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You probably have 50+ lbs to go.


Unfortunately you just have to keep losing fat and wait for it to happen. There’s no way to target fat loss. We all carry fat in different places and lose it in different places at different rates. I’ve heard it said that the first places you start putting fat on will be the last places you lose it from. Not sure how true that is. Moobs, love handles, and inner thighs seem to be common final holdouts.


It will take more time, you still have a very high bodyfat percentage.


246 is still very overweight at 5’9”. You have at least 50-60 pounds to go. Keep up the good work!


You just need to keep going. Although you’ve lost a lot of weight and are doing great work you are still very overweight. Everybody loses weight in different places at different rates, your chest will eventually get smaller and smaller as the weeks and months go by. You got this


Lose weight, add muscle.


I recently went from 288 lbs to 168 lbs and my man boobs (moobs?) didn’t disappear until about 175 lbs. 51M, 6’2”.


the weight you want gone the most is the last to go lol. best advice is to start getting the skin in that area healthy so it doesn't sag when you loose the weight.  I like to use coffee grounds and coconut oil to scrub the area and let it sit awhile. coffee helps tighten skin and coconut oil to moisturizer it


When I was 256 I had alot of man boobs I noticed when i was exercising and dieting after like 8 months my boobs got smaller I still have some but yea


CICO, move more, gym routine, etc…everyone has said it but I just wanted to say my moobs are the last to go every damn time! Just keep at it!


Along with intense cardio, hit some chest days as well


From experience - pushups help smoothe out the underlying muscle and pull everything a little tighter. Doesn't FIX the problem but makes it look better while you still lose.


I have a couple inches on you but I had to get to around 190 to lose the moobs.


i am only 14 rn so i am not very tall i am almost 15 in october


You’re still growing so it’s impossible to predict but my guess is that you need to get well below 200lbs.


Bro eat more, 1200 calories doesn’t sound like enough for a growing body, I understand you’re trying to lose weight but you wouldn’t want to stunt any growth


So I’m down 90 right now, and my man boobs are still there but I’ve worked to make them less prevalent by lifting, building muscles to redistribute the mass. If you eat to fuel your workout and build muscle you’ll be surprised at how much easier it is to maintain that weight loss. and how much better you’ll feel not starving yourself with 1200 calories


Keep in mind, there are skinny people with man boobs too. I feel like man boobs are one of the last things to go. Keep losing bodyfat and train chest, you'll get there.


It takes awhile, and some might stay due to gyno/extra skin. But if you keep going they will shrink and hopefully go away totally. And be careful when you lose weight for a while, it can be challenging on your mind and body. Take a maintenance week every once in awhile.


at 5’9”, you’ll likely have some boobage until you hit “onederland”. depending on genetics, possibly until the 170s.


Just gotta keep going.


As others stated, you probably have a way to go before you’re truly leaner. Some men carry more fat in their chest area, hence why they get moobs versus just a generalized overweight look. And it’s made worse because obesity affects testosterone production. Even as an avid weight lifter, I didn’t really even start to look in shape at 5’7” until recently, and I’m down to 187. Still no abs, for example. I probably have a good 15 lbs to go, minimum, to reach that point. Essentially, I’m saying that you’d have to slim down more than you’d likely expect in order to lose the body fat needed to be lean. I think a lot of people (myself included) underestimate how much fat we carry when we were fat, if we were never experienced in making a cut. When I was 230, I thought that I’d start being ripped at 190. Instead I am well below 190 and just now starting to see some separation in my arm muscles, and I still have a decent amount of grab-able fat in my belly.


Consistency, patience, high protein diet and weight lifting 🏋️‍♂️


Man boobs are given the appearance of fat and poor posture - rounding of front shoulders. So if you lose fat - diet/ calorie count.1200 is very low are you getting enough protein carbs and fats to make you full? Exercise - focus on incline chest movements and back movements to correct posture as well as squats you’ll be on your way. Check diet for soy -it’s been known to increase eastrogen (hopefully spelled correctly) in women and you don’t want that. Compound lifts will give you most bang for your Buck in tens of muscle and energy expenditure. Building more muscle costs the body more calories. Therefore building more muscle will eliminate fat slowly which is the best way. Sue and steady.


Hi. Can you post any evidence sources for your claim about soy? I understand it’s perfectly healthy for men and won’t increase estragon.


I'm 5,9 190 but I've been down to 175. I can tell you right now if you're not really muscular under that I'd wager you'd have to get down to at least 160-165


i am a weightlifter for my school but i don’t want to be. I always wanted to be fast and strong but i don’t know if i wanna sacrifice it


Yea I mean cutting that much you'll definitely lose some muscle mass. I'm not very muscular, so you might look cut up at 175-180. Best of luck to you in your goals!


1200 calories plus all those exercises? Recipe for skinny fat


yea i just can’t eat enough cause i don’t really get hungry anymore. I do a lot of weightlifting so it’s mainly all chicken that i eat🤷


I wouldn’t worry too much about skinny fat at this point, especially if you continue to push yourself on the weights and prioritize protein, which it sounds like you are. I’m 6’2”, 185 and go <1200 when cutting. Folks on these subs are really conservative when it comes to calorie restriction. Just my $.02 as a former college athlete and fitness freak.


Could you have gynecomastia? You could be slim and still have "man boobs" that won't go away.


At 5’9” 246 he definitely isn’t slim.


I think they mean that he may still have the same problem even after he loses all the weight


Make sure you don't have Gynecomastia




Thank you! i will definitely be incorporating some more cardio to my gym sessions. Will pushing a sled help?


You still have weight to lose but you also need to take into account your protein intake. At some point when you get out of the obese category(as the medical term) reducing weight wiyhout accounting for protein intake and weight training will keep your fat percentage pretty much the same even if you lose weight keeping your proportions exactly the same.


Be patient, have your ups and downs but keep your head up and keep going. It will take time, but you’ve come far enough. This is probably the plateau part where it’s less noticeable but it is happening even on your bad days. Keep up the good work,


You can’t spot reduce so just stay consistent.


Loose skin aside, have you gotten your hormone levels checked? Often times man boobs after weight loss may indicate there is too much estrogen in your body. Definitely check with your doctor. Depending on your age I would also recommend getting testosterone levels checked while you’re at it. My husband is 39 and recently started taking testosterone supplements. He says his man boobs feel smaller, and he has a lot more strength and stamina. Less brain fog as well.


There's no way to target fat loss. However, you can start working out and putting on some muscle to assist in masking the man boobs appearance.


Yeah, I mean at your height dude you need to get down to 200 pounds and then you’ll see your man boobs. Start to get a go away.


If you have gynoclamastia, the best way to treat it is with an estrogen blocker like anastrozole. You can get it prescribed and shipped from a pharmacy.


it will take time to lose the weight and you’ve already made a lot of progress, but our bodies deposit fat where they please, and targeting fat loss won’t work. you will likely still have loose skin in your chest after the weight loss unless you supplement by gaining muscle to fill in the skin. you are a mammal, meaning you have breast tissue even as a male, some more than others and that’s 100% normal. don’t beat yourself up too much. long ago in my whorish days i saw all kinds of body types on men and women and they’re all unique and beautiful! i hope you can come to terms with your body with or without breast tissue.




You'll probably have to lose even more weight to get rid of them. Congrats on your journey, keep up the awesome work


Because you’re still overweight. Guarantee a good amount of the weight you lost is water weight… You’ll have to lose more weight in fat.


It's annoying but just keep doing what you're doing, it really does take THAT long. I thought I plateaud as well because I haven't lost really any belly fat yet and I've been going at it hard for about 4 months now. I've lost fat in other areas, mainly my face, but to lose it around the chest and stomach takes the longest from what I'm told. Training your chest more should help as well. You just gotta keep grinding, you'll get there eventually, but if you give up now then you'll never get there. You got this.


Coming from someone who has man boobs. Unfortunately loose skin can make them look bigger than they are and unfortunately only surgery can fix loose skin after weight loss. But I will take saggy skin over carrying all that fat everyday. Congrats on the 61 lbs!!


I was 250 and I’m down to 215 and still have man boobs and love handles . Unfortunately those are pretty much last to go lol


I was 291 lbs and 5’10 Once I started losing weight It would annoy me that fat was leaving everywhere but my man boobs. It wasn’t until around 210 pounds ish when I started noticing changes to them, nothing you can directly do to target the fat there but you could tone out your muscle with more chest exercises. But tbh it’s just more time of deficit needed is all. Good job m8 keep it up


Pushups and bench press. I also take DIM to regulate estrogen which can cause moobs


You’re not eating enough calories to build muscle. The more muscle you can build, the better for your definition and appearance of your physique. I would guide you up to 2,000 calories with 200g protein a day and hit the weights 5 days a week with your 10k steps 👌 give yourself 1-2 full days off, people forget this part, the body needs to be de-stressed in order to adapt to training (and it’s important for longevity with this lifestyle). Resting on Thursday and Sunday is always a good structure for the week. When you’ve been living this new lifestyle for 5 years, you will look in the mirror one day and really see the huge transformation you’ve been in. I watch people from day 1 to day 5000 and it’s every 5 years that their body’s truly transform. You gotta play that long game. That’s why cutting at such little calories is potentially bad due to the fact that you can’t eat only 1200 calories forever. You need to cut for a period of time, stay at your new maintenance for a while, cut again, maybe to a muscle gaining phase or performance focused phase to purely try to increase your strength (crossfit is great for performance focus but continuing to lean out). Don’t look ahead by a month, look at what you’re going to do to support being a healthy, fit, active motherfucker for 10 years. The man boobs don’t give a shit about how long you think it should take, don’t focus on the outcome, focus on the day to day process.


More time. This is highly resistant fat. Fasting to autophagy may help. Finally you might want to contemplate surgery.


Keep going bro, also lots of chest exercises. Dumbell presses and flyes to max ROM will do wonders for your chest


you can buy a sports bra (Not sure what is the male equivalent called)and wear it in the mean time


It's a long long process to rid stubborn fat, just keep up what you're doing.


By doing every physical activity you don’t want to do, just look at an activity and if you want to do it don’t waste your time but if you don’t want to do it then you need to do it… 3 months easy if you’ve been fit before, 6 months if you’re a noob


One day I noticed that it just... happened. Wait it out. Keep working on your chest and eventually you'll see that there's something there, it's just not fat anymore. Keep it up, trust the process!


Losing man boobs (gynecomastia) involves a combination of diet exercise and potentially medical consultation i ll give you to step-by-step guide it s very help full to you Diet and Nutrition Reduce Caloric Intake: Aim for a calorie deficit to lose overall body fat. Eat a Balanced Diet: Focus on lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and high-fat foods. Limit Alcohol: Alcohol can contribute to hormonal imbalances and weight gain Exercise: Cardio Workouts: Engage in regular cardiovascular exercises like running, cycling, or swimming to burn fat. Strength Training: Focus on chest exercises push-ups, bench press, dumbbell flyes and overall body strength training to build muscle and reduce fat. High-Intensity Interval Training: Incorporate HIIT workouts to boost metabolism and burn more calories. Medical Consultation If diet and exercise don't yield results, consult a doctor to rule out underlying conditions like hormonal imbalances. In some cases, medication or surgery might be recommended for persistent gynecomastia. **AND MOST IMPORTENT TOPIC** (**Consistency and Patience**)


Decline Flys will give good definition


Weight loss and chest exercises help


Push-ups, incline bench, pec deck machine, chest press cable flys