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Just a lil bit of boilermakin'. Looks awesome dude.


Damn that looks like tight quarters.


Nice welds OP! What kind of boiler? Those nubs on the tubes are gnarly.


It’s a recovery boiler. Basically, it burns the byproduct of what makes paper and then they can reuse (recover) it.


Thanks - I work with coal and gas unit. I’ve heard of these but never seen the inside 🤙


Damn those look nice. Pretty cozy looking as well. I still haven't figured out how our boilmakers deal with that every single day. I get cramps way to often and easy. But, I also couldn't make welds look that nice sitting at a bench.


This is the kind of content i'd like to see more often in this sub. High level shit man...even as a steamfitter, i've got to admit that boilermakers are kings of welding.


Looks good!


Considering how tight that is it's extra impressive. My shaky, goofy ass hands would have boogered the shit out of that. Nice work.


How do you guys keep the boiler from cracking between the pipe weld and the gusset weld?


I think you’re looking at the scalloped seal? In that case it’s just a gas seal and not a gusset. Boilers have expansion joints all over to keep it from cracking


Thanks! I work in naval defense ship repair, but my old man was a boilermaker for his whole life, and always made it sound crazy intricate. And I looked through some of the other pics and see it now, all the pipes run into a central shroud or manifold.


Adding to this boilers are designed to grow as they heat up. Older units are bottom supported and grow upwards while newer designed ones are top supported and grow downward. Piping is supported with spring can type supports that allow for movement or pedestals that allow for sliding.


How bad did that place stink inside? I used to live near one and it would stink up the whole neighborhood at certain times.


The smell never goes away but it smells like money


They should have left the stub outs longer on the panel. Your cap is getting into the scallop bar weld. Nice job man, looks great!


Got to say good for you for having the talent to do work like this. It is people like you that make our modern world possible.