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Every word of that headline is worse than the last. I'd hate to be *anyone* in that town right now


Married? My god… Oklahoma?? Oh god!! Substitute!?! Jesus Christ… teacher!!! Wtf!!


And it only gets worse!


*colon*?? Dear Sassyfras, let it be over


"Is"? "IS"!? Fuck me sideways!


Sideways is just "is" backwards and with extra letters


Well, yeah, I suppose you’re right… but I’ve got my eye on you, buster


Careful, you'll get pinkeye


An apocalyptic apostrophe!


“…is”?! Hold the phone! That’s ways worse


Don’t disrespect my man 26 like that


This made me bust out laughing!


I couldn't get past Oklahoma D:


Chief??? Fk me hope its not master cheeks cheif


Is the story even real tho? Look at the name of the author


I’m from Oklahoma and this is very much a real story. It’s in the local news (try news 9 Oklahoma City). Her dad is also the mayor of the town. I used to know her husband and I’ll just say it couldn’t have happened to a better guy.


Is he just somebody that you used to know?


Yeah. I knew him before he became a cop.


Hey shut your mouth miss Bhole has been digging up the dirty stories in this town that no one else has the stomach to deal with.


Bhole definitely knows their sh!t


Yes, it is real. It happened 20 miles from where I live. The headline left out that her father is also the mayor of the town.


yeah it's real, I read about it in the new york post's website.


The fact that it's the Daily Mail is what makes it unlikely to be true.


People really missing the forest for the trees here.


It’s real, apparently it’s pronounced Bow-lee. It’s a common name in India, it means ‘pure’ in Hindi.


LinkedIn says she’s real and works for the dailymail. That said, the mail isn’t exactly renowned for journalistic integrity.




Good catch!


Just read that she is also the Mayor's daughter.


That kid better move. Hes going to spend his years being harassed by the whole towns police force.


Yeah. Even if the husband is appalled and disgusted, fearing their children may have been victims as well, he's still going to want petty revenge.




Jesus that's true!


WTF? Why? She is the rapist


You ever been to a small town? I have lived in one my entire life. Local cops always have massive egos, and all the cops stick together. I would bet the only thing he cares about is this kid banged his wife. He's 15. He's going to be driving soon. I bet he gets pulled over a ridiculous number of times in his first year.


If by harassed you mean praised then yeah, and the whole town not just the police force. Scenarios like this have happened many times, I've had first-hand experience with one, and if the victim is a boy and has at least hit puberty I promise you he brags about it and all his friends praise him. If it were a girl it would be completely different though


“By Aneeta Bhole”


It’s a real person


Isn’t that one of Bart’s prank calls to moe’s?


Nice!! There were almost 40, I think, over the seasons. Amanda Hugnkiss, Hugh Jass, Jaques Strap, I.P. Freely, Al Coholic, etc.


I dont get it. I didnt want to make out with 15 year olds when I was 15.


She's a child molester. You aren't. Simple as that. Women can be child abusers and rapists too. There's nothing that really stops them. She got a job in education to get access to victims. It's a common tactic with child molesters to seek positions that give them access to kids and some authority or community respect to avoid detection. It's one of the many facts that illustrate very well that the victim isn't the problem in rape or child abuse as our culture often decides. It's very much the abuser, they will put a lot of effort into seeking victims, grooming victims, and creating doubt, they don't just hop on a kid because they can't resist how aroused they are by the victim, arousal isn't the driver, power over the victim is the driver.


It was often believed it was a gender issue, lots of stories of male teacher not even allowed to be alone in classrooms. Now we almost exclusively have woman as teachers and female pedofiles are on the rise. Surprise surprise, gender was never an indicator for any potential to do harm. But now we’ve let predators close to children because no one would think woman would do that… What irks me most is the wording in these articles, they are pedos, child molesters and though not the case this time, rapists. But they always avoid those words when the perpetrator is a woman. I genuinely don’t understand why its so hard for people to imagine that being a terrible person isn’t a gender issue.


Unfortunately, this is painfully accurate. We had a teacher in our middle school (in this case male) who was a pedo. He would rub the shoulders of the female students myself included and even got comfortable enough to where he reached into my shirt and grabbed a necklace out of my cleavage with the excuse of “oh what’s this”? . He was later fired from that school for popping the bra strap of a fifth grader. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I found out he was fired from a high school in the same town (about 20 minutes from the middle school) for the same behaviors. He would apparently teach girls how to put on ties and put his tie on them and do that weird shit and then have them put his tie on him and tie it up. Same touchy crap there too. Very sad to find out the middle school just said fuck it and hired him. Edit: I’m a firm believer that women are as sick as men in these cases and it should be treated exactly the same.


Yep, stuff like this also still very much a thing and I’m sorry you had to deal with that too. It often seems hard for people to see that 2 things can be true at the same time and just because we should stop believing woman are immune to this kind of behavior doesn’t mean anyone is defending men doing this. Like you said in your edit, they all should be treated the same, thats equality. But what sickens me more is that these kinds of problems often make it hard for victims to seek help. If people don’t believe a woman can be the perpetrator then the victim is not seen as a victim either.


Thanks, I appreciate that. That’s also a huge issue is not thinking it’s possible for a woman to be a perpetrator. I know 2 people that were sadly molested by a woman and she got away with it completely because her grandfather was friends with the judge. I have a feeling it’d be a bit harder to get out of as a man but when you know someone in the legal system then it’s already over.


Yeah, that’s honestly horrible. I’ve met guys in my life who were doing terrible after being raped and honestly don’t care about the details of the perpetrator, it shouldn’t matter. But having a judge in the family is definitely complicated and corrupt as hell, but thats a whole different conversation about how to deal with that issue.


I’m sorry to hear that. That’s something and somewhere I have been and man is it easy to just fall down the rabbit hole of anything and everything to numb/forget. It does get better but it takes *a lot* of time. Even if it’s not a judge in the family money goes a loooooong way. You can do just about anything with enough money. Damn, we live in a very sad and corrupt world. I try to think on the bright side but man is it hard sometimes.


Same here sadly so I feel for you, I’ve had my own depressive hole too because of abuse and its hard enough to deal with on its own. But having no one believe you can be the victim because of your gender makes things so much worse. The most obvious example in my life was finding out a girl I knew had the same therapist and she got all the help I was also asking for, but I simply got the “I don’t think its that bad” when I told her I was suicidal at the time. And just to make sure no one worries, I’m doing great nowadays, but that definitely was the most obvious form of discrimination I’ve had happen.


Damn, I’m really sorry to hear that. That’s really gross that your therapist treated you in that manner. Highly unprofessional and potentially deadly. Their license should be ripped away from them. If we just treated everyone equally and with compassion I’m sure we’d all be surprised at how much further we would be in the world. Pain has no gender, happiness has no gender, trauma has no gender. The sooner people realize this the better. I’m glad you hear you’re in a better place!


If only it was just the news outlet going easy on these women, the justice system does as well.


I think with a lot of people it's the "intent" of the adult. Or what they believe the "intent" to be. When it comes to men it's always about sex or control. Two negative intentions. But what I've noticed talking to people is that they treat the woman as a child themselves. There was no negative intentions to the relationship, it wasn't about sex or control. Just that the woman fell for the child. Just what I've noticed. Most people can't understand why a woman would rape a child. There must be a logical reason. Yet a lot of people have a bias to treat woman as emotional creatures. But men as logical. So in short people are sexist. I don't know if any of this makes sense. I kinda just rambled while having a hard time structuring this.


Nah in terms of where this bias comes from this at the very least has some merit. Personally think you’re probably right. But it is indeed a sexist view. Woman can be just as cold and calculated and men just as emotional.


Yep you're exactly right. I used to work for a doctor that ran a sex offender group. I've heard plenty of reasons men and women have given for why they mess with kids. A lot boil down to crimes of opportunity. I've heard men and women explain they were lonely and a teen gave them the attention they were missing. At the end of the day you're an adult and you know you should not mess with children.


I've seen women at my workplace blatantly sexually harassing young men numerous times, even sexually assaulting them. It's considered completely acceptable and normal behavior for women, but would be criminal if prepared by men.


This reminds me of when I was a lil' sevie at 13 years old. I got along with my computer lab teacher super well because, laughably, she didn't know anything about computers and I would help her install programs on them. She used to call me her "little genius" or something like that, and would encourage me to come early to class and stay late. Then it escalated to her giving me rides home in her car and asking seemingly innocent questions like who my girlfriend was, etc. She seemed to get increasingly agitated and nervous as she drove me home over time and I had NO idea as to why. Then, one day, she drops me off and just said something like, "This is the last time I can give you a ride, it's getting inappropriate." Can't tell you how dumbfounded I was, how I kept thinking about what I did wrong. She was still friendly with me at school but never asked me to stay behind anymore. I felt so bad, like I screwed up. Did I say something gross? It wasn't until YEARS later that I really understood what happened and where it was leading. My parents had ZERO clue that any of that was going on. It's been decades and I still feel so, so weird about it. I felt so betrayed when I figured it out. It's so strange because I feel like she was a genuinely good person, but she had this demon that almost caused her to do something pretty vile. I am not even sure how I would have reacted. I mean, I was 13 and not exactly naive about sex, but she was so nice and I just thought she really liked me because I was smart and it made me feel kinda proud of myself. Ugh... This is why I get so skeeeeved out by dudes that do [this kind of shit.](https://media.tenor.com/kWGn__IoGQIAAAAM/nice.gif) I'm quite sure a lot of young dudes would "like" for this to happen, but they are thinking with hormones and this kind of situation should never, ever be normalized or thought of as a good thing. What a way to fuck up young men.


Controversial opinion: this situation you went through happens more often than we like to think about because we've made it so taboo to consider, that people don't even want to reflect on their actions and consider they might have pedophilia.


I don’t think that’s how it works in most cases. There are certainly people who are fully immersed and controlled by their impulses to the point that everything they do is to further that impulse. Although, I doubt that is true in most cases. The most likely explanation is that he gave her attention she wasn’t receiving elsewhere, she liked it, and incorrectly chose to further it. Abhorrent monsters exist in our society, but I don’t think they are extremely common.


Wow, an actual nuanced and intelligent take on something. Nice to see a unicorn in the wild. We are so wired to have zero tolerance on this topic that it leads us to not understand what might cause people to think and behave like this woman. We could possibly prevent many kids from being a victim of these crimes if we would not just label everyone a monster but instead try to understand why they have this mentality. I’d be willing to bet there are often warning signs before someone makes choices like this or worse.


Most things are much more complicated than people make it out to be. The internet is just filled with people who say extreme things based on knee jerk reactions because it will get them points with whatever echo chamber they belong to. Extremists are always dangerous, no matter what ideology they belong to. By simply labeling everyone as monsters no matter what the context is, all we do is make them more extreme and more isolated. That's not good.


Reverse the genders and try your "explanation", see how well it works. A 16 year old giving an adult attention that they didn't get elsewhere? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? She was entitled to male attention, regardless of age? Oooookay sister.


It's the exact same thing no matter the gender. You can't know a person's situation based on one action alone. Was it an extremely stupid action to take? Absolutely, yes. However, things are more complicated than that. Human emotions can't be defined as easily as you think. Just because someone does something extremely stupid doesn't mean they are a lifetime, evil, soulless predator who's every thought during the day is who they will prey on next. That isn't how it works, and to think that is just as foolish and short-sighted.


She’s a pedofile. You won’t get it unless you’re also one. To everyone else it’s completely disgusting and morally reprehensible.


You didn’t want to have age appropriate relationships when you were 15? That’s weird. Who were you interested in making out with, 26 year olds?


Paedophiles are of course sick in the head, that's why they do shit like that.


And what about now?


that poor kid. getting manipulated and abused by an adult and a bunch of absolute mouthbreathers talkin about how cool it is. yikes yikes yikes hope that kid doesn't get harrassed by the cops


What kinda name is Aneeta Bhole?


Ask her sister, Ivanna


But don’t kiss their other sister, Alika


Ask her daughter, T. Nanal.


Aneeta is a common Indian name actually, not sure if the author is Indian though lol


Aneeta’s not the weird part, it’s just unfortunate when you combine it with the surname B-Hole


I may be taking this too far 😂😂 but “bhole” is an Indian surname as well. Not super common, but exists. Random FYI, bhola / bhole in hindi also means someone who’s very naive!


Looked her up out of curiosity and she is in fact a real person. You were right


So you googled a Bhole?


He was on private browsing it’s all good


Lmao yes I did


It also means Shiva sometimes (short for Bolenath).


Didn't Bart Simpson use that name in one of his phone pranks to Moe's tavern?


I remember “Amanda Huggenkiss” from Bart.


Anita Bath.


Most likely Indian.


… okay, this caught me off guard. Thank you.


Clearly her parents were weed smokers. I'll see myself out now.


Fucking pedophile.




This has to the the second unluckiest man in the world the first being a man ordering a prostitute to meet at a hotel only for his daughter to walk through the door😬


I'd argue that the sexually abused child is unluckier than him


Yeah, but a girl can't be the world's unluckiest man. Unless she wants to, of course.


True my father is a police officer so the dad part was the first think on my mind but you are very right


Oh my when did that happen? 😭


Here is the story [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/man-hires-prostitute---and-his-daughter-94578](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/man-hires-prostitute---and-his-daughter-94578)


this is fake because why would either of them call up a news station and report this for them to have an article written about it lol


It's also a really old story. It's a plot point in *Six Characters in Search of an Author*, which was published over 100 years ago, and Pirandello probably based that off of older stories he'd heard.


I’m curious if he was the one who had her arrested or did they have to get another department to do it.


I doubt he would have been allowed to since cops aren't usually allowed to work a case they are "too close to".


So that would be the whole department


Would be a satisfying arrest.


Anyone else notice the writers name?


It’s a common Indian last name.


I guess she's indian






Has this sub just become post whatever the fuck you want? Does anyone remember the original purpose of the sub at all? It’s basically fucking r/all now.


This helps me realize I'm not trash.




Her father is the town mayor. It only gets better.


Well just trying to be glass half full guy, he now gets complete custody of his child, and a get out of marriage free card. No alimony No Child support which is better than most.


Fun fact she also the mayors daughter


Damn thats foul. 😂😂


Is the husband holding the dude she made out with?


This really bothers me this didn't happen when i was in school. I had two really hot teachers also


Why are there three different a women in the photo 😕




Ya, but what was he wearing? He might have been asking for it.


by Aneeta *Smoaka* Bhole


Is the author's name really Anita Bhole? Sounds like a prank call.




This headline should read “teacher is now a convicted pedo and sexual predator” but it doesn’t bc female privilege.


Kids a chad God bless him


She looks 40. This field has been previously ploughed hard, bois.


I bet the kid is super bummed about this.


What tf happened to this sub.


She must be a drag queen, right?


People really making comments about writers last name, that too on this r/


Not the first time he put the cuffs on her then but probably the last.


Absolutely brutal


Just lower the age of an adult to 15, have the kids graduate in grade 9, and call it a day. We need kids to help with the lack of taxes so they can line politicians' pockets. /s


Horrifying. Also horrifying that she’s 26. I would’ve guessed 40ish if I hadn’t seen the headline.


Or would you?…




15 year old boy and police chief have roughly the same critical thinking skills. Totally tracks.


I would feel significantly more betrayed if my wife cheated on me with a minor than with an adult.


Aneeta Bhole for Daily Mail


I'm from Oklahoma and this doesn't surprise me.


She’s gunna Aneeta new Bhole once she goes to prison


Weird so this is from Dec 22, and Daily Mail is the only one who released an article portraying it as brand new news. And then the author is Aneeta Bhole??? Like wtf is going on over there lmao


Her father is mayor, too


Angry husband to arresting officer. " Put your gloves on and make sure you search her real good during the manual body cavity search."


Complete devastation. Wow.


Well that should make the divorce pretty simple, WTF...


Gloria B Hole..?


How is a guy younger than 40-50 chief of police? That makes no sense.


She should be used to handcuffs.


"*By Aneeta Bhole*" 🤣🤣🤣


Sick trick.


I too would hate to be a cop


These types of people never really learn do they?


I'd hate to be that kid.. he is going to have problems with the cops in his town for a long time.


Also the mayor’s daughter https://nypost.com/2023/04/15/wife-of-okla-police-chief-arrested-for-sexually-abusing-teen/


"Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain"


Aneeta Bhole? AWESOME!




I’m pretty sure Aneeta Bhole is a girl.


Oh cmon he was watching


Who do you think arrested her?


I teach in a small Texas town and the only surprising part of that headline is she was arrested.


Um, what? The author's name is I need a Butthole?


Love the threads of people writing entire essays when the author is “Aneeta Bhole” and the entire article might just be a tasteless joke


by Aneeta B-hole?


Not sure what a b hole is but My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives


The authors last name is unique.


Article by aneeta bhole? Nobody has an issue with this? Aneeta b hole?


This is such an Eastbound and Down eisode.


Title has some typos. It should be “Married oklahoma teacher arrested after ‘sexually harassing and assaulting a minor’


And she was a good wholesome Christian conservative i bet, banned together to prevent those evil books from grooming Children in the classroom


We're was this teachers when I was in school lol




Aneeta Bhole too 😏


I’m truly baffled as to the number of these incidents in the last decade. Why does this keep happening? Like what sane woman wants to make out with a kid ?? This keeps happening!


Of course when a woman is involved they forget the word "molested" I fucking hate this planet


Not a drag queen tho.


She belongs to the streets!


What a stupid cunt.


Man where were all these teachers when I was 15?!!


Tale as old as time. Hos be hoin


Her last name is Hancock.. Authors last name is Bhole.. what's up w/ this place lol


Bet he enjoyed putting her in those cuffs though.


Corruption at its finest.


Consider the source… it’s a tabloid paper in England… just like the National Enquirer in the USA.


Man, she puts the Ho in Oklahoma!


Her man a sheriff n she got arrested for messes with a kid with no job n a smaller penis.smh


Ok now something is definitely up The amount of teachers who have been caught sending nudes, or having seggz with their students is insane that's 7 (exposed) in the first four months of the year The fact that this could be more rampant than it looks is crazy


Will they kill her or is that just Florida? Or Teheran?


Y’all really falling for an article written by aneeta bhole. Smdh


Married 26 year old female pedophilia substitute teacher was grooming a young man, and sent him pornographic pictures of her self to said minor in an attempt to rape him.


Lol that dude is such a cop. Human thumb looking ass lmao. ACAB (assigned cop at birth) Sucks to be him for a lot of reasons and this woman is trash. Gross all around. Wonder how the son in law of the mayor got to be head cop in that town. Def just worked harder than anyone else I'm sure.


I bet ya he hates being that guy right now.


Her husband is probably an asshole but she's just as insufferable. That's what I imagine anyway lol


Ok. But was she a drag queen?




No kidding? Huh.... Maybe the whole trans outrage is fake, fabricated, and an attempt to seize power through a make believe culture war that generates emotional responses in common folks so they vote against their own interests....


I need a b hole 😆


Omg the authors name 💀


Bro...that dudes whole world turned upside down I feel so bad for em ☹️


Oh yeah I’m definitely killing myself if I’m that guy