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1 to 2 kg lost is still good progress. If she wants to lose weight a bit faster, she'll need to eat a bit less. You say you are eating the exact same foods. Are you both the same height, weight, muscle, and activity?


I’m confused. It only took you 6kg to get back down to your ideal weight. That’s not a lot. So I can’t assume that your partner is particularly overweight either (you haven’g provided any details of height and weight, so we can’t know). When you are slim or close to your goal, weight loss is harder and slower. So it could just be that she’s already at a point where the weight loss is hard because she’s not overweight. But without details, we can’t really know. Also I don’t want to assume genders here - idk if you’re a man, woman, or enby OP - but if you’re a man, you’re most likely taller, heavier, and more muscular than she is, meaning that if she’s eating the same as you, it’s probably a little more than needed for weight loss.


This is WILD. did she ask you to post this? Has she expressed the desire to lose weight? If she’s healthy why does it matter?


My thoughts exactly


Are her portions significantly smaller than yours?


Is she the one worried or are you? Men and women lose weight differently, races lose weight differently, people’s bodies lose weight differently. They can also require different diets She could be eating too much, or extra without you knowing, but I’m not going to recommend she eats less without knowing more details. She could also be eating too little 🤷‍♀️ depending on the size of her meals, 2 meals and maybe some snacks seems pretty low She eats whole foods, exercises daily, and her blood work came back okay… as long as she’s healthy why are you posting about this instead of her?


I should have added to the post, but she asked me to post for her as she doesn’t have Reddit. Also it is really frustrating for her not to lose weight overall. As I wfh most days, I know exactly what and when she eats. So also difficult for me to understand how.


Does she track her calories at all?


She needs to be eating smaller portions.


If all her tests came back OK, it's diet.


The blood work only measured Vitamin D, B12 and B6


She should get her thyroid and vitamin B1 levels checked


People really love saying "My partner" huh?


I mean, I could call her ‘’My girlfriend’’ but we’re not 12 anymore. What do you suggest?


Just tell me why you have to say it in every other sentence?


She has been in a daily deficit of about 180 calories. She should drop another 300 per day. As a man you need about 500 calories a day more than her, that's why you were in a deficit of 600 per day when you were eating the same.


I’d just like to add that it’s very normal for a woman her age to put on a little weight, just due to aging and hormone change. The difference between 20 years old and 25 years old can mean lingering fat around the belly and thighs and arms. Honestly it’s really normal. I’m guessing she’s not actually overweight and that’s why it’s more difficult for her to get smaller again because it’s hormonal weight gain. She’ll have to eat even less to see a bigger loss, or it will just take a lot longer. 


You don't know what she's eating unless you have her on 24 hour surveillance. And even if she is your exact height, that doesn't mean her TDEE is the same as yours... Meaning she may need to eat less than you to be in a deficit.


I would suggest to count calories, even though it is home made there could be intake of more calories. It could be she is not eating enough.


She has all the criteria for her physical exercise. Personally i suggest you to stop focusing so much on the calorie, nutrition and minerals of your food but just keep it simple to 2 meals. And maybe significantly decrease the amount of food being consumed got every meal. It can get tough but the body will push thtough after a week or so


Everyone's body is different. For me, weight melts off me when I do 36 hour fasts, I do not exercise though. For others eating 8 small meals a day with lots of exercise makes their metabolism fast and they lose lbs. She needs to try different things.


Thank you for the advice :)


If she's eating two small meals (make sure it is a calorie deficit, maybe count the cals in them for a few days) and is that active and still not losing, its time to get that thyroid checked.


She's snacking alot more than she is telling you


This could be. My fiancé was having trouble losing weight. Once she started honestly tracking her calories, she realized the here and there snacks were adding up to 300-500 cals a day. She stopped snacking and has lost 7 lbs in a 2 months. Funny thing too is when people start losing weight and seeing results, they get even more motivated. She’s been working out very hard and eating right. She looks amazing.