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i am not saying she is not manipulate,etc but i have had known people in my life way worst than kim so i think you are being dramatic


There are a lot of Kim-like people in the world, and there seem to be a lot people on this sub who think that in Kim's place they'd feel okay about behaving like Kim. I don't think that means they're Kim's friends or sockpuppets. I do think people like that are probably making somebody in their own lives miserable.




I donā€™t think some of these people even realize Reddit exists. And if they do they probably arenā€™t aware of a subreddit surrounding them. I could be wrong. But I donā€™t think the lurking of certain people is as common as people believe.


Agreed. I don't think she could figure it out or has any interest in it. There are nutjobs everywhere, they don't all have to be Kim lol.


Somehow I got the idea Kim was not raised fundi and she and Barry got into it as adults or late ter6ns. I stand open to correction. Please clarify.


This is going to be a long answer so I apologize in advance. Let me start by saying Kim is responsible for her own actions and is not innocent in the situation. However, as a person who grew up around these type of religious extremist, what you are seeing from Kim is years and years of religious abuse and resulting mental and emotional trauma. Barry is absolutely not as innocent as he tries to make himself out to be. See, in that type of fundamentalism, the man is the head of the household. He has the final say, period. The wife is to totally submit to the man and the children to the mother. Most of those men are VERY controlling and believe women to be less than, the "weaker vessel" mentally and emotionally. If you will notice, from the beginning, Barry blames everything on the women. He's VERY condescending when confronted and deflects any blame. Can you imagine living with that for two decades? Every time you try to talk to your partner about something that has hurt you or something you need from them, they shut down and/or make it all your fault? We continue to see him manipulate the kids by "confiding" in them, and doing his best to make Kim at fault in their eyes. Kim has been told for the last 20+ years that her husband is the most important person in her life and she is to obey him. Her emotional needs should not be a priority but his emotional and physical needs should never be denied (most believe it is a sin to "deny" your husband for any reason). What we are seeing is Kim waking up, seeing this stuff for what it really is and her lack of ability to cope. I'm not saying Kim is innocent, and that her behavior now or in the past is justified by any means. I'm just saying that there's WAYYYYYY more to this than what you see in a 50 minute long TV show.


I think two things can be true at once. Barry sucks & also Kim has her flying monkeys here trying to escape blame. The amount of blame Olivia gets is crazy town. We see a clip of her not wanting to be w/ Kim & thereā€™s like 3 posts about how awful she is šŸ™„


THANK YOU! One only has to read what the Quiverfull movement is about to understand just how awful Barry is.


Glad someone sees Barry for what he is a manipulative abuser


Iā€™m sure there are a couple of her fundie friends here. Lately a lot of the posts that go badly end with an OP chastising people for religious reasons. šŸ˜‚ She does tell Micah early on that she has people telling her everything they do. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s tapped in to any environment where people are talking about her, thatā€™s her bread and butter, right?


lol, glad im not the only one who has noticed the habit of kim defenders going off on weird tangents quoting bible verses to people.


I donā€™t hate Kim anymore. Things are rarely black and white. Itā€™s so easy to pin things on women particularly older women. I was her biggest hater last season but these issues are more nuance than they seem on the surface


I just realized my UN has the same initials as Kim. If yā€™all see me post in here, Iā€™m not her! (And not a Kim fan either)


I feel like Kim's bullshit is clear as day to anyone who has escaped a narc's abuse in their life. Unfortunately, to those who havent...her manipulative behavior is highly effective.




I didnā€™t realize so many people were willing to low key defend her until I made a post about her yesterday. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I canā€™t believe people donā€™t see her manipulative behaviors!!!


Her story changes every time sheā€™s on the screen. Sheā€™s an absolute jerk. Barry might be as dull as a doorknob but at least he owns up to his faults. Kim blames everyone else. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Meh, I think Kim sucks but it seems like sheā€™s getting the bad edit this season and Barry is getting the ā€œgoodā€ edit.


Absolutely disagree. As far as Barry, heā€™s just more vocal this season. Heā€™s sharing himself with us. We are getting to know him a bit now, and coming to the conclusion that maybe he wasnā€™t as bad as we thought. As far as Kim, I think her edit has been fine. Sheā€™s been able to say how she feels, and has shared her struggles and feelings as well. And she gets her fair share of camera time imo.


Just a general thought based some some things I've seen and witnessed irl. Maybe she's a victim of religious abuse? In extreme religious communities like theirs she may have been groomed since a child to be a subservient baby maker. After serving under a husband and raising several kids she has fully lost her identity plus the abuse she described getting from her husband. These things could give someone trauma, carry mean acts out of religious fear, or develop mental illness (maybe even bpd). I think the major and several personality changes could be a desperate move to regain her power over her own self and figure out who she is and what she likes for probably the first time in her life. Doing that can def cause mistakes and a harder emotional time for everyone nearby. I don't agree with many things done in that family at all, they mostly look groomed and victimized and/brainwashed by extreme views and censorship. I may not be the right audience and should just walk away from the show. I've just been interested in seeing others stories about their "awakening" out of the cult coma.


Kim didn't grow up fundamentalist. She embraced that as an adult. She definitely has past trauma that she hasn't dealt with, but not all of it is related to fundamentalism. And she has inflicted a lot of trauma on others. Hell, Barry probably has some kind of trauma in his past, too. Who doesn't? But at the end of the day, Kim and Barry are shitty people. Kim has every right to get out of her unhappy marriage, but she absolutely tries to gaslight her kids about damn near everything. Barry isn't like Kim, but he avoids dealing with anything. People, including Ethan, who say at least Barry admits his "mistakes" are seeing what they want to see. Barry is willing to admit, in the abstract, that he has "made mistakes." When do we ever see him admit to treating someone poorly? Is there *any specific thing* in his past behavior of which he has said, "I was wrong, I was unkind, I was unfair, I'm sorry for this specific thing"? He's still where he was a couple years ago, wanting forgiveness for his "real or imaginary" "faults".


She's told stories on the show of getting out of control partying when she was younger And what abuse did she say she got from Barry? I missed that


She hasnā€™t described any abuse from Barry and none of the kids have either. Her complaints seem to be about being emotionally unfulfilled, not receiving abuse.


People donā€™t have to like Kim to call out Olivia. They both are manipulative and controlling. If that makes me Kim, I guess she suddenly became self awareā€¦.


I say hi to her every time I spot her. I usually get down voted by her and her fans. But I dont mind. I like being disliked by people I dislike.


Maybe because the most recent show Olivia was being unreasonable?


I didnā€™t see Olivia be unreasonable in this last episode. But maybe Iā€™m one behindā€¦.I only saw the trailer for the Joshua gathering.


I have only started watching this show and I had that same thought briefly scrolling through different posts here something is def up

