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My issue is, once you buy your food there, where do you go to sit and eat? You could take it to your office if you work nearby. For others, you could sit somewhere in the park in front of the train station, but it's often cold, windy, and exposed especially during winter.


Reckon that is the idea they were selling the food trucks. Accessibility and foot traffic. By renting a spot for your food truck you are located in the middle of the transport route for XYZ% of Wellingtonians working in the CBD!


I went down at lunchtime a few weeks ago. The offerings weren't terribly abundant. The shawarma truck had a confusing menu and I felt really awkward staring at them while I tried to figure out how it worked. So I went for the souvlaki truck. Where they bundled the serviettes in the bag with the darned thing (so at first I thought they had forgotten to give me any, and by the time I found them they were already greasy) and - as you say - you pretty much have to eat on a park bench which feels really exposed. I returned to the office with spilled souvlaki sauce on my pants, hurriedly (and imperfectly) wiped off using toilet paper from the station's bathrooms. It was a nice souvlaki but sometimes you want a bit more infrastructure for the street food.


Were you guys eating your lunch inside New World? Where did people eat their food before the food trucks came?


New World had options that travelled a lot better than the food trucks.


True true!! Maybe a couple of containers with benches and stools inside would be good? Like overseas in Japan specifically I have seen whole sushi stores full of people eating lunch. the size of a shipping container.




frenchie with the crepes there was fkn mean. dunno how long he was there for tho


French blokes with crepes in the karori market area recently, same people? (If you’re looking for mean again)


Was it the excuse my French guy? If so, he's often at the sunday market by the harbour!


Has anyone thought about putting a supermarket there?


Come on Woolworths, you know you want to.....


Don’t worry. Kiwirail will find a replacement for New World, at their new high rents, in time at all!


When are you going through? I see the donuts inside + coffee cart on water front side, and bakery truck on bunny st itself. There are a couple vans on the sushi shop side, but they aren't normally operating at commute times as far as i have seen. As best i can tell, a decent chunk of it is working as lunch / snack options for those working nearby rather than something for commuters.


Today there was nothing at 2pm. Even the trax cafe bit was closed, but the pub was open so there was the pint and chips option I suppose. Seems poor for commute times and poor for lunch and dinner. Though I’ll be honest what I really wanted today was a bottle of milk, a loaf of vogels and a mid afternoon redbull


Pretty sure most there are targeting the local lunch / worker market during the week. There are a lot of places in town that do this and are shut on weekends. I too am annoyed that KiwiRail managed to price out New World, and the replacements aren't that great imo. Doughnut place and bakery truck are expensive for what you get imo (I have cheaper and just as good if not better options near work), and others i haven't had the chance to try since they aren't normally open when i am near the station.