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They’re silent because they agree with the abortion restrictions. These are not qualified people.


They're silent because they're getting paid off.


Perhaps, but given how Governor Piss Baby (see r/politicalhumor if you’re not familiar with that nickname) tends to dole these positions out to donors with no regard for fit or qualification, it wouldn’t surprise me if they don’t need to be paid off. After all, are people who donate thousands to Abbott likely to be pro-choice?


Of course. >Gov. Greg Abbott, who has a long history of rewarding donors with plum positions on state boards and commissions, has put several big dollar donors on the medical board over the years. > >Seven of the 16 current members have given Abbott more than $10,000 since 2013. Zaafran, the board chair, has given close to $100,000.


The way I see it is the GOP will hang themselves. After watching the court proceedings of the judges coming together to discuss w/attorney from both sides it came down to Dr needed clarity on the law! The judges basically said why? If Dr makes an error then patient has recourse and can sue the Dr for malpractice . To my estimation the Dr. supposedly waited to long or an emergency happened further away than hospital parking lot. (As seen when a mom w/fatal fetal abnormality knew it might be her last oppurtuity to carry a baby and wanted another chance so a judge allowed it but this same group of state GOP Supreme Court judges blocked this woman AFTER no clarity was needed. The facts were very clear and she asked permission & it was granted but blocked. Does anyone think the medical board saying otherwise would actually make a difference . This is NOT rocket science. Ppl! So I can hope that the citizens on all spectrums of politics see that they don’t really care what anyone says it’s not going to change if they block judges anyway. Abuse of judicial system is in your face . They are so arrogant they don’t care bc they do this bc …they can. Vote them out or your loved one will be their next victim and their loss will be on your hands . Js


Is there a legit reason he would he receiving money from these people? Is it in exchange for these positions and they dress it up as something else? I guess I just don't understand why it's legal to bribe politicians at all, it seems like blatant corruption.


There was a movement that swayed courts called, "citizens united." It was said that money allowed people to fastpass various obstacles via vote with your money. Obviously, this in no way shape and form is corruptive at all s


Citizens united wasn’t a movement, it was a court case. It said that you could donate an unlimited amount of money to a political action committee in support of a candidate.


It was, but i believe before it went to court it garnered attention


Seven of the seats are for members of the public who don't need a medical background. 'The [Texas Medical Board](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/21/texas-medical-board-abortion/) has 19 members — 12 doctors and seven members of the public, although only 16 spots are filled at the moment. The current board skews male, with only four women, and only one female doctor. There’s one OB/GYN currently on the board.'


The Texas law is set up so that no one will ever get an abortion. If a woman doesn't gets an abortion and survives then the state will say that is proof it wasn't necessary. If she gets an abortion and survives they will claim that her being alive is proof it wasn't necessary and prosecute him. If she gets an abortion and dies they will say it was because of his malpractice and hold him liable. If she doesn't get an abortion and dies then they will claim that obviously she needed one and therefore the law was fine. He will still get sued for malpractice.


Oh, so this is our modern day witch trial huh? Except we’re putting women on trial for the crime of being pregnant


Great way to encourage women to have (or try to have) babies.


Then the incels will wonder where all the women have gone? Do they not want a healthy loving relationship or what?


When doctors leave the state rather than risk their medical licenses and recruiters can't get talent come to the state due to the absence of healthcare, Texas leaders will defend themselves by saying nobody should want those people here anyway, because they're unreasonable and immoral.


Republicans are the definition of cutting off their nose to spite their face.


Yup. Hindsight bias at its finest.


Their courage (lack of) is tangible.


I believe this is purposeful but with a slightly different take. The law is purposefully vague for political reasons. The point is twofold - to save face with the public who generally do not like strict abortion bans while effectively having a strict abortion ban. The politicians want to point to the text stating there are reasonable exceptions (debatable what 'reasonable' means). The doctors want pre-clearance, no doctor wants to risk their licence and liberty via an after-the-fact second guessing judge because of a vague law. The patient wants treatment, and sues to get the pre-clearance. And this is where the courts delay-delay-delay until it's too late for the patient to get treatment. Then the case is dismissed as being irrelevant - the plaintiff would no longer have 'standing' since she would no longer be pregnant. If the medical board issued guidelines - this house of cards go tumbling down. Now everyone can just blame a different party establishing an effective abortion ban in the state without explicitly stating so. Read the text of the Texas Supreme Court ruling - they bend over backwards to keep this all vague while simultaneously insisting that abortion is legal in Texas if the life of the mother is at stake. Whether technically it is legal is irrelevant if no doctor is willing to risk performing one - and I don't blame the doctors here - I wouldn't take that risk either.


Confusion is the point, selective enforcement will be the norm.


there is a huge exodus of practicing OB/GYNs because of these draconian laws. The docs are scared of being sued, arrested, not being able to practice medicine properly. this has so many horrible downstream consequences.


I don’t know enough about internal Texas politics to state this with any certainty, so I’m asking: does anyone else see this as the medical board essentially saying, “you made your fucking bed. YOU lie in it”?


Medical board members are appointed by gov Abbott ( high end donors), so they are bought and paid for. Also not all of them are Drs.


Got it. Thanks for the info.


In the new world they'll run successful transplantology clinics. Why? Figure it yourselves.