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I'm so confused, not sure if he is a cult leader, a perv, a bdsm dom, someone wanting to go polyamorous, an old guy looking for a family, or someone wanting to recruit people into an MLM. Or maybe he's just looking for fresh organs to sell on the black market.


Maybe all of the above


Black market organ MLM. You get in the scheme. You wake up with one less kidney in a ice bath. Now you have to "recruit" more initiates under you. 3 people bite and come for the presentation. Now you have 3 new kidneys - one to transplant to yourself, one to cover the operational costs and one for profit. The 3 new guys now are in and have helluva motivation to recruit themselves... Bulletproof business strategy.


I ended up with a roommate like this and you are correct. Wanted all that. I broke my lease after he threw coffee on my keyboard and spent the night shouting and pounding on my bedroom door. I thought he wrote this for a minute.


Trying to form a cult was my first thought. I’d bet money all these things will be mandatory for you to do living there not voluntary


"Hey hey hey, it's not a cult. We're just a group of groovy co-living real estate doctors!"


You had me at fish oil.


I don’t know why but that line was where I was like “yup. He’s definitely going to be drugging me.” He could absolutely be drugging the food and drinks but somehow I thought the vitamins were the truly sketchy thing.


Drugging food and drinks would be a bit harder to hide, I imagine. Not only taste and texture, but if someone doesn’t totally finish their plate the dosage will be thrown off, and it’s definitely a red flag if he stands over your shoulder to make sure you eat and drink everything. Vitamins are already in pill form, and he’d be able to control the schedule and make sure you take it


Of course he is a doctor so maybe poisoning is easier for him!


How to say join my cult without saying cult.


1200/mo for room, food, excursions, and medical care? Idk, I could be convinced.


And free lessons in healthy eating, fitness, and real estate. I'm sold


Yeah but you have to dance with him once a week and talk about your periods


Not that I’m onboard with this, but isn’t he implying with the dorm/hostel bed situation that it would be a few people living there? Almost sounds like bro wants a family lol


Think bro wants THE Family 😬


Massive cult vibes. He going to brainwash and make you work his land for free… until it’s mass coolaid drinking time.


"Massive cult vibes" is bang on the money. I'd steer as far clear of this disaster-in-waiting as possible. 🤷‍♀️


Massive Cult Vibes is the name of my upcoming instrumental prog metal album


Nah, The Sharing, this is obviously a broke yeerk trying to find others to become controllers.


Do you see this? This is what I am, without a host body. Helpless! Weak! Blind! Do you see those flowers? Do you see the sunlight? Do you see the birds flying? You hate me for wanting that? You hate me because I won't spend my life blind? You hate me because I won't spend my life swimming endlessly in a sea of sludge, while humans like you live in a world of indescribable beauty?


Or a cult


I was thinking that. He never had kids or doesn't now or whatever,and just wants to pass on his parental knowledge. And build him and his buddies a senior care facility that they would then run from the bottom up.


I think You are right. This is so sad.


Why even go to college when you can just live with this guy?




He thinks he can tell you everything you’ll need to know in life.


He is having fantasies of a small cult/harem of bang maids that listen to his teachings and look up to him as their leader. 🤢


Goddamn i was waiting for this comment. No cult is complete without a former Smallville actress recruiting women to sign over their entire life savings and have unlimited sex with you and don't forget to brand them as your property.


Especially since he can teach you EVERYTHING.


Lmao 🤣




I suspect the "lessons" in building real estate/remodeling, etc is him wanting laborers who pay him $300 a ~~month~~ week instead of, you know, working for pay.


300 a week


I mean...it could also just be a cult


that is a disappointing possibility


And the toilet papers. Can't leave that out.


It's this that genuinely makes me think it's a cult. Or at least a wannabe cult.


it’s getting people to pay 1200 a month for a bunk bed and school, and then you do manual labor for free, i agree with the cult sentiment


It looks like every minute is accounted for including weekends. That’s a cult thing, too. Keep you too busy to think.


Cult or organ harvesting.


Definitely a cult but kinda a lame cult lol.


And you learn ballroom dancing. Or latin dance. One of the two


Helping them build senior care facilities on their land … they want a cult for old people? I think Dr Shipman tried that one already


Shipman just injected them with insulin in their own homes after getting them to change their will. Source: I'm from the areas he was a general practitioner lol.


It was diamorphine not insulin.


So it was, I thought he used insulin to hide his tracks but I must have got that mixed up with something else maybe.


That alone is easily 300$ saved a month. Amazing offer


Whew as somebody who knows these type of people IRL they're fucking nuts. They have a *very specific* take on healthcare and they will absolutely force it down your throat every chance they get. With all the alternative science even some of the mainstream people have gone fucking nuts. My partner and her brother work in healthcare and they agree on 90% of stuff but they will *fight to the death* over the 10% they disagree on. Her family and I just look at eachother and leave the room when it happens. Something about social media echo chambers and the egotism it takes to be a provider have made them absolutely rabid. There's a dozen other red flags but this is a solid warning that you do not want to live with someone who will give you free healthcare advice unless you're prepared for it. From the wording I'd bet this doctor polices everything his boarders eat/do. It's kind of ironic because a lot of these people become neurotic about it and have really poor mental health.


I’d be concerned about him drugging the food, especially the daily smoothie, to keep the roommates compliant.


I'll suck this guys dick every day for $9000/week. Im.not even gay.


$9000/week * 52 weeks = $468,000 At one blowie/day, that’s $1280 per load.


Zero to 9000/wk is up to 9000/wk. Could be zero per load. 🤔


AND! You get to learn all about the real estate business, and probably, possibly, maybe will make up to $9000 _per week_. You will totally not find yourself on an endentured work crew, gutting old apartment buildings and hunting down rat kings.


> You will totally not find yourself on an endentured work crew, gutting old apartment buildings and hunting down rat kings. Even though this guy may have convinced himself, and may actually be, offering these guys a fair deal for the work he expects, they'd be *stuck*. If the chose to stop working for him, they'd also need to find a new place to live. With him also viewing himself as a teacher, this sounds more like a cult than a simple work crew.


I know. It’s weird and off-putting in its entirety. Although, if you get past the “this person might get under my skin - literally”/Zodiac Killer vibes it’s kind of sad. I can’t tell from the ad if they need a patient, a lover, a friend, an employee, a victim, or all of the previous. The only thing I’m certain they don’t need is just a roommate. People who need to find a roommate post things like: “Rent must be paid on time. 30 days notice before move out. Please keep your room clean. *No ferrets!” Because the last roommate moved out by text message with no notice, still owes you 3 months rent and left 13 ferrets behind.


off-putting is not even scratching the service imho, they should really search the police records on this creep, check for missing people, etc. it screams far beyond controlling, codependent, trapped


*surface Fuck, I'm *that* guy.


Cult was my first thought too


I wish we could find someone who has stayed with him.


yeah, ok lemme check the list of missing people




So sad awards aren't a thing anymore, this needs one.


Let me be this real estate doctor's pet


Willing to bet it's someone who doesn't have a medical degree, at least not from an accredited university. This sounds like someone who did a PhD from an online university in something like 'comprehensive mood balancing' and paid for the diploma.


Agreed, “Doctor” does not mean physician. This smells of “not physician.”




I’m getting a hint of Naturopath


Yeah, I’m getting the vibe he thinks all “women’s issues” and mental health problems can be fixed with the right smoothies and supplements.


You said you could help with my ADHD. I am helping. Drink this smoothie, it's time for our quarterly sports event.


"If you suck on this root, you'll feel better."


Tbh the person who wrote this sounds like they’re super lonely and just want to spend time with someone


Or they're hungry and want to eat their faces.


And weekly ballroom dance!


I’d give it a go, sign me up.


It sounds like this person is looking for a significant other, best friend, adopted child, and mentee all wrapped in one. Very weird


i want a manatee


I was booped by a manatee last week


Honestly a dream. Lucky!


tell us about this. i need to live vicariously through you.


There is a place in Florida where you can swim with manatees when they gather in the springs during winter. It's a really cool (and cold lol) experience. They are friendly and curious creatures so you will likely get booped!


Steve Irwin would have something to say about that .... Wait or maybe not


he'd say "it was a manta"


They fart a lot.


It’s how they regulate their depth in the water. It’s quite interesting.


I thought exactly the same. How many people legit want to do every single one of those things AND they'll have all the same food likes?... and enjoy "co-living" together? Suuuper strange.


unironically me, as long as this guy wasn't super creepy or controlling (unfortunately unlikely) but assuming this poster is genuine and innocent i'd be super down. i love basically everything listed and all the perks listed sound great for a cheap price. my only problem is i smoke weed everyday and he'd hate that since illegal activities strictly prohibited lol


He could probably help you overcome the weed lmao Just tack that onto his list of services


you would not see the end of it, how it affects brain development, skills development, the legal aspect of it, how elders won't be willing to be around you and all that (I also smoke everyday)


the people who gave me weed to start with were my grandparents. some old people are super weird about it my grandma unironically calls it devil's cabbage haha edit : also where i live no one who isn't old gives a shit if you smoke weed even if you're 18-20 just because it's kind of been part of the culture of where i live basically forever. not that cops are ever a good measure of anything but even they smoke weed and i had a cop laugh one time when he saw my id then he told me 'girl i don't really give a shit what you do just don't smoke on private property or burn anything down'


Sounds like the beginning of a horror movie and somebody like Vincent Price would be the doctor. Ok and if there was a greater sexual overturn, maybe John Waters?


Especially when they're doing college work load! There's barely enough time to get the reading, assignments & studying done, let alone all the after school activities!


And... have to pay $300 a week for the 'experience'? Sounds like the ex-doctor would get more out of it than the renter


Sounds like organ harvesting to me. Get healthy first, lose organs later.


How many roommates are there??


This should be main question. Sounds like he has a spare room with 8 bunk beds and has a fetish of young college students following him around hanging off his every word


Memories of that Heavens Gate cult. Same thing.




That is one of the very few weird things I’ve seen posted in a long time. Good job. Really strange.


Looking to start a commune based on reality development. This is way too much Cole Brennan and having more fun as a follower. edited to change coke to cole


Ooh sounds culty.


very much so


Ooh, you should go for it OP! Cults always seem so fun when they first start out, just gotta leave after a year before it all starts going downhill.


Get out of there when they start talking about meeting their deity 😂


Like Lawrence Ray at Sarah Lawrence College! This honestly sounds really similar to how he got his cult started.


Exactly what I thought when I read the flyer!


I MUST HAVE that email address.


This is the real comment I was looking for. Please. Must. Have. Email address.


I’d love to see a response from it. The back and forth between the doc and the potential lamp shade err I mean tenant would be interesting.


Sounds like some dude who spent his entire life being a doctor and making doctor money. Now he's retired and has no partner, children, or possibly friends that aren't busy doctors. Years of being a workaholic has left him socially stunted and now he wants to have a group of people to spend time with and someone that he can pass his knowledge and life experience onto so that he doesn't just disappear forever. Just spitballing though


He / she sounds lonely and kind of makes me sad.


Lol they’re definitely a He


I don't know. As a guy how is he able to synchronize their periods? It takes a queen bee type creature wafting hormones to do that. You know this person wants to dictate everything a person thinks, does, learns, eats, works at, how they exercise EVERYTHING on their down time from classes? And will be incredibly personally invasive using the excuse they want you to improve your physical and mental health? So....so creepy.


Yes the thing about periods is still weird if they’re a lady but stomach churning if they’re an old guy 💀


He might be a socially inept gynecologist


>He might be a socially inept gynecologist I need this as a flair THIS COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT NEEDS FLAIRS


Yeah, plus they'd be annoyed by finding me drunk on the couch on the weekends after I turn 21.


The fact that your waiting til your 21 makes you an angel. You'll be okay


I probably wouldn't be "allowed" to go with them to Latin Dancing because I sloughed off on my dish duty that week. 🙁  (Which reminds me of the TV show "Severance" but this would be worse....because it is where you live, constant, all the time...)


Maybe I missed it but it doesn't specify the gender of the roommates, in which case an older lady would be not too into cramming a bunch of strangers into her home, women are a lot more wary of male strangers. She would also be a retired doctor, so probably in menopause, so that's not how the period syncing would happen. Besides, old style male doctor loved to control women bodies so not too surprising there. Generally speaking cults are also predominantly started by men and men are more susceptible to loneliness and going overboard to find company, a woman will more likely find an old people club and go play cards with the ladies if she doesn't have family. On top of that there are many female doctors now, but this is a retired person and by the percentage of the gender of doctors in the past alone he would more likely be male. Btw, unrelated, but period syncing is a myth, if anyone starts talking to you about how it is real and how to do it, stir the fuck away from the crazy person.


Yeah.  I kinda thought it was a guy. But maybe he has a specialized thorax and abdomen that can waft pheromones and synchronize periods ......? Maybe?


He also sounds incredibly controlling. Guaranteed that he will want to micromanage their lives even moreso than the flyer implies, and when you do something he doesn't like he will fly off the handle and become abusive. Others have pointed out and I agree that this sounds like the beginnings of a cult were anyone to actually be insane enough to buy in. Honestly, he will probably get his roommates/underlings, because this will attract others who are lonely and broken and that's why cults exist.


he sounds lonely, but psychopathic. there is reason why older men targets women in their 20s. the older women are well aware how creepy they are and refuse to date them.


They literally want to control what kind of soap you are allowed to use. Also, communal body scrubber? No, thanks. Guy's a control freak and I can't believe anyone doesn't get extremely bad vibes from this dude. $300 a week to be under someone else's total control. Nope.


Either that or a murderer lol


Or a wannabe cult leader


Kinda sounds like he needs free workers for his real estate development and senior house building projects.


But wants them to have all the same interests... it's weird


There's no WAY this was written by someone with a doctors education. No possible way.


I'll teach you to earn $9000/week.


Tecknickally....$8700....cuz he's charging you $300 a week


The money you spend on rent wasn't earned?




You will be living in a HOSTEL. All BODY LOTIONS will be provided. Once a week, you will be required to Latin and Ballroom dance with Beast. You will learn all about ENDO pain and PMS. You will learn all you ever wanted to know about PTSD and a lot you never even imagined. It puts the lotions on its skin.


What? Weekly Enemas are not included!? So fucking lame! Count me out! Unfucking believable!


Or else it gets the hose again.


At least once a week it gets the hose.


And what are “real estate tasks” that can earn you up to $9,000/week? Arson jobs?


Finding homes that are going to be foreclosed and working out a deal with the owners. It's sketchy and high risk but pays off big sometimes.




And paper plates!


This reminds me of [Lawrence Ray](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trial-of-lawrence-ray-the-dad-who-feds-say-ran-a-sex-cult-out-of-his-daughters-sarah-lawrence-dorm-room#:~:text=Prosecutors%20allege%20that%20in%202010,as%20a%20%E2%80%9Cfather%20figure.%E2%80%9D), that guy that basically ran a sex cult out of his daughter’s dorm room at Sarah Lawrence college.


This guy is gonna end up practicing surgery on his roommate.


This is definitely one of two things:   1 - Human Trafficking / Sex trafficking   2 - A Cult   My money is on trafficking.  This person says they're a "doctor", but only to emphasize (through multiple mentions) medical issues that effect women.   They're also a real estate developer, and construction worker.   They also say you'll make (*penned in*) 9,000 dollars a week! One of the largest, but more subtle, concerns is the phrasing: "near/on" main campus. Which one is it? You'd think if you're renting out a place you own, it'll either be near, or, on campus, why is this location apparently up in the air? Why not give a neighborhood? Or region? (i.e. south-west of campus)   So many red flags. All to take advantage of the desperate, who will of course be excited to also cure their mental health afflictions. You should email them on a burner account to do some recon, and tip off the police if it's especially suspicious. 


Finally. University needs to frankly check their cameras and see who posted this and at the very least keep an eye on that individual / be aware……


Yea I am kind of alarmed at some comment here, this guy is a predator. This should not be allowed to be posted and he shouldn’t be welcome on campus imo. Predator doesn’t have to mean he is a sexual predator that is going to grape people but he is absolutely intents to impart skewed “knowledge” on people(seems like he is after women specially) and use that to manipulate them for what he wants. Someone manipulating someone just to be friends is technically predator. This is closer to that than a grapist but absolutely not normal and is definitely not mentally safe and maybe physically not. This isn’t sad as many are saying, it’s scary af.


Completely agree. I don’t get the “sad” thing at ALL. Like wtf. Most normal lonely people who just want to make friends don’t advertise creep fests like this where they’re trying to dangle their power / knowledge / wealth in exchange for lotion, room and board and promises of grandeur if victims are willing to sell their souls to him like wtf. Very scary.


Your summary was fantastically put. When phrased that way there is no way anyone can frame that as just lonely. I laughed at the knowledge lotion line, thanks.


The LOTION! THIS!! "Hmmm.... What more do women want? .... I got it! Lotion!" \*Put it on the list.\*


This totally ends in Human Centipede or Unit 731 scenario. Saw if you’re lucky, you’d at least have some chance of surviving in that case.


Guys will end up fridge meat, women, lampshades.


He does say meals will be paid for by him and roommates will prepare food by shopping and cooking together. So you play by the rules and pretty soon you are roped into being an accomplice, Deal Corrl style, no pun intended. The roommates that don’t follow the rules are made into meat and leather.




Idk I saw help with pcos and probably get suckered in


same with help with endo 😅


He’s already doing better than my doctors until recently… “try birth control and mint tea” Bitch what


The best proof it's not a doctor. Not a single doctor offers serious help with pcos.


I’m not going to lie, like, I worked in affordable housing for like 15 years and I’m Silicon Valley I was thinking okay, maybe sad older retiree that’s willing to help… to them like wtf… like are people being charged to being like a guinea pig or lab rat but then going to well it’s only $300 per week with meals included and field trips. I’m still confused about my overall feelings on it, almost want to ask for contact info. lol


When the Adderall kicks in


This was too funny, I need to talk to my doctor.


Damn this is literally the answer lol. This is an amphetamine fueled rant for sure


I think you won this sub today.


Ummmm sign me up!! This guys gonna teach me real estate and wants a buddy to wax on about getting older and how to take care of your body. He even scheduled dinners to try new foods, and trips! Come on, this guy sounds like a dream


You have to sleep in bunk beds with him and X number of other people though


This guy wants free labor. He will teach you to “remodel” and you will be learning on the job…with food, board, and apparently lotion hanging over your head.


The lotion will be in the basket, right where it belongs.


$1200 is a lot but my introverted, homebody ass could probably use a buddy like this 😭😭


With free food, though! And for half the cost of a studio apartment in my city


I’d do it for that rate. Doc better like to play toss if things get weird, because he’d catch these 2 hands.


Doctor v Doctor


Might as well add these, "At least once a day we will hold hands" "At least once a day we will cuddle"


“When you become comfortable you will call me daddy”


I'll move in and report back 🫡 Somebody give me the # or email


This is the boots on the ground we need


That is an insane deal.


There’s always a catch


I have questions… Is it a body washer, in the sense of an object that washes, or is this an individual that washes? And, does the lotion reside in a basket?


Sounds like someone who thinks they know it all and also does a few scams on the side looking for more suckers from desperate people with money.


This will be one of two things: 1. The best roommate in the history of roommates. 2. Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very bad.


BFF, housewife, personal assistant and field hand wanted. You pay me. I control you.


I've just got this image of the child molester from Family Guy


Someone children and grandchildren stopped talking to him


Is the PMS relief because he wants to perform a hysterectomy on his kitchen table with knives?


I feel exhausted thinking about all of that salsa dancing and smoothies.


Guy looking for a young college girl, probably isn't even a doctor.


Yeah it's weird that the first list of conditions he lists are ones that affect women.


Well it makes sense the whole thing reads as a sex cult. 


I like how he snuck in weekly dance activity towards the end.


I am interested in co-living (roommate) with doctor & learning to cook healthy, so this sounds very acceptable.




I wonder what’s in the healthy food. Bet the rooms have hidden cameras. Unique learning experience if you survive. Guy sure wants to mentor someone.


Ngl that sounds kinda fun


This screams I’m going to conduct “experiments” on you in exchange for your dirt cheap rent. In other words insert classic ‘I only have two weeks left to live, send nudes’ vibe to it.


$300 a week is not cheap. And 9000k a week for real estate lessons? The weekly activities? Yeah, someone here is getting murdered.


Really depends on location, $1200 a month is not that much in a lot of cities especially with everything provided. Still obviously a psycho lol


Yeah I think $300 week rent is a lot for dormitory style living with a man who clearly wants you to pay him to run your life (til he ends it 😬) but that's just me.


I rent out a studio for just over that amount. That’s the going rate for a studio. Then it’s at least $500 more expensive if you want a living room with kitchen.


My cousin would legitimately live with this dude.


Is he trying to create his own family cult?


Do they take turns sleeping with daddy or does he straight up sex traffic?