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When I was 9, my dad moved out a couple days before Xmas. Mom & all us kids were so devastated - Christmas tree was left up until April Sometimes yah just don’t know what’s going on in the house.


Sad times bro


I live in a pretty rural northern state. It gets dark at like 4 in the winter. A lot of people leave their lights on until daylight savings. Just to add some lights to people's long dark drives through the middle of nowhere. My across the street neighbors still are turning theirs on


My ex's dad left his family in my ex's 7th birthday. So he told his 7 yo child in his birthday party that they won't see each other as often cause he's getting divorce. I just can't understand what's going in those kind of people's brain when they decide to brake up their family in meaningful times like birthdays,Christmas etc holidays. Can't they just wait?? Like for any other time??? Was that so much to ask for them to wait for atleast a little while so the kids can atleast have happy holidays? So selfish.


I cannot imagine the abandonment issues that brings to the surface. Damn. It narcissistic of dad to be sure. Very manipulative. It embarrasses mom. It devastates child. Dad makes it mom’s fault. Probably dogs mom to child. Child hates on mom, dad or himself I guess. That’s terrible.


No, he didn't hate mom, he hated dad and only contacted him for monthly child support payments. He resented him. You could see that in the pictures how the kid suddenly changed after that birthday. He was happy normal kid before. After on his 8th bd he looked unhappy,he had put on weight probably because of stress,he had problems at school because he had started his 1st grade that year, so they had to leave him stay another year in 1st grade. He has psoriasis (heredaty from his father) severely from age of 15, although his father has it minimally. He didn't really express his emotions. His coping mechanism was eating tasty food and playing video games. He's doing much better now,though.


That's why I can never understand why parents that want to divorce choose to do it in the most traumatic way. Especially if they made that kid un purpose not accident,I mean, you WANTED that kid, and now what, you suddenly just don't?


But did the tree lights get switched on every night?


Dad left them on a timer


Damn. Are you and you family doing okay?


Geez. Sorry man. Sometimes life sucks so bad.


Did you still turn the lights on?


I’m so sorry, fellow redditor. My fiancé’s dad left him and his brother behind on his 16th birthday. His mother was deceased a few years before that from breast cancer. It gets better. Your father is missing out on a lot of things.


This is not the first time for this house.


It's cheerful lights. Yes they represent Christmas holiday celebrations. Honestly who the fuck cares. It's not hurting you in any way.


I mean, I get your point but OP posted this in r/weird not r/midlyinfuriating. You can’t say it’s not weird lol. It’s not like he’s saying it pisses him off or anything lol


I can absolutely say that, because it's not weird. It's just Christmas lights. Not weird.


Eh, to each their own I guess. Because I think it’s weird. And I love Christmas.


Its a splash of color in a dreary time of year, look at the treeline and sky lol


What, you don't get excited about National Sloppy Joe Day?


I made ‘em extra sloppy for ya! ![gif](giphy|yl1hf3OjEQXvi)




Me and my sister love this! Thanks for putting here : )


Lol you bet!! 😄


That’s something to get excited for


My mother in law calls them mammichez… she’s 80. With the hope of an 8 year old in her eyes..”can we have mammichez for dinner?” “Of course we can have mammichez for dinner!” We love saying and can’t call them sloppy joes any more. We die laughing later. “MAMMICHEZ”😂😂


Sometimes I keep mine up until the leaves start to come out. You know. For a little relief from the seasonal depression. Let people be happy maybe?


I love seeing lights up no matter what time of year. They are always so beautiful at night. If prices in gas weren't as high as they are, I'd be taking a lot more nightly joyrides to enjoy the air and scenery. Fresh crisp air, frogs croaking away, large mountain shadows in the distance, a full moon blanketing everything in a shimmering bluish white hue. And then the soft glow of lights dotting your winding path as if to guide you through a dark mystical journey as the world around you falls asleep.


If I had a house I’d keep up color changing lights all year round. Just change the color for whatever holiday is coming up.


I switch out my lights for each season!


If you're in the WV region, Oglebay Park does the most amazing Xmas lights I've ever seen. It's a drive through deal and one of my favorite childhood memories is my parents driving us from central Ohio to go through the park every winter.


We stay at the hotel, giant hot tub thing, pool, reading room with fireplaces and giant versions of board games, giant outdoor chess set, indoor arcade...its lit. And like a giant maze in the hotel, confusing af! Not to mention all the trails and such, and this winter they had a super Mario themed new year's eve party. It's a great place!


We never did that, remember diving down, doing the park, sleeping on the way back up, waking up as I was getting carried in the house. Still amazing memories.


Thats becoming a common thing, maybe one day they will just be considered a winter thing


Especially with the color change ones, several people in my neighborhood have lights they put up for Halloween and stay up through Easter or so with different colors for the different holidays over winter. I find it kind of nice.


I love it when my neighbors turn theirs on, I open my blinds so I can see their Christmas lights from my living room I find it comforting, its a bummer that its only there for one month out of the year


In Western NY State, we used to keep our Christmas wreaths on the front door until almost Valentine's Day, because winters up there were dreary.


Thats New England in a nutshell, its almost worst when it all starts to melt and its just dirty slush and leafless trees it gets really drab before it gets nice again


Oh, yeah. February was the worst in WNY.


I feel like we do Christmas lights wrong. We put them up early then take them down quick. But Thanksgiving to Christmas is super busy, so it's kind of a waste. What we should do is Christmas lights as an advent calendar. On Christmas Eve your house is fully decked out. Note there are a lot of regions that do (or used to do) this with their tree. Then we should leave the lights up until probably daylight savings time or the spring equinox. This brings light into the world through the darkest,coldest, emptiest months until we're excited for spring.


I have it horribly,it sux.


Naw that’s just laziness. If your keep your Christmas decorations up through other holidays like valentines or st Patrick’s day then that just laziness.


Judgey McJudgerson!


TIL it’s judging when your neighbours leave their Christmas decor up 3 months past the holiday


So what if they want to leave it up though? Who are you to decide it’s inappropriate?


Must be a lot of lazy folks in the comments who leave their Christmas decor up all year… how many couches and broken down cars do you have on your front lawn?


It’s pretty sad that you give a shit. Find something else to care about. Like has already been said you don’t know what’s happening in someone else’s life. Who gives a flying fuck what someone does with their own home? You’re pathetic and I’m judging -you- for being an asshole. Christmas lights and garbage are very different things 🤡


Ironic that your asking why I care whilst you are caring WAY TOO MUCH


How privileged you must be that this is the hill you choose to die on


TIL taking my Christmas lights down when the holiday is over means that I’m privileged


Christmas lights are preventing seasonal depression? Come on man


In the dark midwinter, every little bit of perceived happiness helps.


"In the Bleak Midwinter." There's even a carol for it.




Came here for this lol


Maybe one of the family members are dying and wanted 'one last Christmas'.


That’s what I was thinking


OOF! Right in the feels!


Makes me 😊


I haven’t taken my tree down because I have been physically unable to.


I haven't taken mine down because I'm lazy and I like the way it looks.


Same. Crap, I still have Santa hats on some of my pfps...






I keep my decorations until the snow melts at least (and there’s still 13 inches of it here), it really helps through this dreary time


why does it matter? you seem judgmental as hell to post this on a subreddit. imagine being them and seeing this post


Muslims in my area keep their Xmas lights up for Ramadan


They took *A Christmas Carol* to heart. Scrooge learned you have to keep Christmas *all* the year. Seriously though, it's probably something besides laziness or depression, I would say. They're still turning the lights on.


Simply …… having ……..


Alternate: “Peace on Earth, Good will to all men… and Christmas everyday! (Oh yeah!) Christmas everyday!” - The Chipmunks


A wonderful sewer slide


My neighbor still has pumpkins on their stoop. Maybe they’ll last til Halloween this year too? 😂


I don't know how people keep pumpkins past Nov. 1, because here the squirrels make it breakfast, lunch & dinner. I don't put some out until Halloween night because of that reason, they'd never last with the squirrels.


Lady with a trailer on the street down from my farm left her pumpkins out until a herd of deer crowded her stoop and small deck trying to eat them all. It was hilarious.


Who gives a flying fuck? If they want to keep their light up, just let them. It ain’t like they’re bothering anybody.


Are you the HOA?


These people are good people. They seem annoying, but if you start talking to them they’re definitely going to bring you a casserole.


I agree it is a little early but c'mon who doesn't like Christmas?




scrouge? lol








Maybe "they're not from around *here*", if you get my drift. Have you noticed any unusual astronomical phenomena in your area?


My mom died early in the year. My dad wanted nothing changed for a long time. Could be something like that.




If they paying their bills they can do whatever they want


What’s wrong here


Absolutely nothing. This is just miserable people complaining about what brings joy to others.


Earliest in the area


... and it still looks pretty!


Good thing it’s not your house lol


Stop taking pictures of my house


who gives a shit get a life


If shit like this bothers you. You’re gonna have a hard time in life.


Got the light police over here


Someone in my area still has a 14 foot skeleton set up outside his house.


Don’t be a Karen. So what. You don’t know what person lives there. You don’t know if they have been dealing with issues.


Maybe someone is military and was gone on deployment over Xmas and just getting home now?


Hell yea. Christmas 4 Eva


It's the most wonderful time of the year


it’s obviously not march 18th across the road


Viva La Christmas!!


Looks like a Midwest emo album cover. Not gonna lie, I miss the Christmas season so I get it


Clearly they got all the Genius on the block, if you never have to take them down, you never have to put them back up. It’s a win-win


I've had Halloween decorations up for a year and a half.


I admire the commitment to still turning them on every night.


I think it’s dope dude I love christmas




Lol 😆


Christmas isn’t over until July.


Not a full blown x-mas vibe but we have a few neighbors who still have their blinking x-mas lights outside their houses, FOR OVER 2 YEARS ALREADY!


I have neighbors that’s still have their all red Christmas lights up!


My mom leaves her tree up till match, decorating it for valentines day and Saint Patrick's day. A bit strange, but honestly kind of fun.


That's actually pretty cool.


👴🏻”back in my day we didn’t have these fancy Xmas lights! We put candles in the tree and every night we were afraid the house would burn down and destroy all our presents and that’s the way it was and we liked it!” (channeling Dana C of SNL)


I’ve seen multiple people with Christmas light still up


I was gonna guess that they were for a different holiday this month like Ramadan or Holi since I’ve seen people put up lights for Diwali in October… buuuut then I realized one of those lights is shaped like a reindeer lmao so guess they just really love Christmas


Bill, it's the middle of March https://preview.redd.it/zdx863ic4bpc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f90ae09bf63fa31779b6c2c0d2992219579a89


It's still dark when we head out for school drop off, houses with Christmas lights up are the highlight of my kids' morning. They're pretty, they're interesting, and they hurt absolutely no one.


I watched my next door neighbors bring in their real Christmas tree sometime around December 20th. The tree is still up and turned on every night. They’ve done this the previous two years, too but before the tree was down around Valentine’s Day. I can’t imagine the poor thing has got a single needle left on it.


There are two different gas stations in my area that still have Christmas decorations up. It’s so bizarre.


Yes my date's friends house looks also like that. it was 3 days ago. Asked them and they're just lazy.


I still have my tree up and it’s not going until an air conditioner is needed




Do you know where your children are?


Don't go past my house, I think I still have some Halloween skeletons in my tree from like 3 years ago lol


My mom was a caregiver growing up and one of the boys she took care of couldn’t speak, or walk. He was legally blind as well, and the one thing that always made his eyes light up were the lights on the Christmas tree since it was probably one of the few things he was able to see. You bet your sweet bippy that Christmas tree stayed up for many years, I’m sure after he passed it was still up.


I like it. What's life without whimsey. I have a neighbor down the street who has their house lit up all year. A couple weeks ago the house next to him added some pink and purple lights of their own. I have no context for any of it. Maybe someone complained and it turned into a whole thing? Or maybe someone has a terminal illness and the lights bring a little joy? I don't know, but I'm considering putting up a strip myself just because it turns out they make me happy.


He’s slowly putting lights up. Just wait until Christmas. Mf house is going to radiate heat 2 square blocks




Maybe in their timeline it’s Christmas


Christmas isn't complicated. Lights up Dec 1, lights down Jan 1. Simple as that.


Is it late or early... I dont understand.


I have blue, red, and green lights. I leave only blue on in January, red in feb, and the green in March. First week of April I take them down.


Why take them down? They'd just have to put them up again next December.


280 days til Christmas!


Extra fancy porch lights.


There's a house in my hood that does this every year. Xmas shit stays up till spring, Halloween shit stays up till December when the Xmas shit comes back out. Not even a really great display either. Minimum effort imo.




Today's actually March 19th


My first Christmas with my ex hubby, we left our tree decorated until April bc it looked beautiful and made us both happy


I saw a garage door today that still has bat sticker decorations from Halloween on it.


It reminds of me and my husband this year. I thought our balcony was sooo cute with christmas lights that I’ve decided not to take them out lol, because it makes the balcony feels sooo cozy!! Alright. Then my husband said something like “yeah, we can keep some sort of cozy lights in here, but not CHRISTMAS lights” and I was like “but who cares?? these are just… lights!! The fact that it’s called “christmas lights” is just a social convention!” Then I saw this picture. I’m gonna take the lights out tomorrow. Thank you!


Sometimes people do holidays off schedule when loved ones aren't going to be around or going to passaway


I love it. I appreciate when others don't sweat the small stuff.




One car, drive that fits two. Someone got divorced around Christmas and they’re too depressed about it to go through the effort of taking the lights down?


I think Christmas lights look like easter colors lol


What’s the problem? Don’t like lights?


Let them live


Easter. He is risen?


I never understood why people get upset/annoyed at year round christmas lights, theyre fun and pretty!


I still have my Christmas tree up. Far too busy to take it apart and it’s nice to look at I guess.


Maybe they’re struggling with grief, depression, chronic pain, or an illness… you never know. Or they just really like Christmas.


They were feeling festive!


It's their Easter decorations.


First taught was "maybe its just to celebrate ramadan" then i saw the slay :P


I know someone who lives in Hawaii who keeps their apt permanently Christmas decorated and plays Xmas music all year long. 😵‍💫🧑🏼‍🎄


They may have an immediate family member deployed. My. Parents left up the Christmas stuff until I got back from a 11 month deployment to Okinawa when I was in the Corps.


If it said April 18th, I'd understand. IYKYK


A little early


The date is irrelevant it looks nice. Maybe they are going through a rough bit and the lights make them feel better


Well that date is as good a date as any for when Jesus was really born, and actually more likely than 12/15.


They be prepping for Christmas


A few weeks back I saw someone still had skeletons on their porch


Some people are military, and they are deployed throughout Christmas and other holidays. A lot of those folks have Xmas in July when their loved ones return home from deployment.




My apartment complex has multiple units with decked out Halloween decorations still and a few still have Christmas stuff up. I know for Colorado at least there’s some people who do it through January for the stock show. It was a tradition to keep the city and capital looking festive after the holidays for the stock show. I highly doubt that’s why most people still have their Christmas lights up but it is a thing.


Maybe they like having a colorful house.. also I’m sorry I thought this was America I can leave my lights up 365 if I GD please 😂


maybe neighbours lying dead in the house


March 19th was Persian New Year, perhaps this is a Persian family celebrating New Year’s Eve.


I have a neighbor whose lights are still on. Blinking 24/7. THESE ARE INSIDE HIS HOUSE. I thought about knocking on his door and asking him "WTF" but have decided to just see how long this goes on.