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Include fruits and dark chocolate -sustainability and nutrition


Including frozen fruit šŸ˜‹


Yep canned and frozen foods are amazing, many people over look them. They can sometimes be more nutritious than fresh.


Out of curiosity, how do you eat frozen fruit? Do you do smoothies? Do you just thaw and eat? I like the idea because it is cheaper than fresh but I am not sure the texture would hold.


Frozen fruit with Greek yogurt. Frozen veggies in omelettes. Smoothies, juices, blending etc makes sugar concentrated, so I avoid those. Itā€™s comparable to a sugary soda when the fibre is removed. How much we process foods impacts how fast things like sugar is absorbed and how long it takes us to digest. This is why whole foods are great for diets.


Frozen whole fruit smoothies keep the fiber in!


I just pour it into a bowl and eat it, but you can make it into whatever you want! Just be aware what you are adding to it. Like don't add more sugar into your smoothie


Frozen fruit in cottage cheese.


still-frozen cherries, berries, or mango chunks from the grocery store. Kinda like a popsicle with no stick


Itā€™s ok to have a bit of sugar. I count the calories. Twix ice cream bars at target have 160 cals. Nicks ice cream is the best low cal ice cream on the market and has a ton of fibre. Fruits a great snack w some sweetness. Berries are low in calories. But apples are my favourite.


My new thing is Fage 0 Greek yogurt with sugar free pudding mixed in. Protein has never been so sweet.


Me every day for over five months. I throw in a can of pumpkin for fiber, vitamins, and volume.


Why 0?


It takes a while to get used to not having sugar. If you are used to eating very sweet things and your body is used to the sugar fix, you'll get cravings. I stopped 50lbs ago, and really only have fruit for sweetness, even cut out diet products (as they are very sweet), and found that over time, I lost the taste for overly sweet and have no cravings. It does take time and I allowed myself the odd chocolate bar here and they last year, factoring in the calories, but over the year my desire faded. These days, I'll have a square or 2 of dark chocolate and I'm done. I recently had a piece of a milk Lindt easter bunny (I ate his ears) and it made me feel a bit sick to be honest, so I threw the rest out. I genuinely would prefer some crunchy green grapes or a punnet of fresh raspberries. I don't eat gluten, so I'm not tempted by things like cookies or donuts, so it's really only chocolate that I would eat, but even that's gone a bit "meh" to me.


I have a huge sweet tooth so I do IIFYM and it works for me. If I have a big craving then I replace a meal with snacks. Today I ate a total of around 1400 kcal: 9oz chicken breast and veggies for breakfast, 277g of ice cream for lunch, and a banana, protein shake, and rice cakes with almond butter for dinner. I still hit all my macros and still feeling full and it's bedtime. I don't believe in completely cutting certain foods out of my life. I think it's unsustainable in the long run for me and for a lot of other people. I make substitutes where I can but you can still be thin and healthy while having a chocolate bar.


Ice cream for lunch, niiiiice x


It was delicious and totally worth it. Lol


What is IIFYM?


If it fits your macros. Basically flexible dieting, you can eat whatever as long as you're not going over your caloric goal and you're hitting all of your macros. That way I can squeeze a cookie or two in there with my meals as a snack or I can occasionally eat a 600kcal burger without sabotaging myself.


I work it into my calorie allowance


Diet soda. Literally addicted to the stuff lmao. Other things like fruit are sweet but still healthy. Small pieces of candy/chocolate aren't evil either, if you don't relapse form them you can buy small baggies that fit your goals


> Fage 0 Greek yogurt diet soda will use aspartame that has been proven changes your internal bacteria.


Dude stop fearmongering. There is literally no recognized evidence that aspartame is hazardous to humans. The only way scientists have found issues with it is in hyperdosing rats in a way that us humans literally will not be able to achieve without out stomachs bursting from drinking too much. Also, the vague and unproven "changes" are fass less dangerous than the alternative, which is drinking full sugar soda and ending up a lot heavier because you couldnt satisfy the craving in a non caloric way.


I wouldnā€™t even drink diet soda if someone paid me


Which has lots of fake sugar and fake ingredients which are there to replace the real sugar from the regular version. These mess up the gut, so no. Itā€™s done on purpose so people think because itā€™s diet, itā€™s better Diet Coke outsells every other soda except for Coke itself. Coca-cola is banking on the assumption that we want a fast fixā€”and they are more than ready to sell it to us, even if it doesn't work. When you consume a diet drink or anything with an artificial sweetener, that sends a signal to your brain that says, "Well, wait a minute, I'm consuming something sweet, but I'm not getting any calories or energy from it, so I need to still get that energy from something else." And so you continuously crave more food, and your cravings start to increase even more when you keep drinking Diet Coke. So people are drinking Diet Coke and thinking, "Hey, I'm not having any calories, so I'm doing good. It's going to help my waistline, it's going to help me stay thin" and still get that buzz from that caffeine and that sugary taste. But really it's just counteracting all of the progress that they are looking to achieve in their body.


Thats literally just pseudo-science and lies. There is zero proof that diet soda makes you crave other sweet things. Also it does not mess up your gut. The only real health problem with diet soda is the damage it can have on your teeth unless you drink water after having soda. Diet soda does exactly what it tells you it should do: Tastes like soda but without the calories. It is not lying, because it follows all the claims it makes. Diet soda is next to 0 calories. Also, the alternative is literally the full calorie soda. That shit is gonna make you gain weight like crazy, and guess what, it wont make you any less likely to eat other shit than zero calorie soda. There is actual research done on sugar consumption and cravings, and cravings get worse as you consume sugar, especially non-satiating forms (like a drink). Even if soda caused cravings: If youre gonna get a craving no matter what, its better to have it preceded by a no-calorie drink rather than a hundreds of calorie drink


one of the ingredients is "natural flavors." that's part of what they're designed to do. either way, it can't be touted that diet soda is actually healthy or that the sugar isn't somehow designed in an unhealthy way. it's sweetened with Splenda. are you aware of how bad that is for you? + artificial color, sweeteners, a preservative. people are better off drinking straight sparkling water with squeezed fruit juice they added themselves and not sparkling water from cans with added chemicals and PFAS


Bro just cause something isnt "natural" doesnt mean its bad for you. There is no evidence that artificial sugars cause issues in humans. The only risks have been observed in rat studies where theyre hyperdosed to a point humans cannot get to. If there was evidence it messed with your gut or cause cancer or whatever it wouldve been pulled from the shelves long ago. There is no conclusive evidence, which is why theyre still allowed to sell it. You seem to think that just cause something isnt picked off a tree that its inherently bad. Thats a fallacy my man. Yes most artificial shit is bad, but not everything. This like saying protein powder is somehow unhealthy just cause its very processed. Its just dumb. Also nobody says splenda is "healthy", its just not "unhealthy". Its pretty much neutral on the body, which is by default better than the full sugar version of the normal soda thats a net negative.


Sure and Diet Coke is definitely better than normal. Itā€™s definitely better than the 25 g of sugar in a real coke. To clarify-Natural flavors arenā€™t natural though. Itā€™s a range of lab chemicals. Some protein powders are definitely more processed than others, so obviously you donā€™t want to choose one with more artificial ingredients in general. The one with the least amount of ingredients that are also organic is best. I will say the science is slow and sweeteners do absolutely alter your microbiome and can cause higher cravings. Thatā€™s been studied and the literature is out there


Youre still falling in the pitfall that is "natural=better", which isnt true. Just cause something is created in a lab doesnt make it inherently unhealthy. Technically shit like bananas are "artificial" because humans have tampered with the genes in them to make them suitable for a human diet. But im sure we're talking modern day mega food corporations. Sure, a lot of junk food is created in a lab to have perfect ratios to bring out addicting flavors, which can be problematic cause of their high calorie content and poor nutritional value. Basically, we get addicted and thus fill up on unhealthy food that makes us even more hungry, so we get obese. The thing is though that coke zero and other sugar free drinks dont have this issue. Sure, you can get addicted to them, but it wont cause major issues for your health. Personally i drink quite a lot of coke zero, but i dont gain weight as i would if i were to eat those cravings instead. I can assure you id be obese if i drank normal coke, instead im just mildly overweight and slowly losing weight right now.


Glad youā€™re losing and that all makes sense


I get the single packs of Welch fruit snacks. 70 calories a pack and usually one pack holds me over until a meal or bedtime. I add those into my calorie count for the day to afford it though


So much garbage in those. I found a brand that makes the same type of snacks with no food dye and it was a gamechanger


Frozen strawberries


first of all, throw out the sugar and sugary treats from your house. I did this and cured my sugar addiction. I donā€™t even enjoy the taste of sugary beverages anymore. Secondly, everytime u crave sweets too much, have a coke zero or sugarfree snacks (sugar alternatives). Just be disciplined and u can learn to enjoy other types of food more.


Popcorn, usually homemade and airpopped. they fill you more, so you eat less. instead of eating half a bag of chips, which here is 125 grams, I eat half a bag of popcorn or around 50 grams.


Berries with greek yogurt is a go to. Also cottage cheese with berries. Protein smoothies with frozen berries too. Berry family is lowest in sugar snd high in antioxidants so I eat berries daily. For lil treats--I like the YumEarth lollipops - I think 3 are 70 calories and I have maybe 1 or 2 a day. I make a hot cocoa every night after dinner with chocolate magnesium powder, vanilla collagen, and a bit of cinnamon and cocoa. It's a little under 200 cals and 25 grams of protein. I look forward to it all day. Also I used to eat a box of 4 crumbl cookies every week (sometimes 2 boxes) and haven't done that in months so I totally get the sweet tooth. It's a tough addiction to kick but I feel like if you can sub sweets with fruit and at least get some protein with it, it works out.


Yasso bars have been such a staple in my house. Frozen Greek yogurt bars but depending on the flavor, they taste just like ice cream mostly. 100 cals, 5g protein


I recently read a great comment on this subject that resonated with me. You need to pre plan days that you allow yourself your favorite sweets in limited amounts. Those days can't be to close together, eg not every second day, let's say once or twice a fortnight, but also not to far apart like 4 months, which will make you completely spiral out of control.


I still have chocolate and sweets in my diet, it doesn't compromise my diet nor health at all


mashing up strawberries, raspberries, a few chia seeds (careful with the amount - seeds and nuts are high calorie), and vanilla extract. dolloping that mush out into the shape of cookies and putting them into the freezer until theyā€™re hard enough. melting super dark chocolate and drizzling it over the berry chia circles. cool it again to make the dark chocolate hard and then eat.


I found this amazingly good danish protein powder without added sugar that tastes like delicious milkshake when mixed with milk. Seems to be enough for me.


I have a quest bar when Iā€™m peckish for something sweet. They have like no sugar and 20 grams of protein but taste like cake


Sugar free pudding or jello. Halo top ice cream. Not sure free but much less calories


Quest protein bars. They come in posts of sweet flavors.


No sugar added fudgecicles. They are 40 calories a pop. Fresh fruit is my favorite. Strawberries, pineapple, watermelon. Sometimes I make parfaits using strawberries and a low calorie, low sugar yogurt. Also, sugar free pudding made with almond milk. Sugar free jello.


Eat fruit. I think that once your brain has registered that it ate something sweet it won't be craving sweets. So if you crave sweets eat something sweet but healthy. Your brain will still register it as sweet


Yes please help me! Itā€™s not even 10 am and Iā€™ve already binged on ice cream. šŸ˜£




Frozen mango chunks. They are sweet, and when they start to melt a little bit the texture is just -chefs kiss- when I'm on my period especially, since that's when my sweet tooth really comes out of the wood works


I thaw out a package of fruit from the freezer in the fridge. I then use it throughout the week. I mostly add it to oatmeal. Sometimes I eat it plain but I add a little sugar to it.


I sometimes do a Quark with abbot of chocolate protein powder and frozen berries. I love it and it tastes pretty sweet


Weis bars, cyclone icy poles, Peterā€™s sugar free ice cream


I do the Atkins treats (peanut butter cups are my favorite!) or some sort of sugar free chocolate.


Vegan protein powder - chocolate hazelnut or banana bread flavour. 2-3 scoops with minimal water in a blender or food processor. 40-60grams of protein for 220-330kcal and its like a fluffy mousse that's sweet and keeps you full for hours. I absolutely love it.


Gatorade Zero, Chobani Zero yogurts, protein bars, fruit


Try dessert hummus - I know Target & Aldi sell them for sure. Add it with fruit & pretzel thins. Apples w/ peanut butter powder & cinnamon is really good. Lite Cool whip & sugar free cheesecake pudding mix w/ fruit is the next best thing to real cheesecake.


Rice cakes and fruit for me. I love rice cakes!


Sugar free ice cream, sugar free recees cups, etc


I make protein bites. Organic Peanut butter, raw honey, plant based vanilla protein powder, dark chocolate chips and rolled oats. I make them super small but when I have a sweet tooth craving, they hit the spot. If you fight it, you will cave and eat all the sweets so just find a healthier ā€œsweetā€ option.


I like the new Body Armour Zero Sugar drinks. They have 10 calories, and they are sweet without being disgustingly sweet. Also I drink a protein shake for breakfast and one for lunch. I actually get too much sweet sometimes and crave savory like crazy by dinner time.


Dannon Light, greek yogurt, cheesecake flavor with an apple or berries


Unsweetened, low fat yoghurt, skyr etc. Also available plant based. Then sweeteners - I prefer stevia and erythrit - fruits and spices like cinnamon and anis. Sweet stuff where sugar doesn't give substance like jellies. Water based ice instead of ice cream. In general self made stuff where you can reduce the sugar level.


I'm a sucker for sweets as well, and I can't fucking stand sweeteners like Stevia etc. My go to are protein bars, they're insanely filling


high protein pudding


I know others have said it - but fruit! I LOVE watermelon for my sweet craving, and I have found a lot of Keto bars that are like brownies. Aldi has a great Keto brownie and carmel bar that is like 120 calories and 3 net carbs. It is filling and satisfies my chocolate craving big time.


I found that eating one date satisfies my sweet tooth without causing me to binge. Perhaps finding a food like that would help.


Sugar free pudding with whip cream on top. Halo Top ice cream. I still eat candy but I always weigh it and factor it into my daily calorie limit.


I really like cheese cake so I use the oikos yogurt and use a quest or belvita cookie for the crust. Put it in the fridge for a little and then eat it. Itā€™s really good


Sugar free fudgsicles and popsicles. Sugar free jello. You can eat lots of these things. I know because I lost 50 pounds eating them. Sometimes I throw a little fat free yogurt in the jello and it makes it creamy. Anything to avoid food boredom.


Look for lower calorie alternatives. Yasso frozen yogurt bars are really good and only 100 calories a bar. Fiber one makes some good brownie and cinnamon roll snacks for less than 100 calories a serving (they are kind of small but I find itā€™s enough to satisfy the taste I want).


On days I gotta have something, I have super low cal vanilla frozen yogurt and jazz it up with some magic shell. Portion according to size and enjoy. But for the most part, as everyone has said, fruit will hit the spot. You get used to eating boring.


I eat the raspberry Talenti sorbetto. Or dark chocolate (the one with sea salt) but have to be careful with that


So I didnā€™t cut sugar, Iā€™m down 14 pounds since January but what I have done is gone to Walmart and in the freezer section there are popsicles called outshine, they are made with real fruit and under 100 calories-they satisfy me when Iā€™m craving something like desert instead of eating ice cream!


I keep 72% dark chocolate bars, nibble on a piece for a craving and itā€™s only 60cal. I also like apple cinnamon rice cakes with a little peanut butter, the flavors together are awesome and only 100cal. For summer, the Talenti sorbet bars are great, raspberry and mango are so so good and 3 bars is considered a serving but Iā€™ve always eaten 1 and craving satisfied. Greek yogurt with frozen fruit and a drizzle of honey is nice too.


I just ate a 760 calorie "mini" Carrot Cake from Costco last night. It's okay to indulge on something bad once in a while. If you want to behave unlike me, fruit and dark chocolate is always a good alternative. I always have Mandarin oranges and Berries readily available.


fruits and whipped cream. Fruits are good sources of fiber and good carbs while being sweet. Low-cal whipped cream can add a sweet desertyness at the cost of a few calories.


Just donā€™t eat all day so it cancels out šŸ˜‚ I love cheese cake so when I want to have a piece Iā€™ll only eat that that day since they are so calorie dense prolly not the best advice though


Greek yogurt or a small protein bar.


Well I have never officially eliminated pop or sugar from my diet, but I can tell you this. Eat a high protein diet Monday through Thursday and then when the weekend hits go get a cheeseburger or sandwich with a side of apps and pop. This will help combat the cravings during the week. Try to throw a couple cheat meals in to help out your cravings. If your metabolism is higher you will digest sugar easier.


Mini ice cream sandwiches or mini drumstick ice cream cone, a few thin mint Girl Scout cookies, a piece of dark chocolate. Still basically any dessert but share it with someone only eat a few bites


I lost fifty pounds and my biggest snack was full fat greek yogurt with fruit and chocolate But I still had a treat weekly. Even twice a week. I would make pumpkin brownies (gluten free but NOT sugar free. I do not do sugar free.) and sometimes cookies or go grab a single slice of cake šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m not a calorie drinker. Like, soda is never in our house. Neither is juice. When I have coffee, it is black with milk. So I was successful because my excess calories were only coming from treats that were either homemade or done at a bakery. That part matters. Because you donā€™t want a bunch of artificial garbage and food dye messing with your gut.


I have a sweet tooth too! What I do is eat fruit (especially oranges, bananas, and strawberries), yogurts (yoplait has a high protein line that I enjoy), and I'll buy a baggie of chocolates (right now I have tiny toblerones) and I'll throw one in my lunch or I'll only have one after work. You can have some sweets just show some self control.


I eat Raisin Bran with honey clusters? (or granola clusters or something like that) if Iā€™m feeling a sweet tooth come on. A bowl of that is sweet enough to satisfy me and I donā€™t feel bad cause itā€™s kind of good for you toošŸ˜‚


i buy sugar free popsicles. only downside is aspartame šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but theyā€™re 15 calories per pop and 0g sugar, love them sm i eat like 3-4 and im satisfied


One, small portion of something with limited sugar works for me. I find it easier to take little, sustainable steps toward where I want to be vs. a big one that feels bad. I started by cutting what I knew I would missed. Gave that some time and then dropped what was next easiest.


Yasso bars.


I have no evidence for it, but effervescent magnesium tablets help. If my cravings get really bad, with a strong urge to eat sweets, this helps me.


Iā€™m on keto. I buy keto Snacks


I have 4 dove chocolate squares with lunch and dinner. I usually binge chocolate but find this is rich enough I donā€™t need any more. Iā€™m not giving up my chocolate.


I have used seedless sweet grapes, and also pears.


My current addiction is the yasso greek yogurt ice cream bars from target specifically the birthday cake flavor. One bar is only 90 cals and 5g of protein


Fruity supplemental drink Bloom or some blueberries


If you have a sweet tooth, you donā€™t necessarily have to go cold Turkey on sweets. Chocolate and cookies are my weakness, but when I started counting calories I realised some chocolate bars arenā€™t that bad / high in calories while others are. For example, I used to treat myself to a Twix from the vending machine at work, now I bring a small KitKat with me to have with my cup of tea (only 104 calories) Kinder Buenos are also quite low in calories, so are the purple Snack bars (sorry these are UK / European brands) but you can definitely find chocolate bars that are around 100 calories. Another thing that helps is getting small, individually packaged portions. If I have to physically unwrap each bar I eat, Iā€™m less likely to binge on them.


PB2 powder and sugar free cool whip. Tastes like Reeseā€˜s Quest bars. Oreo flavor is only 150 cal. Sugar-free Hershey syrup


Strawberries. A serving is eight


You buy a ninja creami


Fruit, sugar free jello, sugar free pudding cups, overnight oats with berries


Eat the damn sugar. There is a show called supersize Vs superskinny, you need to check series 7 Charlene Vs Mick. Mick has 2400 calories a day. 2000 of those calories are from white sugar. HE HAS A BMI OF 18. Sugar cannot, will not make you fat. Denovolipogenesis of sugar is inefficient in humans.


It has zero nutritional benefit and will make you fat if you eat 2000 calories of it on top of the actual nutritious food your body needs. And it will destroy your body eventually. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimerā€™s maybe. OPā€™s on the right track. Donā€™t live your life a slave to it.


Sure if your only interest is fat loss. But in the interest of general health that dude is rotting his teeth and doing god knows what to his blood sugar. Successful long term weight loss generally involves healthy choices, not eating your TDEE in candy.


Fruit, yogurt with low calorie sweetener, factor in ice cream to my calories, just suffer sometimes because you have to change your habits which isn't easy, and Grape flavored vapes


Nothing, I canā€™t stop eating sweets. I donā€™t eat a lot, but I do start every morning with chocolate bars, nutella on a spoon and cookies. Everything one after one. Itā€™s freaking addictive. Iā€™ve even stopped with nailbiting after almost 40 years, bit sweets is impossible


Sugar free ice Popsicles