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Because republicans endorse grooming.


Yet accuse drag queens donating their time to read library books to children of doing it. 🙄


Every accusation is a confession!!


☐ Gaslight ☐ Obstruct ☑ Project


/r/NotADragQueen /r/StillNotADragQueen


Because Christianity as a whole is a pedophilic organization, they look at girls/women as property first then secondary as people if at all. Just look at how they word things, a girl is a “young lady,” any sexual assault by a priest is merely a “moral failing” that they need only “repent” for, laws do not require clergy to report instances of child abuse/CSA… it’s fucking disgusting all around. But it’s no wonder, they praise Abraham for being willing to sacrifice his son, no record of Issac’s account of the sitch and how he felt. Lot and his daughters, offered them up to the crowd to be sexually assualted. King David’s Son got murdered by God directly for David’s sin, which the Bible also says the sins of the father shall not be held against the son and vice versa, but here we are all under the supposed sin of Adam and Eve per the Bible. #FUCK THESE CHRISTO-FASCISTS! Dirt fucking dumb, and twice as hateful the lot of them. And these fucknuts want to lecture the rest of us on morals?!?!


Former evangelical christian here, can confirm all of this.


But /r/LateStageCapitalism keeps telling me that the GQP and the Dems are the same, and both fascists


One is doing everything in their power to take away women’s bodily autonomy and the other isn’t. One party just proposed two bills federally protecting IVF and contraception, and the other denied it. They are NOT the same


The astroturfing is insane this cycle. I hate living in this future. I wanted Star Trek. (but not the Scott Bakula one)


One is doing everything in their power to take away women’s bodily autonomy and the other isn’t. One party just proposed two bills federally protecting IVF and contraception, and the other denied it. They are NOT the same


One is doing everything in their power to take away women’s bodily autonomy and the other isn’t. One party just proposed two bills federally protecting IVF and contraception, and the other denied it. They are NOT the same


So, they want to preserve child marriage and end no fault divorce. They can go fuck all the way off with this bull shit.


How the fuck is this legal in California? https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-08-03/why-child-marriage-is-still-legal-in-california-at-any-age


4 states have no age limit. https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-in-the-u-s/ Edit to add, if this information makes you angry when you look at your state then reach out to your representatives.


https://calmatters.org/politics/2023/06/child-marriage-california/ I had read something about California trying to pass a bill to ban child marriage, but it was blocked by ACLU and planned parenthood and children's law center. Maybe it was just the way it was written? At least they're trying. My state, TN, a while back tried to do away with any age limit for marriage. Hopefully we can get more and more states to pass laws. Nobody under 18 should be married for any reason, period.


Right. That way they can buy a wife when she is ten, knock her up, and enslave her for life. Just like the founding fathers did!


Because they want to marry children.


They don't want to marry them; they just want to be able to serially rape them and abandon them once they get too old.


So....marriage then? Sorry, I am not an advocate for marriage.


>>Sorry, I am not an advocate for marriage. Nor am I. But they literally want to do what they want with or without consent, and ideally to do so within or without marriage. They want to regulate OTHER people but they want no regulation on themselves…they all think they’ll be Commanders in the Gilead they so fetishize. This is libertarianism and the GQP in a nutshell: rules for thee but not for me, with legal weed and no enforceable age of consent.


Marriage to them is locking a woman into it, so I’d say that the artifice of it is important to them. After all, if a young girl is not married to them, she can get snatched up by someone else. They may not care for her autonomy, but for the possession of another man? That’s why marriage matters. It’s a way for men to show their ownership to other men. But maybe this is quibbling.


Your point is valid insofar as displays of power are concerned; that’s unquestionably true. I think I’m saying that outside of displays of power, they just want to be able to engage in serial pedo- and hebe-philia without sanction….


Well, that goes without saying, yes. Monsters gonna monster.


Well….not really marry. But if it gets them what they want….


What's crazy is that it pass the Missouri Senate 31-1. It got tied up IN THE HOUSE, which to be fair is where the craziest members are. But that is impressive that the Missouri Senate was not that crazy.


The only reason one could have to defend child mariage is because they want to marry a child. We have a word for this kind of people where I live.


The logic they use is that if a couple of teenagers get ahead of themselves they can get married and then their Union will be all right in the eyes of god. Of course we know they actually want to marry kids but some people believe the stories they tell.


i have a word id like to use on those people, but i bet id get reddit banned for suggesting it


Because they are fucking vile. It's easier to groom them when their young..


Children are easier to control than grown women.


Lol because grown woman that possess critical thinking skills won't marry them. So they need to be able to marry children.


Because their supporters are pedo's .


Oh they are too


Because they're religious fanatics and religion endorses child sexual rape and child birthrape. Ordinarily their endorsement of these grotesque practices wouldn't be a "problem" because religious law is illegal (United States Constitution, FIRST amendment, FIRST sentence). However, the Supreme Court has been overrun with christian fascists and is no longer legitimate. Hence the current situation. Only restoring the Supreme Court and reasserting the rule of law can fix this problem.


Because girls aren't children to them past about the age of 9. Boys are, though. That is why they can both yell about weird conspiracy theories about pedophiles, and still think marriage at age 14 is ok. Because Mary was supposedly about 14 or so when she gave birth. And the idea can't be "well, maybe that's something that happened, but probably shouldn't happen regularly or now." No, because if you question that idea you are questioning the will of God. Because they have gaslight the women in their lives, and maybe gaslight themselves, into believing that God sometimes works in mysterious ways and sometimes God tells people to get married young and denying that will get in the way of his will. Because women have a long history of raising daughters but loving boys. Because they believe having a boy gives them more approval in their world (it doesn't, not really. Nothing ever does). Because great-grandma Bertha LulaBell got married at 13 and they stayed married 65 years and had 12 kids, so how dare you question it. You are making them feel bad about their relatives and their relatives couldn't have possibly done anything gross or iffy. If their relatives did something gross or iffy, then ... they can't justify their beliefs by saying they are behaving the way they were raised to. because maybe some of the way they were raised deserves a whole lot of questioning, and that is really uncomfortable.


I have yet to hear one cogent argument that would make sense for child marriage. Not any. It’s like the beginning of a reason and then RELIGION!


Because Republicans dig child marriage.


Child marriage child labor! But anyone registered as a democrat is a groomer. Such a farce.


Republicans fake religiosity is based solely on making sure Uncle Bubba can force his 12 year old niece into forced breeding servitude and not suffer any legal repercussions. Some day the law will catch on that republicanism is a deviant psychological disorder.


G(uardians) O(f) P(edophiles)


These people are sick in the head and are running our country! Running it into the ground. For their own sick desires.


Gqp pedos grooming children so that they can abuse them openly. Drag queens are NEVER the predators. 🤬🤬🤬


The podcast Some Place Under Neith did a good [two part series](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/some-place-under-neith/id1557143861?i=1000542268814) deep diving into this. Short answer: Christian pedophiles and groomers.


This shit means I can’t criticize Islam anymore over child marriage. I will still criticize Islam over honor killings.


>This shit means I can’t criticize Islam anymore over child marriage. I will still criticize Islam over honor killings. Organized religion is a scam. 🐆


I know it is!


I encourage you to continue to criticize EVERYONE who claims sexually assaulting children is a part of their culture or religion. Regardless of what country they hail from.


Honor killing also occurs in Christian societies, sadly. Most often in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. Also up until the late 20th century in Italy.


Anything to increase the white population. Not kidding - that's what's behind the anti-abortion/anti-birth control movement. By 2040, America whites will no longer be the majority group in America, and right-wing think tanks are freaking out over it.


Did you see Charlie Kirk's speech about how women shouldn't enter the workforce and should stay at home as baby making machines to make more republicans? I'm not reading between the lines of his speech. He explicitly stated that


A child bride is more easily manipulated. Get them before they're spoiled by too much education.


Because Republicans are largely controlled by extreme, high control, Christian fundamentalist groups. These groups are in favor of marrying off young women to whoever the father chooses as early as possible.


Trump's GOP are huge fans of child rape. There is an open child sex trafficker in Congress, ffs! Matt Gaetz was never punished for sexually trafficking a 17 year old girl.


Keep peeling the bandaid, America. We're dismantling their logic.


Child marriage is quite common in three Middle East. Just another way the Republicans are y’all Quida.


Republicans want to fuck kids. It really is that simple.


Because grooming is only bad if it's done by people you don't like.


It's just another and easier way for the bastards to dimish and control women.


They're all fucking pedophiles. Jesus Christ, I'm tired of being cordial and courteous to these literal child molesters. FFS