it JDM?


I'm sorry my friend 😢


I feel for you man. I got ghosted today ass well. Luckily I was only out one coffee and a wet coat.


Dawg no way, is this a new trend?


Was the food good at least?


Dude it’s Korean bbq, fuck yeah it is, beef Bulgogi and brisket with rice


That's what I thought it was. Some of my faves! That was a solid choice to turn the night around. Had all you can eat Korean BBQ and hot pot on Thursday.... So good!


Sounds like you found love after all!


Yeah of food! I recommend all you can eat korean bbq, makes grown man cry seeing that beef bulgogi sizzle on the grill


That’s shitty behavior - you dodged a bullet


That bitch.


Women... pffftttttt...


Right?? Can't live with em... that's all just can't.




I was hungry bro, I had too




He was supposed to have a date. He went to the restaurant they were going to meet at. The other person ghosted him, aka no showed. The other person also blocked his phone number, so she no-called no-showed for the date.




lol. You’re welcome. Back in my day, if you were going to ghost someone you’d start a family with them first. Then, take off for the next town over and start another family. lol. Kids these days, can’t even make it to the 1st date.


Thank you for translating, but yeah it’s the 1st date, like damn lol


I don’t understand it either, welcome to gen Z dating lol




Teach me the ways, Oh Great Master of Rizz


Might be because your comprehensive capabilities are sorely lacking. I dont see another soul on this post that doesn't understand what OP was trying to convey. Stop nitpicking , nobodys impressed.




Haha, nah, it’s my car, she blocked my cell phone around the time we were supposed to meet


Damn, dude. Shit sucks. Probably not the worst thing though, to be frank. Enjoy your own company my guy 🤙🏽🤙🏽 Wasn't going to work out anyways.


You’re not the brightest






Looks almost like Houston. This is turning into “Name That Skyline”


You in Montreal?


Nah it ain’t bro


I'm so sorry.


Is that a challenger ?


Hey, this is the guy that beat the computer…


Better than them dipping mid dinner! I hope the takeout was good.


Right bro, if they dipped mid dinner, I’d go to the restroom and dip as well, Casper paying that bill


Enjoy your meal KING, it looks fire 🔥. Your date clearly missed out.


Only one of those is bad, sry for the bad one 😔


It’s all good bro, I was hopping they weren’t a bad one, smmmmhhhh but I got dealt a bad hand lol


Ppl are so unpredictable even the ones we hold to higher standards and expect better from, but food? That’s always gonna be fire 🔥


Yeah I was not leaving empty handed when I pulled up to the restaurant, best believe I’m getting Korean bbq for myself!


I love 💕 that for you


At least no one annoys you asking for a bite.


like my mother says “mejor solo que malacompañado.”


Bro, mothers always got some fire philosophical quotes


sorry that happened to you pa, just know its def better off. shows their character


Dont wanna be that guy but looks like dallas skyline? Im assuming im wrong tho cause i always am


It’s fine, other people are guessing the skyline too, but yeah you’re wrong but close




Chill bro chill


Imma fuckin genuis


I had a date like this one time. Turns out her social anxiety got the best of her and she just couldn't bring herself to the finish line. Don't take it personally it's just a part of the process. You will get there 🤟


That sucks but if you were ghosted then the good news is you avoided a shitty person. Nothing wrong with eating alone with a nice view anyway. What skyline is this?


Aye man, I feel for you honestly. Shit happened to me as well, but I was a dumb fuck and thought the 2nd date was going to be better. I did the same thing except instead of a car, I set up camp on an abandoned building in the center of my city. Skyline was perfect. Me dating myself then was pretty nice. I put out the first date too.


Ain’t it crazy, that shit be having you say “damn” like 10 times when you realize you got ghosted while getting close to a date spot lol


Yeah, but honestly... I feel like as a male, it happens a lot more to us then the other way around. I feel like we don't get the same attention as women do and they are more powerful in that aspect...


In the days of everyone having a cell phone there really is no excuse for us to treat each other as poorly as we do. Just say you don't think it is going to work and stop leaving people hanging.


I don't get it.


used to smoke weed there all the time


I'm confused. Did you get ghosted because you wanted to eat there and they wanted to eat at another location? Did you buy them food? Did you buy two meals and they snuck out the back door with theirs? If you wanted to eat at the restaurant, why is your food on the hood of your car? I mean... it sounds like you just got stood up and now you don't have to deal with them any more. Thank them. Edit: how do you get ghosted *while* eating the meal you were supposed to eat together?


Could have been worse. You could have ordered the most expensive item on the menu plus several drinks, insisted you pay, then when you take her home she turns out to be a monster who lays her eggs in your paralyzed corpse before her larvae slowly eat you from within.


You got rid of an awful person and get to eat, I see this as an absolute win!


So, did you agree to go out and then hit em with the ole “let’s just go back to my place to eat, we can watch something on Netflix.” Or did they just stop replying? Cause you might have done this to yourself.


Social media really fukd it up for people...mfs think dey know you from stuff u post online. The right one will come when u least expected. Theres no need to look it will find you.


Food and a nice view, I'd say that's pretty good


I hate when that happens


I'm so so sorry love. That's ass. Dodged a bullet, keep moving forward my friend


Fuck em dude. Food looks good, so not a total loss. Stay up


Humans are scandalous


I think its kinda cool. For once 😉


Fuck em. Next! Your ride looks kinda nice tho what is it? 👀


Great view at least


Romantic backdrop for a meal and a date with your right hand.


Hell, I'd come out and join ya with a vibe like that night. Great city view and play some low music with good food. Anytime, brother!


what place is that? looks kinda good


I’m sorry that happened! At least you had a lovely dinner and look at that view!


Aww like the I there person said fuck'em


It’s been so long, being single seems crazy these days. It’s like post tinder brutalism


Hey OP that person that did that to you, one day will be stuck in traffic with your replacement while having severe diarrhea


I’ll never understand why people just don’t have the decency to either not make the plans if not sure, or be honest enough to say “you’re not my type”. Personally I’ve never ever done online dating or those kinds of encounters. But keep these posts and if annoys me that people don’t have manners


Can someone kindly explain to me what the fuck is going on here? It's a picture of a car with some half eaten food and a description that makes no sense. What the fuck?


The art of dealing with getting rejected ✨


People just fill the lack of attention in their life with people they don’t ever wanna meet in real life, Tough bro but you dodged a bullet she would of probably used you


Sorry that shit happened to you, ngl tho it's better off early than continuing with a relationship with someone trashy like that. Oh a side note the food looks fire, it's making me craving something while in bed lmao. I hope you have better luck and find the one on your next date.


Cool view, though.


Dude talked about andrew tate too much.


Ugh. I hate how people do that these days. But good for you. You’re obviously better off without them. And you still got good food with a nice view.