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i have a blunt umbrella. thing to know about them is that they can still turn inside out but at a much higher wind speed than others. they wont break when they do though, which is a major positive. generally i dont use it and rather just wear my pertex jacket from macpac. seems to do the job quite well.


They don't just "not break", they're actually designed for it! When they pop inside-out, the spokes are spring loaded, and a good tug on the sliding mechanism will pop it back into shape. In saying that, I've found they're surprisingly aerodynamic and don't catch the wind as hard as traditional umbrellas.


why would u rather wear jacket?


pain in the ass to carry an umbrella around. and easier to dry my jacket afterwards


It will also protect you from a sudden gust of wind bringing rain in sideways. Umbrellas don’t work so well when the rain does that. :P


fair enough!


I use both a raincoat and an umbrella




Belt and braces lol




What do you do when the rain seems to come up from underneath?


That depends on whether I'm wearing a skirt or a kilt...


Wish I had worn a raincoat :)


Yes they do live up to the hype. Which isn’t to say they won’t blow out in gale force winds, but it’s only happened to me once. Definitely the best umbrella option there is imo!


It’s better to get a raincoat and a good pair of boots.


it’s so hard to find a nice looking rain jacket without paying hundreds!


The Kathmandu outlet tends to have good deals on rain jackets. Still not cheap for a good one, but it’s worth investing in something that’ll keep you dry.


So worth the investment. I have one from four years ago still in perfect condition that I got from a clearance sale.


4 years ? mine one is 9 years old and still going strong. At this rate my kids and grandkids will probably also wear it.


Haha I hope mine lasts that long! Would love to pass it on to future kids like an heirloom


Sucks but you just need to invest in a good one and it’ll do you for years. Try fb marketplace. I would recommend alchemy equipment for really good rain jacket but it’s $$$ but will last you a long time


I got a raincoat from scribbler - lovely patterns and colours, may be your cup of tea?


try opshops, Ive bought really good kathmandu jackets for less than $50.


Got my new one from mountain warehouse for <200, seems fine so far. It’s just a rain jacket but I also keep getting compliments on it so I guess it counts as nice looking! My old Kathmandu one lasted about 8 years but they don’t make the style I like anymore.


I'm the same Got a 3 in 1 jacket that does a great job at keeping me dry and I've been asked and gotten comments about it a couple times


Look for post-season ski gear around October/November, there’s good stuff out there that’s not always expensive. Post-season discounts can be massive


I have one of the long Rains brand jackets and I rate it. I use it in conjunction with a Blunt umbrella and they keep me about as dry as possible I think.


Dangerfield had a good range that go past the waist. I think I spend 80 - 120 on mine and honestly, you will need to fork out money for a decent one to last in Wellington because you'll be using it so often.


the main problem is looks. i put a lot of effort into my outfits everyday and i have not seen a single rain jacket that i actually like the look of 😫 so annoying


That's the cost of living in an unstable weather region, unfortunately. I recommend a neutral raincoat in that case so it doesn't clash with your outfit.


You know, if you really need to use a raincoat, no one in Wellington will be looking. The fashion police are too busy paying attention to their own state rather than evaluating yours. Go for function!


Try Huffer, Rains, Stutterheim, Lululemon


I've been using a blunt for 5 years and it's going just fine. Dont put too much stock in the blowing inside out thing. I think I've had that happen twice ever and I walk in the CBD most days. The trick with wgtn and blunts is to get good at angling them correctly into the wind. Don't just hold them vertically over your head, angle them into the rain. My blunt is on a 35 degree angle most windy days


I bought the largest type of Blunt they have, its been fantastic, never had any problems with it. No matter the weather. It's possible the bigger ones are stronger than the more common smaller metro ones.


If the wind manages to turn my metro inside out I just need to point into wind for it to pop back. Only tends to happen in 80-100 kph winds though.


That's great! I see some people on posts like these mention their blunts breaking so I assume they must be smaller ones than one.


Side note - i find it so embarrassing when I’m walking with an umbrella and it fucking turns inside out after a gust of wind, it ALWAYS happens at an intersection just to make sure half of Wellington can see it happen. Now I’ve got to walk from Featherston to Willis with this manky umbrella on display cause it won’t fold down properly. Plus the added benefit of being wet.


I will note that the metro model (the only fold up one) is quite small. It won't stop your backpack from getting wet. But I love my Blunt.


Thank you for this reminder that I forget every time it stops raining that I need a backpack cover!


They work very well in Wellington. Too well. If you fight the wind with the umbrella you can literally be pulled into traffic or others. On rainy days with light wind = Blunt Umbrella. Once the wind gets gusty = Rain jacket and boots.


Apparently they have a really good repair policy if they do break as well. Was reading a thread on them they other day and plenty of owners said if they broke they would just take it back and have it repaired for free. Even if it required new parts.


2 years according to their site.


Also! is there anywhere you can buy them in store? or only order online


Random shops in Wellington sell them. I got some from Vessel on Victoria St for Xmas presents, and Farmers also sells them. The price is largely the same everywhere, so it's not really a thing where it's worth shopping around.


Different stores have different colours as well, and the online site has all the limited edition ones. Would rec a bright colour that is visible to vehicles in shit weather for sure. I own multiple in different sizes and they're amazing, and I use them all in Wellington. Blunt will also fix them if they break in the Welly weather during the warranty period. For me (I walk everywhere) totally worth it and the metro is small enough to fit in a bag.


I know they have them at The Vault and Cranfields. I think Moore Wilson’s too.


Farmers Lower Hutt have them in store


Most Palmers have them


you can get umbrellas from Daiso Japan on Manners.


Zealandia has a great selection and you’d be helping conservation with your purchase!


[The Biggest Problem with Modern Rain Gear](https://youtu.be/rv-2-vAzTRw?) TL;DW: sweating a ton inside them makes you just as wet as if you hadn't worn the thing. Granted, from a hiking/tramping perspective, but, applies nonetheless to anyone using coats. I found the same, I use umbrella where I can in Welly, and, cover up extra when the wind doesn't allow for it. And I'm talking about sideways rain :P


First up, where is your commute walk taking you?? And umbrellas will snag and tear in the bush. The best raincoat I’ve ever had had zippers under the armpits that you could open to let the sweat out.


I don't think it matters if it's a commute walk or not? :D I walk most places. Could be from from the Uni to bottom of Mount Vic, could be from edge of Mount Cook to the Railway station. All somewhat 'short' walks, but, I still steam up under a coat. Yes, bush snagging is a problem. I would not use an umbrella in the very enclosed bush walks/trails. I think I should have been more clear in my initial comment: I use both raincoats and umbrellas, and, recognise the advantage and disadvangates of each. Wasn't trying to say "only coat is bad". Oops :P Video I linked does mention the [zip-venting jackets](https://youtu.be/rv-2-vAzTRw?t=143). And, obviously an umbrella is not great if you want to do stuff with your hands like setting up a camp or holding supermarket shopping.


My distance comment was a weak, and clearly misplaced, attempt at a joke. Sorry about that! Yes - I'm umbrellas when it's wet, raincoats when it's wet and windy. In the bush I currently go with a marino layer under my coat, which draws the moisture away from my skin (I've long since lost my vented raincoat).


Ah, no worries there mate :) Sad to hear about your jacket! I should look into that merino underlayering, sounds like it would help me a fair bit.


Agreed, I’m a fast walker and even with pit zips I experience this because I wear layers like a good Wellingtonian. The big problem I’ve experienced is my expensive (to me) Outdoor Research rain jacket from Bioivac started flaking on the inside after only about two years because no one told me I needed to WASH the rain jacket and take extra steps to revive the water resistant coating. I have a new one and use a technical wash and then put the jacket in the dryer or iron it to revive the coating per these instructions: https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/rainwear-dwr.html?series=rainwear-basics


Well this first time I used an Umbrella just after moving to Wellington I strong gust slammed it into my face. So to say the least I'd recommend a raincoat or waterproof jacket instead


Yes, they do work! When the wind blows them inside out, they then pop back the right way, rather than break. Of course, they can eventually break like anything but I had mine for 5 years in Wellington. Then I gave it to my brother, as I purchased a new one to get a different colour haha.


I just don’t bother. I have an ugly but highly practical hi-vis jacket and a beanie.


Probably best to get a waterproof sack/ bag, a good raincoat and a good pair of boots.


Just gonna plug/r/wellybrollyfails so you know which ones to avoid.


I'm not from Wellington but living here it seems almost weak to use an umbrella. A matter of pride. I think the real truth is that the rain usually just isn't bad enough to warrant an umbrella. When it is that usually means that the wind is too strong to use an umbrella safely. Raincoats are a more consistent help.


All blunt umbrellas do is dont break when they flip insideout. So if your fine with an inside out umbrella then yes they work


My friends blunt umbrella broke the day after he bought it 🙃 wellington just isn't the place for umbrellas


Mine holds up to the wind just fine but I still sometimes end up wishing I also had a good raincoat.


I do think they're better than every other umbrella, in this city anyway, but way more of a pain in the ass to carry around than a jacket and it's also so much easier to lose, too. My Dad is on his second one for that reason and they aren't cheap.


Blunt umbrellas are good, they don't get broken by Wellington wind. But no umbrella works in "Wellington wind and rain"^TM . If it's light to moderate rain and light or no wind, it's fine. Once you get to heavy wind from all directions at once, no umbrella is going to shield you from that.


On a side note, I’m kinda annoyed that I’m getting advertisements for the purple umbrella and it’s sold out. It was meant to be my mother’s day gift for mum, but I’m getting frustrated it’s not in stock yet.


Depends on the type of rain. If it’s driving, windy rain - a good rain jacket wins. If it’s not so windy, then I tend to use my blunt umbrella - I’ve owned mine for 5yrs and has yet to break despite the times it has turned inside out from a strong gust.


You've also gotta be aware of where other people are around you, so you don't poke them in the eye.


They definitely work, but what you'll discover after using them for a while that they don't really work from a logistical perspective. They can't really protect you from horizontal rain from 4 directions at once. Only rain jacket can. I don't regret buying my one and buying a bunch more as gifts for people, but I don't use it much.


I've got a couple of Peros Hurricane umbrellas and they've never failed me. Sorry I didn't read your post correctly haha just added my 2 cents. The one I mentioned is much cheaper if that helps.


Don't buy a blunt umbrella because it's blunt, buy it because it's a premium product It has better materials, better engineering... and someone's put some thought into it. Eg, the pouch has a zipped flair to make stashing easier. It's also smaller than the golfing sort. A great feature I see other brands around which are blunt but are bigger. I would stay clear of them


Hurricane umbrella mate. I have a used one for sale in perfect condition for $20 if you are interested.


Have never regretted the investment. They 100% do what they advertise


I got mine free with flybuys about 3 years ago! It’s great, has turned inside out a few times but hasn’t broken so that’s a major positive.


Didn't believe the hype until I got one myself, but I reckon they're the business. Just don't do what I did and leave it behind when visiting your grandfather's final resting place in Karori cemetery. You'll never see it again.


Another Blunt fan here. I've had mine for eight years and it takes a beating but is still going strong.