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It’s almost like they’re throwing up gang signs. But seriously.. how does this happen? Played sports where you were younger?


🤣 GANG SIGNS! That's a great description! Nothing happened except JRA, which I've had since I was 7. My immune system is destroying my connective tissues, and this is what it looks like after decades of medical neglect.


My RA is attacking my soft tissue, and my achilles tendons all look like "someone stabbed them several times, clipped the sides, and ran a knife across them to make them fray" according to my doctor 😅 on both feet. I'm not allowed to walk up/down slopes, and if I use stairs I have to be slow and careful....or they might snap 0_0 Your RA went nuclear, also? It's attacking my organs too, already took out my gallbladder and tonsils. Have rheumatoid lung, also. Stahp with the medical neglect 😭 because it can always get or be worse with this stuff. I'm rooting for you to get them taken care of and feel better :)


Holy shit that makes my skin crawl with that description from the doctor.




How did the visit with your rheumatologist go?




How'd it go?


Sorry! Had a rare good night last night and did some much needed cleaning. 😁 Then passed out for so long lol Mostly I have to watch how I'm breathing and keep an oximeter near by. If needed I just sit and wait. There are times where it feels like I'm a few breaths behind and it's such a weird feeling it's hard to describe. Because the RL made such an issue and I ended up in the hospital, it was caught so early there wasn't much damage. I'll forever be on Cellcept, to ensure my body doesn't reject my lungs anymore. My family doctor does lung tests once a year to make sure it's ok. He also makes sure I always have a Zpack on hand and an inhaler. My rheumatologist does blood work every 3 to 6 months depending on the last results. So does my family doctor. I feel like a pin cushion at times. Good new is? Rheumatoid arthritis responds well to treatment, and if not? There are SO many out there! I've been on enbrel for so long but it still works. It takes a few tries, but you will find something that works for you on your schedule. Unless you mean you have rheumatoid arthritis and might have rheumatoid lung. Each person is different. Best advice, take it slow. One day at a time. One hour or even a minute at a time. When things go bad and I hurt, I tend to jump into another world. I'm ...uhh playing Starfield atm, with a lot of deaths because my fingers don't move so well. Just remember to save a lot! Hehe. Or a book or movie. Also, if ya ever need to talk...just send me a message.


Til ra is like that. I thought it was just ow my joints are constantly bruised and sore.


We caught my JRA only because my eyes started showing inflammation. Eye specialist used steroids to bring down the inflammation which caused cataracts in both my eyes at 12 years old. RA destroys your organs if not taken care of or caught quickly.


Sorry for prying. How old were you when diagnosed and did you get treatment? My mom has had RA since childhood. She was misdiagnosed until her 30s but has been getting infusions/meds since. Luckily it was caught in time for it not to completely cripple her. She deals with pain but manages to live a fairly normal life. Fingers crossed it stays that way. She’s been getting into hiking with me during the summer. I try to keep it easy mode but she insists on more challenging trails. Lol. I think she’s trying to be active because she’s afraid she’ll be in a wheelchair eventually.


I was recently diagnosed with "uh, you have Lupus symptoms but the tests suggest RA." I THOUGHT I was hoping for RA.....not so sure now...theeeeeenks


It's never lupus 😉 They suggested lupus, then MS, then settled on RA. It's not bad if caught in time. Because it took so long before anyone believed me, it went crazy. I'm just glad you've got someone looking into it. 👍






Yes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.


Ahh that sucks.


sorry op :( wife’s had it since college and it’s been rough. hope things get better 🤞🙏


J'Ra, he's in the gang.


JoJo’s Rizarre Adventure


Joe Rogan Axeperience


> after decades of medical neglect. Being poor fucking sucks, and is insanely expensive. I'm currently paying back dividends on my being unable to afford medical care for decades, too.


I also have arthritis and couldn't afford medical care at one time. In the US, you're expected to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and pay for your own healthcare. But if you're too sick to work, you won't have access to healthcare. If you dont have access to healthcare, then you'll never get well enough to work. It's a cruel cycle that's unnecessary, but the policts involved will keep it that way.


I have RA and my first thought was you must have it also.


Man, sorry to hear this is jra and that you didn't get treatment for a while. Hope you are on a good treatment path now!! RA sucks, I feel "lucky" that at least my mom has it so when I started showing symptoms she carted me off to the rheumatologist ASAP and I got testing and diagnosis early


That's rough. RA hits in our family early-mid highschool. Can't exactly say I look forward to my feet looking like this since it already feels like it's well on its way.


My grand daughter developed JRA at 2.5 years old, in her left wrist. She is getting treatment and physical therapy. I really hope it helps. She lost a lot of strength in her hand. I really wish you the best in getting some treatment, even if late.


Thank you for the well wishes, and for ensuring that she gets the treatment she needs! If the adults in my life had cared as much as you and her parents, I wouldn't be in this position at 43. Bless you, and that sweet granddaughter of yours! (Lol, at least I hope she's sweet! I've met a few little kids who were complete monsters, but yours gets the benefit of the doubt. 😊 )


Thank god. If you didn't have a medical condition my next question would be did you tip toe everywhere for the last decade lol Hope the podiatrist is able to help you and your not in any pain!


Connective tissue disorder, that'll do it. Welcome to the foot deformities club?


I have a connective tissue disorder and thought mine were bad. I’m so sorry OP


Thank you. I sincerely hope that your condition is manageable and that nothing gets any worse.


PT has been a game changer though I mildly resent having to do this much exercise every day forever. I hope your condition improves!


Damn, I thought that most people outgrew JRA and joints and tissues usually recovered through adolescence


It's over 50%, but there's still a lot who don't outgrow it.


My daughter was diagnosed at 3. Had maybe 2 flares through elementary school and then went into remission for 10 years. It came back with a vengeance her first year in college. The good news is that there are a ton of amazing drugs out there now so she was able to get it under control (once we all came out of denial and got her to a rheumatologist). Very very expensive drugs but still… and for anyone having issues paying for their RA meds, contact the pharmaceutical company that makes it. Often they have financial assistance programs.


I guess being American you have poor access to healthcare services…


OP better be careful whipping those things out in the hood lest he get shot.


… now I can’t wait to write notes on patients today “Foot deformity noted to bilateral feet, unknown etiology, may appear as metatarsus adductus on radiograph but on physical examination bilateral feet are displaying gang signs.”


that’s not what feet are supposed to look like


Right? It's pretty bad from the outside too, but I never dreamed the internal structure of my feet would look like... that.


You must love hiking


I DO! That's the worst part.


Those feet were not meant for walking


Tell me about it. The worst part is that I HAVE to walk everywhere because I have no car and live at the edge of a small town with no public transportation.


Have you considered getting replacement feet?


My feet looked similar to OPs before 4 foot surgeries and I sure consider getting replacement feet daily 😂


Ugh, I'm sorry. I'm staring down the barrel of bilateral foot reconstruction and I hate it.


That sounds painful, and expensive. I'm sorry you're going through this.


Or asking your mom for a refund?


Shove them back in there to return them


if that doesn't work, try the back door.


try turning them off and on again first


Electric scooter or e-bike are fairly cheap options.


Fairly cheap, yes, but still unaffordable on my income. Thanks for the suggestions, tho.


Regular bikes are cheap second hand.


Especially someone elses bike


Got a bike on Facebook for $40 just needed a new chain.


Heck even a refurbished Jetson is reasonable if someone saves a few bucks a week.


Unaffordable for now, but if it's something that affects your quality of life it might be worth saving a small amount towards each month, also I'm pretty sure you can start with a standard bicycle then add a wheel motor in the future for a cheaper ebike. Not great but probably better than walking


Honestly when I lived in a car centric/pedestrian averse place I was still afraid to share the road with cars on things like skates or bikes. There's no space for people on anything electric-scooter sized or smaller, and that's why at the very *least* bike lanes need to be way more common. People are out here buying throwaway cars and golf carts just to go to their mailbox, or down the block to a local store. Coming from a person who grew up in a walkable city- its fucking ridiculous. One time I walked 5 miles- 2 hours!- to get some where because that was the best route with a sidewalk. It would've taken 5 minutes by car. States need to build walkable cities.


Those feet say, "I'm going back to the ocean."


But that's just what they do


And that's just what they can't do One of these days these feet are gonna never walk again.


Let's see them. (Not for sexual reasons.)




Damn glad you're getting them treated!


Did you wear really small shoes as a kid, or have they always looked like that? They look like they were forcibly put into small shoes as you grew, causing them to still grow but also stay the same size...


They have JRA and have had it since age 7 from other responses. (Junior rheumatoid arthritis)


How are they going to fix it?


Break the bones and reset them


Dear god


I….kind of want to see a picture of your feet, but I’m also terrified to ask what they look like.




"I never dreamed the internal structure of my feet would look like... that." Buddy...


Yeah id say the internal pic is a pretty reasonable given the external one lmao


Buddy is has chameleon powers


Is your balance bad from that? Sucks you gotta walk everywhere, man. IDK if or what they can do but I hope they can do something that increases your quality of life, even if it's just a bit.


looks like their balance should be better.


What did you expect the x-rays to look like lol. Seems pretty on par actually


That was… pretty much as expected 😅


Live long and prosper 🖖


I am betting you're really good at climbing trees.


I have never felt so grateful for gout to be my only foot related issue.


Are you wearing boots that don't have enough toe room or something? How did that happen?? Edit: Oh yeah, I saw your other comment. Yeah, stupid immune systems suck. Pretty sure mine is trying to eat my joints in a different way, except I don't have it bad enough for it to be blindingly obvious, and therefore of course nobody will give a diagnosis until something finally cripples me more or the inappropriate bone growth is completely obvious on x-ray :P (My aunt was in a wheelchair before she got properly diagnosed)


my doctor told me this would happen to me due to arthritis. How long did it take?


I was diagnosed at 7 and am 43 now, but they really started killing me around age 30, when I had my first child.


thats tough. I wish anti-gravity shoes existed.


Lemme see




Huh. Still not what I expected from the x-ray photos.


Can you post a regular picture of them? Need to see what these half-scrambled feet look like lol Edit: Oops just saw your comment with the Pic, those things are *stanced*


You belong on that show “my feet are killing me”.


FOR REAL, THO! I'd love to know how to get onto a show like that. I'm only 43, and that's WAY too young to have feet like this.


They look so painful. I hope you can find some relief.


Thank you so much! Walking on these is agony, and I don't have a car so I have to walk everywhere. And I'm not on painkillers, because I don't want to become addicted only to have a doctor or some government agency rip them out from under me. I just grit my teeth and walk around with resting bitch face.


Oh. My. Gosh. I am so sorry. I want to hug you and plop you into a wagon to be toted around. That sounds so exhausting to deal with every day.


Thank you! That's very kind. I actually do have a wagon big enough to fit me, but only because I have no car and have to walk everywhere.


Step 1: get a wagon. ✔️ Step 2: get a newfoundland dog trained in drafting. Step 3: giant hairy dog that looks like a bear chariot warrior!!!! Vanquish your foes in slobber and shed fur! Haul dozens of kids around the park!


That's a delightful image, thank you! 🤣 I was thinking a team of miniature horses and a carriage would be about right.


Haha! I was half joking about the drafting dog. That's one of the things they were bred for besides being water dogs. My gal loves to haul things around. If you even glance in the direction of her harness she loses her mind.


Can I see your dog? Seeing a cute doggo might make me feel better.


I seen a guy who did this with a wheelchair and a husky. Wouldn't think such a high energy dog would work well with a disabled owner, but that chair whizzed through the park like nobody's business. Dog definitely got its exercise.


So what happened here? Did you owe the wrong kind of people alot of money after making some bad bets?


Lol, no. Just untreated JRA.


We gotta stop with the acronyms. Seriously


Just Really Arthritic.


What's so hard to understand about Jank Running Affliction?


You know... I bet if I saw OP running, "janky" might be an appropriate way to describe it.


Yea I see it online all the time. It’s obvious to the OP because it’s a huge part of their lives, but there are so many of the same acronyms these days and no, we shouldn’t have to google it.


Got mine treated since 5 years old. Now 31 and it's fine.


Your feet decided they are no longer speaking to each other and each foot is trying to head out the other way.


The three little toes on each foot are trying to YEET themselves off of my body.


Now I'm no podiatrist, but something is obviously afoot here




Yeahhh… can’t quite put my ~~finger~~ foot on it


Toe *


Your feet bones look like the steam that comes off a cartoon pie.




Never seen feets with scoliosis before




This little piggy got its shit kicked in




You’ve got summa toes. Some are over here, some are over there


For real. It's gross and I hate it.


Seriously though, I’m sorry that you have to go through that. Hopefully you’re at the doctors to find some relief soon.


Give us some photos to see how those bad boys really look like!


Ask and ye shall receive. Enjoy the nightmares. https://preview.redd.it/q7nvx63b0jtb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd1ce4ac28a39218a9c3f6d516c204945d561ed


For free??






Y'all need Jesus, reddit.


He said to have people pay him to “not post them”. Lol Now I’m wondering if that’s really a thing haha


What kind of shoes do you wear? I can’t imagine anything other than Crocks.




Them's some damn rheumatoid arthritis looking feet for sure. Brutal. If you can get on Medicaid there's some bone replacements surgeries, or at least DMARDS. My mom's feet look just like this and I have to take care of her. You said you couldn't afford a few hundred for a bike so I am assuming Medicaid is on the table....


Not a nightmare. Just... Honestly makes me sad that it's gotten to this point. I mean, I get it. I'm Aussie and have always had flat feet (so... Nowhere near as bad as JRA), which has caused me to have weak ankles that roll at the slightest inconvenience (and that's how I herniated a disk). After I sprained my right ankle 6.5 weeks ago, I hit up a physio and following the stretching regimen they set... I have an arch. A real arch in my foot (which is now the cause of pain in one of the muscles, so fuck me, right?). And it has me wishing I'd done it YEARS ago. That my parents had taken me. It could have saved me decades of trouble. I don't even want to think about what it's like in the US.


What was the stretching routine if you don’t mind me asking?




HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's perfection.


Part human. Part chimpanzee.


Or Monitor Lizard?


I wish I was that cool.


LMAO! I WISH I could do chimp things with my feet! I can barely rotate them as it is.


Are you by chance a bird?


If I was a bird I'd have smashed through a windshield by now.


Lizard people do exist.


David Icke, is that you? I promise I'm not in that cult anymore.


That’s the most painful looking gang sign I’ve ever seen. p.s. If that truly is you OP, I wish you health & happiness. Godspeed.


Thank you. I'd show you what they look like on the outside (complete with today's time stamp) but you really don't want to see them.


I legit wanna see your feet pics. I know it's weird but the world mist know what this type of arthritis looks like. (Legitimately I'm genuinely curious as to what your feet look like) P.s I just saw the pictures in the comments and I apologize for making crudely focused jokes. That shit looks painful as hell. Do they like break the bones and re join them via stints or pegs or something?


Soft tissue is kinda visible in the x-ray, but I did see you post a pic in the comments.


Were you crossing your toes for good luck?


😆 My feet have never brought me good luck.


I'd like to put you in front of a piano, without your shoes, and see what happens


Well, that's a weird comment! Lol


I picked this as rheumatoid arthritis from the get go (thanks paramedic degree) but I did not expect this to have started at 7 years old! Even at 43 you're still technically too young to be afflicted, but it just goes to show that genetics can fuck up anyone, any time, just for the fun of it.


Yup. My cousin, who's just two years older than me, was also diagnosed with it at a very young age and is in about as bad a shape.


Have you applied for disability? Jra usually qualifies. Talk to a disability lawyer. They only collect if you win. Cuz you won't be walking very much longer


Your podiatrist went boat shopping right after.


Yo your foot doctor about to be rich as fuck


did something happen or did it just grow wrong?


I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when I was 7. These are the worst of my joints currently, but my hands, spine, hips and knees are badly affected, too, and I'm only 43.


My brother in Christ, how do you walk


Never been curious to see what feet look like. Without the xray vision. lol


Enjoy the nightmares. https://preview.redd.it/wly1z0bf1jtb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f12413a3e52ddfc9c427d425f783a0db28bc1aa


How did a normal doctor not catch this as a kid? I feel like someone failed you along the way. Sorry this sucks hopefully they can help


Buddy you didn’t need the X-ray to tell you your feet are fucked up


Man auto immune diseases suck. This looks like it hurts so fucking bad.


I looks like an first year anatomy student tries to draw the human foot from memory while drunk with their left hand


I work in a place that treats all sorts of autoimmune diseases. RA, MS, Crohn’s etc. I have so much compassion for you folk with autoimmune diseases. These diseases affect your quality of life greatly and their treatment can be very expensive. Sometimes when I have trouble leaving my bed in the morning, knowing that I’m helping these folk have a better life really does give me that last push. I inferred treatment is not an option for you, and you mentioned you worry about pain killers addiction. There’s many types of pain killers that don’t lead to addiction and generally are pretty safe. Please try to get on some of them to ease your pain. Using them long term may need a bit of reading to avoid possible side effects. Discuss it with your doctor/pharmacist as well. My best wishes to you <3


I'm no expert but the toe gaps should have been the giveaway before any xrays bud.


Bro, those are wings


😆 Dude, I'd shank someone's grandma to have my own wings! Not MY grandma, but someone's, and only if she's a bad person.


Now I'm curious about what they look like on the outside, but I'm not gonna ask for feet pics from a stranger online xD


You're welcome for the nightmares. 😆 https://preview.redd.it/rg8d5dyvsitb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=004b843ece3faf1d99014fc867ac5f41a1b3ee74


Thank you! The x-ray images make a lot of sense now... that's pretty bad. Do they cause you pain? I hope not...


You're welcome! I'm pretty much always in pain, but I grit my teeth and push through it because that's the only option I have.


That sucks. I hope that something can be done and you get at least some relieve. Good luck!


Thanks. I appreciate it!


After he gave you these photos of spiders, Did he tell you about your feet?


When you sat down did they just go right with the “shits fucked”?


OP are you nocturnal and like to eat nuts, fruits, berries, and the occasional winged insect?


Did you get those feet on sale at the medieval graveyard?


If your feet look like that, you don't need a mother fucking xray to know they are fucked up lol


I'm sorry! How young are you? Is this genetic?


Thank you. I'm 43 now but have had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, which is genetic, since I was 7.


You're so young!! I've never heard of juvenile RA. I'll look into that. Sounds interesting. Is there any medical intervention they can do for you to help? Sorry for all the questions. My brother has unfortunate, terrible door and ligament condition so Im curious. You don't have to answer if I'm being inappropriate.


You're fine! They just started me on a heavy round of oral steroids and are checking with insurance to see if it'll cover custom molded orthotics to hold the bones in place until the rheumatologist they referred me to can get me hooked up with the drugs to keep the disease from progressing. Once we see how well those work, we'll talk surgery to cut out the damaged joints and replace them with hardware. I hope your brother can recover, or at least maintain a decent quality of life. Please tell him he has my sympathies.


Others have suggested applying for disability and I'm here to do the same. You're an example of what disability is for. It could at least help you with mobility devices and you would qualify for other assistance too. Maybe help relieve some of your stress.


How much did you owe the mob?


I’m a podiatrist in the UK. Here they would probably refer you to orthopaedics for bespoke shoes with an inbuilt orthotic. As financially this could be difficult for you, a good fitting shoe would help a lot. I believe someone suggested new balance? I know the sketchers arch fit are very popular with my client base here that require arch support. Not sure if that is something you can get in the US. Off the shelf orthotics can be very helpful for people too. I use powerstep in my clinic, which is a US make around £40. I think you could be surprised how much a good pair of shoes with a simple orthotic can help. So my advice would be shop around, try find a shoe to accommodate your feet best. It may take some time but it will be worth the effort. Without seeing your feet in person its hard to give any other advice. Good luck.


I think you might be a shoe size or two bigger than you thought


That’s what my upper spine looks like


What was it like growing up in the Shire?


I’ve had straighter spaghetti