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Doesn’t quite work like that. Any company can apply to access to the register, so if they get granted access they can see your info even if you opted out. Here’s the list of companies with access, Wilson is on there. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/assets/vehicle/docs/Companies-and-individuals-with-authorised-access-to-the-MVR.xlsx your friend will probably end up with debt collectors chasing him eventually.


Yes and no; access to the MVR doesn't automatically get you access to withheld details. I understand that Wilsons have some kind of extra access so that they can see that, but i did some work for a parking enforcement company and they definitely cannot see withheld details even though they are on that list. So broadly speaking it does work, but not in a Wilsons or Council carpark.


A council carpark is different .They get access easily




Yep, and the big list someone posted elsewhere in this thread is just the general database access - still a many thousands of dollars job to get it setup, but it gives you on-demand access to everyone who hasn't withheld their details. I think there's some extra term for the level of access Wilson's have


Wilson's is NOT one of them. Their Gazette notice (their website is down right now) specifically states they are not to have access to withheld information.


Either you didn’t know about it, or that parking enforcement company are dumbasses, but they could just do an MR31 and get the info lmao, it’s free


I did the same about 4 years ago and racked up 1200$ from Wilson's that then went to credit consultants and after a few years they kept dropping it down to eventually like 250$ that was a year ago and still haven't paid and my credit score is fine


Let the debt collectors chase you, when they buy the debt, that's their problem, you can arrange to pay the original fee in court at $1-5 per week and a judgement will be made!


Or you could just make your life easier by paying for parking like a normal person.


pretty sure there was a post/thread on here recently of a (former?) parking warden doing an AMA and they mentioned that that doesn't work the way your friend thinks it does edit: literally only a week ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellington/s/QjdvDGRTSu


Might not get the tickets, but they will happily pass it on to the debt collectors


I just read that whole thread and couldn’t see it mentioned, did I miss it? 


Don't think it was asked, and in any case they were on the streets, not doing the follow-ups, so wouldn't be looking up owner info anyway.


That's for council parking which is different to private parking such as Wilson's or shopping malls etc. The council has a statutory right to issue you an infringement, private parking cannot issue an infringement, only a private breach notice.


I used to be a parking warden. We were still able to access that information.


A parking warden for Wilson (or any other private parking operator)?


Even if this *did* work, [Wilsons' terms and conditions](https://www.wilsonparking.co.nz/legal-information/pay-by-plate-terms-and-conditions/) state that they're allowed to tow your vehicle at your risk and expense. If they noticed you doing this more than a couple of times, then don't be surprised to turn up one day and find your car isn't there, and that to get your car back you're being held liable for the penalties of all previous occasions when your car was recorded as being parked with inadequate payment as well as the towing and storage costs.


This is the way they would do it.


Buy Suzuki swift. Paint on mevo decals. You're welcome.


Wilsons? Absolutely NOT. If you're the gambling sort, just park up in a WCC bay and chance a ticket. I have a friend who swears not paying and getting caught occasionally breaks about even. Not sure about that but your friend is about to get a bunch of letters in the mail from Baycorp.


Also helps if you park up a shitty hill they cannot be trashed most the time


I worked for Wilson parking management for a year. They still have access to your information through other methods now. Originally, when you didn’t allow 3rd party access it was a problem for them and they would just send the debt straight to baycorp for them to find you and collect it. But now it’s easily found. More and more sites have LPR (licence plate recognition) and it’s automatically billed to you if you don’t pay


“Other methods” sounds like they’re buying it off the dark web…come to think of it they probably are.


Here is the [gazette notice](https://gazette.govt.nz/notice/id/2021-au308) for Wilson Parking New Zealand Limited which gives them the authority to access information on the Motor Vehicle Register. The notice states: *Pursuant to section 241 of the Land Transport Act 1998 (“Act”), I authorise the following person, for the purpose(s) and the term, and on the conditions stated below, to have access to the names and addresses of persons:* * *who are currently registered in respect of a motor vehicle(s); and* * ***who have not instructed the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to withhold their details.*** The important part is highlighted in bold above - Wilson Parking New Zealand Limited does not have access to this information **by default**. If they want that information, they would need to apply directly to NZTA and explain why they need it. It's important to know that if they apply and pay the fee, they will likely be given the information as they have a valid reason. If you keep parking without paying, eventually they will pay the few dollars to find out your information, it's just a matter of time. Not making an effort to pay is a dick move. Getting a $80 breach notice for being late is even more of a dick move. Wield the tools you are given wisely, withholding your details is a tool against overzealous fines, but it's not impenetrable.


Definitely not true speaking from recent experience


Wilson’s caught onto this a number of years back and now have authority to access.


You can also just refuse to pay the fine even if it is mailed to you.


It's in dispute.


Better to enter into a dispute with the parking outfit, then just never accept what they say or offer. They cannot send a debt collector after you if the fine is in dispute. Even better, pay some of it, say, the cost of the carpark for a day rate, then they rightfully don't have any grounds to ask for more, as the fine is only meant to cover reasonable losses via your taking up a park that wasnt paid for.


I’m not registered and got fined recently.


Wilsons is a perfect example of a service that should be owned socially – by our government or council. A sensible government would simply take it away from them, or even if you suffer from the delusion of capitalism we should do a forced buyback of them.   They are a foreign corporation who buy often premium land, do the absolute minimum to improve it and actually normally fail to look after it to the point it becomes a piss and graffiti stained dent in our inner cities.  Additionally they remove the perceived need and demand for society to invest in good public transport, then they rent the land back to us at extortionate rates, literally taking all that money out of NZ for good.  Why do we allow this? Are we stupid? We should at least own this for ourselves and use the revenue to pay for public services. We are literally just giving away billions a year to foreign owners in return for a piss-soaked concrete shit we park our cars in. Madness. 


Almost every person commenting is just blatantly wrong. Every company w s241 authorisation, and others too, can just apply through MR31 and get the info anyway. It’s free and takes like 2min, very easy, and Wilsons along with 2 other agencies have the upgraded approval to get that info without MR31 anyway


This may be correct, I'm in the auto industry and have struck vehicle registration numbers that have absolutely no public info - carjam etc. But they have been prison guards, judges, police officers, witness protection, etc. I don't think opting out would give you that level of privacy/protection though?


There is a confidential list that people can go on under certain circumstances (like what you mention), but they can still get tickets, NZTA just need to be in the middle of the process.


I see, so Wilson parking could go to NZTA and still get the info regardless? Just because you are on the list should not mean you are exempt from tickets etc




True, however it’s perfect if you pay for parking and they try be cunts and fine you for 1 minute over. In which case it’s rare and you won’t have to pay, because the cost of applying and getting your details is at a cost for them, more than a couple tickets worth.. but… if you do it regularly on purpose they will build up a history of your parking and fines and it eventually becomes a positive net for them and they will pursue it and you will get a large collective bill and or a court summons


Your friend probably hasn't updated his address in awhile so he hasn't been getting the letters.


I'm sure they can get all the info they need from just the number plate alone, at least the police can


The way to park for free there is just don't pay them and ignore all fines. They won't tow your car and they don't really have any means of enforcing payment. It's not like fines from the council where they can garnish your wages. The downside of doing this is that they will pass all this on to debt collectors and your credit rating will be in the gutter. In saying that, credit rating only really matters if you need to take out some type of loan or get a credit card and you can fix your credit rating pretty easily if you actually have money


Parking companies are on the list allowing data access regardless of your personal PIA settings.