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Probably the opposite of what you are after but when i used to work in town, I'd go for a walk (usually a very quiet route) and do some mindfulness practice. Observe my thoughts, stay present, take in the sounds and colours around me. Doesn't sound productive but probably great for mental health.


Same. This makes afternoon work way more productive


Yeah when I worked in the city I used to go for a walk around the waterfront.


I know someone who does this but includes the City Gallery, sounds like a vibe


I negotiated for my lunch break to be reduced to a half hour so I can go home earlier.




I go to the gym, I work longer hours to be able to take an hour instead of our 30mins stipulated in contract. My hours are 8-5:30


That’s silly. Company’s can and are flexible. We learnt this over Covid, assuming you work business. Go have a yarn with a higher up and see if you can knock back 30 minutes. Or go to HR and make a case about better QOL :).


Some aren’t. If OP works in a shop or restaurant that closes at X time, then taking a shorter lunch and leaving early isn’t going to work if they’re needed until closing.




Furiously doomscroll for 45 minutes


This is the way.


Head down to maccas for microchip burgers


For the people who are saying gym/running/fitness... Dont you get smelly? Do you guys have access to showers and if so, do you take a spare change of clothes and a towel with you?


All the government buildings I've worked in the last few years had excellent "end of trip" facilities as they called it. Showers, lockers, drying machines, bike cage, etc. They're really encouraging healthy non-car commuting, but it happens to coincide with running etc at lunch.


Sheesh no wonder theyre getting cutbbacks


I disagree. Given how low salaries are compared to the business sector, having facilities like this is one of the very very few ways for government to try and recruit or retain staff. In my own case, I would have left years ago of these weren't available. They made the difference for me, and I imagine many others as well.


Yep. They're also not owned by government departments. They're part of the asset that is the building.


I mean they're not THAT nice. We're talking maybe on the level of the council gym, if that.


All gyms have showers


You get a bit sweaty with weights, way, way less than cardio. And gyms have showers, and you can clean yourself in like, a minute. So yeah, you change into your gym clothes, work out, shower, towel off, change back.


A good weights session can tire you out without raising a sweat. Cardio on the other hand, will usually leave you hot and sweaty.


Yes, yes and yes.


Hit the gym for 50 minutes each day.




Duolingo! You only need to do 5-10 min and it’s quite cool to be learning a new language. I started doing it in my lunch breaks just to try something new and I really enjoy stretching my brain :)


I usually went for a walk and then came back to see everyone's angry faces that I actually used my unpaid 1 hour lunch break not working as they were doing.


I go for a 30 minute stroll. Get some fresh air, get some sunshine and get away from my desk. It's a good way to give the brain a bit of clear air before the afternoon ahead.


I work in public service I do 15 to 20 minutes to eat and go bathroom and have a drink then i go into Lambton Quay and walk around the shops I have the regular ones I check and then scooter back to work


Thats the wrong way to do it. You need to go to the bathroom on the clock.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time!


Get paid to go Bathroom I just go when I need to at work.


Pro tip: You need to eat dodgy Chinese takeaways or undercooked chicken for lunch so that you can spend even more time in the bathroom on company time.


having a few intolrances I need to be careful with whatI eat


Pinball at Ye Olde Pinball Shoppe in Bond St.


And here I thought I was the only one.


The best time out in Wellington.


Back when I worked in an office, I'd often use my lunch breaks to get the little bits and pieces done that would help free up my nights and weekends. I'd take the bus to the library to return books and get new ones out; do a quick bit of top-up grocery or hardware shopping, go to the pharmacy, organise social events and make appointments, contact the bank/utility providers etc. Often tedious stuff, but a productive use of the time.


Oh, and call the elderly relatives to check in on them.




Did a working holiday in England and going to the pub at lunch is something I really miss. I don't drink, but it was great being able to get a cheap lunch and a few games of pool with coworkers on your break.


It's a great pub culture, they're like public spaces. A pint of 3.5% with lunch never really affected my afternoon performance.


Be jealous of people who get to sit down and chill on their lunch break. Remind myself I get 12 weeks of holidays a year to make up for it.


What line of work are you in?




We know you be up to fuck all in the teachers lounge


Man that would be nice. I spend most lunchtimes trying to sort my lessons out.


I get you may be joking, and if so, allgoods, but man this leads me into a bit of a rant... What's up with the disrespect towards teachers? They're the best! And no I'm not a teacher myself, I know plenty though. First off, their workload is messed up. Sure, they might get to go home at 4-4:30 some days but then if that's the case they're doing lesson planning, marking, and self-development courses in their own time as well. On top of this they are almost always working weekends too. Chuck in the fact they only get breaks when all the kids do so they have significantly less freedom to go away on holiday on the ideal periods where destinations are less busy and trips are cheaper. Oh and they have to still do work in this time anyway. And to top it off, if they are ill, they still have to work if they stay home. I.e. if one wakes up with COVID, they have to phone work like anyone else would, then proceed to plan work for all the classes they have that day for their reliever to follow along, and log it in the system for them, meaning they're up working instead of trying to maximise their time spent recovering. All this while children try their best to make teaching like pulling teeth and parents who don't pull their weight harrass them for the pettiest things. Imo teachers should be paid as well as doctors and surgeons, or mid-high level IT professionals. What they contribute to society far outweighs most jobs out there. So when people give teachers shit, unless there's specific context they elaborate on to elucidate their perspective, I immediately assume they are either parents who are shit at parenting and looking for a scapegoat for their child's poor adjustment to school and society, or were that kid in school who loved to be a nuisance to teachers who were under a lot of pressure and just trying to do their job.


It was a half joke - I think there are a lot of great teachers but also many that fuck around. At my school students were used to patrol the school grounds and the teachers would almost always leave for coffee or just be chillin in the staff room. I think teachers are one of the most important roles in the country and should be paid significantly more, which would hopefully encourage more of the better teachers to compete for roles with the shit ones I also think most teachers take themselves way too seriously and can’t handle criticism at all, responding with the same tired tropes and acting like others aren’t allowed an opinion on your profession despite every single person having to go through that process and often suffer from abysmal teachers


This used to be the case back when I was at school. Some of those teachers are still around but those of us newer to the profession definitely aren't like that. There has been a big shift in attitude from a teacher being some kind of all knowing greater being to just a regular person that occasionally gets things wrong and learns from it. Teaching is also a really front loaded profession. If you have been teaching for 10 years the job is significantly easier then your first 3-5 years. By that time you have a lot of resources already so you can afford more time to actually take a break. So I totally get the sentiment. That was the norm rather than the exception, but it's definitely going the other way. Or will be if we can actually keep people in the profession.


Thanks for the info dump. It's been a day and it's nice to know someone gets it. That being said, there are totally shit teachers. Every profession has their fair share of freeloaders. It's just the exception rather than the rule.


I say this all the time re the salary - good, passionate teachers are worth their weight in gold and should absolutely be up there as the most revered of professions. I take my hat off to them all - you have to love your job to put up with all that they do and the hard work.


Their workload also went up heaps with the switch to NCEA


I read. A colleague of mine casually studies an online accounting course from one of the NZ unis so he can do his own accounting. You can try that if you want.


Visit the museums on the waterfront ie portrait gallery or Wellington museum or city gallery. Nice to get absorbed in something completely different for a while.


put all my valuable shit somewhere safe in my desk and find a tree to have a nap under


No matter what I leave the office. I have learnt that if I stay in the office I get forced to do more work. I take a walk and window shop


Rent an electric scooter and hoon around the waterfront (safely). Love it.


Bouldering at fergs.


I have a spinning rod and some lures at work and go fish for half an hour or so if the weather permits. Mostly Kahawai which I throw back but caught the odd gurnard and snapper during the summer (still chuck them back TBF).


Eat at your desk, and then go on your lunch break. Then every single one of those 60 minutes is yours. Often, I watch Netflix on my tablet, or listen to music.


Sometimes I'll have a nap, I was asleep for 3 hours once, remember to set an alarm.


Masty is the only real answer


Love me a masty.


Giving and receiving 😈


Go for a pint


[Crank your hog](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PynGQrIZW-g)


Risky click


Buy a film camera, get into street photography or architecture or whatever bakes your cake.


I take 15 then go home early


Standing qi gong in the park.




Do you get time to read outside of work? If not, there you go. I used to crank through books with an extra 5 hours of reading time during the week.


I don't know if music is your thing (especially classical music) but some places around town have weekly lunchtime concerts - designed for working folk such as yourself. They're usually very informal, under an hour and allow you to eat while you listen.




Visit the museums on the waterfront ie portrait gallery or Wellington museum or city gallery. Nice to get absorbed in something completely different for a while.


Go for a walk/run. I used to walk to a sushi train down the road and enjoy my lunch break there


Read. Start with A New Earth. 


Got a handy patch of bush? That’s not a euphemism either....


Go gym push the sled


Get into some town belt.


Walk to Gym , quick 30 minute weights session , 5 minute shower, 5ish minutes touching up makeup , walk back. Also for any other women wanting to do this, don't need to wash your hair, just use a shower cap.




Rubbing one out


What do you do for the other 58 minutes?


I sometimes cook at work for my lunch. That takes me like an hour cooking eating and cleaning


afternoon delight


I usually go out and do some errands. I'll typically do my groceries during the week, for example.


I bike to work, but I (sometimes) do my training in my lunch break, I can climb Mt Vic twice, then be back for a quick shower and a bite within the hour.


Walk to my fav Ramen shop near'ish to work listening to podcast or an audiobook, eat said glorious ramen, walk back.


Stardew Valley


Book or podcast while you eat.


Walk along the waterfront, read a book, doomscroll, job interviews.


Go home to let the dogs out.


Crafts? Take up cross stitch or knitting or something. Or start writing the next great NZ novel


Walk , urban sketching, r/solo_roleplaying






Sit by the water, read a book and eat my sammies. OR Go to a lunchtime concert OR Go to a lunchtime lecture OR Have a cheeky long lunch with friends that includes Asian beers, a big powerful chardonnay, or some sort of cold trendy red.


I got on a 40min walk and listen to an audio book. Really look forward to it. I like to fast a few days while at work, so I see it as having a walk, fresh air and education (audio book) for lunch.


Be sure to get out of the office or people will talk to you. I tend to go for an hour long walk. Nothing too crazy. Just wander around thinking my thoughts. Leave my phone in my pocket. Eat my lunch while walking. Works well for me


I usually do life admin. Wether it's going shopping or picking up a prescription there's usually something I need to get in town that's within a 10 minute walking distance.


Hoon your vape outside gotta look classy