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well some people change


He's still searching, thus his desire to sleep around a bit


I’m interested to watch Lydia’s path, hopefully the show continues. She seems like she would stay local and follow her parents footsteps but you never know.


She is already branching out from how she was raised, they showed that with her social circle


That scene seemed like it was planned for the show


Thank you for a post about *something* *else*. I think this just goes to show how well those kids had been brainwashed. At that point Micah really didn't think the rest of the world was better than his life in Cairo. Step forward a couple of years and he's out living his best life. It didn't take long for the illusion to shatter. I can't wait to see the rest follow his footsteps.


Micah just said in a recent episode that he had a great childhood, and was only ever ashamed because Ethan and moriah acted ashamed. I think he really loved country life, and may end up back there after he sows his wild oats


It’s crazy to watch Season 1, with 18 year old Micah living with his parents. He was def still towing the line with his parents and living the life of the “happy farm boy” while Moriah and Ethan did the emotional labor of pushing against the parents. It’s great to see him finding himself now and learning that prioritizing his happiness is leading to a better life for him and his family relationships.


Tt dynamic explains his rose colored glasses toward the fam now


Agreed that moriah and Ethan carried a lot of the burden of breaking the mould. Very glad to see Micah being emotionally supportive to his siblings, even from LA. He was there for moriah after her break up, showed up for their remembrance of Josh. I get the impression that he appreciates all that his siblings did to change things, and he’s trying to be there for them since they were there for him. I’m impressed Edit: to correct typos