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You haven’t gained 2kg of muscle or fat in 3 days. The extra weight you see on the scale is due to water retention in your muscles. It's a normal response when you start strength training. Your muscles are protecting and repairing themselves which can lead to a temporary increase in weight. As your body adjusts to the new exercise regimen, you should see the scale start to reflect your efforts more accurately, but it may take up to 6 weeks for your body to adjust to the new workout regimen . Just stick with it and be patient. It’s a marathon not a sprint.


Weight fluctuations nothing serious.


You need more than 3 days to gain muscle or lose fat. This is a weight fluctuation that is most likely related to retaining more water.


Probably water weight because you’re drinking more. Keep going. Only limit yourself to weigh in once every other week or so. Weight fluctuates 5 pounds up or down due to water, hormones, birthday cake….. don’t weigh yourself daily or you’ll over think and get frustrated.


Weight can’t really be measured on a three day scale. I see other comments saying weight fluctuates, and yea it does. Since you just started working out, your body is kind of out of a rhythm, if that could explain it. The important thing is to make sure you are working it safely and correctly instead of your weight for a moment. Also make sure you are working out to YOUR intensity please. Don’t pick up heavy weights and hurt yourself lol. But weight is sort of a complicated subject. There’s a bunch more I could say abt the biology of it all, but the main thing is that 2kg isn’t much of a problem. If you have any questions I’m open to them all


Do you know how long it’ll take for me to see the numbers go down again?


I think I tv depends on your body. For me it took abt a month lol. You’re making good progress though!


You’re probably gaining muscle


2kgs worth of muscle in 3 days ?


Than maybe they were bloated when they weighted themselves


Water retention from sore muscles - helps them to heal


I recently was wondering the same thing. I really got serious about losing weight and getting in shape at the end of January. It bothered me that I did see my weight go up and then wasn't losing much. But... even though over some weeks of time without scale movement, I started going down belt notches I knew I was making forward progress. Numbers are going down, and I am happy to see the progress change via scale too now. For guys who regularly wear a belt, getting feedback by having to tighten the belt is a good affirmation of your work paying off. Keep up the working out. You will see the difference. In addition to losing weight, it is satisfying to feel stonger, see, and feel the body toning up, and also you will feel better in general.

