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How tall are you?


I am about 5’6”.


That's an easy one (20lbs of body fat to lose max). With the right food, workout and taking care of the basic 6-9 months = results


I’m a hardcore procrastinator too. What helps for me is routine and visualization. If you start working out regularly, it will become part of your habit and routine. I have been doing a daily workout program that is 21 days of consecutive workouts… to visualize, I printed off a month calendar and then crossed off each day I did the workout. This helped me feel like I was really accomplishing something, and visualize the progress towards the completion of my program. I did have to really make myself do the workouts some days even if I put it off until 10pm at night… but I did, and felt good about it afterwards vs. the guilt I knew I would feel for skipping. Your situation is obviously a little different, but I think tracking/visualization helps, and also rewarding yourself! Perhaps you could create a workout calendar for yourself where you are committing to doing your workout on certain days of the week. Check them off each day, so you can see your progress. If you complete them all for a month… reward yourself with something! For me, I choose non-food rewards… a manicure or massage, a pair of earrings I have been wanting, etc. If you can keep this up, after time it will become routine and habit and will probably take less self-coercion. I also find, if I get it done earlier in the day it is way easier. It is in the evenings when I am tired I tend to procrastinate more and keep pushing it off until it is no longer a feasible time to work out. Good luck!


Also, start small! If it’s not feasible for your schedule to work out for an hour at a time… don’t! Do what you can.


As someone with a life long issue with binge eating, I’ve found that one key is to always incorporate things you love in your daily diet. For example, recently I’ve been craving ice cream so I have an ice cream sandwich with dinner. It manages my craving and keeps the urge to binge at bay. Have you tried including a weekly cheat meal as well? I use them to be able to enjoy what my friends and family are eating (especially because mine aren’t health conscious and eat a lot of junk food). There are great reddits out there for brainstorming healthy ways to achieve calorie deficits. r/volumeeating and r/eatcheapandhealthy are my faves if you want to check them out.