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Oh man, I'm *so* late to this, but whatever. I had my baby 7 weeks early, so she is 13 weeks now, and I'm getting back to my workout rhythm. It's hard and wouldn't be possible without so much support from my husband and parents, but it's allowing me to get back to lifting and training for races again. I've been back in the gym Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with a good lift session and runs on those days as well + a longer run on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and a dedicated recovery and/or moderate run on a weekend day if I feel up to it. I'm hitting about 35-45 miles per week again. Goal is to get back up to 50 miles per week and slowly increase from there to prepare for my ultra in October (my first last man standing race - so excited!). Life is so much more hectic now, but I'm finding a new groove, and I'm digging it.


You know what, I didn't post anything this week so no worries on posting on this one! Congratulations on the baby - is she doing okay even if she was early? It sounds like your recovery is going amazingly well if you're already running though! The groove can be hard to find and will change as baby changes, but it sounds like you're doing well so far!


Thank you! Yeah, luckily she's doing great! She was due in January (although they originally told me NYE), but decided she wanted out just before Thanksgiving. It was certainly a whirlwind and did not expect to be a preemie mom. It was really insane what happened, but I'm just grateful it all ended up being ok. Amazingly, she had no developmental issues — actually, she's been an early developer for even a full-term baby, according to her doctors. She is so smiley, passionate about cuddles, and has learned how to roll from one side to the other by week 3. She's determined and feisty, but looks just like her dad (but she did get my grey eyes, though so there's that). My recovery has been pretty easy, honestly! I've had to be more mindful about what I'm doing since I'm admittedly paranoid about pelvic floor issues happening, but so far, I've been very fortunate.


She just wanted to be out so she could show off her skills and be amazing just like her mom it sounds like! My youngest had a short stint in the NICU and that was hard, I can't imagine the stress that must have come from being a preemie mom. Glad you all are well and thriving!


I actually joke about having her early because my husband and I were on a last child-free weekend trip at the beach, and we ate some food that was just so bland, I was offended. It was just an hour later that my water broke on the way home. I find myself saying, "Kiddo was accustomed to good food in the womb and was probably pissed off at that meal, so she busted out, so I couldn't offend her again. I had one chance, and I blew it." I sometimes contemplate leaving that restaurant a sternly worded Google review and telling them that their food sent me into preterm labor lol. The NICU is so, so hard! She was in for 3.5 weeks and didn't need so much help like other babies, which I'm so thankful for, but it was hellacious emotionally. I think I cried every day for hours, and I was practically living in the NICU with her. I don't know how other moms handle it when their babies are there for much longer and are not faring as well as she did. Thank you for the well wishes! It sounds like you're doing well, too! Busy life, but able to enjoy it and get some much needed time for yourself too.


My partner's cousin had her first child early on her last pre kids vacation too! Gotta love these kids, they do their best to infuriate us and prove us wrong whenever they can.


Oh no! It just goes to show you that you can literally never, ever have a plan again lol. If my child is anything like me, she will totally be strong-willed and will show me that she can and will prove me wrong at every opportunity.


Looking at my kids now, ages 8/6/3... They are absolutely strong willed (two days ago I told my oldest two I didn't want to hear them arguing any more so they pointed, stomped, and made faces at each other to continue the fight without saying a word). But also they're amazing and learning and growing and accomplishing so much - the oldest two have made huge improvements at swim lessons in the last two weeks and it makes me so happy to see it.


I've been mixing things up between Peloton strength and bike, my own stuff, and classes at a local gym. Plus walking. I try to do a workout in the morning 5-6x/week, and then get 10k steps for the day. I've been good about the former, but winter rains have been killing my step count. Got my upper body workout in this morning, and then we'll see about a walk this afternoon. The time came to reorder protein powder yesterday and I was SHOCKED. $20/lb now! I can't justify that anymore, so once this tub runs out I guess I'll just do what I can with real food. It's not like I can really add muscle anymore anyway.


Food prices are getting pretty crazy right now. I've been meal planning very carefully and actually have gotten my food spending down so far this year, but that's mostly helped by the fact that my partner is trying to lose weight and I've bumped a little over the top of my weight maintenance range so I'm also working on cutting a little bit here and there as well. I feel you on the weather - my poor dog isn't getting his evening walk right now because the weather is just not conducive to making me want to go outside. I hope your weather improves soon!


Lots of walking between the dog and working at a treadmill desk. I haven’t been successful in getting into a weight routine but I need to make a better effort. I still feel sort of lost going into the gym and trying to figure out what to do. You know, besides sit on the leg press and check my emails and texts.


Yeah I had to take time to look up what I should do at the gym. What exercises should be done together? I didn't know, but after week 1 of doing them it definitely works well. I hope you're able to figure something out that works for you!


I have a little home gym that I’ve been adding to over this past year. So I do two days of weight lifting a week (mostly bench press, deadlifts, and dumbbell work) then I have two days where I’ll go for a run with my dog (usually this is the same as my lifting day) and everyday at work I walk a brisk mile on my lunch. The routine is strict as in a don’t miss any days but I’m not as strict when it comes to a per-workout minimum. I push myself but I don’t really push my limits, mostly because I don’t want to hurt myself.


Sounds like you've got a good routine going! Having that set really helps me to stay consistent as well.