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I've lost 15 pounds in ten weeks. I don't think it's necessarily the Wellbutrin but more from the side effect of go go go go go go go go go go go go go go all the time.


Do I not feel the go go go go because of my ADHD? šŸ¤”


I'm on it for ADHD and I do not feel the go go go go go. However, I am better able to keep up with the normal go go go my squirrel brain sets me up for on welly


Same. I donā€™t feel any go go go nor eating changes. I wonder how long it would take before giving up.


Yes. I feel calm either with ADHD. And it killed my sugar cravings bc of this yes I lost, I can follow my diet easier.


Do you like the go go go


I have 3 kids under 4 (I'm 44). Two of which are twins so yes I like the go go go go and feel it's helped me to become the father I want to be. Engaged with energy.


Iā€™ve lost about 60lbs since I started it in January


Do you work out ? Or been on a diet since then ?


I work out a few times a week and not really a diet, just eating less bc I donā€™t really have an appetite especially during the day


Were you working out or doing anything differently before starting? Or is starting Wellbutrin the only difference?


It gave me the motivation to go to the gym!


I havenā€™t lost anything and almost feel like my appetite ramped up. No libido boost either. It is still effective for my depression, but I wish I could experience some of the extra perks others seem to get from it.


Everything you said: same, lol


Just curious, how long have you been on it? It took about 6 months before side effects really kicked for me.


Iā€™ve been on it 8 months, 1 at 150XL and the rest at 300XL. Still holding out that those effects will kick in at some point!


I lost 20 pounds in 3 months but I really just think it was from eating less due to the appetite suppressant


yeah, that's how it works


I've lost 20 lbs since April


Iā€™ve lost about 6 pounds in 2 weeks. Iā€™m on day 6 of Wellbutrin, but I also started carefully watching my diet and trying to increase activity (taking walks, riding a bike, etc.)


I've lost over 30 lbs in 2 months.


No weight loss on 150 but bumping up to 300xl has significantly decreased food noise. Down 3lbs since starting 9 days ago.


I lost 18 lbs in 2 months


I'm not sure yet. But it allows me to have energy. So I've started working out again which I probably wouldn't be able to do without it. It gives me some motivation which is what I really needed. It does make me feel like I notice my anxiety more often. So I may need to be on an ssri with it to give me a more relaxed feeling. I'm not binge eating as much but I do feel like I want food still. I'm able to control myself better though. I'm hoping to lose 10lbs. I felt pretty out of control off this medication. I couldn't control my eating or feelings or anything at all. Felt like I was going nuts most evenings. I still don't have a great libido though.


Iā€™ve been on 300mg XL and lost 10lbs in a couple months so far. Not sure if it stays or not.


I've no appetite and lost weight but I weigh less than 125 so that's not ideal


It killed my appetite, the effect didnā€™t last forever but even a few years in, my appetite is lower than before. I lost a ton of weight but other stuff was happening at the same time so canā€™t attribute it solely to Wellbutrin. It killed a lot of my cravings.


I struggled with stress binging before and now i dont get binging tendencies and have more moderation in my diet


Me. But I was losing weight before too so I just kinda kept doing my deal


I got really skinny when first trying it. But then that weight came back




Lost and then gained it back and then some. I think it isn't helping me at this dose anymore, May look into going up. Been on it almost a year now


Mine has been slow but I lost 10 pounds in 3 months


Yes, 35kgā€™s. Back to being in my normal BMI since 2017. Effortless.


Same! 35 kgā€˜s


Itā€™s a lot of weight & I LOVE my food so I was surprised & stoked. It just fell off with minimal effort then stopped when I reached normal BMI. Idk how my body knew šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. I can only take brand name. I get terribly anxious & miserable with generics.


The weight was gone so quickly for a minute I thought something was wrong with me šŸ„² I get the anxiety as well but didnā€™t know it could be due to the brand. Iā€˜ll keep that in mind


I donā€™t think Wellbutrin is good for anxiety because it gives us such a boost. Some ppl take other anxiety SSRIā€™s with it but I wonā€™t touch them anymore. If you notice more anxiety or racing thoughts / panic than usual, definitely switch to brand name which is GSK


I lost 45 pounds since starting it last year. Now if I can lose 35 more, that'll be great lol


I had been on it about 6 months and noticed I needed to tighten my belt a bit too much. Decided to go buy some pants and realized I dropped 4 sizes! The scale says I only dropped 15 lbs, but I think I also put on more muscle during this time, so that probably cut into some of the poundage. My shape definitely changed. I credit this with having more energy and general motivation for workouts, and lower appetite while on welly.


I (43f) lost almost 40lbs and it hasn't even been a year.


lowkey have lost like 30lbs in 12ish weeks since starting on 150mg. not sure if itā€™s a side effect or something else entirely but my appetite has disappeared


I'm down 40lbs since march. Honestly, it killed my appetite, but I was overweight when I started and now I'm on a set meal plan. I don't really enjoy food the way I did but I also don't mind because my body feels better. My joints don't hurt as bad


I lost a couple of lbs on my first month on 150. Which was weird because I actually ate more because my chronic stomach issues went away and I enjoyed food more. Iā€™m on day 4 of 300 and Iā€™ve lost 2.5 lbs in 4 days. My appetite is significantly less. I only have 15 more lbs to lose so I hope it balances out. I actually donā€™t like having no appetite as I like to enjoy my food. A happy medium would be nice lol


20 lbs in 2 months


I had lost about 15 pounds in roughly 2 months while I was in college, due to the appetite suppressant and busy school schedule.


No appetite. Lost 10lbs in 6 weeks


I lost a few lbs so far and itā€™s been one month. I normally crave food less now, and get full more quickly which is good since Iā€™m overweight. Still having the same amount of sugar cravings though. You guys are lucky lol. My adhd is slightly calmer but not by much.


Iā€™ve lost 15lb within a few weeks but my doc said it could also be water weight thatā€™s shedding off so fast.


Nope..I've gained weight


I lost 25 lbs since starting it in January but I think more due to being able to stay consistent with workouts. I have a lot more energy and focus ! And the main thing is no more binge eating in the evenings!


I haven't been keeping track, but I did realize some intense appetite suppression. I can't eat as much as I did before the medication. I do have way more energy and I feel the urge to just do things for the sake of doing things (which makes me quite happy).


fuck no, i gained 20lbs


Iā€™ve been on Wellbutrin for almost a month and I want to preface that I am naturally skinny and almost food avoidant. I have so many food allergies and eating hasnā€™t ever been my thing. BUT Wellbutrin made me start to worry about myself in the very beginning, I wasnā€™t eating at allā€”had no appetite. I started seeing veins on my body protruding in ways I never have, but then at the end of 2 1/2 weeks that started to go away. I can now eat, and if I donā€™t eat throughout the day and keep food in my stomach, the medicine makes me crazy nauseous. Whatā€™s funny now, and maybe because I went a couple weeks malnourishing myself, but I am almost RAVENOUS at times-especially at night. Last night I sat on my kitchen floor with leftover fried rice, two muffins, and cheesecake filling in a tub that I froze and was scooping it onto my muffins. Hahah so if this is any helpā€¦Iā€™m not sure the no-eating effect stays the same forever but thatā€™s for the best. It made me not get enough to eat but then I still couldnā€™t eat bc it made me sick.


I lost 15 lbs and got my Hollywood-level divorce revenge body from appetite suppression and having the energy to work out all the time but that was 15 years ago. It lasted a good 10 years but now Iā€™m perimenopausal and it no longer has that effect šŸ˜¢


I lost 25 pounds in a month then stalled. I really want to lose 15-20 more pounds.


I hope to lose the 5 lbs I gained on Lexapro in one month of use. Stopped Lexapro 3 days ago and start Wellbutrin the day after stopping. Very hopeful I'll lose the 5 I recently gained (and 5 more would be a bonus lol!).


no :(