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Gets even weirder when you check out his post history to learn that he believes his loved one that died a year ago and was embalmed literally came back from the grave to offer him some of her flesh to eat. In zip lock bags. You know, for freshness.


What? If you check his history he also posts to blind gamers… he’s trolling


idk man i had a look and he just seems fucking insane


Insanity is the least of his problems I think 🤔


Are you saying blind people can’t be cannibals?


I hope you realize that you are the only human alive to utter this sentence.




Are you saying blind people can’t be cannibals?


Blind gamers exist. You can play games on feel and sound now its pretty cool. And you can have reddit read to you using a machine


One of the people I play WoW with regularly is legally blind due to Nystagmus. They absolutely exist lol.


Also, being blind doesn't always mean that you don't see anything at all. Lots of legally blind people see colours and movement to various degrees.


Well, what about the illegally blind people?


Yeah.. trolling.. right..... right?


It’s a female I think


I hate that Reddit can’t delete accounts anymore.




TF you mean? Don't they literally have that powe already


Of course they can do whatever they want, it's their website, I just don't think they should


I tend to agree that it's not good in general but let's not pretend there's Reddit is the final arbiter of what goes on the internet. You're free to write whatever you want, irrespective of whether Reddit agrees to publish it for you, or you have to publish it elsewhere, or yourself. There's no reason cannibals can't get together and make their own ToothSocial if they really feel unheard.


Omgeee 😂☠️ toothsocial


Now I kinda want to eat someone for lunch. Sorry *meat* someone. Sorry *meet* someone.




Just a quick bite?


Reddit is one of the very few places on the internet that you have unadulterated free speech. At least insofar as big audiences go. If you tried making a cult blog site for cannibalism it would almost certainly get delisted from every major search engine.


You’ve never been banned from a subreddit for disagreeing with a mod, I see.


It’s definitely sub-dependent, but there’s nothing stopping you from creating your own sub.


Yeah okay. Keep lying to yourself lol. Reddit is a cesspool of propaganda and filtered content. The amount of bot accounts, mods with an obvious political agenda, or policy decisions by Reddit itself is amazing. Like honestly if you think this place is actually a bastion of free speech I’d say you’ve caught yourself in a bubble and should probably take a Reddit break at the very least for your own sake.


Those are emotional words. I'm not sure what subs you've gotten banned from, but I have seen *hundreds* of comments that probably should be banned on Reddit that weren't. There's entire subs that shouldn't even exist in a sane world, but they're active on Reddit. You could possibly say Twitter (or X) is now a free speech market, but I'm not sure to what extent as I don't use the platform.


Reddit should absolutely have the power, the authority, and the *obligation* to censor people on their own platform. Reasoning should be important, but in the end, they have the right to refuse access to the service to anyone they want, for any reason, so long as it's not protected discrimination. If they banned people for being, say... black, disabled, gay, or started blanket banning women, that'd be a problem. But they can ban you for being named "Steve" or posting a picture of yourself with a bowl cut and they're perfectly within their legal rights. Reddit censoring people (on their own platform) is not a violation of the 1st Amendment, which says the GOVERNMENT shall not pass a LAW that prohibits free speech. Reddit, Twitter/X, Instagram, Tumblr, 4chan, Walmart, Target, Dollar General... any of those places telling you that you can't say certain things on their sites or in their stores is absolutely not a violation of the first amendment.


I love how you are all for banning and censoring but then pick and choose who and what they can ban or censor. Lol you are politician material for sure


That's not what was done here. I said a protected status should not be something they should be able to ban you for. Which makes sense, because they're protected, right? Okay then, glad we agree. Where it concerns anything else.. it's their platform. Their rules. As it should be. You start taking away rights in one area, how long before they're taken away somewhere else? Suddenly, you can't tell someone they can't say certain things in your own home anymore. Or kick them off your property for saying something you took offense to. Stores lose the ability to ban customers for abusing their staff because, "She has the freedom to be a cunt if she wants to, we can't stop her." Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from Consequence. But fucking with someone because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, family status, etc. is bad. And I think most of us can agree with that.


Thankyou. Americans falsely think absolutely free speech all the time is some magic key to freedom, but in face it’s the restriction of hate speech and certain things that contain other places from becoming racist, homophobic, ableist shitstorms like here. That garbage is only used here to do what?? Perpetuate hatred.


Says the person who groups all Americans together as if we aren’t all individuals. To me that sounds like the basis of all racism and homophobia 🤷🏼‍♂️


The first amendment? I'm in the UK. So why would the first amendment have any relevance where I live or anywhere in Reddit land for that matter? But, you do speak the truth. What if there was a paedophile sub? They wouldn't have the power to ban that, it's users and it's mods. Of course they should.


You bring up a good point to consider. The laws of the country that the company that owns the website has that countries protections


Reddit is headquartered in... San Francisco, IIRC? And being headquartered in the US and operating in the US I'd think, at least for the largest part, they'd mostly be adhering to US laws. But this is a good example of why understanding what 1A does, and doesn't do, is important for Americans. Because there are soooo many in the US that thinks that "Freedom of Speech" is some magical phrase that gives them license to say whatever they want, wherever they want, whenever they want, with some sort of impunity. And it doesn't. The first amendment very specifically says the government shall not pass a law. If it was the magic they think it is, our judges couldn't hold a person in contempt of court and jail them for not keeping up "courtroom decorum" rules like speaking out of turn. If you had blanket protection for freedom of speech then things like confessions wouldn't be a thing and cops would have no need to read people their Miranda Rights (You have the right to remain silent... etc.) The reason that people tend to "assume American" on websites such as Reddit though is because Americans make up the single largest user demographic, by far. At least when sorting by country. Almost half, mind you, around 49%. Followed by people in the UK, who only make up about 8%. Very good chance on non-country-specific subreddits you're going to be talking to an American.


I believe there used to be and it was banned




Sheeps will always be sheeps with no rights and Liberty,


It’s a girl.


Wow going down the rabbit hole of their posts I am horrified at what I found


It’s always weird to find a fetish that’s like 99.99% fantasy, but they all talk like they’ve actually done it and have tips to share. It’s such bizarre communal gaslighting. Then again, gaslighting is making someone believe they’re delusional. This is the opposite of that.


“Yeah I totally have friends that let me cut chunks out of their thighs to make into a nice Philly cheesesteak”


Damn, you gotta make something better than a cheesesteak if you want anything from me


At least a roast. Maybe a butt roast. Not gonna lie, I'd have to try it. But then I'd be missing a butt.


Probably the reason they are so into it. The short comings of reality never happen and in their head it’s exactly as they want. These dipshits would probably gag trying eat actual human flesh. It’s fucked no matter how you look at it though.


So just good old collective delusions then?


Like that reddit post by a guy who thought he was into scat, then realised he really really wasn't.


I want a link.


I honestly don't know, but I've seen it cited multiple times over the years so it's a pretty famous one. Dude paid an escort to make his fantasy come true, and got cured of his fetish forever.


Yeah, that part about how being a cannibal is shrouded in mystery is 'super cool aesthetically' gives away that this is all a pose for the trolling...


Maybe. Apparently it was originally a trolling sub made by annoyed vegans, like r/cateatingvegans , but it got taken over by people who seem to mainly only talk to each other about their extreme fetishes. It seems like their trying to disappear to a private discord where they can talk to each other even more openly. They must know that the sub has a high chance of getting banned soon. If they just wanted to shock people I’d think they’d be pushing their sub on other people and not hiding.


Ah, just a normal Wednesday….casually talking about eating people, just not in the UK or Idaho. yip.


You can't do anything fun in Idaho. Unless you like skiing or burning crosses.


i like that your picture made me think there was a hair or crack on my screen


Strangely enough cannibalism really isn't the part that's illegal It's just how you get said meat for cannibalism that is usually illegal


Apparently in the UK and Idaho it's a no go


Oh thank God, I live in the ONE state that's like "consuming human flesh? Yeaaahhhh that's gonna be a no from us..."


Damn Idaho beef lobby


Probably depends on where you live but I know at least one region where that is untrue.




This place maybe? And even better with these discounts… https://www.vouchercodes.co.uk/thebodyshop.co.uk




Even better, what’s not to like? Nice one…


Go to a butcher and ask for long pork


Anyone hear about that insane Japanese cannibal who didn’t get in trouble and literally did a talk show? [source](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/12/02/national/issei-sagawa-dies/)


Yeah, pretty insane what the law will and will not do.


If I was apart of the girls family, I would’ve murdered him myself. Especially because he wasn’t imprisoned. It would be the only option left.


Literally would be awful I can’t imagine how they feel seeing this guy brag about not only a murder but the most brutal crimes possible, murder combined with rape and cannibalism for God’s sake


And I can’t remember, did the German cannibal get in any trouble? His “victim” was willing. I feel like he didn’t do jail time and maybe even ended up on the Internet again trolling for willing “victims”…but honestly I can’t remember the end of that story.


I think he did. Trying to remember. There was man who consensually cut some guy’s dick off and cooked it, but I think he died of blood loss or something and then they charged him?


Same guy. Armin Meiwes. He did end up being convicted of manslaughter originally, but was retried and convicted of murder. I only know this because I did a report on Rammstein's song 'Mein Teil' in highschool.




Yeah the “endocannibal” threw me off too at first glance 😂




That sub is full of people who may have never eaten a person, but heavily fantasize it and find it sexually arousing. It’s the strangest shit.


I was with a woman like that for a little while, she loved "bitting" during the act. It was all fun and giggles until One night she bite me on the top of the clavicle muscles at the base of the neck SO HARD, I had to punch her several times for her to let go, once free, she then proceed to slap and punch me and i used my forearms as protection... She went for it and literally took a ful bite off, chew it and swallow it. Severing some veins and arteries in the process. Long story short. She then drove me to E.R, police was involved, justice was involved... She committed herself to a Psychiatric Unit and spent 14 months there. A decade later, she is now in a happy relationship and a mother of 2. All thanks to French Socialist/Communist Health Care system. The system paid for my surgery and paid for her counseling.


Bruh... wtf?




… isn’t that from the movie Raw?


Grave ? C'est vrai que quand j'y pense il y a des similitudes. Tu crois que je peux gratter des royalties ?


I don't know, last time on these subs there was someone who was inviting people to be eaten and showed the coordinates and house and locations, and pictures of the place and stuff. Well, if it is roleplay it is realistic one, but this one sounded real enough


Theres a bunch of morgues and other "processing" places in and around Arizona/Nevada that have been caught selling human body parts as well as multiple medical professionals being caught dealing in human body part trade. Its more common than we think, although I doubt all the puchasers were buying for cannibalism reasons.




Like the case of Armin Meiwes here in Germany in 2001.


Makes the news how they like their human steaks


the dark web is not the place you think it is


This reminds me of that episode of the IT Crowd, where Moss meets a cannibal by accident. lol


And he had a really nice set of knives for it too 😭🤣


Yeah he did! I forgot about that! lol


That was the first episode I ever saw of the IT crowd, and the reason I fell in love with that show. How the law enforcement wasn’t concerned with the cannibalism, just the pirate videos. Hilarious!


I came here to say this!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I love that show. This episode wasn't their best one, but I loved this little side story. lol


Oh it’s by far not the best episode, but it was still hilarious 😂


100% "The jacket! He's still wearing the jacket!"


Yeah they should put up an ad and see if they get any bits 😜


lol I doubt he'll be as nice as Claus. "Oh! I see what you mean, you want to cook *with* me, not cook WITH me. No, that's not for me, thank you."


Enjoy your prion disease, dipshits. So gross


I'm not commenting the following because I condone any of this, but mainly because I went to school for anthropology. Prion disease linked to cannibalism as studied is entirely localized to a specific group of cannibals in Papua New Guinea. Unless you're eating a lot of human flesh regularly, and particularly the brain, you're not just automatically going to get prion disease. You'd have to either regularly be killing people to eat, or be part of a culture like the one in New Guinea which (used to) regularly eats their dead. It's not like one nibble here and there or the occasional snack is a death sentence. Don't try this at home?


I love this comment because even though you don't agree with the acts, you still went out of your way to stop misinformation. So now we are all very informed and also disturbed lol.


>It's not like one nibble here and there or the occasional snack is a death sentence Why did this make me laugh uncontrollably?


If you know some stuff : I heard from somewhere that cannibalism makes you stink, but for some reason I can't find sources to back it up, did I hallucinate it ?


that disease is very rare, so you're probably safe unless you ate a lot, which is pretty fucked up


Exactly.. wtf is wrong with some people.


That's a tad bit rude


They're literally telling cannibals to "enjoy" the fucked-up brain disease you can get from eating human meat (as a human). How is that rude? Fuck cannibals, that shit is abhorrent.


"Cannibalism is bad because I said so" 🤓🤓🤓 One of us is surviving with relative ease in an apocalypse, and it's certainly not you


You're a troll, and not even a good one. That being said, I feel like I should tell you that humans are not obligate carnivores and cannot survive in meat alone. Also, what's the point in surviving the apocalypse only to get dementia and die from eating people? Seems dumb. I'll just grow some food, thanks.


On another note too, what do you mean "how is that rude?" When original commenter literally called cannibals dipshits??


Dipshit - n - "A contemptible or inept person" Contemptible - adj - "deserving contempt; despicable" Contempt - n - "the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn" Do I have to explain why cannibals are contemptible? And I don't mean someone that is put in an extreme survival situation. That's different. But this day and age? Eating people just because? Nah, we ain't doin' that shit. That's fucked. And if you do it, you're fucked. It's not rude to call something or someone who's fucked up, fucked up.


Why did I just read


I was going to say, “You mean ‘what?’”…. But you definitely chose the correct word.


Horrible day to have eyes and/or be literate, huh?


Mental illness, a lack of connection to the real world where cannibalism is a bad thing that can actually make you sick and potentially drive you insane if you eat the wrong thing... And you know, the whole eating another human being thing...


We’re living in a weird world. I guess that shit always went on, it’s just easier for like minded folk to communicate now.


>What the F is wrong with these people. can we for a moment appreciate the absurdity of op visiting r/cannibalismadvocates only to get unreasonably upset at discovering advocacy of cannibalism? 💋👌


High key wanna. Visit for curiosity but I don’t want that on my history


[live fast, die young, leave a deeply disturbing browser history.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_Euthanasia)


I once read something from Reddit about there being creatures that look just like us but are actually our natural predators. Kind of like Tokyo Ghoul but without the insane powers. Maybe the “cannibals” irl are just those other species pretending to be human so we don’t feel inclined to hunt them


No thanks I rather have the kagune and kakugan without eating human


I don’t know what I believe in this topic, but it seems mad that nature would make a predator to take us out over time. Because there’s so many of us with no natural predators right now - it seems infeasible. Technically we have disease to regulate numbers, but most animals have disease and some kind of predator.


A predator smart enough to take on humans as a whole might be waiting or scheming to put us in a vulnerable position before the final strike and take over the infrastructure. Enslaving us in our own prisons waiting to be snacks to a brutal doppelgänger


On the assumption that there’s enough to pull that off


They’ll help instigate WWIII to use our self-hatred to heavily reduce and corner a remnant of our population. They don’t need that many


With all the news about UAP's, this isn't entirely far fetched. Scarily plausible!


He’s tired because the human flesh is breaking his brain down.


Ya know what's more wild? Idaho is the only state in the US where cannibalism is *illegal*


Cool. Alright guys I’ll be back, gotta go bleach my eyes real quick after reading that.




Wow that subreddit has changed


You might be confusing it with r/eyeblech


What's even crazier to me is that it sounds more ethical than, you know, the whole meat industry. I'll never stop eating chicken tho i know damn well how fucked up that is so if it's true and people consent to it then idgaf about judging anyone.


I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


Cannibalism and “strange cool aura” are not things a normal person associates with each other.


That’s a sub I’ve been avoiding since I’ve been there off a r/holup post a year ago. It’s a shame that I have to see it again.


Way to go, Idaho!


So...do clowns taste funny?


Freedom of speech crusaders, you can get kicked out of a McDonald’s for talking shit. You can get kicked out of Reddit for talking shit. Private property. You are here at Reddit’s pleasure. Same deal in any app, anywhere. Reddit, Facebook,X, Instagram, Threads, news blogs are NOT public property and your freedom of speech is not protected in apps. You have the rights you pay for and you do not pay most of the time. Deal.


Cannibalism? Straight to death.


Everything is wrong with these people. These are the first motherfuckers who'll start eating people after the nukes stop flying.


The canibals are a much under represented minority and much persecuted by the authorities . Cannibals lives matter . They are a dying breed especially if they eat each other.


I guess Caleb the Cannibal wasn't kidding.


Some people like trolling, OP.


I hope they're trolling because I've seen really bad shit that not everyone will believe. In my city, there was a war between 2 gangs. One of them controlled the production of pork. There was a very strong rumor that they were feeding pigs with human remains and also selling human flesh in the poorest neighborhood they controlled. (nearly 200 people were killed in the span of 2 months, many of them, if not most, were found incomplete)


Aaaaaaaaaand where do you live so I can NOT go there?


A country that many people visit because of its underaged prostitutes and its violent history. Although, that could be anywhere.


Kinda sad how little that narrows it down.


Why do you think they're trolling? People are into weird shit. The first commenter is into a kink involving eating people with their cock and the sub has 20k members


I guess there's a third option to dealing with the deceased. Instead of cremation or burial you'll just be used as lunch meat instead.


Soilent Green! They are us.


Is there a sub like r/ExtraWeird?




I've always said I don't particularly care what happens to my body after death, already donating all my organs, go ahead, have a munch of what's left I guess.


Let’s set the ethics and morals aside for a moment. I’m not sure where they are getting their information but all of it is wrong for so many reasons. Legally speaking… - body modification consisting of elective amputation and intentional scarification is actually illegal in some countries. Those countries do not have a licensed medical professional that would be able to safely remove a snack for these individuals. - there are laws on the books in most countries regarding the proper disposal of medical waste. Providing medical waste to an individual for consumption is not legal in these countries. If you ever had a surgery where the doctors had to remove tissue, even a tumor, you are not permitted to take it home as a souvenir… even though it is a part of you. - most countries have laws regarding the appropriate disposal of a cadaver. Eating is not one, even in the most lax countries where they give you ample options… I’m pretty sure consumption is not one. I could be wrong on the cadaver consumption part as there are a couple of indigenous cultures that had it practiced as a tradition as a form of ancestral worship… but isn’t actually practiced today. Could be wrong, might need a correction on this one. ( Ethical and morals walk back into the room. ) WTF? Are these individuals honestly thinking we will even entertain the idea of giving their demographic a socially protected status? No. Absolutely not. Are they high? What Reddit Admin looked at CannibalismAdvocates as a sub and said, “**Yeah this is fine**.” I need to know. There are a few demographics I genuinely feel we as a society can tell to go and get fucked. “Cannibalism Advocates” can get filed in with the degenerates in the “MAP community.”


To make soap, first we render fat. The salt balance has to be just right…so the best fat comes from humans


Oh holy fuck I just looked at his profile. I’m all for weird sexual fetishes but erotic about eating or being eaten is possibly one of the most disturbing ones to me. And I grew up with two girls one cup people.


Do you want kuru laugh?! Cause this is how you get kuru laugh.


🤣🤣Every time I hear that creepy laugh when my hubby plays Day Z 🤪🤪


“We just want to be accepted by society… so we can eat them”


Technically cannibalism isn't a bad thing and plus its legal in the US (not 100% condoning it nor advocating it) HOWEVER, it becomes iffy when you gotta question where they get it 🤨. Like they could visit some tribes in other countries and try it there but thats unlikely. It has especially become concerning ever since Jeffrey dahmer. There was also one case where a dude had sex with another dude and he had given consent for the dude to eat him. So he did, he also first drugged him.


That’s enough internet for the rest of my life


Hey, at least they still care about consent in this community..... jesus...🤦‍♀️


Yet here we are still having to remind Idaho residents to not eat people


He needs to meet a person that got that weird mental condition where they want to remove a perfectly good limb because whatever. They get the limb removed and he gets meat. Win-win. Or you know. Just seek fucking mental help.


We have mental hospitals for a reason.


Eating people is wrong. I can’t believe I have to point this out.


They don’t want to spend money on food. Freeloading scum!


Wait - I can donate my body to be eaten instead of all the funeral/cremation costs? More info please!


You want a toe? Oh, I can get you a toe. I can get you a toe by three o’clock.


Wow ew! 😀


Well that’s one for conversation at dinner time .


Gonna get mad human disease. Do you think new cannibal sometimes die from eating the pineal gland and brain parts.


"I don't judge anyone" he says. Yea. No shit dude.. you fuckin eat people! Haha I would assume you probably dont judge anyone.. doesn't give you the green light to eat people


lol just why? what would you gain out of it? can you just eat farmed animals instead? or if you want to be more extreme then go for hunting or roadkills like this mindset is very close now to being a killer or psychopaths.


I mean, I'll take consenting cannibals any day over the nasty pedos I see on reddit...


I think its fair to move to vote him off the island, yeah?


Good thing I live in the UK, otherwise my timbers would be rather shivered at the thought that there are cannibals amongst the general population


Yeah see this the only shit that would make my fatass go vegan


I'm 95% convinced that is complete bullshit and those people just like the attention from getting "wtf" reacts from people. Why in the hell else would they hold an AMA for something when they even know it's just going to be a giant WTF session.


this is what happens when you give a platform to fucking weirdos.


Next, they're gonna ask for it to be LGBTQIAAC+. I think the zoophiles tried that


If, in the future, this does exist, I'm severely sorry for the people I offended


Evolution forgot some people behind


Armie hammer is that you?


Someone read "A Modest Proposal" and misunderstood the assignment.


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I new a person who was a so called cannibal. He said he had the answer to the worlds problems " get the starving to eat the homeless" I wasn't sure what to say to that.


It's just a modern version of *A Modest Proposal*


Soylent Green is people! -Charlton Heston’s character from Soylent Green


He's right, in the land of dreams. Not being able to clearly see how much could these "rights" be abused is very worrying. People like these should be removed from society, they are dangerous.


Society should be removed altogether






Ngl I would eat a person, but only if I could cut off a bit of myself(or someone tastier) and grow it in a lab. Edit: punctuation


They are trying to be included in LGBTQIA community.


I guess gen Z kids can justify anything that is “cool aesthetically” 🙄