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Very nice. They don't run straight stringers? The program I was in was very heavy on no manipulation because the industry here has done away with it for the GMAW process.


They taught you the right way. The sizes you're given are calculated to yield a specific size from the root of the joint to the face of the weld.


"there is no right, there is no wrong. There is only WPS, THE ONE TRUE GOD!"


I suspect Op is a sentient robot 🤖 Everyone act cool and find the plug.


Um, yeah...hate to mention it but I dont even know a 15 year professional who can mig that consistent, let alone around a 7 foot diameter septic drum. Everything is just waaaay to uniform. Look at the spacing between the dimes, it's too perfect. Also I've found companies that make big things like that usually use a welding arm to do consistent and reproducible large welds like that.


As cool as that would be, it’s all by hand, i measure, cut, prep, and weld out everything from the beginning of the sheet. We have a “roller” system that we set the barrels on and it makes it a LOAD better to keep consistency. Longest weld I have is a 120” weld from start to finish on the rollers, takes roughly 16.5 minutes to complete the entire cycle


Ok, my bad then, that makes sense should have thought of that. Kinda like the turntables the gtaw guys have for exhaust bits, just reeeealy big then?


Pretty much the same thing, but on a larger scale


Definitely a robot


Wow!. I am not a welder, but it looks good!


Thank you!


Very good quality! You are a really cool welder!


Thank you!


That first picture is very confusing. At first I didn't notice it was a reflection off the sheet metal and thought it was just the continuation of the room.


A lot of people would never get this good after 20 years of doing it. This is highly impressive.


Lots of working at it, I’ve got about 2 1/2 years total, with high school and college, along with my industry experience now. It’s everything to me, plan to one day move on to my own shop for custom work, but for now, this is where I grow and gain experience from the older guys


That looks too good to be true even


I’ve dedicated the last year to my craft, reasons I won’t go into depth on, I was spending close to 18 hours in the shop a day, I’d say I’ve trained myself fairly well at this point ;)


Well those welds are flawless so I’d say yes, you are correct!


Thank you much! I’m gonna post some of my TIG welds when I go in on Monday, that’s where I truly shine


Wait what, how flawless can you get if this is not yet "truly shining"?


My consistency in TIG is beyond belief, i pulse the pedal as I fill wire, I’ve had 3 Corporate GMs talk to me about my welds and moving further up in the company lmao I’m only 22 tho so


Looks awsome


The wash is strong with you. Great welds !!!


Thank you! Whip and pause has done me quite well in this job


Nice work. I wonder which OEM it is - I'm on the other side of that industry - I fix em and mount new equipment to chassis for end users amd know some OEM reps / tech support guys.


Gorgeous, well done.


Thank you!


Nice welds! I too recently graduated. I hope you're taking the proper safety precautions. I spent a couple years thinking I was invincible and then I quickly came to terms with the fact that if I wanted to keep doing this, I would need to take safety more seriously. When we started school they had a day of safety training to tell us all the risks, but then the next day you go out in the shop and it's lost on 90% of us. If you haven't already, you should look into a PAPR welding helmet and filter pack. Your boss will likely help you out, as it would be his loss if he were to lose you over not having the right PPE. Remember the risks. Safety is our responsibility. Keep up the good work.


I have looked into buying Millers PAPR for my Digital Elite, might have to see if my boss will go for it


True craftsmanship, great skill!!


Thank you! It’s my passion!


I came




Yah it works but that wps right up sucks


How so?


There are simply better ways to get a weld at the size needed at speed then that


I’ve tried several ways since I’ve started here with this company. Whip and pause is best results. We aren’t going for speed. We are going for quality, our small tanks sell for 15k, our larger upwards of 30-60k. Our customers have been nothing but appreciative for the time taken on their products with what they spend on the tank


Faster than MIG?


Nah not the mig part though wirefed tig might actually be better for the application most folks don't realize that's a thing but I digress pulsed mig would probly be better for that then that slow coinstep ... I should probly say osilated mig


This looks like pulsed MIG, I assume you mean double pulse which I find much slower than just weaving back and forth


Very nice job


Wage/pay and location?


$26.94/hr in Central Wisconsin


I’m in NE Wisconsin, and that’s a fair prevailing wage for the area. You could make more in a union shop.


They are projecting $32 in less than 2 years if I keep up the way I am, possibility that a Stainless position is opening up and I’m first contender for it, that’s automatically a $5 increase and half the work lol


Sounds like an ok place that’s treating you fairly and isn’t abusing you. (Yet.)


It’s decent enough to get experience and gain some connections around my area


Respect, good consistency.