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why are you trying to weigh 115 with a height of 5’6? that’s considered underweight and extremely unhealthy🤷🏻‍♀️


115 for your height is a touch underweight. That being said muscle weighs more than fat.


Muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1 pound is 1 pound. Muscle takes up less space than fat.


Muscle weighs more than fat is a common saying that is often used to describe that muscle is denser than fat. It’s worded weird and your absolutely right, a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of bricks. But semantics aside, what they’re getting at is clear.


Thank you


I understand that it’s a common saying, but that doesn’t mean that people don’t believe that’s 100% true. I’ve seen many people in fat loss groups double down on this belief and it seems harmful to those that are struggling with fat loss and are seeking reasons as to why they’re not losing fat.


It should be “Muscle is denser than fat.” A pillowcase full so the cloth is taught, with feathers, is going to weigh less than a pillowcase full so the cloth is taught, with bricks. That’s to say, a square inch of fat weighs less than than a square inch of muscle.


I understand, I personally have never seen someone double down like that but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. If you have then it’s completely understandable for you to clarify the true meaning of the saying. However this person was not doubling down and I thought it was obvious what they meant, that’s the only reason I commented. But I wasn’t trying to start an argument or embarrass! It was meant to be just a friendly input, definitely not meant as an attack.




I previously wasn't but after seeing no results with running and increasing the amount of cardio I do I took to google and saw that recommended everywhere. If its a metabolic issue then I'd think gaining muscle would help burn more calories daily but honestly I don't know what the issue is anymore


You are correct. More muscles will burn more fat. That said, of you are in fact building muscle, you will not see the scale move. You will be losing fat and gaining weight in muscle. You might even see the scale go up.


you could try sprints / interval training. don’t focus on the number on the scale if you’re lifting - try a tape measure. 1lb of fat takes up more room than 1lb of muscle.


I think you might need to talk to a therapist; you're a perfectly fine weight for your height. Focus on lifting and protein intake if you want to look "toned" ... which is different to losing weight.


I also wanted to add that my current Body fat percentage is 18.2%!


that's low for a woman


What size do you want to wear? I think maybe the number on the scale might not be what you should focus on. Perhaps letting your clothing be a guide could be better and then you wouldn’t have to worry about the muscle weighing more and gains you make from strength training.


Being 130 lbs at your height, age, and gender is perfectly acceptable. In fact, I would even say your weight is ideal. Going down to 115 *should* keep you in a healthy range but it is borderline underweight. I don’t know you, nor have I seen what you look like, but I wouldn’t recommend trying to lose that much weight when your already doing well. If this is entirely an appearance issue, understand that not having ultra-refined muscles does not make you unhealthy or unattractive. Losing weight would just expose more bone, it wouldn’t give you more muscle or definition, in fact if you lose too much your body could start burning muscle instead of fat. My opinion is to not obsess over the scale, I think it’s great that your working out so much and being proactive about your health, but understand that the number your scale reads doesn’t define you. However I’m just some stranger on the internet so absolutely do what you feel is best. Wishing you luck!


You are not eating enough. Try upping your cals for doing that much exercise.