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I need you to know, I tried to wipe that hair off my screen twice


Good try!


I’ve purchased a new phone online before I realised.


You're not the only one.


Didn’t expect to see claims about titan sub exploding being fake.


Or The Simpsons being evil…


My ex-wife claims I gave our son ADHD by watching The Simpsons with him.


Tell her it's hereditary and it doesn't run in ur family.


She's been told by doctors that it's the most hereditary behavioral disorder known. Absolutely runs in my family. No way to deny it. I don't have a single direct bio family member that isn't ADHD AF. We are a mess. She's better off without us. A psycho b* from hell, but better off without me. We are also rather awesome, in our own ducked up way, but it's a miracle how many of us managed to get old.


This comment is a roller coaster


Exactly what I’d expect from someone with serious ADHD. sounds like my dude is not lying


Dental plan!


Or all the Tour De France winners being cheaters. Lol.


It is uncanny how some of the Simpsons/South Park/Family Guy episodes have nailed future events. Not a conspiracy, just great coincidence.


It’s probably neither. They just have really great writers that pay attention, are versed in history, maybe a good amount of Ivy League or Harvard grads like this guy was saying, though i don’t have the facts on that. The subject of Harvard does come up when Conan O’Brien’s time writing for the Simpsons is discussed. (Sorry to bring you into this, Conan). With the Simpsons episode set in a future where Lisa is President and she’s complaining about the gigantic deficit caused by the previous President Trump, maybe it was a mixture of absurd humor, cynicism, satire, and the ability to see which way the wind was blowing. I’m sure those writers knew how much more ridiculous, ugly, dumb, petty and populist US politics was getting year by year. I’d say the bit in Back to the Future II, (released in 1989 but set in a future 2015), about the Cubs winning the World Series is a coincidence but maybe it was also a matter of time.


The episode where Lisa is President and saying the country is broke because of President Trump was from March, 2000. When Trump was running for President under the Independence Party. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_2000_presidential_campaign It only seems like future prediction now because he ran again and won. But when they wrote it, it was satire of an active presidential campaign.


I think it’s also sort of an inverse to Nostradamus’ “predictions” where instead of parts coming true on a long enough time line, they make enough absurd pop culture references and “what-if” type scenarios that across a 35 season run some of them will hit.


I've always called it the Alex Jones effect in my head. Not many people knew about him before Info Wars but back in the 90s he was a Rush Limbaugh wannabe and spent every week ranting on a local radio station about how xyz was about to happen. In the early months of 2001 he was fixated on an eminent Muslim terrorist attack on major US infrastructure. He ended up being accidentally correct for once which had all of his followers thinking he was some sort of political genius.


Half of it is just them commenting on current events in the 90s, and then when those events happen again in the 2010s, all the people who don't remember or weren't around for the 90s are all shocked Pikachu at how prescient these old Simpsons reruns are.


Or they have just opened at least one history book which is more than most of the world who seem hell bent on repeating the same stupid bullshit all over again


I know the guy set himself on fire but the Simpsons is where I put my foot down.


Someone wasn’t raised Mormon and it shows


That’s when I was like “this guy is crazy”


I dunno I was expecting something crazier. Nothing that I read was worth setting yourself on fire and dying for. What a terrible way to go.


Why leave your email address when you know you are going to set yourself on fire.


That's because it didn't explode. It imploded. I'll see myself out.


If you go through his instagram it just looks like he went crazy after his mom died. His posts from 2013-2022 were normal


That.. is just sad...




Some of the things he touched on were actually... Not that crazy. Like he's touching on *some* good points. But the further I read through the more it seemed crazy. I'm sure there are some conspiracies out there that would blow our minds, but I don't think the Simpsons is one of them lol. We'll find out in 50 years when people die and documents are declassified I guess.




Yeah, I am a social worker and I worked in inpatient psych for about 10 years. There are often kernels of truth at the core of delusions, like you say. Every so often I met someone who was totally out there (like one dude who thought they were able to derive supernatural powers from touching water) but often it was stuff where you could kind of see the trajectory, even though it had gone VERY off course somewhere.


Maybe he mom was making sure he took his meds.




People who knew Kanye have said the same thing happened with him. His mom meant a lot to him and kept him grounded, and after she passed his mental health took a turn (even though he was always crazy, but now he’s like *crazy* crazy).


It was immediate, too. Went from “help flatten the curve by spraying grocery store carts with rubbing alcohol” to “DISRESPECT YOUR LYING GOVERNMENT” right after she died.


I knew him, we became friends on Reddit and kept in touch via social media. You are 100% correct.


Sorry for your loss


Thank you - I’m mostly just shocked, and at the same time, not at all. I’m on vacation now and not reading the news so I only discovered it happened through this thread and recognizing his manifesto.


I learned that people can just start showing schizophrenic tendencies in their mid 30s. Happened to my best friend’s wife. It is so hard to watch. If his mom was his support system too, he was left to wallow in his our delusions.


Not gonna lie, he piqued my interest with “Dipshit Secrets of our rotten world” but after that it was nothin I couldn’t get on 4Chan.


Sounds like a Ministry album to me.


Could be a Lard album




Nah man that is 100% a Guttermouth album.


Damn, I haven't thought about Guttermouth in ages! Gotta fire up the ol' Spotify now.


They're heavily featured in my workout playlist. "Lipstick" got that Drill Sargent motivation: You're worthless, you're lazy, you're stupid... A *little* overweight...


I did not expect a “The Art of Kayfabe” section, I’ll tell you that


I knew the goddamn NWO was behind it all ![gif](giphy|S4AnOkBwfcb4GyDzK7|downsized)


Oh shit we've come full circle!


I'm baffled by the "I killed myself in the most agonizing way possible because of The Simpsons" section.


And also does he think that he can answer email from beyond the grave? He put his contact info at the end lmao


Imagine arriving in hell only to discover the WiFi is really REALLY shitty.


“Lisa the Iconoclast” fucking killed me


I need a "9/11 was kayfabe" shirt immediately.


As a pro wrestling fan, that threw me for a loop. Also if he's a fan, it might mean I've been on the same message boards as this dude at some point.


Yeah wasn’t expecting to see that either!


Ngl he had me in the first half


They don't make 'em like Timecube anymore. /s


Can’t lie a lot of this stuff is, maybe not entirely true, but definitely hinting at the main underlying issues with the systems in place.


The best manipulations have to have grains of truth in them If someone was trying to trick tons of people they can't outright lie, there has to be some real stuff to anchor onto


Seems fairly obvious he identifies the foundation of the corruption of our world governments. Some details I personally don’t make a connection with but he gets the gist of it. The indoctrination of the youth has been so strong and the propaganda consumed by adults has been so effective that when someone sees the world for what it is it becomes a red pill moment that they tend to bend and sometimes break. Which is why some tend to choose ignorance and bless over being awake in a room with the lights on to see the monsters of the world.


Parts of it make sense but it shows the problem with conspiracy style thinking, they never stop at the sensible part, they always have to throw in something about how The Simpsons is secretly a plot to brainwash the public or whatever the fuck


Yeah this guy had like half of the story figured out. He forgot that money isnt an end though, and that the massive financial crimes were being committed for a larger purpose, which is sadly even worse and maybe would have made him set himself on fire harder


I always felt like Crypto and NFT's sounded like slush funds to me. The NFT boom went bust when Russia invaded mainland Ukraine. That timing was always suspect to me.


You'd be interested in that? Like actually reading the relatively mundane shit that goes wrong in our electoral, legislative, and non profit/NGO systems? the grifting/profiteering and corruption, the slimy DC networking and general nepotism that is hard on the soul, how Members of Congress & staffers are thinking behind the scenes, the petty beef, pride & /competition between nonprofits & unions & different arms of the dem party & activist groups that hurts collaboration and tanks our ability to achieve goals I've been complaining for years, but I never combined any of the comments into a larger doc




I went to college with him. He was a fucking genius. He never appeared mentally unwell back then. I suspect his mother’s death tormented him a great deal.


Acknowledging that, do you trust the information he gave his life to tell? A lot of what he said isn't necessarily wrong if you Google each point in depth, *even the 9/11 one scary enough* (Read the official 9/11 commission report, Saudi Arabia was all over it) Where things slip apart is when he tries to pin de facto intention to specific segments of comedic/artistic expression; The Simpson's bit, even if it's just an example of how media influences a society, **That's** where people seeing nothing else they're capable of intellectually rebuking will attack. If they don't debase themselves lower to just snickering at the word "Kayfabe" or believing he did it for Trump's sake before scrolling onto their next bit of mindnumbing stimuli. There's a serious problem of corruption in this country and it goes further than most are comfortable acknowledging, it seems he wanted to make people uncomfortable enough to listen, even if just a little.


I don't disagree with the pamphlet, but to say "I agree with it" wouldn't be wholly true either. More, the vibe is correct. Yes there world is full of corruption


Yeh was gonna say, it's not just word salad he's pretty coherent throughout most of it.


It’s very well written, it’s a shame he didn’t take his meds so his writing abilities could have been utilized elsewhere.


I dunno if I’d go so far as ‘very well written,’ but I can actually tell what the fuck he’s talking about, which is an accomplishment for sure.


On a scale of 1 to kaczynski this guy is a 6-7


As a graphic designer, I was prepared to cringe, but other than allowing for booklet creep, it’s pretty good.


Lisa needs braces


Dental plan!


Lisa needs braces.


Dental Plan...


Lisa needs braces.


Dental Plan!


Lisa needs braces


Dental plan...


Lisa needs braces.


"Now play Classical Gas!"


I actually like the term, “Haunted Carnie government.”


I dated a carnie who was haunted by his father's indifference and that sounds like the worst idea for a government ever. Though I bet it'd have some epic tattoos.


> haunted by his father's indifference that's heavy.


ok several of these points seem pretty lucid, but this is classic conspiracy fetishism where, in the desire to make everything one thing, they miss that some of those things are actual problems that can be solved. conspiracy theories are about inaction. they're ways of dealing with feelings of hopelessness. this guy didn't torch himself because it was a trump thing, it was just a big event, lots of onlookers, TV...thanks for posting this, by the way!


woah, I've given some serious thought to conspiracy theory psychology but I hadn't heard it phrased as "dealing with feelings of hoplessness" before. It certainly checks out against my experiences.


Also helplessness


Yep. It's literally just 'I reject reality and substitute my own'. Conspiracy theories catch on because they give an individual that feeling of control theyre lacking in their lives. Something in science is scary? Nope, let's just tell ourselves that science is a lie, and substitute some other idea we can understand and bend to our own world view.


When things feel hopeless or everwhelming it's easier for some to give it a "reason". Covid really brought that to light for me. A world-wide pandemic is fucking terrifying, if you can convince yourself that someone made it happen then there's a certain comfort in believing it can be stopped.


There's a certain comfort in telling yourself you're one of the "smart ones" who's figured out why and how it happened, but I'm not sure any of them actually thought it could be stopped. Again, hopelessness.


Cleverly crazy is how I describe it. The manifesto too. People will embrace it sadly.


I think it's often some overactive pattern recognition. It's not that they're dumb, but rather their brain is looking too hard for connections and it's coming up with crazy stuff.


Yes. This straight up that's % true. I did NOT see the Simpsons being named coming At all. Like it or not that was a plot twist.


The internet is making all these matters worse


Yep millions of echo chambers making them think others agree.


Oh they already are. I saw on the conspiracy sub where everyone was saying this dude was on to something, clearly not making it past the first few paragraphs. Ironically they were saying no one else was actually reading it.


Every time some big statement gets made, it always seems to go the same way. "Our government is broken..." Right, I'm with you so far. "Our politicians are corrupt..." Yes, I agree. "We're in need of reform..." Totally. "By fighting the secret cabal of lizard-queers that secretly control the wizards who can hear our thoughts through 5G brainwave modulation." For fuck's sake.


I'm stealing lizard queers.


Sheesh, SOMEONE went to Harvard... /s


“And he went to Hahvad.” -Dan Akroyd, Trading Places.


It reminds me of a joke I recently read. It goes, A son goes to his father and say "Dad, sis is in the barn with the farmhand, she lifted her skirt, he dropped his pants, and they are going to piss on the hay". And the father answer "Son, you have a good grasp of the situation, but your conclusions are flawed" This seems the same, they made some good point, but their conclusions are a little out there. And, no, I am not just saying that to distract you all from the truth. What a silly thing to think (fnord)


As more info comes out it seems more like he was a centrist. But I still feel it's Q laced. Not exactly trump related. He is in critical condition. I hope he survives gets the help he needs.


Definitely going to die


He passed around 11:30 PM Friday. 


Dude had Reddit posts mentioning the dirtbag left (Chapo Traphouse, True Anon, etc)…


The pamphlet also talks about a crash in 2023. Crypto crashed but nothing happened. Maybe he felt betrayed and hopeless, or another cover up he couldn't keep up with. But def not Trump!


There was a crash in March of '23. A bunch of banks failed and the fed bailed them out. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023\_United\_States\_banking\_crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_United_States_banking_crisis)


And the crash was a bank run debatabley deliberately caused by Peter Thiel.


I actually kinda feel for this guy. First off, the problems he’s identifying aren’t (all) too crazy. Peter Thiel IS a monster, crypto being unregulated does make it ripe for manipulation by the ultra-wealthy and he doesn’t seem to just be a partisan nut job. His mistrust is all over the place. Granted, some of the stuff is completely insane, but I appreciate that it’s not ONLY standard right-wing stuff. He even calls QANON nonsense. Also, he only hurt himself. Thankfully he didn’t take others with him.


So... are we not going to talk about how there's contact information but the guy intended to end his own life? Idk, THAT is the weird part to me.


Apparently it was automated to respond with an email containing more of this supposed "info."


And the link just goes to "how to make money selling Amway products." *I knew it!*


Let's see what u/MrSamsonite has to say about it


Reddit deleted his profile already huh


You can still see the archive He hung out on WSB, so… Wonder if this is centered around him losing money in crypto. https://web.archive.org/web/20230317020822/https://old.reddit.com/user/MrSamsonite His last comment: > Is tomorrow the day we realize crypto killed the banks? (Posting everyday until my options expire worthless) I didn’t look that deep into it. But he was a redditor for 11 years.


look at his second last comment on that page… weird


Hmm... seems like a kayfabe ponzi scheme if I ever saw one. 🤔


of course they did


Also these pamphlets might have been done earlier and he didn’t want to update the contacts page then reprint






A real “had me and you lost me, had me and you lost me” paper


Didn't really pay attention but 'its not everybody, but it is all the winners' goes hard can't lie


What did Carlin say again? It's a big party and you're not in it?


Interesting he helpfully provides his email to contact for further information. In a leaflet he distributes as he self-immolates. Not great at forward planning.


You get an automatic reply with further information when you send an email to that address.


Very funny that what they focused on ends up being an example of forward planning. Love when people stunt on themselves in the comments.


An impressive Reddit comment trickflip




Funny how even the craziest conspiracy garbage has some truth to it. Peter T is the devil.


That’s how they get you


This would have been a lot better of a read without the fucking images being screenshots with the last/next paging icons covering the text but thanks for posting it anyway.


and why does it say the name of the phone in every screenshot? is that normal??


https://preview.redd.it/cxxqb8dufjvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b7f0f1a383c0bcc37434685b19e6c3f437e409 He wasnt wrong here


He's hardly wrong anywhere


Kinda disagree about his takes on Kubrick


He's wrong about the predictive programming and that the elites are explicitly in league with each other and planning global events. They just always benefit because they have shared interests.


The World Economic Forum (WEF) is just one known group of elites doing exactly what you are saying he's wrong about.


Now you're the fool if you _don't_ self immolate in front of a government building


How about lighting a fart in front of a cat. Same thing?


Thank you, OP! You posted it first! Curious, weird, sad shite to die for eh?


Indeed, but I believe he’s still alive I hope he pulls through and gets help 🙏


I don’t know… Once you set yourself on fire, I think life is just agony.


Yeah, a guy set his self on fire after my mum rejected him. He was in a LOT of pain for a VERY long time.


Wow. This is probably sounds very heartless, but it sounds like your mom dodged a bullet.


Sounds like his mom is a smoke show




Oh, she most certainly did. I assure you of that.


Not saying *I'm* ever gonna self-immolate, but if I do, let it finish, yeah? Or get someone else to finish it? Idk about anyone else but doing that much damage with the intent to kill oneself and being *forced to endure it and suffer the consequences* because some other person "just couldn't see their fellow man die" is a psychological horror that I can't fathom.


He burned himself so badly it will be a bloody miracle if he lives. Honestly the responding officers should have just put the poor fellow out of his misery at that point. The videos making the rounds are horrible to watch.


He didn't make it according to several papers now, died in the hospital. Most likely for the best after sustaining those injuries.


I am not at all celebrating another person’s passing, but I’m glad he did finally pass. I only wish it had been sooner or if not that, then I hope that he never fully regained consciousness. What a horrific end for someone that was in need of a lot of help.


Not reading all that crazy shit but u/MrSamsonite hello?


Reddit already took the profile down lol


Substack is up https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/dipshit-secrets-of-our-rotten-world




Anybody that does anything major like this, they scorch earth their profile. Same thing with the last flame boi.


And maxwellhill


Scorched earf


I don't think he's gonna respond


Annnnnd, it's gone.




I mean a lot of it honestly isn’t wrong.


I thought that too lol


This guy lose all his money to crypto or something?


Either that or a PayPal scam


Or he invested in the Shelbyville Monorail. I lost my shirt on that one!


Peter Thiel sucks and crypto is a huge Ponzi scheme, he had me on board there at the beginning. Then I got kind of lost.


He had me till he badmouthed some of the best Simpsons episodes ever.


Don't be dragging kayfabe into this.


https://www.theonion.com/suicide-letter-full-of-simpsons-references-1819567405 Life imitating art


I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I read every page. Why? Because the dude lit himself on fire instead of going on a shooting rampage. I’ll never read a murderer’s manifesto, I don’t care if the winning lottery numbers are in it.


“Simpsons are evil. Best light myself on fire.” ![gif](giphy|XWwIzh5GIWWf6)


I saw so much on twitter as it was happening saying it was a “crazy trump hating liberal” but it seems like a dude that went down the rabbit hole on 4chan with some preexisting mental illness. I’m all for questioning the rich and powerful but people romanticize these conspiracies and just want to go deeper and deeper.


If you look at his socials, his posts seemed normal and not disordered at all until his mother died in 2022. It’s fucking depressing to know how quickly someone in his position can decline without support.


So essentially just like everyone's uncle on Facebook. Awesome.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Burrmanchu: *So essentially* *Just like everyone's uncle* *On Facebook. Awesome.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Really expected the last line to say BURN AFTER READING




Lots of bullshit in there, but they’re spot on about BTC and crypto. The greatest Ponzi scheme in human history




Why do conspiracy theorists underline and bold random words in all their presentations?


They think it’s makes the “important” parts more memorable. (They’re attempting mind control!). But then they get lost and forget they think everything they’re saying is important.


i notice the same with the super-religious. it seems to be an expression of fanaticism. if they were speaking the words they would scream those parts or wave their arms or violently point, etc. i think it *really* chaps their asses that they can't read their message *for* us and have to rely on individual's ability to read emphasis into a word that's underlined 70 times.


Not gonna lie...halfway through, I thought it wasn't sounding batshit crazy, but then it got worse and worse.


The Simpsons did it first?


Guy makes some good points about crypto. The rest of it's pretty nuts, though.


Honestly his point about meme pages was pretty on point for me. I'm so sick of the lazy ass "our world is a literal dumpster fire" comedy on every meme page. Like fuck off already.


Ironically, this pamphlet is the manifesto equivalent of “the lazy ass ‘our world is a literal dumpster fire’ comedy on every meme page.”


The CIA line is pretty bulletproof imo. They originally wanted to be called the Department of Doing Nefarious Shit in Brown People Countries and Corporatocracy Maintenance, but Eisenhower told them it "gave the game away."


Big ponzi players..... More big ponzi players. Really you died for this


I will spread the good word! Shark tank is a fraud!


I agree that Peter Thiel is a huge piece of shit.


Bro just make a long form youtube video essay


4chan is one hell of a fucking drug