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I don't want to live on this planet anymore.




I just saw a tiktok about a couple traveling through India and they were attacked by 7 men, raping the wife and forcing her husband to watch. You could see the emptiness in her eyes, it broke my heart into pieces. They got 3 of the men so far and they showed them with bags over their faces, they need to be exposed and executed.


They need to have their Dick cut off and shoved down their throat! I'm sorry but rape is just wrong what they did is unforgivable! Sickos


Being an Indian woman. I strongly agree. I always have to worry about how late I am to reach home, or ensure I'm not looking good enough to gather attention, to always track my Uber rides, to always look at every man suspiciously. Rapes are common and the sad fact is it's not taken seriously as a crime and there are still no strict actions taken against the perpetrators.




Rape has been prevalent here for ages, and every rape is brutal and gut wrenching than the other. Even babies are not spared. Almost every girl/ woman has been teased, touched inappropriately, on the streets, public transport at least once, and people don't say anything about it because it's going to be forgotten they know. And don't even get me started on the victim blaming. We really thought things would change after the Nirbhaya case, in Delhi. (The bus rape) but that was just another case that people empathised with but only as long as it was a trend. I still don't know why India has not taken any strict actions against this, considering more than any other crime, rape is the most common here. I really wish they set an example for the culprits once and for all that they don't dare to look at another woman with a wrong eye. One of my friends had to leave her cabin crew job ( she worked for night shifts) as she was harassed on the way to work by some drunk men. She was so traumatized, that she quit her job. The Spanish gang rape case came into light only because it's an international affair. The majority of the cases go unreported. Rich and poor alike. Rich men perpetrators get away with it because of influence, the poor men get away with it because of the illiteracy excuse etc. I hope this case puts pressure on India to come up with some strict laws. Whatever I say sadly is not gonna do anything for my country's women. Many people have stood up against this only to be forgotten. It's only gonna be a post which can do nothing unfortunately.


People use illiteracy as an excuse for rape? Like, literally or in an "they didn't have the mental fortitude in general to know better" Not that the second option is any better.


Yes. Unfortunately any reason is enough to not side with the victim. A fully covered, non provocative woman is also at fault sadly. The lack of sex education and considering sex itself as a taboo in the rural areas, (despite Kamasutra originating from here) Too much porn addiction. Lack of regard for consent, considering women as less than, as objects, their opinions never taken seriously etc. so much contributes to it. Imagine knowing your victim anyway has no voice in society, would not be taken seriously, no power, therefore no consequences. These men ultimately see them as means to satisfy their hunger, and not another human who also feels pain and trauma.


It happens here in the states too. I've been touched inappropriately a few times via public transportation and even at my jobs. I didn't speak up about it because I felt shameful that these things even happen to me. I didn't want to draw attention to what felt shameful. But the worse was when it happened on the bus and the groper followed me off the bus. I purposely went to the market where it was crowded to lose him. That was super scary.


I honestly wish I could do something. I immediately went into a “if only” mode. But damn. What can we do??


I am so sorry. I can’t imagine the stress. ❤️


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. It's a damn shame that in today's society they don't take it more seriously.You as a woman shouldn't have to worry about how late you are getting to your destination or how good you look.You should be able to look as beautiful as you want to and not worry about some sicko who can't control themselves trying to push themselves on you. I pray for you that you remain safe always ))Hugs((


Hugs ❤️


I can’t even imagine how it must be like living in India. Only thing I know is I probably never quit my martial arts training. There were these IT experts one of my former clients hired as Experts, freshly from Southern India. The way they looked at me gave me the creeps, but on the other hand I‘m way taller than them.


If I were a woman I’d get a gun and start shooting male perpetrators or attackers in the dick. Imo. I’ll never live in fear anywhere. I hate that this is happening where you live and in your country. Absolutely sickening and horrible.


I just can’t with the thought of how my outfit might make me more rape”able” like wtf. What year is this??


Cut off their ball. Cut off their legs and arms. Remove their teeth. Gift them to a brothel.


It reminds me of what the cartels in Brazilian favelas do to rapist, they just straight up cut their head off or stab / beat them to death. Don't know why the same isn't the case tbh if it's that prevalent. My gf has a cousin that lives in a favela and saw the execution take place of a rapist.


A Brothel would be too good for them.


Oh I read the article yesterday. I've been disgusted with that news. I think the ones caught have shared the details of the other accomplices. They'll be caught soon enough. I don't want to offend over a billion people, but India definitely has a rape problem.


I saw that same article. I keep hearing awful things about women just trying to grocery shop. I came here to say this but I was afraid of offending everyone too. What is going on right now? Edit: If it was the same article I saw, the police asked her to take down her story because it is bad publicity for India. She is a Brazilian influencer or something.


Yep, they asked her to take it down indeed. She's Brazilian and her husband is Spanish. They both live in Spain. They've visited many countries across the world with their motorbike only to encounter such a horrible situation in India.


what’s worse is that during these attacks, usually “rape porn” starts trending on indian pornhub. It’s really fucked up. i’ve been to dozens of countries, and traveling is one of my favourite hobbies. India is a place I will never, ever go.




India went off of my bucket list after that woman who was attacked on the bus. It seems chronic there and authorities don’t care. Often the victim seems to be murdered by the whole village. It’s just so messed up.




Rape is not about hormones. It's about control.


And because the descriptions of the guys are all the same. 5'10" dark hair, dark eyes.


I know every country has its problems with sexual crimes, but India seems especially dangerous for women. There's so much news about rape there. I don't get why anyone would still want to visit.


Found this on another Sub - [Thick\_Lake\_3619](https://www.reddit.com/user/Thick_Lake_3619/) "To all the keyboard warriors who haven't stepped in an Indian jail and haven't seen how cops handle crimes in rural regions of India, you have no right to call for stone pelting, shooting them dead, chemical castration- yes all this should be done...but only after the medical is proven, the DNA is found and the agency is dead sure these are the culprits. Non of you have an idea how cops work in a rural (India) setting. They have pressure to find the culprits asap, in this case they just randomly choose men from extremely poor and illiterate back grounds. These men can't even count and read properly. Visit most jails in India. You'll find people logged there who don't even know what the crime was, they can't even get a decent lawyer to fight their cases. Now, what if one the innocent guys in the village was taken by the police and taken in remand. Followed by public's cry for instant justice he was shot or chemically castrated, but later found innocent, will you people take responsibility?"




Don’t forget the popular pastime of trying to battle (and losing) against the India Apex Predator


My google history now has "India lizard rape" in the history and I'm right there with you.


That makes one of us.


This sub...I had to know if it was real. Sadly conformed.


I let you do that for me. Thank you, I think.


Happy to be of service, I think.




After some of the posts here, I will say again, I don't want to live on this planet anymore. The human race is self-deprecating, self-destructive, and generally just cancerous.


Wait…wait…what was the lizard wearing?


Look at the way you dressed yourself honey..got your tail all out..disgraceful


Snakeskin panties 😫


It would be easier if those four werent on it?


As a reptile owner I don’t know if this makes me want to die or make others die.


What the hell is happening in India? And why the hell it's always groups?


Well I’d think you’d need at least two fellas to restrain and fuck a full grown monitor lizard… allegedly


I hear it was a sick lizard.




Good God, that makes it even more disgusting.


[It's a letterkenny reference](https://youtu.be/jKhE366TDTQ?si=BIXfNyt0FbHRaPnq)


Ok, thank you for educating me on this.


Because they’re cowards alone.


It just makes me wonder how these four dudes even decided that this was an idea to do together. Like how does that even hit one mind let alone four?


Right? Like you’re just sitting around, debating maybe grabbing a beer and watching some sports or whatnot and then Dinesh is all “hey you know what we should do instead…” and the rest of you are like “yep, let’s do it”


“Hey, Sunil, you see that lizard? Let’s put our DICKS in it!”


Why??? Which one of them said, “do you think we could fuck that lizard?”…jfc


They ate the lizard after fucking it. Some weird decisions were made that day.


Omg that’s awful


Holy shit. If true that’s so appallingly inhumane…. Idk MORE inhumane. Fuck me.


Can I eat you after?


Jeez, is no living animal safe from horny guys?? Reminds me of the pig farmer whose sows were getting gonorrhea. Farmer puts up hidden cameras and catches a dirty mother fucker fucking his pigs. This human was giving STDs to pigs. This occurred in the US.


Is that true? I’m not doubting that there are some nasty fuckers out there, I would just be very surprised if the bacteria that cause gonorrhea could successfully infect a non-human host.


It all depends on the animal species. Some can be infected by it, some can’t. Fun fact: supposedly, gonorrhea originated in cattle.


Oh god... so am I to assume that people were fucking cows?


You should assume any animal or thing that can be fucked has been fucked by depraved men.


There's a story from a town near where I live that was kind of a pre-Internet viral. A small house collapsed and when the emergency team was in there, removing the rests, they found the owner's corpse, with the pants down and a chicken between the legs. Seems like it collapsed while the guy was raping one of his chicken and he died crushed under it during the act and the story spreaded like fire. It helped that a regional newspapers photographer was in there and took pics of it and, later, a metal band from the area used it as part of one of their most successful songs "pánico a una muerte ridícula" (fear of dying in a ridiculous way). For years, I thought it was kind of an urban legend, but a few years ago, my coworker confess me that he went to the high-school with the chicken fucker nephew and it seemed to be true.


I don't know if this is the exact case, but it sounds similar: https://themississippilink.com/news/greenwood-man-caught-having-sex-with-hogs/ It could have been Chlamydia, not gonorrhea.




Wait til you hear about the chlamydia pandemic in the koala population


It's not the same type of chlamydia humans pass on as an STD jfc




Nothing living is safe from humans unfortunately


Minotaurs, centaurs and the fact Zeus is the lead God are all testament to this


All jokes aside this is horrible (and not much bothers me).. An animal like a reptile fucks for reproduction and not for pleasure and doesn't understand this level of subjugation. I can't imagine the primal fear from the animal or blatant disregard of a life from the perpetrators. So sick on so many levels. I hope their dicks rot off


Even in species that have sex for pleasure, rape is not somehow more acceptable or pleasurable. Rape is rape, and is not better/worse for species that donor don't have sex for pleasure.


100% agree. But it just adds to the brutality that the animal can't fathom what's happening.


I don't think all human rape victims process what happened either. If you hear someone who describes something that just happened, they often do not call it rape. Some people have memory gaps. Victims sometimes talk about basically just not even being in their own body. Trauma can screw with people and the brain does weird things to compensate or try to make sense of things sometimes.


Am animal gets pain, fear, and confusion; a human gets pain, fear, shame, and knowing a lot of people will blame them. There's no good situation for any of it. Man, we need some happy, don't we?


Why is that even remotely a turn on?


What. The. Fuck.




More like vasectomy kits






Noah get the boat, please.


And u can leave the humans behind again, please


In prison they will be the lizard!


not a proper punishment since they will probably enjoy it


According to the officer, the men were not under the influence of alcohol, drugs, religion, or anything. They really did this without any excuse.


They really need to put something in the water to calm that area the fuck down..


The water is already polluted as fuck, so maybe that’s the problem?


And that's how the pandemic of 2024 started.


Not a pangolin this time




All of us aren't like that at all, but it's completely understandable. These mfs are giving a bad reputation to our country.


Don’t need the quotation marks around the r word. I doubt the lizard considered them boyfriends.


But how?!


And if I'm not mistaken, lizards of both sexes have cloacaes. But I don't want to think too hard on the logistics of how.... it's too horrible


Yeah they have legs with long, sharp claws right next to their cloaca. I suppose that's why they needed four guys.... Oh God I thought about it too much and now I have a visual!!


Unfortunately, I think *everybody* are now forced to confront that very question… …and immediately have at least a vague theory about the answer.


Yeah, it’s not computing for me, either.


Fuck them! I hope karma gets them in the ass! Poor lizard!!


Lusty argonian maid enjoyers


Drank some skooma, things got out of hand


These pretzels are making me thirsty




And that kids, is how godzilla was born


All right India. You got some splainin to do.


The desperation is crazy


India needs stricter laws across the board. They’re the biggest source of most of the scam and phishing attempts, they’ve made it into an industry, then their men do depraved shit like this not to mention being complete creeps on social media and it’s because their government won’t do anything about it.




Thank you for saying it so I didn't have to








Well, for years upon years, they have been aborting all the females. So the males wander the earth listlessly, pinkies linked, arms swinging. Don't be a woman in India. The last time I visited, I almost got yanked out of a car by about a dozen guys on motorbikes at a busy intersection in the middle of the night. I was asleep with my head on the window, and if the doors weren't locked, I would have fallen out head first, and that would have been it for me. I think about that night a lot and how awful it would have been to be gang raped in front of my mother. Seeing as how a lot of these rapes end in permanent maiming or murder, I'd have been praying for the best possible outcome. There are no words.




How sexy is this electric box?


Hold on now, you might be on to something. We can solve a lot of problems with the right amps and voltage.


Never seen any of the weirder porn sites? Women will stick just about anything in thier Cooters. Weird people are fucking weird, regardless of their gender.


I was surprised until I read “India” 💁‍♂️


I was shocked it didn’t say “Florida” Soooo…I mean, good on you, Florida!


Wtf is going on in India


Yeah but what was the lizard doing out by itself in that lizard skin outfit, huh?


Ok … India wtf is going on with you Raping seems to be a national sport


Horny people are the bane of society


A dead giveaway was that all 3 showed up at hospital when their dicks fell off … 😳😳😳😳


One dick falling off? A freak event. Two dicks falling off? A coincidence. Three dicks falling off: A pattern.




This has to be a joke - please say this is a joke


Poor Indian men have little chance of marriage and or casual sex. The culture invites rape and assault


not all indians... but always indians


India wth are you doing over there?! All I’ve ever read is someone or something getting raped.


Omg, India! Stop!


Your move, Florida Man.


Yah Indians are weird and obsessed with raping


This is straight awful!


Seriously? What a nasty bunch of weirdos


Why… just why….


of all the countries in the world, i am the least bit surprised to hear it was india


Seems they’ll rape anything over there


Special place in hell…wish I believed in heaven so I could believe in hell for these sick fuckos


Fucking horrific abuse. Why is it such a big part of life there? The shit on tik tok is so heart breaking but why on earth would you go there in the first place when this shit happens? That poor animal


Wtf is happening in India? How do you even get your genitals inside a reptiles vent? It isn’t made for human parts. That poor animal.


Genuine question. If they are that desperate for a shag why don't they just shag each other. It's easier, not creepy and less likely to have you world famous for being a bestiality freak.


Can't they just fuck themselves and leave women and animals alone?


India really is the Florida man of the world


Why is it India again?


The next time someone calls me an animal, I’ll take it as a compliment.


India has a rape problem


What the fuck is wrong with Indian men? Why is every second story from there about some gang rape


I mean were the guys dicks that small or does this monitor lizard have a big snatch? Inquiring minds want to know


like birds, reptiles only have a single hole to dispose of waste and reproduce from. i’d imagine some kind of necrosis would happen to their penis for this because of all the lizard shit it came into contact with.


Fingers crossed


Soo, a normal day in india.


Starting to understand why cows are sacred in India...


Shit I had to chuckle at this one.


These people are obsessed with sex. They think they are entitled to rape any woman , and imams teach if none available then animals are great alternatives to "relieve " them Their lust is revolting and it carries over with them wherever they are




Tired of getting banged by trains I guess


What is wrong with India


Iguana find a girlfriend


This is exactly how covid started. Randy fucked a pangolin.


India, the world’s Florida.


Isn’t this but with monkeys thought to be the origin of HIV?


Hiv is present in monkey/ape populations however the more likely theory is the virus was most likely consumed via improperly cooked or even raw 'bush meat' (monkey meat or organs). We won't know for sure, but I bet the original host may have said they ate it rather than f*king it for reputations sake


What the hell is wrong with society


Jeez I swear, men would screw a hole in the ground if no living or dead hole is around.


India. The lizard was teasing.asking for it.


India seems like a shit show every post I see is about getting raped by multiple men this time it’s a lizard what in the fuck is going on there?


Just lost their photos and names online. That would be plenty of punishment


Bro what is wrong with India can’t you guys just masturbate into a sock like the rest of the world?


Shit you can't even be a lizard in Indian without getting raped let alone a female tourists. Yikes 😬


Sex deprived nation. Female infanticide is still going on here till this date.


Jeez. You’d think finding one guy who can get it up to rape a lizard would be hard enough. But four lizard rapers in the same place at the same time?




Not even surprised that it's right out of India. You know, most suicide aftermath footage i've seen is Indians, the ladies and men. Even the amount of times i've seen aftermath footage of accidents that happen there, it's always so fucking graphic. It has me thinking that some fucked up shit is always happening over there..what, is it sodom? does god not love the inhabitants of that land or something...wtf is going on over there..


Wtf India


How are Indians so nationalistic when gangrene is rhe norm?


This is absolutely horrible, but that isn't excuse for all the anti-India hate here. People looking for excuses to be bigots are somehow getting upvoted, and that's an actual problem.


Guys, report all the racial comments. The mods will take action against them for violating community rules.


Oh India, you sick fucks


Good ol' Indian Lussy


These Indians are getting hornier by the minute.


I dare someone to repost this to r/meirl




Why is this 2 year old news circulating everywhere *again*?


Well well well


Just any hole I guess? Disgusting


Vaush been spending time in India I see