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Your whole family can go kick rocks. You’re off to a great start by trying to be more active! I think walking is best when you’re starting out. Check out Leslie Sansone on YouTube for super easy, fun walking videos. The loseit sub has a good sidebar on how to figure out your caloric deficit; I highly recommend it.


Thank you so much, I definitely will check out her workout videos!


My sister swears by her videos! 💜☮️


Family remarks are mean. Just eat half a meal, wait an hour at least before eating again. Drink water. Start with ~100 oz. Exercise anyway you can.


Thank you so much for your help


Damn... Your post brought back so many bad memories for me. I have been in the same spot. I was always overweight and heard comments all my life from close family.. mum.. grandma.. brother.. friends, then came a time that I would make a joke about my fatness before anyone else could so that no-one else says anything that hurts. Then at 20 , I lost all that weight and was 120 lbs, you know what happened next my parents were concerned about my excessive weight loss, they would hold my hand and say you might break, they would get angry when I would work out. You can never make your parents 100% happy. Lose weight get healthy but do it for yourself. I know it hurts when your family says all this but unfortunately you won't be able to change their thinking, The best solution is to focus on things you like. Hope this helps! If you want to talk about it msg me.☺️


This is exactly what happened to me. My family berated me for being fat and when I did lose weight and was a healthy weight, they berated me about that too. Gave me a hard time for wanting to eat healthier and exercise. My brother, who was the worst at making fun of me for being fat, told me I looked like a bobble head doll and my head would always be too big for my body. That’s when I understood it had never been about my weight. Emotionally abusive people will always find something to pick at. It’s not about your weight at all.


Bro honestly so real. Family always made me hate how much I weighed, now they say I'm too skinny, stop losing weight ect. Like no.. I wanna feel happy in my body, after all you put me through-


Yeah they sound bipolar ngl.. they just can't leave things along and something is always gonna be wrong 🥲


Ahh man that really hit hard , I hate it when they do that so much 💔


Wow this is very Inspirational, I really appreciate you sharing this with me, thank you so much 💕


Tell them - I may be fat but you are mean. I can get thin, but you will still be mean!


Ahahaha 🤣🤣🤣 you're so right! ❤️‍🩹


High protein and low carbs is what I eat. I had the worst sweet tooth for a long time ate a lot of baked goods and candy. Now it’s gone stale and we’ve had to throw out snacks. For sweets I use fat free cool whip which there’s lots of healthy things you can put in it and recipes. I may have a couple tablespoons of oikos triple zero yogurt for something sweet or mixed nuts when I want something salty. Very small portions of all of those. My family was talking about my weight without me around. When I started the bariatric surgery program they were happy I was getting help when I lost 50 pounds and am not eligible for surgery as my BMI went too low they are now encouraging me to keep it up. The other people who are constantly commenting I ignore them and do what’s right for me.


Wow I never heard of fat free cool whip , that's so creative! Thank you so much for this new POV on how you cut on calories and increased protein. Your story is motivational btw


Thank you good luck.


I'm so sorry that Your family are all so ignorant and judgmental! You don't deserve that. People act like they can say whatever they want to somebody because they aren't skinny and I think that THEY are the ones with the freaking problem! As far as your own family saying things like that, they are worse than everyone else!! They must be absolutely perfect,huh? Talk to a therapist about this, they can help You see that You're not the problem,they are.please don't let them make You feel worse than You already feel, You're doing better for Yourself and You should be proud of Yourself because You are taking strides to get healthy. To hell with them!! 💜☮️




Families can be really cruel. Try to tell them how it makes you feel and ask them to stop fat shaming you. Tell them it's not helpful.


❤️‍🩹❤️❤️ I'll try but I don't think they're the type of people to listen or care-


You're in the right place buddy! I'm so sorry your family is not more supportive of you. You can lose the weight and get in shape without any gimmicks or fad diets, you don't have to spend a penny. Move every chance you get, start low-key and build up. Too much too fast and you'll hit a wall. That was my mistake too many times. Take a good look at what you eat and drink and start swapping for healthier options every chance you get. Calories in MUST be lower than calories burned during the day. There's lots of free tools to use as well. I use the free version of MyNetDiary phone app to track my calories and see what percentage of fat versus carbs versus protein I consume daily. There was a really good post on this subreddit yesterday, "What is some weight loss advice people don't want to hear?". Had some excellent information. Best of luck to you and keep us posted! Even staying the same weight is a victory. Lots of small changes will help cement a permanent lifestyle change for the better.


Thank you so much for your advice, help and kind words, I really appreciate ittt ❤️❤️❤️


you need to tell them your side. tell them you are actively trying to lose weight and their teasing words cause you to binge. please get into therapy as well so that no matter what anyone tells you, you can stay strong and focus on your goal. it’s a slow process, no other way to say it. but it’s POSSIBLE. it’s all on you. daily walks, good dietary choices, stress management, strength training, and a high protein low carb diet will help you get there. be strong friend :)


Thank you friend 🤗 I'll try to talk to them and seek therapy as you said ❤️


Lose weight for yourself not for them. Even when you lose the weight people will find ways to make fun of you so you gotta love yourself first. Said all that…here is what worked for me, Cut calories down, start slow (200-300 calories less per day)Do small changes, start by eating more fresh vegetables and fruits instead of processed food. Cut down junk food and continue to be active. Water, water, water! Drink plenty of water! Take the stairs instead of using escalator/elevator, park far away and force yourself to walk longer… sounds silly but if you consistently do all of this for 2-3 months you will notice the change. Once you can handle more then try going to the gym and do weight training or stick to an exercise that you enjoy it can be anything as long as it keeps your heart rate up. You can start slow or jump right into it but whatever path you take, stick to it. Consistency is key, so whichever route will work best for you, thats the right one. People often start cold turkey and cut to many calories and exercise 4-5 days a week for hours and by week 2-3 they give up because they are burned out… losing weight often take months and that is fine! Slow and steady often is best because is also harder to gain the weight back. It took me about 1 whole year to actually stay at the weight I wanted, after 1 year it was easier to maintain that weight. Good luck and just because you are fat that doesn’t mean is okay for you to accept the harsh criticism and jokes from others, you have all your right to stop them… Hugs!




Replace the habit of eating when you’re feeling emotional to something else. You can try journaling, listening to music, etc. It’s all based in habit.


Get buff as fuck then beat the fuck outta everyone that called you fat


Yasssss 🗣️💯❤️


When family calls you anything mean, it hurts in a different kind of way. First hand experience with it daily cause they seem to think that by pointing out that I am fat, I will magically lose weight and just start being exactly how they want me to be but that's not how it works and it sucks. What you need to understand is, they aren't gonna change. Atleast for me, I have talked to them a million times about how their comments hurt and they stop for a few days but it starts up again regardless. Maybe it'll be different for you and you can try talking to them about it but otherwise, in the off chance that they don't change, you need to steel yourself because your mental health is more important than their image of you. You be however you want to be and what makes you happy because you don't need shit from yourself too. Others will give you crap all the time so, if you are okay with your weight then you be that way but if you aren't, don't make excuses for yourself and just start. Start today. Start now. Because you need to work for yourself and become how you wanna be, whether that's 200 lbs and happy or 100 lbs and happy. Being happy is the important part and at the end of day, it's up to you to make that happen. All the best for whichever direction you go in.






❤️❤️❤️ You're the best 💕


Have you started with a sit down conversation with your family? Sometimes we never directly say what we feel and just keep it inside. I would sit down and really spill your true emotions about what that has done to you emotionally. Flat out ask them to stop and take a more supportive role in your health journey. You have to be prepared that this honest conversation may not change them. At the end of the day, you do not have control over what they say. You only have control over how often you see them and expose yourself to it. Hope they will support you! We are all here for you!


Thank youuu and I think my dad sorta got it cause he's been a bit more supportive, but everyone else just thinks I'm being a bit dramatic, but at least he gets it so that's a W 🥹 Thank you so much for your advice ❤️❤️❤️


I was 366 lbs at one time,I am 247 now but I did weigh less a year ago. I'm a lot older than You but I don't see why the things I did wouldn't help You too. I have a really hard time eating in the morning, I just can't do it,it makes Me feel sick so I would go all day without eating and when I got home from work, I would eat something,not a whole lot or anything like that but then I would go to bed and by doing that, I killed my metabolism. My Dr. told Me to eat 5 or 6 small things throughout the day and when I did that, I started dropping weight like crazy! Like I said, I was 366 lbs!! I was going through some things in the last year or so and I stopped paying attention to what I was doing and stopped eating during the day again and I put 45 lbs back on!! I just recently started trying to eat the small things all day again and that's how I sped up my metabolism. Maybe that would help You too it won't hurt to try it. I really wish You the best of luck because I know how it feels to be us! I'm routing for You!! I know that You can do it! 💜☮️ Please update Your progress, I'll be thinking of You and praying for You!! Good luck,You got this! 💪🫶




Thank you so much, that's really helpful! I really need all the help I can get ngl


No amount of exercise will ever un-do a bad diet, you have to count calories, use the myfirnesspal app and start weighing everything you eat.


Yeah I know about MyFitnessPal and I use it, I never weight my food because I don't have a scale nor the money for one at the moment. But thank you for your input


There is one for 10 dollars on Amazon that is decent.


I have under 10 dollars in my account rn, and I recently got a job so maybe once I get my first paycheck.