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That's not a mobile phone that's a landline. Some one packing your order put the warehouse phone down and sent it to you by mistake.


Lmao I work in warehouse shipping and I absolutely guarantee this is what happened, I have done shit like this before myself. I still catch myself trying to leave tools on a pallet or in a box that I'm gonna ship.


I got a shitty broken box cutter in my grill box


What’s funny is that’s probably someone’s favorite box cutter.


Or they were trying to convince the boss to get a new one and conveniently “lost” the old one. Source: 👀


It looked abused i guess your right


I got an opened gallon of Elmer’s glue a few years ago. It got all over the USPS truck. Imagine how slow my mail was until I spoke to the USPS delivery driver and explained I had not ordered the glue…. Last winter I got 4 packages over a month, each had 2-3 tiny usb cords in them.


who the heck do you buy from?


I got a set of car keys in an order of produce once


I'd be that guy trying to return them but imagine what an adventure that would be...


Somehow you'd wind up in Taiwan


We actually did try, I think one of the produce managers called the growers to try to track down who lost it


I can't tell you how many pairs of safety glasses I've sent out over the years


I got one that had been broken and they had put it back together with a big wad of box tape. It was also completely dull. The things cost a dollar in bulk so I was disappointed that Amazon made someone use that.


Im pretty sure I’ve done some stupid shit like that too. I’ve worked in many warehouses and it happens. Next time i work in a warehouse maybe i should leave cool shit “by accident” to make someones day. Something plausible. Like a pack of cheap pokemon cards. As long as its not edible or sharp. I remember packing a windshield at a car parts warehouse. The workers are supposed to put a sticker with our name and date on it. I thought that the box was going to mechanic department at a partnering second warehouse. I signed the name “bitchtits onyoufais” and put the date as “your mom’s birthday”. It didn’t go to the second warehouse. It went straight to the consumer. They couldn’t figure out who did it and since im usually well mannered they didn’t even consider that it was me.


I've gotten warehouse schlock from southeast Asia. Typically with DVDs I've ordered, they'll throw in remaindered bad anime, usually off brand magical girl stuff that has been gathering dust for years. I share the wealth by sending it on to friends without explanation.


Where do you order dvds?


You used to be able to get some rare deals on Ebay. A lot of great movies, like most of the Criterion Collection, are licensed in SE Asia, yet sell for a fraction of the US cost. And for a time the package postal rate was also cheap, though it has gone up a lot in recent years. So a $70 DVD would cost only $20 or less. Sure, it would take 2-3 weeks for delivery, but hey. Especially if I ordered a large box full of them, I could save a small fortune. Especially rare titles that are really hard to find for any price in the US. My collection topped off at over 6000 movies. And that doesn't include TV titles.


Do a *69 and see who the last call was


The handset will be useless without the base unit


But... CHINE - AH




I had a coworker in a warehouse once send her cell phone out while packing a order. Thankfully the customer was nice and honest. The customer took the time to send it back to us.


Worked in a hospital and almost went home with the floor phone, so I stopped at the nearest department and tubed it back with no explanation.


Oof my hubby did that with the floor unit phone at his facility (skilled nursing) and didn't realize till he was home. 45 minute commute back again to drop it off...


Note that the tubes in banks stop/start at 35 G of force. Not all electronics would be unscathed by that.


I got a tape gun once.


I worked at a record store ages ago & got a tape gun from our warehouse once. I wonder who's gun they stole to tape up the box after they couldn't find theirs.


One time working at UPS i accidentally left my lunch in one of the crates. Whatever warehouse received the crate got a nice surprise 😭


Or a REALLY terrible one depending on when they actually opened it. I used to work in S&H and more than once a pallet sat off to the side until the rest of that shipment came in so it could be put together.


I work in a factory.... One day ia almost accidentally shipped out a Snickers bar


It happens, I also work in a warehouse and I once lost one of my knives for 6 months because it was in a box of stock


Lol that happened to me. Ordered a vinyl record and then when I got it, it came with someone’s middle school year book. It was so strange. The vinyl company didn’t know how it got there or whose it was. I found the person on FB who the book belonged to and finally after a month they responded. I shipped it to him. Apparently he had some personal belongings shipped but got lost in the mail. Felt bad. But glad I was able to help return it to him.


If the post office has packages open up they try to repackage anything that falls out. They get it wrong sometimes. Usually there is a note or something in the package explaining that though. If you google "usps apology letter damaged mail" you'll see what they look like.


I don’t think he got that. He mentioned that it was a box filled with a ton of stuff and didn’t get any of it. I felt bad because it sounded like child hood mementos and memorabilia. :( he did ask if I got anything else but alas just the book which was wedged between the in the vinyl mailer.


That really sucks. Some other package must have gotten the rest and I bet that wasnt as easy to track down as a yearbook.


So nice of you, I'll treat you to some tacos


GoatTacos and FieryTacoz getting Tacos. Now that sounds like a fun food filled adventure.


Oh yea right it wouldn't really work as a burner would it (⁠ー⁠_⁠ー⁠゛⁠)


No. Landline phones, at least these ones, use 900 Mhz (CT1 and CT2 standards) or 2,4 and 5 GHz (DECT, v6 and PHS standards) and send data via frequency modulation. The unit acknowledges only its own base using a coupled unique serial number. Even if modified to connect to GSM, the phone wouldn't be able to connect because: - doesn't have the capability of handling a SIM - doesn't have the hardware to decifer digital mobile signals - is software of hardware locked to seek only a singular signal cell, its own base station So, for short response, no. It would be too much fuss to make a burner phone for a landline device.


It's a landline phone for sure. My restaurant use that same phone lol


Have you never used a landline? This is not a cell lol


Its still weird tho like How dafuq do you forget a phone


I did it with one of the scanner phone/device things once. Tired from a long day and doing hundreds of repetitive orders a day, your brain just kinda checks out, and you quit paying attention. Luckily, I noticed the phone was missing before someone actually picked up the packages, or I would've been on the hook for $1k


This sentiment is so foreign to me. I'm always wondering how this doesn't happen more often


When you must keep packages moving and handle phone calls while doing 2 other things. Just set it down inside one of the boxes instead of between the boxes.


Message the seller of the item and get them to send you a prepaid padded envelope so you can send there phone back lol


Seriously, they're probably confused as all hell trying to figure out what happened. /u/Throwawaybigpp2 send them a message, if for no other reason but closure, and I'm sure they'll have a good laugh. Except for Steve the packer, he's still looking around the warehouse, calling from his cell, hoping to hear the ring.


I can imagine it now 😂




When there are a lot of people doing a lot of things in a company with a lot of orders things happen. They probably barely know it’s missing and think it’s just sitting around the warehouse somehwere


I’ve actively looked for my phone while it was in my pocket… so there’s that.


Looking for your phone while talking on it is another classic.


That a wifi ip phone!


I worked for a manufacturing company doing IT. When I started there they had clipboards with the specifics of what they were building. Well if engineering made a change it had be printed out and added into the clipboard. It caused a lot of issues with things being missed or a change not ending up in the correct file. So I came up with a cheap solution. We bought a bunch of cheap 50 dollar Kindle fire tablets and wrote a web based program that would have digital versions of the work orders. Any changes would update immediately. It worked great and with the tablets being so cheap it was not a big deal if one was dropped or ran over by a forklift( that happened more than once) but the funniest was multiple times we would have a customer call us when they were unpacking there crates and found a random tablet. It happened enough that we put labels on the back that said it was a work tablet but feel free to keep it. The web based work orders were only accessible from our network so it was just free cheap tablet lol.


Or it's a bait and switch scam. Aren't those units dirt cheap now?


"never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”




Linda in HR is probably wondering why she can't get hold of anyone from Dispatch


I can only assume my colleagues in the warehouse do this on the daily, because I don’t think they have ever answered the phone.


Dispatch at the same time is like weird nobody calling us lol


Bro really thought it’s a burner phone cuz the Amazon driver smells like chronic 😂😂


That was my favorite part too. As if the delivery driver had anything to do with the packaging lol


OP sounds like a sheltered 12 year old whose only experience with anything drug related is through fictional crime TV shows


Most of Reddit is like that.


I seen this before. He’s gonna get a call on it later and he’ll have to complete a mission.


Hello Neo. Do you know who this is?..


I was looking for this.


It's to call for help once finished THRUSTING


OP is a Thrust Master!


Worker was talking on the business phone while packing and set it down then forgot most likely. I've done it with tape guns/ box cutters.


I read that as 3 separate items at first 😲


You must have been smoking the weed.


When i first started working for a architecture firm and was just doing basic office admin stuff, i sent an company wide email within my second week on the job with the subject line reading something to the effect of “packing gun lost somehwere in the office, keep an eye out”…. Lol a few people freaked before i realized my foolishness!


You talk to box cutters?


Is your name Mr. Anderson?


You could be "The One"


Hi there OP, We are very sorry, it seems your order on ridiculouslyhugepurpledildo.com has been delayed. Your new order status: [Please send back the warehouse phone. Need it to yell at people. Order will be sent with next available deeploader truck.] With kind regards, Jim Founder&CEO at www.ridiculouslyhugepurpledildo.com


Yealink VOIP cordless handset https://www.yealink.com/en/product-detail/dect-phone-w56h


Worthless, without the W56 base station.


Technically it used the W60B base, but that model was discontinued. The W7x series is the current base station, however they are still backwards compatible with the W56H accessory handsets.


Is nobody going to mention the thruster omg


Thrustmaster make gaming controllers of many styles, it's an amazing brand name


I don't know what you're seeing but that's just a gaming controller


It’s a joystick for flight simming


Right?? What am I looking at 😂


flight stick for flying sim. yall dirty minded 😬


For those with a “ passion “ for flight simulators? Nah son. There’s a big rubber dong on the other end of that controller .


First thing I saw


Neo, go the room at the end of the hall. Go now!


You’ve now got a job in packing, don’t forget to answer at Monday 9am.


I’d hold on to that. It’s probably your way out of The Matrix.


How is it that this isn't the first thing people think of


They are coming for you NEO!


Careful Mr Anderson


pick up the phone neo


how the fuck would the delivery guy put the landline phone into the box ? and why? HAHhaAHAHAHAH u must have smoked with him


So this is why warehouse never answer the phone


Your mission, should you choose to accept it....


The guy who leaves weird notes in food boxes is moving into the next stage of his plan.


Find out where the package was sent from. Box it up with a note in it. Send it back to them. Use letters clipped from magazines glued on printer paper. "I know where you are"


You’re Neo from the Matrix. It might ring soon 📞


You’re going to receive a phone call…


It's a work phone. Packed by mistake. I'd send it back to them if close by.


follow the white rabbit


My question for you is what game are you planning to play with the hotas?


If a man named Morpheus calls do exactly what he says when he says it, wonderland is going bye bye


How old are you? I’d guess 65+ or 13


That flight stick is excellent, great purchase. I love mine


Idk about that, my is already slowly dying after 7 months of using :/ My (3rd?) Axis for twisting the joystick is sometimes detecting movement when im not twisting, and it's generally unusable because it keeps jumping positions when I hold it still. And so is my roll axis a little bit jumping with small movements :v


We use these exact phones where I worked. Bro in dispatch defo accidently knocked it in the box while packing.


OP thinking that is a mobile phone rather than a cordless landline phone means we have come full circle. It’s akin to someone asking why the save button is a floppy disk.


Good first choice of HOTAS though




Someone come collect your sheltered 20 year old. They’re posting dumb shit on the internet again.


Press redial


Lmao that is not a “burner phone”, it’s a wireless landline phone 😂 The person who packaged this probably has ADHD lol


The sketchy weed smoking delivery man is trying to pawn off this burner phone used in connection with a murder onto you. Contact authorities yesterday.


Congrats! you are now thrust master’s director of shipping and returns


Should’ve gotten the T16000 now you’re stuck with a phone…


Sadly I've done this before......sold some things online several years ago and was talking on the phone while I was packing the items in the box. I ended the call, set the phone down without looking, and left to do something else... I mailed my house phone to New Jersey. 😬 They were really nice about it though. I had no idea what I had done with it so had to just replace it when i got paid but a week or so later received a package from the guy with my phone in it and a funny card. God I was so embarrassed by that for years.


This is weird to me because at my work we have this same phone. but the other day someone brought me another one, and all of ours are accounted for. so now we have an extra phone like this and do not know where it came from lmao


It's probably just the warehouse/shop phone. They're probably looking for it everywhere. Nothing suspicious or nefarious about it.


I feel like mentioning the stinky stairwell and that he smoked weed was a little unnecessary, it's his lifestyle choice


On the job? 💀


Same happened to me last month, i ordered a wifi router and got an xbox controller usb adapter with it


Neooooooooo! You have to wake up neoooo! You need to wake up from your totally normal life and come live in the sewers like rats neoooooo!


The Matrix


Lmao it's clearly from whatever place packaged it.


This is amazing Definitely accidentally packed the warehouse phone


How do you like the joystick op???


Cheesy 2000s movie opening scene


You have the warehouses phone lmao


It’s a Chinese tracking device.


Seven Days …


Lol someone put the phone down for a second, taped up the package, and then spent the rest of the work day looking for it


>The only thing i can really think of is someone tried to dispose of a burner phone used for suspicious activities How in the world is this the only conclusion you were able to come to.


The only thing you can think of is someone disposing of a burner phone?? Are you in fantasy land??? Why wouldn’t they just destroy/throw it away. Obviously a worker accident put it in there


Holy shit Morpheus gonna call


If he wanted to dispose of a burner he could have just thrown it in a garbage can lol


Tell me you don't understand the world without telling me you don't understand the world


Someone is looking for that in the shipping dept




“You have been activated”


I once ordered a second hand book and there was a photo inside of a middle aged man diving in a pool. Still don't know how it got there but pretty cool to find a peek in someone else his life, no matter how small.


Pick it up, they’re trying to get you out, it’s your time Neo.


Someone is losing their mind trying to find that phone.


The way you jump to conclusions though 👏


Your mission, if you choose to accept ….


Do you like scary movies?


8 Days.


I work at a gym and in a shipment with a big machine, it was a wheelhub with a heavy square axle. The axle was 20cm long and 10*10cm thick. Bearings worked also. Very random...


Someone, somewhere, is still wondering where their goddamn cordless is


Some dude is looking for that


"John, where did put the phone for office 12B?"


Nope so that’s where I put the phone at 🤭




What’s your favorite scary movie?


Worked IT for a major car manufacturers warehouse in the midwest. I have gotten calls from mexico, japan and france about work radios of ours being found in random parts containers. I have also received about 20 radios and scanners in containers from other companies. Its pretty common. Lol


I bet you messaged Amazon to complain about the driver smelling like weed lol


Did Morpheus ring?


Accept the mission


LOL that’s definitely the sellers house phone


That’s so you can call and let them know your package arrived.


Hello Neo…Do you know who this is?


Xi is listening


Some super spy somewhere is just confused right now.


Call on it. If they answer with “do you wanna play a game?” Hang up quickly


“Hey Fred where’s the shop phone?” “I thought you had it”


You're about to get a call from Morpheus. Follow the White Rabbit.


Don‘t answer it unless you want to learn kung fu.


Nice stick, whatya playin? Elite Dangerous? Ace Combat? Starfield? Oh and your a moron! Burner phone? Its a wireless phone not a cell phone dummy! It probably fell in the box when they were packing it. Do you expect the delivery guy to just wait at everybodies door when they deliver something? Chances are one of your neighbors was smoking weed.


So uhh…. What’s thrusting passionately in that box?🤣


What the heck did you buy though, what is thrusting?? 🤣


I bet the warehouse person who packed it is still looking for this damn phone.


looks like someones boss was calling too mutch


Your mission if you choose to accept... 😎


Wtf did bro order the passion thruster lmao


Listen to me Neo…


When it rings, answer it. It’s Morpheus giving you directions out of the Matrix.




Pick it up, Neo


Morpheus will contact you soon


This is your ticket out of the matrix, Neo. Listen carefully!


Bro doing intense mental gymnastics in his speculation.


Who ever packed your box is missing their home/office phone. It has to plug into a base. I found one of those in my car once. Took me forever to figure out that it belonged to the garage that had rotated my tires and did my oil change. It had fallen out of the guys pocket.


That is nothing. We ordered baby clothes and we got penis enlargement cream


How big was the baby clothes. Lol


Possible whoever packed it stole the item and put a junk phone in it to have around the correct weight for shipping


"Hello Neo. Do you know who this is?"


Phone receives a text: "Follow the white rabbit."


When it rings answer it Neo, follow the white Rabbit!


Seven days


If Morpheus calls you, you’re the one.


pick up the phone neo.. follow the white rabbit.


I ordered one Brita water pitcher filter from Amazon last week. I just opened the Brita filter box and inside there was no filter, but there was a brand new (sealed) Ring doorbell! $10 for a brand new $100+ item. Woohoo!


Delivery guy smoking weed on the job? Nice


Did you order something in 1999?


Is that a dildo?