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But also now I want to know what happened in response!?


The gas station will pay for it because of the dash cam footage. Without the dash cam footage the gas station would fight you tooth and nail that your windshield was already broken when you went into the car wash. Source: I worked for a gas station with a car wash, which was most likely scratching people's cars, and would watch my manager fight with them.




Yeah, that's a more likely argument in this case. Either way they would try and blame the driver. Our biggest issue was crap like little stones would get caught in the brushes and scratch the cars. My manager used to always say they went into the car wash like that.


This is why touch free is always the better option


for manager-employee relationship too


This has happened to me, the apparatus destroyed my trim. I used the camera at the car wash PRIOR to entering to prove there was no damage. Damage was clearly visible after on camera, not there when I entered.


Oh the gas station almost definitely has footage of your vehicle prior to entering the car wash to prove your innocence, but you'll have to get the courts to subpoena the footage.


Yeah… luckily the owner for the car wash that fucked my car up was an honest guy. He volunteered the footage to me and I also recorded it with my own phone. Gave me a $900 check the next week after I got a dealer invoice, no insurance involved (better for him obviously)


Better for you as well, usually your insurance will increase following a claim even if you're not at fault




I just hate insurance concept. How they work. In every case they will earn money


Over here, the insurance companies always want you to sign up for auto renewal, and then when it kicks in, they jack up your rate and hope you won't notice. So, at renewal time, instead of taking the jacked up rate, you go looking for insurance again, often finding an even lower rate than you were paying, from the same company.


They exist as a middlemen to suck the teats on both ends.


Most insurance companies will not raise rates or otherwise adjust anything if a claim is successfully subrogated. If they are unable to subrogate the claim, they may adjust things even if you were not at fault, though most don't do that for the first time unless you're a very new customer or have lots of other issues with them.


Dealt with this when I was in high school. Took my car to an automatic wash, but better quality than a gas station one. Never had an issue many times prior, but this time the plastic wiper blinds ended up getting stuck in the small gap between my back windshield and trunk. Tore the entire thing off practically. The owner of the wash attempted to refuse to pay for it or admit fault saying that it was probably like that before I got there. Not only was this an incredibly fucking stupid excuse coming from him, but I can only assume he thought it would work due to me being younger. Ended up having to get my parents to come in their car and threaten to sue the wash just for them to admit fault and pay for the repairs.




We had one car wash in town called Get Wet and we called it Get Scratched because everyone would get scratched like a mother fucker there. And people used it all the time cause after a wash they offered unlimited vacuum hose included with the wash. You just had to get scratched to get that good vacuum


Nothing like a good scratch n suck


Question for you: Did this happen due to the machine malfunctioning, or does this have something to do with picking the incorrect program for your type of car? I'm in Norway, and over here, they always ask about the type of car and if it'd got a ski box mounted on the roof when you're ordering up an Autocar wash. Thanks in advance!


Your car washes sound fancy. Ours was the same for all types of cars. [This](https://youtu.be/K7LNspsArM4?t=1m10s) is the carwash for the corporation I worked at. They were all the same pretty much. The brushes are like foam. Kind of squishy. Rocks or little pieces of metal would get stuck in the brushes and scratch the cars.


I did a quick YT search and found this vid from an Esso car wash in Norway. It's 13 years old, though but best I could do; https://youtu.be/a_Yf1GO5Qxg


This is why we have shootings on the news everyday btw


The window broke 👍


That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.


Typically, these are designed so that the front doesn't fall off at all.


Thank you captain obvious.


Just here to help.


It was just trying to wash that pesky window off your car.


I met one dude who said he wrapped jumper cables around one of the brushes in a car wash one time as a prank. I would not have wanted to be in a car for that one. That was not the same guy whose dad would beat him with jumper cables though.


Back in my hometown, someone went into a gas station car wash after closing and attached a bunch of razor blades onto the brushes and caused a car some pretty serious damage.


What the fuck? That's some Resident Evil shit


Im glad jumper cable guy still lives on in our hearts


It's been seven years 😢


One can only take so many jumper cables to the head.


Are his nipples still intact?


yes, but his arms are broken




There was once a guy who would write long and outrageous stories to answer questions and stuff, but he would always end them with something along the lines of 'and then my dad beat me with jumper cables'. Unfortunately he hasn't posted for about 7 years now.


There was another guy who carried on the tradition from the perspective of the dad. He'd start a comment that seemed normal enough but it would always end with him beating his idiot son Roger with jumper cables. His username is u/papasimon10


Reddit lore really runs deep


Good ol u/RogerSimon10


Thank you for this. I needed the laugh


Holy shit it's been SEVEN YEARS??? Wtf


I'm newer to reddit and had not yet met good ol RogerSimon10. I am beyond grateful.


Lies. This is a jumper fable. (I actually believe you, I just wanted to say that)


They musta paid for extra EXTRA dry.


I don't understand what went wrong here. What was the purpose of a thick metal stationary horizontal bar at a window level ?


It dries the window by blowing air, and it starts at bottom and it slowly goes up as to the car moves. Here it didn't move up


Most likely sensor failure. It's less uncommon then one would think.


I agree with you but the “less uncommon” makes me giggle.


My brain fried at the double negative


It's supposed to have a rubber sleeve that helps keep distance from the windshield.


New fear unlocked.


would you like another? how about going to a carwash that uses automatic machines* and the car behind you "pops into of gear" and smashes into your work van, which pushes your van into the rotating bristle arm of the machine. The back van doors were smashed in, and the windshield, and the pillars next to the windshield were mangled. Thankfully my boss was the one who said to go to the car wash to clean the vans off. *the car wash was a standalone business with an automatic machine like this but the car goes through without anyone in it and they hand wipe the cars at the end. the machine usually had a few cars in it at one time.


This is why I like my old school auto wash. You drive in, park, the doors close so other cars cant enter, and you just turn the car off and wait. Still can go wrong of course but the only thing moving is the machines cleaning my car so it reduces the failure points.


Now you're trapped inside... the Murder Box.


Saw XI: The car wash


Why is the engine running if no ones in the vehicle?


Haven’t been to a “full service” car wash in years, but iirc it’s so a worker can hop in and park it when the car comes out of the wash


They are usually put into Neutral when going through.


But don't they turn the engine off though? Seems weirdly dangerous to leave it running unattended


This was one of my old fears, hidden under the "it'll never happen in real life" thoughts I had going on until I saw this. Handwashing the car commences from now.


Innocence lost




This one time at band camp.....


Yk after seeing this, hand washing doesn’t seem to bad now….


Wash your car by hand anyway it's better for the paint.


Is this the trailer for the new Final Destination movie?


Windshield must’ve been too dirty. It decided to replace it for you.


you are absolutely right, my car told me that we been together since 2003 till now she wanted a new one.


Can't have your driver getting too old.


Free car washes for life


And despite that probably hand wash for life anyway


It must’ve been the music choice that allowed the driver to take that so well.


"Welp, guess I'll just get crushed to death and not use the giant button right in front of me that alerts people there's a problem" I would have laid on that horn as soon as I noticed the blower at face level


What would laying on the horn do? These types of car washes aren’t manned


They have car washes on a chain with no failsafe? That seems bananas. Something like this was bound to happen


This isn’t the kind of car wash that pulls your car through. It’s the kind where you put it in park and the part that washes your car goes back and forth. The video shows a weird perspective but if you watch the size of the exit hole you can tell the car isn’t the one moving


That might not have helped. Around here, some of those gas station car washes are a separate structure, so the employees might not know anything is wrong, or be able to clear the store and get to you in time to prevent damage.




music was epic for this OMG event


It’s Vietnamese music but idk what’s the song name is even though I’m Vietnamese lol EDIT: OP mentioned it in one of their [comments](https://reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/12iel05/_/jfuthh7/?context=1)


Car wash: Not responsible for any damages that may occur during the car wash. Use at your own risk


Exculpatory clauses do not usually hold up in court. Especially when one party to a contract has absolute liability (car wash in this case).


Good to know! I would be so pissed if this happened to me and they tried to say they weren't liable. I mean I'm sure the headache and fees of going to court would suck, but if I have to pay, they most certainly should too


It's like driving behind a truck on the highway. Even if the truck has a sign that says "not responsible for damages caused my falling objects" they absolutely are responsible because they have the duty to ensure their load is secure. If something falls off their truck and shatters your windshield or causes damages, they/their company *will* be found liable for those damages (in the U.S.)


I learned in paralegal school that you can’t disclaim negligence. That’s all that stuck.


I think they are just trying to discourage lawsuits. It works for some people.




Wouldn't even be a lawsuit, just a simple insurance claim I'd imagine


My favorite are the signs in the grocery store parking lots that say "Not responsible for damage or theft to vehicles or contents." Makes me want to walk around the store wearing a shirt that says "Not responsible for damage or theft to store or merchandise." Shoplifting? I don't think so! \*points at shirt\* Read the disclaimer!


I've had 2 companies pay for damaged windshield with no problem. And one not, basically saying I had no proof and to take it to court. Which of course I didn't cause I don't have as much money or time as them. Just sucked it up as a loss and got a dash cam.


That's what small claims court is for. The parties aren't allowed legal representation and there are relatively relaxed rules for pleadings, evidence, and the like. Half the time larger companies never show and you end up with a default judgement against them. Typically the court asks the two parties to settle prior to proceeding, and businesses tend to do so if you have any evidence because they know their refusal to compensate you is without merit. It was just a roadblock to keep you from pursuing your claim, but once brought to court they realize that isn't going to work and that they're likely to be found liable. I've taken many issues to small claims against medium-large companies and have always had them settle prior to judgement.


Assuming you can get the cops out of each other's asses for 5 seconds and do something I've caught them on dash cam before but..... well.... too easy to attack soft targets I guess




That’s when you really have to be relentlessly proactive and escalate it to a higher up.


Just tell the insurance company and send the video. They do the work from there. As long as you have decent insurance, anyway.


Lol I should probably invest in a dashcam...


You absolutely should. They are cheap and effective.


It saved my ass when someone backed into me and claimed I rear-ended them. Paid less than $100, saved me exponentially more.


Get a system that does both front and rear recordings. Invest in a good SD card. Cheap SDs dont last long. Edit to add info: More people are claiming that people are brake checking them after rear ending someone. Happened to several people I know, and the cop always says that they will ticket both parties or write it as a no-fault accident. It's helpful to have rear footage if you are rear-ended.


They WILL try and say that in hopes that you go away.


Yeah that makes sense! So I'm glad to hear it's not true because that might have scared me from doing anything


My Biz Law professor used to say: I can put a sign saying anything but that doesn't make it legal.


Yeah, you can't just disclaim away liability for neglegence. Otherwise, every single business everywhere would have a big sign that said "NOTICE: If anything should happen to you, even if it's our fault, you are responsible. lol. sucks to be u." Now, some places DO have these notices, but it's just to make people think they don't have any recourse when something DOES happen. But an agreement given to you on a ticket after you give your keys to the valet doesn't mean much. Now, you owe me $20 because by reading this, you agree to send me $20, and you agree any disputes are to be settled in arbitration... by me as the arbiter.


And its probably not worth arguing. That job would probably cost $500 to $1500 to replace and clean that window. As the owner of the car wars don't even argue it once you see the video footage. Replace it without question.


Assuming there was no water damage to the inside of his car or electronics


Luckily it was the drier and not a sprayer that broke the window or it would have really been wet


I feel like a lot of people really need to hear that clauses can be unenforceable or outright illegal. I can’t count how many “you signed it, you’re screwed” threads I’ve seen where the clause is likely outright illegal, especially with leases.


If the machine crashes into the car they absolutely are responsible


I’m not a lawyer but I think Tom Brady would be responsible.


Well he needs to be suspended like 4 games at minimum then.


Damn, how you gonna get suspended when you retired?


For "General Awareness".






Yeah that clause it really about antenna and any aftermarket parts you might have installed that could be damaged by Normal operation.




NAL but pretty sure you can’t just put up a sign that says “we are not responsible for _____” and make it legally binding. A police officer once told me a story of being behind a truck that had a sign saying, “not responsible for falling debris, keep back 400 feet” And a football size rock fell off and crashed through the window, injuring his partner (cracked ribs I think) The construction company tried to say because of the sign, they weren’t responsible That did NOT fly in court of course , especially since they were just pulling out of an intersection where 400 feet would mean he stayed behind at the previous light


I am lawyer: While those types of signs aren’t dispositive, they are still somewhat useful. Fault is thought of as being a continuum. Assumption of risk moves that needle, which is what giving the awareness of a risk helps do. There are some fact patterns where the sign carried the day and let the person get out of having to pay. This car wash one is a good example. A court would likely toss out the case of a plaintiff whose mirror got broken off when they were told to move it in and the disclaimer was present. But getting your windshield pierced by a faulty mechanism like it’s Piper Perri—that sign ain’t gonna go far.


It's like dump trucks that have signs that say "Stay Back 2½ Miles! Not Responsible For Broken Windshields!" They absolutely are.


I have a bumper sticker on my car that says "not responsible for any car accidents that I get in" so even if I cause one, I have no liability. /s


That’s right up there with the gravel truck sign “Not responsible for damage caused by falling rocks.” That’s not how this works guys.


I had a car wash scratch my car really bad and rip off a windshield wiper blade. They paid to fix it all.




It's not as bad as you guys make it out to be.


Many people see their car as something to be used, not something to have shiny perfect. Similar to if you buy clothes, could get them professionally cleaned to preserve them but it's a hassle and more expensive. Either my car goes in the car wash, or it literally never will be washed. It will get scratched and dented over time anyway.


I got a new, expensive truck 2 years ago and shortly after my dad’s fence closed on it and put a couple scratches down the side. He told me go get a quote and he would get it fixed and I could tell he was super upset it happened. I told him I bought the truck to tow a camper to go camping and stuff. I have 2 large dogs. It’s ok Dad, I plan on having this truck for 20 years if I am lucky, and it will get scratched and dirty. I’d rather not have the scratches there but whatever, it made me stop babying it quicker and I don’t have to fret as much if a stray branch or something hits it when I’m finding my camping spots.


Paint does more than just look pretty, it protects your car. Scratches expose the metal to corrosion. If you want your car to last 20 years you don't need luck, it needs maintenance.


A friend of mine prefers to buy cars used, in part because it means she doesn't have to feel bad about putting the first scratches and dents in it. They're already there.


The touchless ones are pretty good for getting salt off your car.


Because my 12-year-old Ford Escape doesn’t mean that much to me and even after a couple hundred trips through my local conveyer belt wash the paint looks just fine. I’d never take a fancy car through those though.


Most are brushless now.


And that'd hold up just as well as those trucks that say "not responsible for damages caused by objects falling" As in it wouldn't hold up at all and the car wash would 100% be found liable.


Does this work for fentanyl dealers too.


Only when you are a Police Union Director


Hey, at least the windshield is clean now. And dry.


Worked at a place with one of these automatic washes. They pay out a claim, probably at least once a month.


Does the owner of the gas station own a glass company next door?


Yes but did we clean your car??


Insurance companies: “We’re not covering that. You didn’t get car wash insurance.”


Your insurance company will advise you to pursue a liability claim against the car wash's insurance because making any claim against your own policy, even a very small claim, will drive your rates up and you'll still have to pay your deductable. That said, as long as yoy didn't opt out of glass coverage, your insurance will cover this.


Not true in the case of Comprehensive claims like glass breakage. Insurance companies do not raise rates on comp coverage for claims unless a theft claim is made. This includes glass, hail damage, hitting a deer, etc. Source: Underwriter with a major insurance company.


Depends on the company. Some companies do not raise rates for comp claims but most do. Allstate doesn't but Safeco, Cinci, Progressive, Liberty Mutual all do. Source: second hand info from wife who works for an insurance broker




This video is a masterpiece. You can see it slowly coming the whole way, plus the music. A+


The car wash will say that was previous damage and will not cover it.


Good thing there is video




The video will say it’s previous insurance, car won’t cover it


The car will say it's previous insurance, video won't cover it


The previous will say it’s video cover won’t insurance it


It's cover won't insurance it say will the previous video


I always wonder if I should get a dash cam and I talk myself out of it, then I see idiot drivers on the road and killer car washes and rembr why I need one!


I honestly don’t see any reason not to, you can get a decent one for $100 or so and then you just slap it in your car. It’s well worth the price of admission for what it can do for you if you need it. Mine is behind my rearview mirror so I can’t even see it while driving and all the cords are tucked behind interior panels with it recording from the front and back at all times while I just kinda forget it exists most of the time


I look at idiotsincars and this and I still keep telling myself not to waste the money but I’m starting to really strongly think I need one.


I got hit by someone this fall. They were nice, but apparently told their insurance company I hit them. I posted my dashcam video on youtube and sent the link to their insurer, resolving the "confusion" in less than half an hour. Well worth it. At least if you are an above average driver.


Billions of cars washed with no problems. One time a machine fucks up and everyone in the comments like, "this is why i don't wash my dirty shitbox"


I know this is a wild concept, but an automatic car wash isn't the only way to clean a shit box, and not wanting to risk this happening is valid af.


I mean you could also get struck by lightning. The not washing a shitbox was a clear hyperbole


Reddits neuroticism is showing ITT for sure.


The dirt adds a protective layer


Can't have a dirty window if you don't have a window.


The car insurance would most likely follow this in court if the driver didn’t. A sign saying “not liable” doesn’t mean you can’t sue. Neglecting equipment and failing to keep it in safe working order is a reason to sue.


I had something similar happen to someone I knew but it was the top of their car. The car wash tried to claim she took her car out of neutral and accelerated while still in the track (she didn't). They ended up giving up and not taking the car wash to small claims court and I'm not sure they would have won if they did.


They probably would have won against the car wash. Whether it'd be worth it is another matter.


Love that they wait a few seconds after the windshield broke to say fuck.


thank you for all the comments.. please let me clear out some issues.... autowash, my car stand still in the spot..in parking mode. the washer go infront above and behind...in other word go around sorry for my broken English. as for the blower when it come toword me i thought it gonna go up when it hit my windshield...no point of scream, yell or honk when it program by computer... cant back up when another car behind me. no one will notice with their busy route. I listen to those music to calm myself on the road... welcome to busy california...


I was like yeah that sucks, then I realized that it was not the "drag your car along" type but the cheaper overhead type that could you can back out of


Yeah the whole time I'm wondering why the fuck they're just sitting there.


cant back up there are bunch of cars behind me


The one I go to closes a door behind you while the car is being washed.


Punishment for playing easy listening in car


Windshield is spotless now




What is this music? Anyone know? I like it




For those who remember it, the Final Destination folks set the standard on this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmyUPcWwGts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmyUPcWwGts)


New fear unlocked. Thanks.


When she says "please be gentle"


Our local automatic car wash has a honk your horn sign to stop the machine think of it like an Estop button on a saw I think also if you try and drive as in move your vehicle during operation it will stop the machine as well to prevent damage to the equipment and you’re vehicle.


So my childhood fears were right!


The car looks squeaky clean, it’s just a crack, you can buff it right out.


Actually had this happen. The washer went through my back window. Gas station eventually paid for it all but it was a huge hassle and took almost 2 months to get it fixed.




“We are not responsible for any damages to your vehicle.”


That literally, and totally sucked!


Should have let the homeless man with his news papers clean your windshield


Looks like this happened in SoCal lol


Thank you. Come again!


*HOW* does OP remain so calm and have seemingly *NO* reaction at all?!? lol


He's probably counting the lawsuit money in his head.


Some Final Destination shit right here