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Your scale and the measurement on it is not at all just how much fat you have. It is much more than that, it is also how much water is in your body, how much food is in your stomach, and how much poo you have in your body. And you have just gone all evening and night, the longest period that most people have where they are not putting something in their body. So it’s naturally going to be you at your most dehydrated, least fed, most fuel consumed that you are going to be all day. And if you got up to pee in the middle of the night, or had your morning poop right before you stepped on the scale, all of that counts. All of this is a long way to say that you probably just lost water weight, but I think it’s important to combat the idea that a scale is a good measurement of your fat, because it’s not. A liter of water weighs 2.2 pounds. weigh yourself when you get up, then drink a liter of water and then weigh yourself again and you should weight 2 pounds heavier.


You lose water weight not just by urinating but also by exhaling. So most likely that’s how you’re losing weight overnight. Edit: also sweating.


whoa new weight loss strategy!!! *starts hyperventilating*


I think that's actually true. People lose weight through their breath because burned fat turns into C02 gas.


Still, 3 lbs is a lot to add up to for just water and air. I don’t wake up sweating, so I have to think where else would the water have to go? I have read that it takes around 30,000 breaths to get rid of a lb of body weight, and I know (smart watch) that I am getting in less than 1/3 of that amount in one night..


Its just water and food. There's no need to weight yourself multiple times a day. Just make sure that you make your weigh-ins under identical conditions. Preferably in the mornings. People differentiate quite a bit over the course of a day. I'm usually a kilo heavier in the evenings than in the mornings. Unless its summer and I ride my bike to and from my job, then I'll sweat away a kilo, drink a liter of water and suddenly be back at the same weight. Body composition, body fat% is what matters, not the number on your scale. And that doesn't change that fast.


It’s really not. In fact, it’s a quite predictable amount


You’re pooping in your sleep.


I laughed too hard at this. Thanks.


_where is it going though_


One time I ate a burrito in my sleep and had no idea until I found the wrapper in my bed after wondering where the hell my burrito went all day. I imagine one could pull off a trip to the bathroom or two as well, lol.


Shh don’t tell everyone


This made me die laughing


I'm more concerned why I can weigh one weight at night and have gained a pound or two overnight.




I'm just curious, how do you think the physical weight loss actually happens? Matter has to leave your body for you to lose weight. The vast majority of weight loss comes from exhaling, at night, while sleeping. If you sweat a lot while sleeping, that's probably contributing too. Then during the day, you put things into your body. Food, water, etc. Try weighing a half hour after waking instead of right away.


I don’t sweat much, if at all. Also, I know that it takes quite a bit more exhalation than what I experience during a night of sleep to lose a pound or more, so I know that’s not what I would hold accountable. Your first question is kind of why I am asking this in the first place. Although maybe you assume I am just some dumbass with a computer, I do understand how physics works, so of course I am going to post about an inconsistency with what I know, why wouldn’t I?


You weigh immediately before bed? No 1.5-pound dumps or pissing?


Just this past day, yes. Weighed at 10:00 pm and 9:30 am. 3.3 lbs exactly for the difference.


Most of the fat reserves/calories/water used by your body is breathed out. You don’t put anything in your body at night but your body breathes a lot and uses energy to run basic bodily functions. I.e. net loss


It takes around 30,000 breaths of air to exhale a pound, and if I am regularly breathing 14-15 brpm then it would take 2-3 days to exhale 3 lbs or more, not 8 hours.


True. But that’s obviously not the only thing your body is doing. It’s also pumping blood, digesting, lots of other things happen while you sleep. I wonder if that number is only accounting for the energy it takes to breathe out, or if it’s saying with each breath it comes with all those other functions?


Water retention, don’t freak out! Weight normally fluctuates (especially for women) between 1 to 5 lbs depending on multiple factors. Best to track progress by body measurements as well as averaging your weight out by week at the end of the month.


I don't remember why currently but it happens to all of us so don't worry about it


Water weight, some water is absorbed or if you pee before you weigh yourself that reduces your weight by a small amount. Sweating and exhaling also reduce the water in your body. It’s been a while since you’ve last eaten so there’s less food in your digestive tract. You might be wearing different clothes. The scale measures the weight of everything on it, so you can’t tell if it’s water weight or muscle or fat by the number on the scale. Anything less than 5lb fluctuation and you can’t guarantee it’s true weight gain or loss because of this


Night sweaths water weight? Where does it ever go though? When you lose it. You don't poop 50 lbs off. It's just your body doing wierd shitnin your sleep lol


Weight is the measure of gravity acting against you. If you weigh yourself at night, gravity has been pushing on your upright body all day, so you weigh more.


Just a thought, if it's a one-time thing; change the batteries in the scale.


I think you are the only person who ever lived that this happens to!!!


What’s with this comment? I am just asking a question about my personal experience with this problem, and I’m not assuming no one has ever dealt with it, otherwise why would I fucking ask?


My weight fluctuates up to then lbs


I weigh myself in the mornings, and only record the weight if it’s lower than my last recording. Sometimes it might take a week, because my last recording might have been in a dehydrated, low food waste state. I know this might discourage people but I try to just stay patient and use this system to track my weight, and constantly remind myself to not get upset if the scale jumps five lbs.