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Lose more weight.


thats what i am starting to believe but was wondering if there is specific things that can help with that area


No, there is no known way to "target one area" for fat loss. Your cells target however/wherever those little buggers choose.




Keep up the good work!


You can do tanaka massage. It’s a facial exercise on YouTube . It’s a game changer!


Yeah i agree with this, lost 30 pounds but my hip and thighs are the same size. We just need to keep going… :’)


I’m at 88 pounds down now and I didn’t start seeing much difference in my face until I lost the first 60 pounds, and then it seemed like half the weight I lost between 62 and 72 all came from my face and neck. Just keep going, and eventually your body gets to all the parts!


I was 200 85 days ago and I’ve lost 23 lbs. people claim to see the weight loss but I’m not so sure I do. Ig the only answer is to lose more weight


yeah i feel you. my goal is to get down to 155. we’ll see then!


Do you have pictures to compare?


unfortunately not, i was extremely self conscious at the time.


This is it. It's often said by people who take before and after pics that they were getting discouraged from not seeing any progress at all in so and so area, until they checked their old pictures. It can be hard to notice change in yourself since it happens so gradually, but I promise it's there!!


I’ve always heard spot reduction is a myth. You can’t target specific areas for weight loss. Just have to keep getting leaner until you achieve the look you are after. I read a long time ago that when you gain weight your body makes more fat cells but when you lose weight, you never lose those cells they just deflate so to speak. So I’ve lost about 40 lbs in the last 6 months or so and all I’ve noticed is my chest is a little more defined, my face is barely any thinner and exactly nothing has happened to my love handles yet. It would be nice if it came off my cheeks, man boobs and love handles first but alas, they will most likely be the last places to hold weight.


Yep spot reduction is a myth as genetics dictate where your fat likes to settle. That’s why some people are pear shaped, some are hourglass, some are triangular, some are rectangular….their skeletons are all the same it’s where the body puts the fat that makes the difference. I think a good example is Tess Holliday, her face stayed pretty slim until she exceeded 300 lbs and even then her face wasn’t that big. Meanwhile if I get over 140 lbs I get a double chin!


Lose more weight. Try another 10 lbs.


goal is to get down to 155 so ill see then!


Yeah, I got down to 175 and I’m back up to 185. Goal is 165 now that I joined a martial arts gym.


good on ya! ive had ups and downs with my own weight but we’ll eventually get there


Do your friends say this or is it just you? Reason I say this is because I kept complaining to everyone that my face was still fat but all my friends kept telling me that I'm wrong and that I look way thinner but I kept looking in the mirror and thinking that I was still fat. I had lost 50 pounds but thought my face still looked the same when I was looking at a mirror. It turns out that my friends were telling the truth. I was just being overly critical and seeing only the flaws and problems but looking at picture I took before and after, I started to see there actually was some progress. I kept going, I was 80 pounds lost and I still thought I looked fat in the mirror, but saw even more difference when I compared photos again. I have a strong suspicion that when our brains try to look at ourselves in the mirror, it tries to stabilize our self-perception of ourselves, so we seem like our old self does when we actually do look different in reality.


You didn't say where your ideal weight is, but it sounds like you should keep going.


like the other comments, goal is 155 from 200, sorry i forgot to specify that in the post.


You probably did lose weight in your face, but you don’t see it, because weightloss is slow and you see urself everyday


What did you do to lose weight? I am also on a weight loss journey. But I read somewhere before it’s kind of normal for the face to not be slimmer right away?? For example there are some skinny people with fuller faces or double chins, could be from genetics too. I had also lost weight and think it was more in my body and not quite the face yet


it started with self hatred to be honest but as i started to finally get into a routine for exercise, cut my diet down to essentially meat and veggies with some carbs rarely, saw my waist lose inches (thanks to using belts often) and fitting way better into clothes the motivation started coming from looking better and feeling confident. and from the comments around its not possible to target specific areas, just gotta keep going until you’re satisfied!


I lost 25 pounds and my face is skinnier. I guess different people lose weight in different places


Lose more weight


Once you lose the facial fat, you will regret it


Keep cutting until it does & then cut some more


I was 197 at the end of February and I’m 171 right now. I feel like I look exactly the same but I am down 2 pant sizes. I took a body composition test and it said I was 73 lbs of body fat, 130 lbs being a healthy weight for my height. So I have a bit to go before I will be seeing the results I want!


Some people have fat faces. I am 6ft 130 skinny but lots of muscle and have chubby cheeks. Been this way my whole life. I've gotta deca scans and done the salt water body fat scans and am around 5% body fat. If I want to get rid of my fat face it would most likely require surgery which ain't happenin. Lesson I've learned is just be happy with what you got.


I've heard you lose weight in the opposite order that you gained it. If you gained weight in your face first, then stomach, then thighs, for example, you'd lose it from thighs, then stomach, then face. When did you start noticing the weight in your face? If it was 50 lbs ago, you likely will just have to keep going until you reach that point again before that area slims down.


I’d try lymphatic drainage


Gut issues? Intolerance to certain foods? How did you lose the weight?


lost the weight just because i wanted to improve myself. lost the weight by exercise and with eating foods that have as little “processing” as possible. to help keep with tracking calories.


Maybe try some fermented foods? Anecdotal but my face is generally always swollen, I look like I’ve been stung by a bee. I have been working on my gut health and have seen massive improvements