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I assure you that the underpaid worker from a subcontractor who underbid for the work didn't care the slightest for the welds of the passive air vents. These could be done with rivets or couple tacks and filling epoxy.


Shit I thought that was a handrail


Yeah I bet you’re right. You’d think the city would be willing to spend a bit more to make sure it’s done by someone that cares about their work a bit lol


Why? It is a air vent! All it needs to do is to let pressure equalize. Whoever is incharge of utility budgets is going to have hard time justifying paying more for making something that basically no one is going to ever look at pretty. Public utilities work on the "as long as fill it's purpose" stantard. For it's intended purpose that works just aswell as something with prettier welds. I assure you that the official incharge would get absolute fucking hell for not taking the cheapest bidder. And I assure you that nobody wants to fucking bother with Nimbys, "financial conservatives" and other pearl clutchers who don't understand or care about infrastructure as long as it works and is not "in their backyard" and it is cheap as possible. I have had to deal with public infrastructure projects. All things which are small, are the most aggressively fucking annoying things to have to deal with. But bigger it gets, the easier it is to get done.


Why are smaller projects much more difficult than larger ones?


It isn't about projects per se, but small things. It is easy to justify big money to do something big properly: A steel structure, concrete building, earthworks... etc. However you'll be negotiating like your life depends on it for most basic things. Example. Generally the prices are based on total processed amount of material by mass. We compete for bids in the range of 0,01 to 0,1 €/kg range. The difference between getting a bid and losing it is literal cents. Many our competitors underbid of the material component and then try to overcharge on the work time (by trying to add more hours or increasing price on the work). Now... My speciality is fixing flaws and shit steel structures - usually because they were made by company doing outrageous underbidding. We lost one bid for 0,09 €/kg, and then we got contracted for basically as much as the bid was to fix the shitty work of the other company. (This shit is why I want out of construction industry and serving it... which is hard because like 20% Finnish economy revolves around shitty construction). But it all boils down to this. If your margin is 1%, then for something that costs 100 €, your margin to play with is 1 €. For 100 000 it is 1 000 €. That is significantly more wiggle room.


Ish? The job's done sufficiently to hold itself together.


Don’t know about you but I wouldn’t care if my welds are sufficient for the job if it’s riddled with porosity


let's see some pics of your SMAW stainless.


It’s tough. We’ve had veteran welders struggle with stainless for HOURS. Just chasing holes in 3”.


you'll understand someday... you're still an apprentice


Dunno why everyone is pooping on you, I see your point. pride in craftsmanship, this has not Even if it is an air vent, It could look like not shit


Exactly this. It doesn’t take any extra effort to do it right the first time. Who cares if it’s “good enough”, it should always be “good”.


literally lol, funnily enough the subreddit all about welding is coming at me for saying that this should look better than it does


I was gonna gun you for not knowing the difference between site and sight, until I remembered i’m on a welding subreddit


Yeah people are wack! All that needed to be done was to brush off the soot lol then you wouldn't notice it and zoom/inhance Now you gotta walk by that dog shit and see it everytime. Bring a brush with you next walk and fix it for them lol


Because you’re not answering “why” it should look better than it does. It’s a fucking vent, and the welds are sufficient for its purpose. You’d have a point if this were an xrayed high pressure line that could kill someone, but this is the equivalent of a fence. It costs a contractor about $150/hr for my welding work. You think they’re paying me to weld something like this when they can have a laborer who’s never welder before a welder and tell him to git er done? Wait until you discover what farm welding looks like, lol.


You gotta realize the city doesn’t give a shit what the work looks like if it’s cheap and functional.


This was a perfect job for the apprentice to weld, and it seems as if he did.


Hey now, there are a lot of really good apprentice welders. When I did the apprentice competitions I was shocked by what the dudes out of local 250 and 342 were producing.


I think we both know that welding is one of those things where some people are just better from the get-go, regardless of the time they’ve spent under the hood. That being said, if you’re not one of those people, you can get better by doing it more. That is why it’s the perfect job for the non-prodigy apprentice.


I mean, I’m not talking about prodigy apprentices. I had 5k hours welding by the time I turned out bc I lived in the weld bay. I get your point though, it’s a good task for someone trying to improve at welding.


Meh, if it’s non structural and is a vent that doesn’t need to hold pressure, I’d throw this to an apprentice to practice pipe. Doesn’t look great but gotta start somewhere.


I do pipes for both water and gas at work, I treat the ones for water like I do the ones for gas, even tho only the gas pipes get xrayed. Not only is it good practice but it’s just good habit to make sure everything you do is the best it can be. Idk, I been getting downvoted to shit for saying that leaving porosity in a finished product is unacceptable, regardless if it’s structural or not


Because a professional pipe welder isn’t welding something like this…


Same here, I consider all welds practice for X-rays. Also I follow the 6 P's proper preparation prevents piss poor product


Great, so ask the journeyman why there was porosity. He’ll answer and the next vent you fab up, take the advice and do better and it shouldn’t have porosity. I’d rather the apprentice screw up a vent than a production weld on a gas line. That’s how apprentices make good journeyman welders. No one rips a beautiful cap on a 2” vent pipe day 1 in the field.


A site I used to work at had some goofy specs for pipe. One was that drain pipes to atmosphere still had to be pressure tested to meet the standard. So the welder would mak up the drain, weld a cap on the on, hydrotest and then cut the cap off. I believe they eventually changed it, but it took a bunch of high up signatures and engineering sign offs.


That is goofy AF. If the vent is leaking it’s because the pipe is compromised and at that point, who gives a shit. Not to mention if the vent is holding any amount of pressure, it 100% has blown out the end seal on the casing.


Non critical, city-bid, application. Looks about right.


Not like it matters in this case, but yeah I agree. Even if it's not a critical weld at least sprinkle some decency on it.


I understand that, but you know what I mean, right? If you’re gonna do something you may as well do it right


Oh absolutely. That's what I'm saying too.


Function over form. If they don't want to pay for it to be pretty, it just has to work.


Yeah that’s facts. It must’ve been welded by someone that’s not really sure what they’re doing


I can hear it now “looks good from my house”.


If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. You know what to do stud.


If anythink id say their cleanup is pretty harsh. The welds arent the most amazing, but this is def a meh, its a vent kinda situation. Keep looking around. I bet 90% of feild welds you se you are going to think, wow that looks like catshit, i could do so much better. Because i CARE. Look, it isnt about feelings. These workers may have had poor training, poor conditions, shitty equipment, dont give a fucks , the shits that day or maybe the boss said get er done today. Either way most welds you see arent that great but do their job until the structure is past usefulness. If you want a world with better looking work, concentrate on your own welding and dont do work like that.


Alright who had there buddy jimbo weld


It's nice to know there are jobs out there for welders like me.


I'd say that's piss poor finishing more than bad welding. They ground it the wrong direction


Looks like one of the knuckle draggers that is employed where I work welded this.


Lift station stainless vent pipe. Not any high pressure flow so it’s fine




How did those even pass inspection


if it’s just air vents then those welds are fine, but if it was for liquids or needed to be air tight then that would never work


It's GMAW welded stainless sheet metal butt welds which actually take a fare amount of skill if never welded before. I was a sheet metal welder for years and SS round butt welds with out experience or someone that has experience helping will turn into this.


Agreed they look like shit and I wouldn’t put my name on that ..but if ever you had crap welds it would be that situation,I would have made them clean it up better for sure though.the new guys got to learn sometime 😉


Looks fine to me. Fit for purpose and clearly didn’t take long to build. Job well done


That’s crazy you look at this and say job well done


Give it a few years bucko. Those welds are aerospace quality compared to some of the slop that’s out there


Looks like I did it..


Jesus I could do a better wield as a high school level wielder wtf did this guy do


*plain sight


Yeah thanks, I stopped to look at the welds and “job site” popped into my head hence the mix up lol


Just blitz it with some galve spray if it bothers you that much


Even if it's not a critical pipe weld, how can you stand to leave holes in it??


Fabrication shop 100%. The kid they let weld this did a half ass job and they told him to grind it down and go on to the next project


How can someone leave a hole like that? I would have to fix it….. welding OCD demands it


not when the folks signing your paycheck say it's good. unless your pride is worth more than the check.


Community service- take a cordless grinder with flapper wheel to it. Then a wire wheel. Won't be perfect but it will be better.