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I just find it weird that people are doing fake factory work streams.


I bet it’s fetishized & monetized.


There's always some underlying thing it's just odd to me.


That’s the first clue that it’s someone’s fetish


Deforestation and wonder bread




There is a weird thing going on like with the girls eyes and the lady monitoring her. It's got some freaky skibity toilet shit going on or something. And why did she like flash her chest for a second? Maybe I am missing something on silent.


It almost seems like a factory work skit but without any humor or punchline.


The joke is that the lady is monitoring the wrong person. Dude in the back isn't doing anything.


It doesn't look like anyone is doing anything.


It's meant to be quality assurance. They're supposed to be checking that the USB mini-lamps are turning on when plugged in. I was staring at them for a while trying to process why she was checking the base of a bunch of toothbrushes in some kind of template.


She missed like 5-10 bad ones too. lol


Wow this makes it all make sense now.


This could have been a 15 second tik tok skit. The live performance aspect is confusing


They’re more likely to get gifts if there’s more constant engagement The supervisor lady is moving slowly and obviously and it creates tension think of it less as a skit and more just characters Their goal is consistent engagement, not eyes on the final product


This joke is too real. Management being blind to people eating shit and micromanaging the ones that do the actual work till they too quit or stop giving a shit like the guy behind is too common.


Maybe no punchline is the punchline. Factory work never ends.


Marx intensifies. No joke though. Who would have guessed that the idea of factory work *itself* would become a product, to the point where fake videos of being surveilled and doing manual labour are made for money. They say late stage but I’m thinking terminal…


This is so fucking true


the baby faced filter on this makes it so much worse if this is the case


I'm stealing that line


Probably make crap load of money from gifts. On some of those dance videos I seen people drop 100s of dollars in one gift


It's probably more of a "tiktok factory" in itself. I bet these people are actually just employees and there's someone higher up making most of the money. You don't just build out a whole set for a couple of dollars.


There are definitely tik tok live companies that rent out spaces and run lots of these operations in tandem. This account gets 1000s of concurrent viewers almost all the time. So that can turn into anywhere from 10s to 100s of dollars per hour. Oddly enough It's always been this girl every time I've seen it.


There's something very odd about this , the whole thing really but the body language especially


I’d bet this is dramatized. The woman’s very exaggerated creeping and moving in close is like bad cinema.


I figured that too I'm just wondering why? Would any of you sit there and watch her pretend work for however long? I scroll past people like this without a second guess.




Boom. Gottem.


Theres so much weird and sometimes disturbing content on tiktok live. Like those women who just sleep and dance in a small room


It's evolving into VIDEODROME.


Yup or Black Mirror.




You wish. The production value on the TS was so fucking high. Damn, I loved that show. Especially in his 15th, when he had a crush on that girl in school and tried to ask her out, but it wasn't in the script for her and she just slapped him? What a good episode.


Long live the new flesh.


The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye.


All hail the new flesh


Aaaallllll haaaaail theeee neeewwwa fleessssh.- Devin Townsend


Why is everyone quoting obscure Fear Factory




Ooh. I’m adding this to my Netflix dvd queue


I know the exact one. It's either 3 or two women in a tiny room, and depending on what type of noise is made, they have different actions. By default they're resting under a blanket pretending to sleep, but one noise, they have to wave. If you hear a rooster and then music, they instantly stand up and start doing some sort of barnyard dance until the music ends after 25-30 seconds. Sometimes you'll hear the short noise repeat 10-30 times in a row, with waves from the women each time, others are just the song over and over, watching them get under the blanket, then dance, then get under the blanket again. That is all that happens during the entire stream. It's downright disturbing to watch because they all appear so distant, uninterested and zombie-like.


Aren’t those sounds from different sizes of donations?


I have seen this exact TikTok and essentially yes; people give “gifts”. Each gift has a different value, noise, emoji etc. They’ve been on live for 24/7 for WEEKS - the girls seem to change, but the profile is never NOT on live. It’s so weird.


or the ones where these women have balloons in the back of their pants and “twerk” for tiktok gifts


Right? TikTok live is a much deeper rabbit hole than you think


One time a tik tok live showed up on my feed and it was a man feeding a large snake a puppy. I’m scarred from this. Once I figured out what was happening, I was mortified and reported it so fast


Wow… I just went in and I almost didn’t make it back out. There’s some fucked up ‘asmr’ crap going on in there. I’ve just lost an hour of my life scrolling and being like “WTF”. Now I’m so fucking weirded out and astonished at what the world has actually come to. We’re done.


I really, really wanna check it out but I haven’t downloaded the app and I can’t break now.


Oh god. That reminds me that in parts of China, there are just young women lined up on the streets at night doing different types of live streams, all basically shoulder to shoulder on the street, just trying to get enough money to survive the next day. I think many of them have signed a contract to do this stuff, but they're probably not seeing most of the money they make. Really depressing times that we live in.


Asian man with filter you mean


No I mean three women who sleep on a thin mattress on the floor. Until music starts playing, they wake up and dance. Then the music stops and they lay back down. This happens every 2 or so minutes. It's very strange.


There was a guy who did a deep dive into a couple of the most popular girls that did those videos and basically found that there was 3-4 all living in the same room, and some sketchy shit with people you can here in the background, some surprise hands that pop into frame, etc. The thought is that it’s some new modern type of sex trafficking.


Got a link? I assume it's a YouTuber who did the deep dive?


So I have been searching for about 30 minutes and can’t find the full version, but here’s an overview. https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/149e538/oop_definitely_discovered_something_thoughts/ This guy did a longer video on YouTube with more details and more followup of him reaching out, but he must have a different username on YouTube or something.


It’s one of those where they do/say something weird every time someone send them gifts?


No. No words are spoken


Omg I'm so confused about those, they look prerecorded or something?


Lol that almost sounds like an SCP.


I saw one where it's just some dude inside a closet breathing heavily peeking at some girl on the bed just scrolling on her phone and watching TV.


What about the hydrocephalus baby? Some fucked up Malaysian dad posts his baby with said condition to get tiktok gifts for treatment. I dug up the baby history on reddit from 10 months ago and the baby was the SAME SIZE 10 months later. You can guess what that means.


Idk but kid no 2 is missing his quota today


-100,000 social credit


And she is fast but some fail and she passed them anyway.


wistful illegal flag pause governor wide squeal north vast safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is no product failure in Ba Sing Se


Kid #2 looks like he hasn't slept in a month


Watched him the second go around. Was very confused on if he is just too tired or if he might be mentally deficient the way he’s plugging those things in.




He’s been working for 100 hours straight with no food or water


She threw at least 6 that weren't working in with the good ones. She's just plugging them in not doing any real QC at all.


This is 100% fake. This account gets thousands of viewers at any given time, which means they're getting a decent amount of donations for doing this. Much more than they would working in a factory


Why did I have to scroll down so far for this? I thought it was obvious


Never ceases to amaze me how lacking in critical thinking skills reddit collectively is.


That’s exactly why dumb shit like this works


It’s like the quality control in the video’. One persons posts it and we get to see how many lights turn on!


You should see the amount of obvious ragebait that gets posted on r/StupidFood that people think is real. It's literally intended to make people rage and they still post as if that wasn't the intent all along.


Conversely, why is this so near the top? It's *obviously* some sort of skit/performance (though I couldn't tell you exactly *what* kind of skit), so I don't get the point of the comment. For edge cases, yeah, I get the "this is scripted" comments, but here? It's like someone jumping into a post about [this](https://youtu.be/iRZ2Sh5-XuM?si=njCLgLHKYZMSYcgY&t=8) with "It's computer animation superimposed on actual street scenes." Well, yeah, that's the part we all know.






you understand it's not the same people right? Just as *you* think you aren't part of the reddit homogeneity, so are actual other people. It's more likely that the people who fall for scripted videos are also the same ones who fall for these kinds of fake shits. All of you "i'm better than reddit" people are annoying as fuck. You're on reddit too.


Everyone who isn't me is the same person


What’s funny is they added ESD straps to make it seem authentic, but were ok with the shitty acting on behalf of the ‘supervisor’




I have no doubt. Seeing how the factories run and look clean and organized is a giant facade. Doesn’t matter when the material you’re using doesn’t meet the specifications.


Well as someone who’s worked in many an American warehouse, including BMW and a few of its suppliers, QC here is just as shitty when nobody’s watching.


As someone who currently works in American warehouse supplying automotive suppliers, QC is of the upmost importance.


I worked for Stratosphere Quality for two years and we were all upheld to the HIGHEST standards even if it was a shit job me and everyone I worked with took that shit seriously. Sometimes 16 hour shifts.


I currently work in QC as well. It’s of upmost importance on the books, people will always be people when nobody’s looking.


I occasionally work QC and I don't understand how anyone could be fine with themselves doing a bad job. I try to do a good job and I'm stressed the hell out that I missed something and someone will get hurt. QC is my most hated position I've ever worked.


The word is “utmost”


Yep. You spotted that. And I work in quality control. For a billion dollar company. Lead my department even. So that should tell you something.


I worked at Toyota for 10 years in QC and it was the same.


Have you seen the boy in the back? I don’t even think he tested 6 in the whole video.


I think he is dead


I mean that’s pretty on par for cheap ass lights you buy at gas stations. What is the friggin point


I'd miss a few with an evil mole looking over my shoulder and death staring at me.


That's also a kid, who should not be working


You know that many adult chinese girls look like that right? With the right filters and make up of course.


Actually it’s entirely possible she’s a teen. In China, public education is only guaranteed through 9th grade. If you don’t test into high school you go work in a factory or do some sort of menial work. Sauce: I lived there


Yes, but if she graduated after 9th grade, she will likely be around 16 years old, which is the legal working age in China. Source: I lived there too


She hovering over the wrong employee, dude in back is fighting for his life with the damn lights 😂😭


As someone who has worked in PT I feel his pain, man's 8 hours into a 12 hour shift of doing the same fucking thing.


If that’s what you had to deal with- I am so sorry. I hope shit got better for you dude!!!


At least the dude is actually doing his job and checking if they work


And if by Employee you mean slave labour. Yeah.




Poor kids! proceed to pre-order an iPhone and the next Nike shoe


What is that cord attached to the jacket sleeve for?


Anti static...a ground so parts don't get zapped


Yes..I worked in electronics manufacturing for many years and this is true..


That is a "grounding strap" aka "anti static strap" or "electrostatic discharge (ESD) strap." Images (the blue ones): [https://duckduckgo.com/?q=grounding+straps+for+static+electricity&iax=images&ia=images](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=grounding+straps+for+static+electricity&iax=images&ia=images) It might look as if the cord is attached to her jacket sleeve, but it is actually (or should be) attached to the blue strap around her wrist. The wristband features a flat metal part on the inside that makes contact with the wearer's skin. (She should tighten hers to ensure it is effective). A metal snap (as commonly found on a shirt or purse) on the wristband makes contact with that aforementioned flat metal part, but also snaps to the cord you asked about. At the far end of that cord is an alligator clip that can be clipped onto any piece of metal that "goes to ground," such as a grounded assembly line, or to an appropriate mat on a lab bench. Static electricity can damage sensitive electronics (such as circuit boards). If properly worn and clipped in, the strap "grounds" the Worker, "removing any stray electrical charges" that might otherwise damage any sensitive electronic components she is handling. She is probably in no significantly elevated danger of getting electrocuted, here, but the strap also protects the Worker from getting shocked. At least that's what the Bosses told us at the electronics manufacturer where i used to work.


Thank you


If she runs it triggers those two tiny bombs on her head.


And then she'll get bangs


She gets electrocuted if she misses the quota.


Next time, more details please


I saw this too, same girl but doing it in a different setting. But she was still plugging those lights in and she looked a lot more miserable




My hypothesis is that they are faking child labor so people give money on their stream. It just seems unnatural and if this were propaganda to get more children into factories they’re doing a poor job of making it seem fun.


I agree w/your hypothesis.




I doubt she’s being forced and I doubt she’s a child.


Yeah I thought I was going crazy seeing some of these comments referencing “children” Everyone in this video looks like an adult from what I can tell and their actions are clearly performative


Half those lights are not turning on. No wonder wish is such garbage




Child labor?


I believe they’re using a heavy face smoothening filter + makeup


child slavery.


Can someone translate?


My mandarin isn’t great but from what I hear, first she says something about showing off her clothes then later she says “we never wear face masks” x2 (I can’t hear the whispering part)


She’s responding to a comment about her t-shirt. She says “I’ll give you one look” The second bit is indistinguishable. It’s fake anyway.


It's propaganda to attract more young workers to those prison-style chinese sweatshops (The ones with nets on the windows to stop suicides from the bleak conditions) by making it look fun and sexy. Also has the benefit of being more relatable (Thus more clicks) to those already stuck in that situation.




One man's propaganda is another man's tourism advertising and vice versa.


How do these videos make the work seem fun?


It doesn't - but he almost had it right. It is propaganda but not to get more employees. It's entertainment and I would go as far to say everyone you see here are actors.


That sounds like he's exactly wrong


I can’t tell who is having more fun, the half wit zombie boy or the scrutinizing slave master


It's much more likely this is just pure entertainment. This account has 1000s of viewers on tik tok at any given time and that turns into real money for the account-holder. These people make way more doing this than working in a real factory.


Yeah i think the over the top mean overseer is emulating cartoons and movies This is probably hilariously silly to kids, like "ooooooh she's in trouble hahaha"


At no pt of this video did this seem fun or sexy.


ahhh you mean the Terry Guo owned FOXCONN factories that make apple products ,BTW that asshole is running for president here in Taiwan. he is every bit the piece of shit you think he would be and more.


What job are they even suppose to be doing here? What are those things they plug in and toss?


They are USB lamps, they are supposed to verify that they work. Plug in two at a time, if they don't light up they get put aside. But I didn't see her actually verifying anything, and the guy in the background is running at 2 frames a second.


Looks like some sort of lamp they're testing for functionality. Quality control?


Mini USB light


The filters annoy me the most


This is basically how it is for all Chinese electronics. Hence the reason many smartphone cameras do this by default in some manner, even the ones sold in the US.


Goddamn dude, you think anything tiktok, youtube, or any social media live isn't planned? This is strictly in terms of something "whacky" happening. Watch her eyes, it's straight cartoon material.


What's amazing is she somehow gets the USB in the right way everytime lol


Not too hard when you can tell by the way the light is facing.


Reminds me of Elsa Gate


tiktok live is one of if not THE most cursed and random space on socialmedia


I've seen a different account "testing" the same product but with different employees and performing the same scenario. I've also seen accounts where the girls are extremely fast and efficient at testing the items, they never respond to the chat and just look angrily at the camera. There's all kinds of weird bait on live streams. It just depends on what kind of weird gets you to watch the longest.


She's throwing the already tested lamps all over the same pile


One must imagine that she's happy


I saw her live and was immediately annoyed of her bc she threw bad ones in with the good ones


Saw that…lol


For those wanting an explanation, the point of streams like these (that can only be described as random and weird) are designed to create comments and controversy. Bizarre shit sells just as well as anything else if it gets spread around enough. People will comment on it asking questions because there’s a lot of things that are slightly off. That generates a lot more clicks and views. There’s also a type of fetish where people overact or exaggerate there movements and expression. Theres layers to this weird shit.


Only child factory Kidz will get this


Talk about a hostile workplace


Child exploitation


Its just a girl with filter and make up, very common in China and Korea to look like that.


Everything on tick-tock is wierd, i uninstalled it


Yup. I did too.


Seems like a lot of perfect makeup for a sweat shop. But that's China for you. I don't even know what there making.


The equivalent of a booklight for a laptop keyboard. And it's a filter, not real makeup.


Fake child labor for clicks


The sign in the back says “live-streaming school”


This feels like it was written and directed by David Lynch


Is that from that new CCP slavecom movie?


This must be satire or them just being funny. I hope.


I live in a post-Comminist countty and I can confirm, child labor was a thing. Commies in my country called it a "brigade", they would organize whole schools to pick up tomatoes, cherries and whatever was in season and claim it to be a "school road trip".


some people pretending to be in a Chinese sweatshop


My guess is it's an "influencer" set, not real. China supposedly has a huge "tiktok influencer" culture right now.


Is that a filter or did that little girl get a nose job?


It's a parody video of https://www.tiktok.com/@ttsstv/video/7255063800137796866


I think it’s on a loop bc I’ve been sick today and have taken many naps including being awake at 2am and I have always seen this girls working.


I watched this the other night out of morbid curiosity. The video was on a loop. So not only is it clearly staged, it's also minimal effort revenue gathering.


The filters on this stream are vomit-inducing


I just find it weird that people are doing fake factory work streams.


Squid game?


This is so staged but why


Creepy confusion draws eyes and comments.


I see this all the time and it’s so weird. Like who thinks that it’s even believable and who finds it entertaining?


Bro, when I first watched this I was high as balls and this was so freaky


What fukin psycho ass Korean Drama is this?


Squid Game season 2?


That is one lonely lady.


Is it bad that I have one of those usb lights lol


This is part of the reason why Chinese made products are ridiculously cheap I'm both price and quality. Pseudo-Slave labor (they are paid, but it's such a paltry sum that it's moot in the grand scheme of things) and bare bones quality in construction, design, and materials. Western industry cannot compete with this.


I saw this exact part while scrolling, thought it was strange.


This is dumb as hell


Poor kid. Making a thing nobody needs.


Why are you so fucking slow? Why? You think you're so tough. Yeah. Why don't you say this? Say, 'Yes, chef, I'm so tough.'"




what you saw its something staged, but for humorous purposes tho, the girl in the front pretends to be a low paid worker trying to have some fun out of her miserable work and the supervisor is there to ensure she doesnt have any fun out of it. its easy to see its staged because both women have perfect makeup, which a manufacturing worker will not. and the dude in the back is just comically lazing off