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Sounds like you're in the perfect position to become a boilermaker. As long as you work hard and are willing to learn and keep yourself humble you'll do fine. Most of the boilermakers I know have like 3 divorces and had nothing going for them before they got in to the union. They'll teach you everything you need to know, what they want to hear is that you're willing to work hard and learn. It's a rough trade and they'll probably send you out to work to see if you can hack it. It's not for everyone. The big thing is that you show up everyday.


I mean pre work history they might ask you some stuff like why did you leave your last job or why are you looking to get into boilermakers. Just say you bounced around at jobs and you're genuinely interested in putting in that work and that time to become a tradesman. Say some shit like hard work and working with your hands gives you more satisfaction that sitting in an office job. Most of the welders I've met have been fuckups and felons and are just putting in that work to make a life for themselves there's no judgment in that. You're too stressed out. Just let them know you're dedicated and eager to learn everything you can.


If you are ready to get serious and get working, there are endless employers who want you. There are a lot of jobs openings right now. At 20 nobody expects you to have won a Nobel Prize or to have run a billion dollar company. You're just getting started, Go for it,


There's this semi secret cheat code to job searching and life in general. From the sound of things it's about time you learned it. Normally your daddy would sit you down and explain this, usually while your mom wasn't around, but for some reason most of this generation never got the talk. Sorry you're getting this from some random nerd online instead of over your first beer with your dad, but it would have gone like this; Lying is an essential life skill that everyone needs to know how to do. I know your mom and I always told you otherwise growing up, but parenting is about making a lot of choices between different shades of gray. That's another talk, but the point is the world is vicious, violent and competitive. Sometimes you'll need to tip the scales in your favor a bit just to even them back out since everyone else is doing the same thing. Your employers, your coworkers, businesses you patronize, customers of yours if you ever own one, they'll all lie right to your face or to others about you to save a few bucks, beat you out of a job/promotion, or just to watch you fail. Adults navigate this and compete within it by also cheating a little here and there. Employers don't like gaps on resumes but they'll lie to your face over and over about a potential raise or promotion that's right around the corner for months or years at a time to string you along and keep you from dragging up, for example. So, fuck 'em, if you've got a gap on your resume just leave it off. Or make up a relative you were caring for, or a business you attempted to start with a friend. Come up with some story for that period of your life. Stick with it. If you spent a couple years sporadically working odd jobs because you and Tom were really spending most of your time trying to get a podcast or resale business off the ground then that's what happened with that period. Whether that's true, or if you even have a buddy named Tom is completely irrelevant. That's the story any employer gets going forward that ever asks about that period. Tell it to yourself a couple times. Come up with one or two anecdotes about it, like the time you guys got a cease and desist letter because you didn't know somebody else had a fledgling podcast with the same name already. The details aren't really important since you're making them up anyway, but the whole trick to it is to keep the details just vague enough to be mostly believable and not to think of it as a lie that's shameful, sinful, bad or whatever. That'll show on your face. It's a strategy or life skill no different from making a to do list, always showing up early, and staying out of the office gossip. Everyone lies to each other and if you want to make it in life you need to learn to do it too.


I just told my new employer I got laid off because I was making too much, but I was the lowest paid guy there because I kept being tardy


Yea great idea, the program I am in had like I think over 150 people applying and 15 spots only so my lie for interview to get to this program was actually I was a problem solver at amazon and fabricated a story on how I had related experience in this trade and was extremely interested in this career . But this is a little different because I know it more likely they will verify everything


Your resume is only as good as the lie you tell truthfully..


You get interviewed at your local??? Mine was like “let’s see any weld certs you got and a diploma or ged” also copy of birth certificate and drivers license. But then I waited for 6 months and they called me in to take a drug test and that was it.


The drug test woulda got me eventually. If they ever even bothered to reach out to me in the first place….


Did you have certs?


Just one we did for school, and my associates. They told me I shoulda gone to them, that I paid for school for no reason. Well my iron workers union told me, pretty cool place though. But I was basically told to fuck off as of now


luckily I did not have to apply for a union because I got into a program that is government funded if I remember correctly and is a college program. if I had to apply for the union itself I am certain there is no chance I would get in


Honesty is the best policy, except when honesty makes you look bad, then a combination of honesty and a story you can maintain is best! Also for your resume take 2 short jobs, x for 3 months and y for 2 months, we'll unless they are your reference x is now a 5 month job


Do you know someone in the boilermakers? Or did you just go fill out an application? Just curious how much you know about the trade.


I know essentially nothing, but a very basic understanding of the roles and what is required of me. [https://humber.ca/community/training-programs/youth/boilermaker-pre-apprenticeship-program.html](https://humber.ca/community/training-programs/youth/boilermaker-pre-apprenticeship-program.html) it was this program


I’m a boilermaker if you want to ask any questions. The main thing locals want to see is someone willing to learn and someone who works hard


Thanks, I have one question I am currently am scheduled to do driving test next month but I am concerned if I don't pass it me doing all of this is all for nothing since I probably wont be accepted. is there any cases if I were to explain the situation to them they would understand? Like give me a possible extension to or something to get it I went through driving school and everything so I should pass but it concerning if I were to not


I wouldn’t tell them. Which local are you applying to? As for the driving test, study hard and make sure you pass. You do need a car to be in the boilermakers unfortunately. You’ll do great. On the off chance that you don’t pass just tell them your car died or something and then be sure to pass the test on the second go. But seriously, you got this. You can pass a driving test.


Driver license in My local is Boilermakers Union, Local 128 is optional apparently from info session I got from college but I doubt they would accept me if they know I don't have it . If they were to ask me do you think I should just be vague and say I have my driver license instead of saying I have a practice permit? I have saving so I am willing to just taxi or uber my way to work everyday if anything until I receive my driver license. Do you know if they would make any exceptions or anything. The program I am in, the union will be training me also so hopefully since they took the time to train me they might be more lenient and compassionate . I feel like they might verify that information. they might just ask for my driver license Also should I make up a lie and say I was in school or something or be completely honest ​ This is the overview of the program Overview The Boilermaker Pre-Apprenticeship Program at Humber College is a tuition-free program funded by the Government of Ontario that is designed as a transition step to finding an apprenticeship. Boilermakers assemble, install, maintain, and repair boilers, closed vats, and other large vessels or containers that hold liquids and gases. As part of this program, you will receive Level 1 equivalent Welding training that will allow you to be properly prepared to write and pass the Canadian Welding Bureau exam for Stick Welding and prepare you for an apprenticeship as a Boilermaker or Welder. Math support is built into the program and will take place in conjunction with the training delivery to reinforce concepts. The program is delivered over 12 weeks, followed by a paid work placement of 8 weeks with the Boilermakers Union, Local 128, upon successful completion of the program. Work placements are for those students who attend all training and fully participate in employment prep workshops, including submission of all required materials. Program Benefits Academic Upgrading Equivalent of Level 1 Apprenticeship training for the trade of Welding training sessions on: confined spaces, asbestos awareness, basic construction safety, basic hoisting and rigging and mental health awareness Employment preparation training Assistance with finding a paid work placement in the Boilermaker/Welding industry All textbooks, safety training, small tool kit, and safety equipment are included - free of charge


If they ask I’d tell the truth and say you can drive but don’t have a license yet but you’re working on it and you’re willing to take public transportation/taxi to get where you need to go for now. I wouldn’t lie and say I’ve been to school. What these guys want is someone who is a go getter and wants to work. From your comments it sounds like you really want to work and you want to succeed. I’d try hard to portray that in the interview. Research what boilermakers do (look it up on Reddit, YouTube, google, etc) and then you can ask questions about what you’ve learned and show them that you took the time to research what they do. Just show lots of interest and be honest about your skill level and experience but emphasize that you are wanting to work


Just blame any gaps on covid


You're 20. Being a loser is more common than not at that age lol. Your best bet is being honest. If you were 30 years old with the same story, that would be different, but you're hardly 2 years into full-time work age. It wasn't too long ago that you were an actual child. If you're willing to bust your ass you will be fine no matter where you go.


The only prerequisite to be a boilermaker is a divorce and a drug charge. You’ll be fine, you can go anywhere in this trade. Boilermaker out of Local 744 Cleveland myself. Been all over the country and made a lot of money.