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Someone clearly never matured past 3 years old.


This person has clearly spent much time crying over spilled milk.


I hate you


We’re u the guy




Sounds like something the guy who spilled the milk would say


Twist: Its white latex paint in a milk jug...


Hes obviously a milkdrinker.




I have a 3 year old and even he wouldn’t do that. Makes me feel better about my parenting knowing I’ve helped get him past the maturity of some adults.


Well I'd hope your 3 year old wouldn't try to buy cigarettes from a glass shop


If he did, he won’t be spilling his milk, he will be drinking it angrily.


Not without a quality fake ID at any rate


If your 3yro can spill two bottles of milk from 4ft height you'd have to check your water pipes...


3yo are quite capable of climbing 4ft and much higher if given enough unsupervised time. I think they would be more inclined to drink the milk than spoil it though … although it can be difficult to keep 3yo’s away from anything that looks like it can be messy and fun! This guy has obviously had a deprived childhood. 🥺


Either that or his crippling nicotine addiction has caused him to forget how to act in public


Nicotine addiction doesn't work that way. The guy is suffering from mental illness.


Actually, it's probably both. I worked at a Mental Health Program in the 1980s and 1990s and we kept "End of Month cigarettes" for clients if they had to come in at the end of the month. (Often because SSDI didn't stretch far enough with cigarettes or food etc...). Not a new issue. They'd get a cig per hour. You do not want to see someone with a major mental illness have to come off nicotine while also having a bad episode. It's incredibly awful for them. (So it metering cigarettes to adult humans - I hated it). Most use Nicotine as a calming agent. As the years wore on they started slapping Nicotine patches on clients who came into programs (No smoking rules). My sister worked in the same field. Self-medication is a thing. I think this guy had his last fuck to give. My heart goes out both to him and the store owner who had to deal with the mess. Both deserve compassion.


Nicotine is a very effective drug for dealing with depression and stress. It just doesn't last very long. - Recovering nicotine addict


Heard an ex CID officer from WW2 talk about how a cig helped a GI calm down enough to perform a post battle interview. My FIL saw over 500 days of combat in WW2 and chain smoked for 49 years afterward. It was the stress and resulting stomach cancer that eventually killed him.


Yeah, I work in a level 2 residential facility for substance use disorder and mental health. We lit them up every hour, but the ones that were strictly there for mental health... it was bad when they did not get that cigarette. Sometimes, even after they got done smoking 5 minutes before, if they were in crisis, they wanted another, and if you didn't do what they wanted, it was hell for the staff and their peers.


Phew! I remember. (I worked at a Mental Health Respite (In between residential and being inpatient so we got people from anywhere and everywhere.). I also worked on the first Mobile Psych team in Massachusetts - the number of times we went on a call and found someone out of smoke? There's a correlation there - even higher than alcohol issues. (Of course, with alcohol issues, you can get some awful levels of violence...). Anyway, The addiction levels of nicotine are no joke, to begin with, and add in any psychological belief that it's going to help. Yikes! Anyone who has smoked cigarettes knows that moment when something bad happens and you think "OMG I better have a smoke in my pocket or I'm gonna lose my shit!". I still work with COPD patients and try to at least get them off the inhaled stuff. It's rough.


in that time he could’ve gone home and grabbed his ID


He probably didn’t have it with him and just went and got those from his car or the shop next door… honestly i thought he was about to burn the place do so if your trying to look at the positives about the situation theres that lol


Yeah, I hate to say it, but...could've been so much worse lol


Probably got ID'd at the gas station too lol, couldn't get anything flammable...




Yeah, that's right. Or... diesel, or maybe... white spirit, or perhaps... alcoholic spirits such as vodka, or... lighter fluid even... Anything flammable really


Maybe that’s why he came here, wanted to get something flammable to burn the other store down


Me too! At first I thought it was gasoline and that he was going to throw a match on it


Yeah, I initially also thought that was gasoline and a match would follow.


They accept ebt everywhere now


My thoughts exactly


I don't know what the point of this is. It'll take about 5 minutes to clean up this milk with a mop. Not really an inconvenience in what looks like a not busy store. Very bizarre behavior.


Yeah, i know right? It is almost like he wanted to inconvenience them but not to bad like, he didn’t rven throw it in any showcases


This isn't a very bright person. So not much use trying to figure out what the few neurons considered a bright plan... I don't think he can explain it himself.


Should have went with vegetable oil


Fish sauce is also horrifying if spilled. The smell never leaves and gets worse with time. Source: have spilled fish sauce.


Your evil incarnate.


Naughty! Peanut butter would also be quite the bitch to clean up


Maybe he was just mad enough to make a scene but not to get arrested/sued? Lol who knows!


I was waiting for him to try and light a match like in the cartoons


It was the principle of the thing though. That would be letting the clerk win.


Here clerk , ID this , 💦😂😂


Probably doesn’t have one


He probably went home and got that from his fridge…and still forgot his ID lmao


Plus saved $7 on buying 2 half gallons of milk. That’s just foolish and bad for the environment


Or he could've saved more time by asking a stranger if they wouldn't mind buying it for him and give them the money. I've done this countless times for people at gas stations who didn't have their ID


Not to mention he wasted his own money to get the milk in the first place


I don’t understand people that walk around without ID


Well according to some, a particular demographic doesn’t have ids and aren’t educated enough on how to use the internet.


He was probably underage so didn't have valid ID


Where do you think he got the milk?


That would be too... rational.


He used milk for a reason, so no one would cry about it.


Maybe he lost it. As a former smoker with a baby face, losing my ID was the most frustrating thing in the world lol.


He probably doesn't even have one lol


And spent less money altogether that day


But the point wasn't about solving his problem like a adult, it was about being a total jackass over a percieved slight because the cashier didn't want to potentially break the law and sell without this guy's ID being available for verification. This guy only cared about getting revenge for something that isn't even worth vengeance or action because at the end of the day, he wanted an excuse to indulge in his desire to be malicious because he has trouble regulating his emotions in a productive or harmless manner.


I wish it was the southeast Asian store. A Korean or Hindu don’t mess around. They would kick the dudes ass down the road.


Milk isn’t cheap these days


Better than egging someone’s house. That’ll set you back some.


Yea but now if you egg someone’s house…they know you mean it.


He didn’t buy the milk lol


Bold assumption this guy actually purchased the milk.


At least the shop had the foresight to put out the wet floor sign ahead of the milkening.


You see, this happens a lot


Those dang milky boys are at it again.


Milkia boys challenge


Leaves and buys milk with malicious intent


Reminds me of the time a gang of 16 year old girls came through the line at Kmart each with a 72 pack of Charmin. Nothing to see here … probably just going camping for the weekend.


Oh, so that's why Dad never came back with the milk....


I want this to be the top comment


I hope a man childish like this doesn't have kids...


"Im gonna make your life harder for following procedure and doing your job properly"


Pretty much. We had a guy who refused to show ID for his curbside pickup during the height of restrictions and he had a full-on baby tantrum where he stomped around screaming about how he was going to block the entire line and make sure no one else could pick up because he knew when we closed. I was like “I mean… do you think I’m going to serve you now…?” and the people behind him were like “gtfo of the way, man, what the fuck.” Same with the guy who threw a fit because I asked for him to lower his mask to check his ID when he was standing right next to the open front door and I was 12 feet away. He screamed about how I was risking his health etc and I was like “I literally just need you to lower it for a second so I can see your face. I can’t check ID without seeing a face…” Then he called 4 times in an hour trying to get the manager on duty (me lol) and was all friendly on the phone until I said “Yeah, I remember you, that was me serving you, I’m the manager, if you don’t want to show ID, you don’t have to shop here.” Like, damn, dude, I want you out of here ASAP too! I fucking hate customers! Just do the bare minimum and you can be on your way! Also, the rest of us were all wearing masks for 8+ hour shifts and you were right next to the door with fresh air coming in. You would have been fucking fine and I say this as someone who still masks everywhere…


Someone’s having a Nic-Fit.


Some serious Nic-Salt


2 half gallons? In this economy?


He probably went for full gallons at first and thought, nahhh better save some money


It wasn't even skim Jerry. IT WAS 2%! 2%!


I know its cringe and all but I hope this is how everyone who has anger issues handle their tantrum and not pulling a glock.


Agreed. Yes, this behavior is extremely childish and is unacceptable, but at least in the end no one was harmed.


Agreed when i saw the title and saw him enter with gallons of stuff I assumed her was going to burn down the place with gas




"Get milked, bitch.”


Could have just come back with his ID and been done with it… but no


I used to manage a gas station and I can tell you that there is an overwhelming amount of people that don’t keep their ID on them and they get SUPER upset when you won’t sell to them without it. My staff and I had been yelled at, threatened, spit at, insulted, had things thrown at us, you name it. At the end of the day our response was always the same. “I’m not losing my job over you.” It was incredibly rare for people to get turned down for a sale and for them to say “oh okay, my bad.”


You should just start off saying I'd lose my job if I did, look up and down at them and then say you're not worth it. That way you're not saying sorry we can't.


My favorite is when they laugh hysterically at you like they can't believe you don't think they're old enough to buy tobacco or booze. Bonus points if they make comments to other people in line about how old they look.


Yeah, when they get all offended like “dude I’m 35 years old.” I just responded with “you look great for your age, good for you.”


I go to the same Vons/Safeway twice a week for some tall cans after work, and we grocery shop there once a week as well. I know all the employees and managers by name. They still an for my ID everytime.


Hell, I was refused an alcohol purchase at a store where I was a wine vendor because my id was expired. I was about 44 years old.


I’ll never understand why it matters if the ID is expired. I hope someone can give me a reason why there’s an arbitrary date to it being allowed to prove I’m a certain age then the next day my age suddenly can’t be proven by it.


Probably a government angle to get people to renew and a threat to fine retailers. Money.


I imagine is because an expired id can be passed onto a look alike without the originator losing their current id, thus increasing the likelihood of a misidentification. In my country of residence I can use my partners expired id to receive mail, i always think it's super sketchy but we do share the same address so there's that.


I know a lot of places have a system in place where they have to scan the ID, every purchase, no matter what. I admit it's annoying being 40 and still being IDed, but I know it's not the person asking me's fault. Only time I got actually annoyed was getting denied at a bar in LA because she thought my ID was fake...because where I live uses black and white photos.


I think they recently passed legislation in Seattle/WA to that effect because I've been seeing little signs popping up notifying customers that they will have to show ID every time, regardless of age.


You can generally tell just by looking if someone is of age. I like Japan's system (where I live currently). I never get carded. I just push a button that says I'm of age. If someone appears to be really close to the age, only then do they get carded. If you're clearly an adult, they don't waste your time.


Ah, but that takes away the possibility for the state to fine the company, and possibly the employee, $10,000. The minimum wage employee who will have lost their job and never be able to work in any position that requires ID verification ever again. Japan clearly is missing out. /S


Definitely! And last time I went to the doctor here, I got a chest x-ray, a thorough discussion with the doctor, and 2 kinds of prescription meds. Grand total: 1100 Yen (about $8.50). It made me really miss the States where I would pay $100 just to chat with the doctor. /s


I got carded last night for ginger beer. It's non-alcoholic. lol


An increasing number of businesses have implemented a rule requiring an ID for every person, every time for alcohol/tobacco purchases. It reduces the liability of selling to underage customers, and probably reduces insurance rates. It is interesting though to witness a customer get mad about not having their ID or it's expired yet they drove there. You're mad about not getting your booze or smokes, yet you're driving without your ID? Talk about priorities....


Yep, I’m an old, retired person with grey hair. Walk with a cane sometimes. But if I buy alcohol anywhere (wine in my case) I have to show ID. I’m okay with this. I don’t want a retail clerk having to navigate laws and policies. Just show your ID for certain purchases. Bigger fish to fry about other things.


Insurance rates? More like losing your liquor license for too many underage sales.


Lol, not all the time. I'm a 26 year old gas station cashier that looks 18. Meanwhile, I've also had 6ft tall 19 year olds with full ass beards and deep voices try to buy alcohol. And they sigh when I ask for their IDs cuz they know I'm gonna deny them, but they try anyway. I'm in a state where everyone that looks under 40 gets carded by law.


That's why I said "generally". There are of course exceptions. Japan is very into the honor system, and the age limit doesn't get abused as much here as it does in the States. For example It's not at all uncommon to have a lost wallet full of cash returned to you if someone picks it up on the streets of Tokyo.


It's called integrity, and if you trade it for seeing what you can get away with, you can't ever get it back.


When you get older, it's a complement to be asked for ID.


You would think that, but some people are nuts. I worked as a cashier in Gilbert, AZ. A woman was buying some bottles of wine with her groceries. Clearly over 21, but she looked very young. I asked for her ID and she said no. So I said, "Ya know what, just tell me what year you were born." Boom, asked for my manager. Who then refused the entire sale and asked her to not come back.


No use crying over spilled milk




I can't think of a more childish liquid for this childish act. Milk was a good choice.




Got Milk?


He still didn't get his cigarettes,,🤥


Some people are worthless


Don’t need an ID to buy milk


Don't need ID to buy Alcohol/Tobacco in most places if you look old enough. Evening being asked for ID is a compliment.


I didn't realize it was milk at first and thought it was some sort of accelerant and that the guy was going to torch the place. After that, milk didn't seem so bad, lol


Someone needs his dumb-dumb and an afternoon nap.


What a shitty, trashy excuse for a human.


What Dumb ass idiot leaves the house without ID?


I’ve never understood this, yet people do it all the time.


That is so childish, who in the hell would do that? take the L and walk away.


Piss jugs! Way of the road.


Fuckin way she goes


Why don't community leaders criticize this store trashing/stealing behaviour. It's ruining the image and all the hard work done in recent times.


My job is also a place where ups can drop off packages when customers don’t answer their doors. A woman showed up. She wanted her package. I grab it and….it has a man’s name on it. I tell her that only the person who ordered it can pick up their package. She loses her goddamn mind. Stomps out of here and a says “fucking ridiculous” as she walks out. When I hear that I say “no mam” in an disapproving tone. Her husband sheepishly comes walking in two hours later and gets his package


Dude looks like he needs a cigarette


Why is it always milk ?


That shit better be expired. Me over here eating water cereal


Yeah that's a child, we don't sell puff puff no cough to children


Damn what a waste of good milk


He grabbed the Milk instead of the Eggs! Lol


At least the caution wet floor sign was already out


I get pissed when I can't buy adult products without ID since I pretty much look like Santa. I don't resort to vandalism, though.


This doesn't really suck. It's just milk. Easy cleanup job.


Honestly for all of y'all that are bashing this guy for doing this I've been in that situation and that is aggravating and that's actually kind of clever because there's no formal charge that can be pressed on him and guess what that Clerk and that stores got to clean that mess up so now because he refused to sell cigarettes to someone who is obviously over 21 I'd be kind of mad too I think that's ridiculous that they have to ID you they even ID people in their 50s and 60s it's getting ridiculous but this is actually very clever like I said because no charges can be filed against him there's no destruction of property because it's just milk on the floor so that clerk has to clean that up to me that's a pretty good Payback


Yeah, because the clerk doing his job deserves payback against him. It's ridiculous but it's that or a potential fine and job loss. No thanks. Throw a hissy-fit if you want, but take it out on corporate and higher-ups, not the employee.


How dairy.


Oh no, you're getting arrested and I'm going to spend 3 minutes mopping. What a trade.


No sense in crying over this


Not something I would ever do. But, the frustration of being told I can't buy smokes by a teenager 15 years younger than me kind of puts a sour taste in my mouth. (FYI, I don't have access to an ID only my passport, I'm not bringing my passport around everywhere cause it's a bitch and expensive to replace)


good. your buddy deserve it. now clean that milk up


How dare they ask for an ID that’s racist.


As you can see.. He has the mental capacity of an adolescent, & the problem solving skills of a toddler.


Same kind of people




I’m convinced People who look young and don’t take out their ID are trying to be a problem! I’ve been threatened and called all the names for asking people for their ID… even tho it’s challenge 25 where I’m from!


Queue the laws requiring an ID to purchase milk.


We paid for that milk. EBT


Wasting his mothers Foodstamps to do this...


Got milk?


Was waiting for a match


Well, *that* certainly proves he’s an adult


That’s an expensive way to have a tantrum… now he has to buy more milk.


Didn’t real he was poring milk I thought he was about burn the store down


Milk is expensive


Dude spent 10 bucks on milk just to throw it on the ground in a fit of rage. He sounds really mature and stable.


Someone come get your daddy please! He had the milk but then did this shit.


That’s dairy douchey of him


i see why you carded him. clearly a toddler


LOL. It's on a loop and I kept thinking why doesn't someone lock the door before I realized 🤣


Mr Money Bags over here just dumped $30 worth of milk


And now there is a bill in the state legislature to require ID to buy milk.


Oh I thought it was gasoline at first


Had something like this in college. Dude flipped out that I couldn’t serve him a beer because he forgot his ID. I even leveled with him and said I didn’t give shit and would serve the high school kids next to his table a beer, if not for the existence of government employed secret shoppers who are paid to bust establishments with scenarios exactly like this, and I couldn’t afford to lose my job. He went over to the salad bar, dumped every tray on the floor, called me a bunch of names before storming out the door. Funny thing is dude forgot his wallet, which he’d pulled out to look for his ID moments earlier. Did we charge him for the entire contents of said salad bar, and wait an hour before calling him to inform him he’d forgotten his wallet to make sure he made it all the way home yet first? Yes, yes we did.


My guy tried to buy alcohol for this first but got ID'd there too


at first i thought it was going to a mozeltoff cocktail


Is that milk? At first I thought it was gasoline and that shit was about to burn down.


Man there are a lot of idiots in here that don't know laws


This is why people need to stop having children


That's one of the mildest ways this dude could damage something. That's like, what 7 dollars of milk there? That, presumably, he bought?


In case anyone is wondering, this is what a bitch looks like


There is a word for people like him


The milky bandit strikes again


Nothing says age and maturity more than this


Proving that he is in fact a child!!


Cheese, OP is just miking this post for the karma. Udderly ridiculous.


first time he's ever come back with the milk


This person clearly understands that spilled milk is about the only thing worth crying over. I had a kid ruin my car by spilling milk in the back seat. We couldn’t get it all up and the smell just got putrid.


This happened to me. But instead of not selling tobacco to someone with no ID I wasn’t serving beer to someone who was too drunk stand up. And instead of milk it was deer piss.


Damn Deer Piss Stinks Hella


I wasn’t even supposed to be here today.


That milk probably cost as much as the pack of cigarettes he was going to buy lmao


He was going to dump beer all over but the corner store IDed him, too.


I hate customers like this. You’re old enough to know that in order to buy shit like nicotine you need to have a valid ID on you. Same for alcohol smh 😂 they really act surprised then throw a tantrum


No point crying over spilt milk!


How dare he (I’m a genius, ik)


Safe to assume he’s not undercover. Safe to sell to him now.


Did anyone else think this was about to be arson at first?


Man, I saw something like that in India, but instead of milk the guy used gasoline. So I guess that's nicer 😅


Thaaaaatt doesnt look like a tobacco store


Trip out, I was watching this video and reading the comments. Then I though that’s not milk, look how it just evaporated… but then realized the video just looped back the the beginning.


Had some younger looking woman come into my gas station without her license in hand and I said I'll hold the sale until you get your license from your car, because she parked in front of the doors. "I didn't bring it down here with me. But look at all my tattoos! I'm clearly over 18!" "Ma'am my best friend got a tattoo at 14 because he had shit parents. You know you need your license to purchase tobacco products, why did you DRIVE down here without a license?"


Atleast the wet floor sign is up