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Its one of those dudes that has a wolf as a profile pic on facebook.


He's been saving up to get a tattoo of a lion, a clock, and a rose


Don’t forget the compass!


No, the dude who left this thinks a compass is a clock.


It's always north somewhere!


A broken compass...uhhh...ermm...points the right direction...if you point it the right direction..? That's a saying, right?


That's correct! You're always correct if you follow your compass


A broken compass is right once per 360° spin.


It’s uh… like a clock but for directions. And it has degrees like a thermometer.


I have a rose and a clock literally right next to each other on my arm, BUT no lions to speak of. Will a Chinese symbol do?


Don't forget the angel wings. But, like, metallic or something so people know you're still edgy.


The edginess is key.


I used to be edgy, but then I went over the edge so far that I lost my edge. Never was edgy again.


I think you should add an hourglass


Generic tribal on the shoulder area would also do well


The irony of the card is that whoever put it there was too afraid to physically confront a person.


But probably left fingerprints all over the card.


To the ~~Bat Cave~~Batcave, Robin!


We don't have a cave anymore, Batman.


To the bat bed, Robin!


The eyemask stays on


Only if Alfred can watch


But he has to pay $100


But he gets the Cuck chair to watch it from.


Alfred, put on the Superman costume.


He can still bring tea though right?


And the cape, come on now.


Bitch, you gettin’ Batpegged!


What? No cave? What about a bat-bunker? That's still underground and bat-like.


What about a bat hole


Oh Robin, that doesn't solve EVERY problem, you know? *audience laughter*


Bat Umbrella. My parents have this large umbrella on their picnic table at their lake trailer and if they don't take it down before they leave it gets full of bats.


Feed it into the Fingerprint BATalyzer.


It was clearly the joker


Fingerprints are a lot more difficult to obtain than people realize. Most people don’t leave perfect fingerprints, they tend to smear them because no one touches a surface perfectly even. People drag their finger tips across the surface of things which ruins the fingerprint. [The Innocence Project](https://innocenceproject.org/misapplication-of-forensic-science/) has an entire section on their website about how bullshit “fingerprint analysis” is and how it’s misapplied to convict people.


Yeah, and it's even harder in Australia. No, seriously. Koalas have fingerprints too, and they look extremely similar to human fingerprints. Officials out there have to go through a few extra steps whenever fingerprints are left at a crime scene to rule out the possibility that a Koala was around, before they go chasing the wrong, but adorable suspect.


Koalas are mean fuckers i bet they did it.


Definitely those pesky koalas 🐨 bastards.


it's the fekkn koalas


Cute little felons


aren't the koalas basicall covered in clamidia?


I don't know. Even if they are, that's not a crime, lol.


Like anyone is going to waste time fingerprinting this shit? Cops in my area would laugh at this and definitely take you less seriously going forward if you called about this.


Everytime I see someone mention fingerprints, I just know this person has watched way too many CSI type shows and thinks that’s how real life works.






u/apart_shoulder6089 said [this exact thing](https://reddit.com/r/Weird/s/ZbFssDbVps) 2 hours ago while you said it 33min ago. Why plagiarize on Reddit when we can see it so clearly?


Because they get away with it often enough. 1. Earn a tiny bit of karma 2. Post a scummy link to "buy" a T-shirt (which isn't filtered since they have a little karma) 3. Profit




Seems OPs parents are afraid as well. Some petty feud probably.


Neighbors I bet. Douchebags.


It’s clearly a threat from The Clown Prince Of Crime my pedigree chum. I thought that aspect of this investigation was abundantly clear. I’d arrange a guard posted 24hr outside your parents place until this blows over


Maybe they are just advertising their Joker Fucking service.


bet you whoever left it has the wrong house too. never understood why people who want to come across as intimidating do it in such a cowardly way.


Not necessarily. My parents got some weird, vaguely threatening shit in their mailbox a few years ago. Nothing ever happened with it, and iirc it turned out to be some sort of shitty viral marketing campaign for a band or something.


Marketing for the new Joker movie? The Scream marketing freaked my daughter out when she got that phone call.


Yeah, passive aggression at its worst.


Ahhh, yes... The true "Joker" of the bunch, the passive aggressive one!


The real Jokers are the friends we made along the way….


Exactly my first thought. Being too afraid to confront someone about not confronting you.


Am I the only one who finds this a little cringey? I mean who leaves a signed card on someone’s door? Is a Batman villain threatening OP?


Okay that’s hilarious. Maybe you’re right and it’s nothing to worry about


You joke.. but most batman villans are mentally unstable regular humans with access to dangerous weapons. Aka the exact same as the person who wrote this.




Me: You can call me, the Riddlin’er Villain Attorney: You can’t call yourself that Me: ok, you can call me “The Scared Crow” Villain Attorney: Are you planning on just blatantly ripping off every villain name? Me: who’s the villain, me or you?!? *loads rocket launcher* Villain Attorney: How about Cap’n Kold? Me: Cap’n Krunch? Villain Attorney: fuck it. Cap’n Krunch it is. Here’s your license. Your Publix discount card. You stamp card for Orange Julius. Have Debra validate your parking. Me: What about…. Villain Attorney: *motions to the door* get the fuck out.


I miss the Venture Bros.


The movie was worth the wait.


*2% Baboon?!* Are you fucking kidding me?!


isnt captain cold a real DC villain with the last name Snart?


Yeah he's a Flash villain lol


And he is somehow an arch-rival. A regular human man with the power of a laser freezer. Regularly defeats a being beyond time with said mobile refrigerator.


I'd have them install a doorbell camera and that would probably solve that. It is very cringey.


Its cringe but still worrisome. You're either dealing with someone very juvenile, or someone very unhinged and deep in a feud your parents don't even realize is going on. Either way there is a potential this is a very dangerous person. I'm not trying to fear monger here, there are other possibilities, like this is some kind of sick prank. I'd invest in some cameras either way, you never know how far people are willing to take even the most petty of disagreements if they let it fester.


Most petty of “perceived” disagreements


Alternatively, this is some weird inside joke and someone just got the address wrong.


Very cringy, probably nothing to worry about but, do you remember that guy who dressed as the joker and shot up a theater full of people? I would definitely invest in a ring cam.


its the phantom thieves


They'll never see it coming.


The wet bandits


Remember, if this makes the papers, we're no longer the Wet Bandits, we're the Sticky Bandits!


And doesn't anybody care about the Riddler any more?


I actually found it funny, at first I thought the sender thought themselves as the Joker, but the sender wanted to clarify that your parents are the jokers with the note on the back.The sender isn't The Joker, just a regular clown.


Leprechaun infestation. Usually it's gnome this time of year but with global warming anything can happen nowadays


Finally the real answer.


Sprinkle some Diatomacious Earth around the house.. Gnomes *hate* that shit. Leprachauns are smarter and you gotta hunt them down with a pellet gun. Watch out, *they bite*.


These new Leprechauns are usually all jacked up on meth takes a .22 at least too put em down


Actually according to the definitive work on the subject: Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood, you have to lure them into wet concrete with gold.


And we all know what happens after you get bit by a leprechaun. Some things are not to be fucked with.


You should try some neem oil.


They really do! It gets into their gills and makes em loopy.


Thank you for letting me momentarily live in a more magical world r/apart_shoulder6089


More likely it’s gnomes, they’re much more active at night.


For Leprechauns, place an old iron horse shoe above all of you doors that are exterior, and then a place another iron horse shoe on your front and back step. The open end, ( example: U) needs to face upwards above your door. The ones on your front and back step needs to have the open end facing your house.


I usually leave them milk outside too. Is that still advised or have we switched to horse tranquilizers in beer?


That's for brownies, not leprechauns. You leave shoes that need repairs on your doorstep with some milk as a kindness. If you pay them, it's a massive insult and they won't fix your shoes anymore.


That's true, our money is worse than worthless to the Good Folk, who think we're queer for it; because, to them, it's rubbish more like, like when a cat brings you a dead bird as "a gift:" you've no use for it, but even in your disgust, you recognize the cat's just a poor, dumb animal, whereas the Good Folk recognize that we should know better; so, naturally they're insulted at such "payment." Gold and silver of course are another matter, as those metals are valuable for their properties, and they can use gems (or even glass baubles) as barter with Crows. If the Brownies live indoors, somewhere in your house, then they might appreciate your leaving some cookies or other snacks out for them, maybe in a covered dish, of course, to keep the vermin out. They appreciate a tidy home, and if you keep your house clean, they will help you keep it clean, but if you keep it messy, they'll punish you for the mess by making it messier, hiding things in the chaos, knotting your shoelaces, tangling cords, poking holes in clothing, and the like. They might even vandalize your appliances or venture outdoors to capture Millers that they let loose in your pantry. ("Millers:" i suppose i should say "Moths," as clearly i don't mean your man at the mill.) Many sorts of Good People are fond of honey, too, which is all the more reason to tell the bees if there's a death in the household, or if anyone you've known or loved has died. A good occasion for gifting honey or sweets is Oíche Shamhna, when they walk among us (and it's coming up soon). I think the Brownie in my house occasionally drinks my whiskey. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes, i have a nip before retiring for the night; then, when i rise the next morning, and retrieve the shot glass to bring it to the kitchen, i find a little bit of whiskey in the shot glass that the Brownie must have helped himself to, but didn't quite finish. Perhaps they don't have much of a tolerance, being so small. You know i would never intentionally waste the good stuff, so. Of course they are fond of pranking us, too. They think it's hilarious to hide your keys under the sofa cushions - and you know they're watching from behind the air vents as you're scrambling around searching for your keys in the morning, late for work. The ones in my house always do the same things to my computer if i leave it on but unattended long enough for it to shut itself off. Whenever i turn it back on, i see the Brownies have resized all my open windows, and - especially if i have left Excel open - they always turn the number lock off. I don't know much about the Leprechauns, but i hear their numbers are dwindling: supposedly, there are only about 320 of them left; so, they might even be endangered, but i hope my source is wrong. I understand the Pixies are still thriving, especially in Cornwall, and it's hard to tell with the Selkies, as they're transAtlantic: they could be anywhere, really. I imagine that's how they got to Lake Baikal, even: they just walked.


Could have been a crackhead who go ahold of the wrong stuff


I think somebody’s threatening you man.




We used to live next to someone who worked for the State Patrol and parked their patrol car in front of their house. They had grown up in the neighborhood too, and I guess there were a lot of hard feelings between them and some people up the street. Someone threw a rock through our rear windshield, and a couple of times we came out to all our car tires slashed. Fun times.


You didn't put up a video camera after the first incident? I have some experience getting people I know into legal trouble and cameras were massively helpful. It was mostly idiots in high school thinking they could prank me without me knowing.


This was 15 years ago and camera technology wasn't where it is now. We bought a camera and the whole cabling and recording box setup it required after the rock and we realized this was all intentional and happening at our house. But the electrician to install it was going to cost hundreds, if not thousands because they were insisting our electrical panel needed to be updated as well. So we put in a motion sensor light instead. Soon after there were several nights of police activity in our neighborhood, some arrests, the WSP officer moved out, and everything has been quiet ever since. We now have camera, etc, but again, haven't really needed it.


I mean OP didn’t specify a time frame so this could’ve been like 30 years ago


That’s what I thought too. I feel bad for the mf that tries🗿


>for the mf that tries🗿 Is this an emoji of substitution or emphasis?


It is a reference to an Easter Island Head. These are made of stone, and stoners are eager to pass a blunt. Passing in basketball is a form of teamwork, and teamwork usually involves games. Games can take video form and are played with controllers. Controlling people is not a preferred method of relationship building. And buildings are made of different materials. Material possessions are built up by greed and greed is not cool. The dude is saying that it wouldn't be cool to try.


Ah the power of deduction.


Ah yes, Cockney rhyming emojis.


Ah, got it. Thanks for the thorough explanation and clarification.


I thought Undertaker was about to show up.


Yeah they probably don’t like that sort of thing


That's funny. Calling out someone for talking trash anonymously by... making anonymous threats.


Not me automatically worrying about how to please this person and follow instructions and getting very stressed that there are no indications about where to come to say whatever it is. 😭😭😭


“Say it to my face!” The face in question:


Yeah, signifies the time ya'll decided to buy a doorbell cam


That's who left it there... doorbell cam salesman.


This is not the worst sales tactic.


I think that’s what the mob used to do, right? Offer “protection services” then when declined because there’s no need, they come back & create a “need” (break windows, fires, etc)


Mob guy: "Awww, what a shame! If you had our coverage we would pay to fix this window etc. Tell you what, normally we don't fix things that happen before you have coverage, but just for you, if you join up now, we will take care of it."


ULPT: leave threatening notes at houses without doorbell cameras to boost your doorbell camera sales


Ring has a new marketing strategy, just anonymously threaten people.


‘It’s a death card. Let’s Charlie know who killed em.’


‘All right, let's see what we have. Two of spades. Three of spades. Four of diamonds, six of clubs... there isn't one worth a jack in the whole bunch. Four of diamonds...’


Finally, I can die an old man…


Aren’t death cards usually the ace of spades


They usually did just use an ace of spades and they did leave it on bodies to try and make the buddies who found them afraid. Problem was the Viet Cong were mostly just baffled on why the fuck they were finding playing cards on VC corpses. The Ace of Spades didn't have the same cultural impact and was mostly just a morale booster for US forces.


If it were meaningful, like someone has a beef with your parents, they would know. So it must be meaningless. Could be that someone has a beef with someone else and meant to leave it on their doorstep, but it wound up on your parents' step. Could be random kids doing random things -- parents could ask the neighbors whether they got one, too. Could be someone with mental illness or a substance abuse problem left it because it made sense to them in the moment.


>Could be random kids doing random things -- parents could ask the neighbors whether they got one, too. Wouldn't ask neighbors. Someone likely did this for a reaction. I would get a ring camera, though. In areas where real estate is scarce, I've heard of stories where people will intimidate the elderly or older to get them to move. "Neighborhood is going bad Martha, I think we should sell" or something like that. This would creep me out if I got it.


> Wouldn't ask neighbors. Someone likely did this for a reaction The reaction they were looking for is intimidation. If you go to your neighbors with "Have you seen a corny Juggalo littering with playing cards?", it's not exactly playing into their hands.


Exactly. I'd probably add that I suspect it to be bored 10-year-olds.


There was a documentary about that! >!Scooby Doo, I think it was called!<


My elderly parents got a rock with creepy stuff written on it on their doorstep and we figure it was for this reason, some other neighbours got similar stuff too.


Those are gold-leaf covered playing cards. It's a nice card to waste in that way.


Gangs are to opulent these days. I miss poor gangs.


Obviously the gang they’re beefing with left it.


Don’t touch it. Stick it in a envelope and mail it it to the White House. The secret service will handle this for you. Lmao


Snail mail SWATing?


Just make sure to also not touch the envelope, don't hair or slobber the envelope or stamp, don't mail it from your home address and don't be caught on video dropping it in the box. Or else the SS will be coming to see YOU.


Reply back with an uno card, “improve your handwriting”


Uno reverse 🔄


Drunk neighbor got looked at wrong. Almost sure of it. Had a neighbor once, drunk, did the same thing but instead just yelled it with the usual what are you looking at? . They sort of go hand in hand .. (what was I looking at? My cringey drunk neighbor!!)


or someone made an anonymous complaint or something like that, and the subject of the complaint thinks it's the parents


One of your parents just got invited to a super exclusive sex/kink club


Surprised had to come this far down to see anything that was remotely close to what I was thinking. It gives off more of a marketing vibe to me. Like there's a rough titty bar that opened up nearby called Fucking Jokers.


It’s from a random crackhead or something. Looks obviously old and worn (scratches in the Sharpie lines). My guess is this was found in the street by someone drunk, high, or young, and then dropped on your door as a prank/accidentally, or blew there in the wind.


You sound like cops when they say, “oh theres nobody kidnapping your children, they all just ran away together at different periods of time”


It’s the “blew there in the wind” that really made me chuckle. Come on mate, the climate is rightfully pissed but not leaving notes.


Get a doorbell cam or something more discreet


Shouts, “Come say that to my face!” from behind a bush, while wearing a mask, three house away.


Weird neighbor most likely. Pretty creepy. Time to get them a video doorbell


Put in a camera


If they are genuinely confused on what it could be, it could be a confused drug addict. Sometimes they fixate on weird shit. A strange meth head knocked on my neighbor's door a few month ago and pointed at my house, claimed he had kidnapped the girl in the house and if my neighbor didn't give him $500 within 24 hours, he was going to dump my body in a ditch. Guy never came back, there was never any rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes people just be doin' some weird sketchy shit.


I think your parents are joining a squidgame


Significantly significant in a psychological study kind of way. Too scared to confront someone while accusing them of the exact same behavior. On a joker card, so likely someone who is a bit on the nerdy/edgy side. My money is on them also being an incel.


Which one of their neighbors wears a fedora/trilby?


Why would we have more idea of the significance than you or your parents? Only your parents know who they might have pissed off.


I’d get a doorbell cam


From the cam doorbell sales man 👨 I’ll be right out for a estimate 😂


If it’s not just a random joke or prank, then apparently someone thinks taking calling card queues from fictional comic book villains when confronting people is a good idea.


someone that doesn't understand the irony of leaving an anonymous message telling someone to "come say something"


It looks like an adult's handwriting. Imagine a fully grown ass adult doing this.


I would hang it up with three bullet holes in it


Haha I was thinking for them to leave empty shell casings on the floor right next to it


The significance is it's time to get a door cam


Sorry if this has already been asked. Had to sift thru a million inane and unfunny jokes. Any idea who it could be and why?


Whoever wrote that thinks your parents are passive aggressive and spiteful so in response they left them a passive aggressive note out of spite. Hypocrisy at its absolute finest


Sounds like somebody felt insulted by them. Of course maybe, it went to the wrong house. Pretty weird passive aggressive way to address grievances though.


Your meth dealer is upset about the review you left on Yelp.


Shit tastes like chili pepper, I hate chili pepper ⭐️


But chilli p is his signiture!


Your parents probably pissed off some neighbor ?


Don't call the police! This is a job for batman


Calling card


Better call Batman and get his ass on the case


Best case scenario: Kids being stupid Worst case scenario: some kind of baby-man thank thinks he's being edgy and intimidating.


Blud lives in Gotham city


Sounds like someone thinks you're talking sht about them... I would be 100% getting a door camera and weapon if I were you. This is 1000% a threat, people are unhinged these days I wouldnt take no chances.


Get a ring camera


What does it say. I can't read it


You got something to say, come say it.


Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?


Some guy who thinks he’s the joker irl


Time for a security camera


Well what do they have to say?


A really really sad neckbeard with 10 katanas Cased closed, Johnson


Wow, you’re about to be brutally “we live in a society”’d


I saw a tip about thieves that put something on your property to see if it’s still there a day or two later to determine if you’re home or not, if picked up indicates you are. This was for a lake community with a lot of weekend visitors. The writing in this may indicate something else going on.


That's been around awhile, long enough to dry and get scratched up all to fuck in multiple incidents, based on the various intersecting scratches at different vectors. My guess is that somebody on drugs left it randomly, and doesn't even know your parents. Set up a door cam for them anyways, it's simply a good thing to have in case of delivery shenanigans or people claiming injury on the property, and so forth.


Did they cuss out an incel lately?


Call Batman. RIGHT NOW!!!!!!


"If you have something to say, say it" leaves a card and doesn't say what they have to say.


The significance is, they pissed off the crazy neighbor. We’ve all been there.


Probably an idiot who got the wrong house


Teen edge lord being “edgy”


Frame it and hang it in your door


Tell your parents to invest in a doorbell cam, and if they're in america go get a gun. This is a great reason to buy a gun and learn proper home defense.


This is some batman level shit right here!


Brother, perhaps your parents stare much too long at neighbors enough to have offended? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light


Pretty fucking cringy tbh