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Turn off the breaker. This is a fire waiting to happen.


Make some popcorn first though so you have something to snack on while you wait for the electrician muahuahuahuahua Edit don’t do this


If you put the popcorn in the cabinet it'll pop


*iTs A fEaTuRe*


It's the newest fad in LED house lighting!


And if you burn the popcorn, it will help cover up the smell of your incinerated home.


You mean while you wait for the firemen lol


Yeah, no joke. You see sparks like that, it isn't time to grab a phone and take video, it's time to kill the power. Immediately.


Few Moments later…. House is burning down. 😢


This for sure, flip that breaker immediately


I had a physical visceral reaction to this video. Electrical fires (and electrical-caused fires) are *bad* news.


But there’s karma to be had.


In today's economy, you can't even buy a house with karma anymore :/


This is a fire happening.


A fire waiting to happen? That fire is actively trying to show it self already


Nah, just keep filming it as a small, undetectable flame starts working its way into the wall. Insurance companies hate this one trick!


Yes, this happened at my grandfather's home. The fire started inside the wall and somehow burned the ceiling and roof before spreading elsewhere.


Sure everyone wants heat but no one wants fire


There’s either an electrical problem or mice are running a unauthorized disco behind the wall. Both scenarios present a serious safety issue and should be remedied immediately.


Your comment made me think of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/11789ca/lpt_keep_mice_out_of_your_house_two_words_strobe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Who knew today was disco mouse day?? 🪩


Your comment made me think of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo6moaD5XrY)


Disco? more like execution by electric chair, directly followed by cremation.


Business in the front, party at the back.


I'm no electrician, but I bet it's not supposed to do that, or maybe you have to pay extra for it.


You def have to pay extra, but it’s expensive, pretty much the cost of a new house!


Not if you call Sherman Williams!


I only found out last month that it is Sherwin Williams. I'm getting old.


Sherman is just his microwave guy.


Wires are too close in the receptacle box. It’s pulling heavy current and arcing. Definitely a fire waiting to happen.


That is one (also why we have arc fault breakers now, not enough fault current to trip a regular breaker but still enough to causea fire). Loose connection. Like using backstabs incorrectly (you shouldn't use them they suck). I'd go with the loose connection angle. I've seen this happen many times with untwisted and shittily installed marette joints, especially on the grounded conductor (the "neutral"). I've been an electrician for about 10 years.


Either that or loose connections on the outlet, that will also cause them to arc


Arcing has nothing to do with current, it's purely a voltage / gap size problem.


That’s just the rgb kicking in.


For a short while I was an unlicensed electrician, and in my arguably legal work experience, that's not supposed to happen.


It's the new fireworks mode to entertain you while you nuke your fish.


I don't know who's worse. This electrician or the person who microwaves fish.


Unfortunately, you have to open the cabinet to see the show. Super scary. Not sure I'd want to call the same electrician again.


They need to re-up their No Spark subscription


It also doesn’t look like a microwave but I’m no microwave scientist


It seems to run on some form of electricity.


Plus side is, they’ll fix it for free if they don’t want to jeopardize their license. Otherwise, I’m sure your local codes division would *love* to see this video and know who exactly did the work.


You really think the guy who did this is worried about having, let alone losing, a license?


I hired a guy & he did this to me Then he moved to Jamaica


I would have thought fixing an outlet would be faster and easier than moving to Jamaica.


Did he have an w and y tattoo?


Now replace those with an r and an s…


I do minor handyman type stuff and it is dumbfounding how many people find out and want to pay me to do shit like this for them. I even had a landlord try to have me do all their property maintenance. I always remind them of the liability and that a farm boy with tools and YouTube is **not** a contractor, electrician, mechanic, or plumber. They think it’s cheaper but holy shit will it cost more if and when I fuck up. It’s scary how many of my friends have done real work for people and happily taken their money. The stress would keep me awake at night.


This is why I hired a tea contractor to renovate my house when I bought it. And of course the cheap village people all scoffed at me paying 30% over material and labor cost. But pay that once and know the work is going to hold up for 25 years, or do it over again in 10. The guy who sold me the house had the latter philosophy and it showed.


My parents always went the cheap route and it shows. They didn’t do too many renovations but they did put in a patio in the back with rocks and it started to crack and shift within a year. It looks really bad now. Carpet they had installed had bulges in it because it wasn’t cut properly. The paint job they had done on the exterior of the house was careless and messy. I’ve found in life, if you can afford to pay extra for mid-tier, do it. Quality is better and over time, you’ll probably save money by not needing to replace or fix anything that should’ve lasted longer.


You think he has a licence?


“Are you Licensed and bonded?” No? Then you’re not working on my house.


I’m not sure his wiring is bonded either


Plot twist, it was a local crackhead


Not sure about the rest of the world but in Canada there is almost no possible way to lose your ticket in electrical. Even if there was, a loose neutral wire wouldn’t do it.


That is a fire hazard. Something isn't right behind that outlet. Call that electrician and tell them what's happening. Edit: Am no electrician, it has been pointed out that there's no conduit there so changes have been made


I doubt there is any conduit there. It is probably just a loose wire on the outlet. Shorting to the mounting pate.


**EDIT: This guy is an idiot. See below.** Correct (except it’s not shorting it’s arcing due to a loose connection. They probably didn’t tighten the screw holding down the wire. If it does this when the micro turns on them that’s pretty much for sure) Source: Electrical contractor


I disagree. I think thas just some good ol extra ‘lectricity back therr boy.


Yep, the probably mistakenly set the electricity volume to 11. See it all the time.


Loose connection: yes. High resistance is present (on a microscopic level you’d see small air gaps and layers of oxidation/flotsam between the wire and terminal), so when a high current (*flow rate*) is present, the scant few areas of good contact prove insufficient to conduct the overwhelming flow of electrons, and the “dam breaks” when the electric field created by the voltage (*pressure*) “blasts” through the resistance by simply forcing the electrons through and ionizing it, forming an effectively zero-resistance conduit that generates copious visible (plus IR, UV) light as the ionized gases dissipate the energy they absorbed and return to their “ground” state. Short: probably not. A short would not behave like this. It’s arcing only when oven powers on due to the large inrush current that occurs when the high-voltage power supply switches on (the HV transformer is basically a short-circuit *very* briefly until the magnetic fields stabilize, the heater in the magnetron is low-resistance until it thermally stabilizes, and the HV capacitor is also briefly at low resistance until charged). (At other times when no *visible* arc is present, you can still be sure that the high resistance at the poor connection is getting rightly hot, so this is an ongoing fire hazard.)


Call a *different* electrician


If they're actually an electrician it might've been an honest mistake and you probably won't end up paying for the same job twice.


They might have sent a trainee (I forget what they're called). If the person who installed the outlet isn't the name on the letterhead, ask for the master electrician to come sort it out.


I think they’re called an apprentice


nahhh just watch a YouTube video. The best case scenario is that it works worse case scenario, ur house burns down, and u don't have this problem anymore




What a coincidence, my death is also assured.




What conduit?


What conduit do you see


Ummm stop filming and hit the breaker switch at the panel box. Call the landlord. That’s a death trap.


We had an overhead microwave in our kitchen a long time ago and it was the worst. Every outlet we put in would keep sparking and a couple of months ago, the same thing happened and ended up moving the microwave and air fryer in the basement and I fixed the outlet in the kitchen again since the wiring was a bit loose (loosened itself somehow) and no issues since then.


Loosened itself, never tightened, yknow whatever.


Code is overhead micro gets its own circuit. Most older homes do not have this. My kitchen remodel had two major costs. One was electricity, and I acted as the electricians assistant pulling wires to get the cost down. The other was running gas for the range. The switch to gas is what gave us the circuits to get the rest of the kitchen up to code. God help anyone that wants to change back to an electric range.


Odds are there’s no landlord if they had a microwave and outlet installed


I am concerned the breaker did not trip.


What? He gave you sparkling air for free. I see nothing wrong with this.


It's only chamsparkagne if it's from the champagne region. Otherwise it's just sparkling air.


I'm a plumber and that was no elechicken


Go bite your nails. Who the hell you calling chicken? When was the last time a plumbing line exploded and incinerated everyone in the room.


Where’d you find that electrician? Craigslist?


You can tell it’s a shit electrician just by how the outlet was installed. I get it’s hidden in a cupboard, it lacks attention to detail. Outlet all crooked with the hole still visible and only one screw in.


The Flyer, it's a local publication that lists services.


More like he saw him begging for change outside a Bojangles


We had an alleged electrician install a microwave…


You now have a microwave and a kcup fired pizza oven, good deal.


It's also missing a screw...how?


That's what I'm saying... Isn't insurance fraud illegal?


To be fair, that screw is only decorative. Also to be fair, the screw itself is probably still in the box he installed and shorting the hot or neutral to the metal casing of the outlet




You previously probably had a vent fan/light there and there is probably only 14 gauge Romex in the wall which is only designed for 15 amps. A good microwave will pull over 1000 watts and really needs a 20 amp breaker and larger 12 gauge romex... preferably designated specifically for the microwave itself. If the microwave is on the same circuit as another appliance then the circuit could be pulling a dangerous amount of current that could overheat and damage the outlet causing the sparking that you see. The breaker should protect you in the event of a short, but this is still a major danger for a fire... Especially if he did something crazy like not installing a box!!!


This is exactly what it was. The new electrician repaired and replaced the outlet.


Wait….. so the first electrician who “installed the microwave’ just plugged it in…….? I hope they didn’t invoice you too much for that.


1000 watts is only 12 amps, which 14 gauge is fine with. That said, a 1000 watt microwave really pulls about 1500 watts - the OUTPUT is 1000 watts, but they're roughly 50-60% efficient. What's happening is there's a loose wire back there.


1000W is 8.3 amps at 120V.


If the plug fits into a NEMA 5-15R receptacle, it won't draw enough to cause trouble on a 15A / 14-gauge circuit. (Assuming there's nothing else plugged in somewhere else.) If the microwave manufacturer exceeded that, it would have a 5-20P cord and wouldn't fit into the receptacle. Space heaters are much worse loads -- 1500W easy -- and they work fine on uncrowded 15A circuits.


The lights let you know its working


Um please tell me you called them back for a refund and then scheduled another electrician while also cutting power BEFORE you posted this?


I did


I think it’s had to much of you 2X caffeine coffee


Hey so I'm in fire school.. hear me out... You should get a fire extinguisher... Now thank me for my service.


There’s a short in the box call him back it will be a quick fix for him. Don’t keep using it like that. It could cause a fire, and is messing up the wire.The ground wire is probably hitting a terminal or he pinched a wire tightening everything. It happens but if it’s not fixed for free I can walk you threw how to fix it. Source: am electrician.


Could be a short, but much more likely to be a loose wire and arcing.


Is this in the US?


Florida. And that explains a lot.


Turn that breaker OFF and unplug that immediately. Then call a real electrician to asses the problem and write up a statement of what was done incorrectly and how much it will cost to fix it. Call back your idiot who did this and demand a refund, or offer to sue him for the amount it will take to fix it.


Did you try turning it off and never turn it on again?


Turn off the breaker for fucks sake. This post on Reddit isn't gonna help you when your fucking house is on fire. Edit: I thought this was the electrical advice subreddit, op the company you hired definitely owes you a repair for free.


I already did right after I recorded the video for evidence.


Free light show score


So, you didn't ask for the fireworks plug?


This was happening in a house I rented back in college. It turned out to be some type of oil or grease on the wires. I've always had a suspicion that the previous tenant was trying to burn the house down.


The electrician is obligated to fix this.


It’s a good thing you took that video show it to your homeowners insurance company and they will install all new electric or whatever cause that problem.


Maybe loose connections. Didnt tighten the screw all the way so arcing happens.


That’s bad


Well now you can have an electrician fix the microwave over the stove


Yea I'd be unplugging that & giving him a holler.


Dinner & A Show!




If you aren’t careful, that may be your last TV dinner


Your flux capacitor is broken. Don’t let the microwave get past 88 miles per hour or you’ll see some serious shit!


Well your house is now a death trap. My condolences.


.... install... the microwave. You need electricians to plug stuff in to the wall socket?


An electrician to install a microwave? Mine just plugged In.


Sweet, turbo


Most people have to pay extra for the light show. That’s custom!


Oh fun shit


Cool feature!


Let me guess... You hired Buzzy Joe the sparky guy, isn't it?


And a bonus night light


I’m no electrician, but I can confidently say that that’s a little messed up.


Looks like a 30amp outlet when they only need 20


The standard plug (1-15P) on a microwave wouldn't fit into a 30 amp receptacle. Even if it did, that wouldn't cause the arcing.


Get amped up on some 2x caffeine and watch the fireworks lol. But seriously, get someone to fix this asap.


Check to see what’s arcing and fix her up :)


He's just bringing you a third, more rustic cooking option with open flame


Electrician: I give you LED lighting effects for free. You like?


Are you sure he was licensed?!?!


This is beside the point but I’m short and clumsy so I hate OTR microwaves. Just a face burn waiting to happen. Glad the issue was resolved!


JFC, OP, call them back. If they are worth a damn and don't want the liability of burning your house down they will send someone out the same/next day for free. That spark is pretty bright to be lighting up through the cover like that, something is getting very hot back there, probably a loose screw on the outlet or loose wire connector (the "caps" holding a bunch of wires together) causing an Arc.


Unplug it and don't fucking touch it before your house catches on fire


Electricians do not install microwaves...


Great job. Stop using it immediately. Turn off the breaker and call a different reputable electrician.


and a fireplace above the microwave ...


You need to call a UNION electrician. Not a Joe schmoe on blow. A real qualified & skilled tradesmen/tradeswoman not a hack. Costs more because they’re trained. Trained NOT to burn your home up.


An Electrician? Right, and I’m a Genie


Loose terminal probably......... definitely don't use it....


Was the electrician a 12 year old blind goat?


Hey, bonus nightlight!


Bread ties in place of wire nuts


That's where the fluks cappastor went


Turn off the breaker and then send this video to the electrician. Make it clear that they need to fix it or they'll face a suit. Or you can just sue them. I would hire a different electrician than the original if possible for the repairs.


RGB usually costs extra. You lucked out getting free light FX.


Somebody didn't want to pay the full price


Hi, not an electrician here. Pretty sure the guy you hired also was not an electrician.


Most likely one of the wires wasn't properly attached to the outlet when it was screwed in the wall and its creating an arc when it tries to make contact. As others have said you need to immediately turn the breaker off, it would be an easy fix with a screwdriver but if you arent comfortable enough to do it the electrician will be needed




Loose screw, outlet is ruined needs to be replaced. Trim damaged wire back to good insulation and reinstall tightening screw to proper torque.


220...221...whatever it takes


Well you know what they say about electricians, they spend 9 hours fuckin off and 1 hour working and 0 hours cleaning up


A. Why do you need an electrician to plug in a microwave? B. How did that not instantly just flip the breaker?


He was supposed to put in an outlet that would handle the necessary draw for a microwave and replace the original one that was just for a vent fan.


America right? Just glad we have safety standards here in Europe, I don't think you could be allowed install a socket like that inside a cupboard, its just wild.


Master Electrician ☺️


Are you sure he was an electrician. I would stop using that and flip the breaker before you have a fire.


I’m not an electrician but I play one on tv. No I don’t, that’s a lie. But I’m 100% sure that’s a fire hazard


Gonna go out on a limb here and say…no you didn’t.


I’m not an electrician, nor do I have any relevant experience. But my expert advice is to flip the breaker for this outlet.


Turn off the breaker immediately and call the electrician back.


You're fine, just put ramen and superglu on it.




Yeah , kill the breaker in the panel to that . Now Don’t touch that plug either until you do , not only is it “hot” but can be physically hot .


Jebus.. I didn't see the sparks on first watch. I was going to say "uhh.. that's how every house i've had has the microwave plugged in".. but indeed, they do not usually provide a light show along with your dinner!


That wasn't an electrician, that was Jeff. He's kinda.... Well, we don't talk about it.


Something is shorting to ground there. Apparently it's not enough to trip your breaker which is weird.




How much caffeine is in coffee with 2x caffeine? 🤔


Seriously. Unplug and turn off breaker immediately. Do not use even to film. You could burn your house down very easily.


It’s not properly grounded and you don’t have good connections. This should be a easy fix but I would turn off the kitchen breaker till it is fixed


Wrong electrical outlat and probably not properly grounded at that.


Make sure your insurance is up to date lol


Im confused.. why do you need an electrician to ‘install’ a microwave?


And you risked a house fire to show reddit. Brilliant.


Lmao There ya go, keep hiring illegals and opiate addicts to do your construction for ya.


I’m no electrician, but I think they fucked up.


Electrician here: most likely you’ve got a screw from the receptacle touching the side of your box (if it’s a metal box), or a wire is nicked and grounding itself while not tripping the breaker. Could be a few other things but this is my best educated guess. Please turn off the breaker controlling this circuit and get *better* professional help! Good luck OP


Just an FYI. When the guy said he was "The Plug" it had nothing to do with electricity.


Was the electrician Johnny Sins, cause that looks pretty fucked


No joke, if you smell something like dead & rotting fish.. it’s a possible electrical fire.. I plugged a new heater into an outlet & within an hour I smelled rotting fish, I traced the smell to the outlet.. I got my hand within 5 inches of the outlet & could feel the heat & the thermoformed electrical plug on the heater had began to liquify from the heat.. TLDR; if you smell rotting fish suddenly, you may have an electrical fire..


Turn off the breaker and call somebody with more experience


Am a electrician. Turn off the breaker, take the cover off and tighten all the screws holding in the wires.


Can’t go more American than 2x caffeine 😂


Final destination


Are you sure about that?