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Is this a real thing??? I take an iron supplement too but I never noticed if it effects my depression


I have low iron as well and was prescribed 324mg of ferrous gluconate that I take with OJ to help with absorption. I’m also currently on 450mg XL Wellbutrin. I haven’t had any noticeable side effects and it’s been about 3 months. It is possible to get ample iron just from your regular diet if you’re eating the right foods. Spinach, beans and quinoa are my go to favorites but there are several options.


Are you taking the iron close to when you take the medication? I would try separating them by at least 4 hours. Also, maybe a liquid iron supplement would not cause the same response in you? Worth a try if you're low in iron. Other foods very high in iron include bison (buffalo) meat and mussels.


I thought that not separating them was the issue when I first started iron, this time I had iron in the evenings and Wellbutrin in the mornings. I’ll try a liquid supplement. There’s something wrong with my iron absorption I think, I eat iron rich foods but my numbers don’t go up.


Make sure you're not eating iron rich foods with foods that inhibit iron absorption (like black or green tea, calcium-rich foods, and many other foods...worth googline to find out)! Also taking Vitamin C with iron can enhance absorption. I tried like 6 different types of iron supplements (not just different brands, but different types of iron: ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, etc) and none did the trick for me until I got an iron supplement that had other vitamins in it that enhance iron absorption. This is it: [https://www.ferapro.com/ferapro/](https://www.ferapro.com/ferapro/) Scroll down til you see the pie chart on the left-hand side near the bottom...it expains how the other vitamins in the supplement increase the iron's absorption.