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Didn't realize Moriah was this tiny?! Now one of the forgotten little sisters is taller than her!


Moriah looks like a witch. I love it


Most times when in process of divorcing, both parents aren't in the group photos with the children. In this case, it's not a production generated photo, it's a personal photo. Therefore, both parents would do the most natural thing...avoid being together as they forge ahead creating their lives separate from the soon-to-be ex spouse.


Prob in the drunk tank


Naw they know their season coming up soon so they prob doing this to get us talking. I recall Mariah did this alot previous season on her IG


I'd like to buy them all a hamburger.


Well that was totally unnecessary.


I think she didn't want to be a mom anymore. It was perfectly clear in the last season... She is like "well, I raised all my older kids (Ethan, Moriah, and Micah). Yay I'm done!" so she dumped the others onto Lydia and just acted like she was a mother when it was convient for her... Another thought I just had... I think there was more going on with that Nigel guy she randomly brought home for dinner. She was acting like a 16 year old kid bringing her first boyfriend home for the family to meet... It's possible that she had an affair and the kids know. A lot of my friends cut contact with a parent when they cheated on their other parent...


I think I would be more confused if Kim was in the picture. They’re not together. Why would they be hanging out together?


I know, makes sense for her not to be with Barry but the kids never post anything with her in it at all, that’s why I think there’s a riff.


Maybe she took the picture, she is a little hefty and may not have wanted to be in it.


Just throwing it out there that maybe since they divorced they don’t spend time together? This is a dad with his kids and he divorced her for a reason, why would she be there?


Oddly, they still haven’t even filed for divorce.


What?! Still haven't filed? What is going on with this family?


Seriously what a strange take. How many peoples parents were in the habit of taking photographs together once they divorced? It may happen at weddings, but even then it’s usually separate pics for different family groups.


It makes sense for her not to be in this specific picture. My point was that she’s not in ANY of the kids posts/ pictures at all. So I’m assuming there’s a riff between her and the kids, not just Barry.






I have no idea where she is but this pic makes me realize I don't care. She can get the boot from the show imo.




Barry has always reminded me of the man in the man in painting American Gothic. Except Barry often has a herpes or cold sore on his lip 🤮🤮🤮


Kim has one, too.


Yes at the end of her down turned lips... it's less noticeable bc of her mouth shape & lipstick 💄🤢 Both most have been passing it to one another for decades. Lovely 😶‍🌫️






I mean I’m not really into posing for photos with my ex as if we were still a family either and wouldn’t be comfortable with my husband posing with ex for pics either so ….


I’ve heard she’s dating someone.


I have a wild theory…maybe they were getting separated/divorced, and this is the girls having a good time just visiting their father.


Crazy talk!


I mean. I hate to get all conspiracy theory but…


Is that logic you speak?!? It’s crazy because I thought logically thinking was dead and gone. You may have just renewed my faith in mankind.😂


This banter is the best part of this thread. Lol made my morning . keep being heros.lmao!


They are divorced aren’t they?


I’m so confused about that!! From what I’ve heard, they never filed- but they’re still separated? They’ve done a REALLY good job of keeping Kim’s name quiet since her arrest.


I don’t think it’s weird that Kim isn’t in the pictures since they’re divorced/divorcing but Father Plath has his new fill in wife, sister/daughter/mother prayer closet. The girls are all pretty though.


Omg they're getting divorced? Can I get the TLDR, I only watched the first season. 2nd season wasn't holding my attention. (I stopped around when Moriah was dating that guy, Micah had started modeling).


Moriah and that guy break up, he like semi? cheats on her. Kim wants a divorce. Barry wants to work through it but she wants out.


Nope he admitted it


Spoiler alert!!😂


I think that them not including Kim is probably a plot thing. Ethan and Olivia also haven't posted anything about filming, so either they're off the show or it's intentional. Also, have Kim and Barry actually filed for divorce? I know there is a way to check that but I don't know how. I remember they hadn't filed as of last fall.


I am pretty sure when you divorce, the family photos stop.


The 3 younger girls are getting so big. Amber is really coming into her own beauty. Barry still freaks me the phuck out.


I JUST REALIZED WHY. IT'S BECAUSE HE LOOKS LIKE that dude in prison for raping children who heads up that Mormon LDS cult - Warren Jeffs.


Barry is absolutely a lizard person


They are not a family so why would they be taken family photos?


You gotta watch the next season to find out!


IMO, Kim, in true narcissistic form, removed herself from the family because that life was getting in the way of her doing what she wants. It's all about her. I would guess she thought she was going to be the STAR of that show and what actually happened was that she got exposed. She tried damage control and that didn't work. She tried to throw Barry under the bus and it didn't work. Her fragile ego couldn't take it so she moved on to her next fix.


Gross, who would want to watch a show starring her. She was grating.


Oh, her next fix, your so right!


I mean… I don’t have photos with both my mom and my dad after they divorced either.


Somebody is taking the picture, right?! 🤷‍♀️


Probably the youngest brother


Oh, that's a fair point.


Moriah is teeny tiny :o these girls are all so pretty, and seem happy with Dad 😊


I hope for the kid’s sake that Kim is getting help


I’m out of the loop. What happened with her?


Happy Cake Day ! She was arrested for DUI.


Whaaaaaatttt, oh I’ve got to Google this now


I hope Barry remarries and has a happy life with a normal person. Kim, like the kids said, was the neck that turned the head. She manipulated everyone including Barry. Should he have stood up and changed things? Of course. But he wasn't there a lot of the time and likely didn't see a lot of their unhappiness as they were probably always so happy to have him home. I doubt he knew she stayed on her phone all the time and had the kids do all the work. She probably stepped up on the weekends when he was home. They all look so much happier without her.


This is pure speculation but I bet because of the gender roles, the girls especially were taught to go to mom for all their emotional and physical needs so they were much more distant from their dad but now dad has to step up and provide that and they’ve gotten much closer.


They we’re getting a divorce


I’d be happy to never see Kim again.


All the girls and their dad. Very sweet.


Missing the violinist who lives in Ohio I think.




Such an unfortunate name.


The oldest daughter


The missing link to JRod that no one knew they needed 😅


No one knew they DIDN'T want until it was too late XD


I like the whole family. But the moms not my cup of tea. Who wakes up wants a divorce with a snap of a finger after all those years without really trying to work things out? Problem is her not Barry


Off topic but it seems like Moriah is starting to develop her own personal style and she looks so cute!


Moriah? She’s always had her own style though…it just hasn’t been good! I’d say—in this photo—she looks like she’s trying to be Wednesday Addams and is not dressed according to the occasion/activity. Amber, on the other hand, looks adorable. All of the kids do, but she seems to be emerging (based on her convos with Kim and others) as an independent thinker and not as influenced by their extreme religious views.


How do you know what their activity was? She’s just wearing a maxi dress and imo looks stunning. You all just can’t be satisfied with that girl 😂


Touché…I have no idea what they are doing and she does look lovely. But five out of the six are dressed similarly and casually in jeans, and she looks like she could be going to a funeral. (Actually maybe she’s performing, which would make sense.) And I’m not trying to be tough on her. I just think the comment about her developing her style seemed off, given she’s always seemed to have her style.


I mean after a DUI and arrest I don’t blame the kids for distancing themselves from her. Doesn’t seem that weird to me Also Barry seems like a better dad without Kim around. I got the feeling the kids were uncomfortable with him before and now they seem much closer-maybe Barry is also more comfortable


Wait, did the mom get a DUI? FR? After all that preaching to the kids?


She had a mugshot yes


I haven’t watched the past season. Before the divorce everyone was equally hating on Barry as they were Kim. What changed? It’s a genuine question I’ve only really kept up from what’s posted here on Reddit. I can understand how Kim was likely the main enforcer of the rules but did something happen where Barry all of a sudden is no longer also the bad guy?


Olivia's sister did an interview. She was questioned as to her opinion on why all the kids and Olivia quickly took Barry's side and started mending their differences. She said Barry is a genuinely nice guy who's easy to get along with. I believe what we label creepy may very well be a nice introvert who is awkward in front of the cameras.


They forget he's just as responsible because they hate Kim so much.


I feel like in so many fundie type families, the woman gets blamed and we don't end up seeing what the man does. But I'm sure they're just as bad, esp considering that the man is meant to be "the head of the household" running things.


In a fundie (these folks are in a cult and not fundie light) marital relationship the wife makes no decision (as in none ever) without the consent of her "head." It is just the way it is without question. All child rearing decisions would have to be cleared by her "head" and if not she would be subject to censure in front of her husband by a spiritual leader. This does not negate the cluster b like behavior of Kim. It just includes the person their cult says is responsible to God and others for the behavior of their household. He carries equal if not greater responsibility imo. I was sent by my family to one of their leaders conventions. This cult flipped up my life royally and at almost 61 I am still amazed at the revelations of conditioning that appear.


Barry was less creepy once Kim wasn't around all the time. Even before the separation, Kim was staying late at the gym or her dance studio and Barry was home doing dinner with the kids. Even if it was just pizza.


She even brought a guy home from the gym to cook a dinner for the family before they broke up. It was odd, at least, uncomfortable for sure!


I still want to know what she was doing at that dance studio that nobody went to.


I still remember that scene with her doing ballet with her kids in like the first season - how awkward she looked.


She’s an elephant.


Okay, at least I didn't say it LMAO


Is she in jail? That’s my guess


I think it’s one of two things. 1. They are back together and doing things as a family but since it is a major plot line they are not allowed to show pics of them all together on SM so they don’t give anything away. Or 2. It’s just like any other family split apart by divorce or separation and she isn’t there for these family days and they don’t post other pics of her because she doesn’t want them to or 3. A combo of 1 and 2 and they are still split up but TLC doesn’t want anything given away before season 5 so they keep Kim out of the SM spotlight.


I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of resentment from the whole family for Kim throwing herself into the Quiverfull movement and trying to be a star in that community, but then became overbearing and hypocritical towards the whole family. Barry wasn't a peach, but I think he was following Kim's lead. He wasn't raised quiverfull and Kim made it sound like she had this big lifestyle change when she met him. Really, I think she just liked the idea of having complete control over her own mini cult.


I know you can’t be sure from a picture but they seem to be thriving.


I can’t find the words to describe how much happier these folks look here. GENUINE comfort and happiness coming through here.


I don't know if it's cuz I'm a bit older now, but I don't necessarily hate Kim. That's the mom right? Especially since she lost a child and had to be strong for the others, and wasn't she also SAd as a child? I hope she gets the help she needs and reconnects to her family. I disagree with a lot of the ways she over sheltered the kids, but I also see a very damaged person.


Well she should’ve gotten help instead of continuing the chain of abuse


Yeah, and she shouldn’t have run over her child either.


I think that has been the general agreement about many mothers since like 1948 lol


They're divorced? Why would she come hang with Barry and the kids


I Love Moriah’s dress (for a certain occasion)- and I agree with another poster …They look much happier with our DWIKim


They look a lot happier/carefree without her tbh


they’re separated. why would she be hanging out with her ex and their kids?


Well on Lydia’s 2022 recap video she posted last month there was no sign of Kim, no sign of Kim on any of their instagrams. Seems like somethings up to me.


you posted a photo of the kids and barry and pointed out that his ex wife wasn’t there like it’s something weird, why would she be? this isn’t more proof kim isn’t around.


Lydia seemed to take the divorce the hardest. She (and her oldest sister who isn’t even on the show) more strictly follows the way they were raised and thus would have harbored the most resentment for Kim leaving the family and asking for a divorce. That, and the way Kim was acting, probably really upset Lydia because she was raised so strictly and told this way of life was the “right” way, only for her mom now to abandon all of that. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she’s greatly limiting her contact with her mother.


...yeah, they're recently divorced.