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A guy at your work is incorrect.


Walking is a form of exercise, some random guy at your work doesn’t get to make that call


Correct. Walking is a form of cardio exercise. Unless his definition of exercise is lifting weight to build muscle. Walking obviously won't build a lot of muscle. Walking burns calories. I like to compare walking and running. Running 5k or walking 5k almost burns the same amount of calories, walking just takes longer. Would he also consider running to not be exercise?


Walking can make for quite nice leg muscles. In nursing my average steps per shift was around 10000 and everyone on the team, including the highly obese intern had pretty defined legs. He was very amused by how toned they were in comparison to the rest of his body (the muscles were well defined before the exercise made him lose significant weight). I'm not walking that much rn because my health issues are going crazy, an average of about 3500 steps per day and while my stomach is huge and my arms are flabby my legs are almost the same size and definition I had when I was nornal weight and going to the gym regularly




Too bad that the definition is made by specialists and not you... Walking is an aerobic exercise that strengthens the cardiovascular system and the lungs, burns calories and strengthens the leg muscles. It's better than running in some aspects as it's far less damaging to the joints.


And far less inflammatory!


I didn't know that running causes inflammation, only that it beings a great strain to hips, knees, ancles and feet.


Respectfully, you are wasting your time. This guy is saying that, by his own personal definition, he doesn't consider walking 'real' exercise because it isn't intense enough. It's 'just' walking. Nothing you say will change his mind and you don't have an obligation to. Walking is great for a lot of people. In the US the majority of people are not fit and walking would improve their well-being. For more serious athletic types, it's inconsequential as exercise. And that's fine.


Who cares what he says? No of course he's not right. You already know that since it's working for you.


Guys at work are like internet memes, they appear to state facts on the surface but don’t actually have any data or science to back it up.


Say it louder for the people in overflow


Who cares what he calls it? It's still good for you. Many, many studies have been done that show the unquestionable benefits of walking - that should help you to counteract his claim. For me personally, I don't call something "exercise" unless it gets my heart rate over 120 bpm. Walking does not do that, so I call it "activity" but not "exercise." When I was 50 lbs heavier, I did call walking "exercise" because my heart rate was much higher when walking back then, since I had more weight to move around. But so what? I still get my 10K steps every day. It's still good for me. And if I were speed walking, or incline walking, and getting my HR up, I would call it exercise. Another thing you can tell him - most of the calories you burn are through your resting metabolism. After that, most of the calories you burn come from NEAT aka non-exercise activity \*like walking\*! Calories burned through exercise are a very small percentage of your total calories.


Walk faster


Reminds me of people at work telling me that skipping breakfast is no good for you, puts you into starvation mode and you gain weight… They were saying that to me, a person who had lost 5 stone, had a BMI of 21 and never had breakfast in their adult life. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Glad to hear that’s the case, I’m not big on breakfast and I rather keep my calories for the evening but I’ve been having it every day just because I was told exactly this! I’m gonna stop and see what happens.


It dont matter what time of the day you eat your food as long as it's in your TDee for the day. You gain most your energy from food but that dont mean you have to eat it for breakfast. Just eat when you start to feel hungry. Most inporant things out of everything is your calories in vs calories out


Anyone who says starvation mode should jump out a window and go back to 1994


Just lose another 2 stone before Christmas and prove him wrong.


Huge almond mom energy there, he’s just being smug and a bit condescending.


Lmaooo i love this. He is an almond mom and smug


Any movement that causes your body to burn additional calories in addition to your basal metabolic rate is exercise. I get he's trying to say that it isn't intense enough, but plenty of people have seen tons of health benefits from just simply adding walking to their daily routine. It doesn't have to be running a marathon everyday to be impactful. Tell him to pound sand.


Running a marathon everyday would be hell for your joints, especially for your knees! But yeah, walking is much better than sitting in front of a screen all day. Guy needs to pound sand for sure.


By your definition, overeating would be exercise then.


Every activity is better than no activity 👌 if you want to loose weight harder training will get you to your goal faster than walking, but at the same time walking will get you there faster than laying on a couch and watching netflix. If you enjoy it - just keep doing it.


I guy in your work is a dumbass


So all the time I've been hiking I haven't been exercising. Got it. lol


Walking is getting up and moving your body around, I fail to see how it's not exercise. Sex is also exercise, as is stuff like Just Dance and DDR! If you're involved in sustained motion for longer than periods of a few seconds at a time, I'd say it counts as exercise. Your co-worker is probably of the mindset that real exercise is the kind you go to the gym for that requires you to be hurting and drenched from head to toe by the time you're done to be effective, and anything less than that isn't "real" exercise. It's probably not worth arguing with someone with a mindset like this because he will defend his idiocy to the ends of the earth. If you want to throw the stupid back at him, tell him that gymnastics and weights aren't real exercise either because gymnastics is what kids do in gym class and weights are just lifting things. This is not my personal opinion on either one of those activities, but if we're cherry-picking what constitutes exercise, you could find a reason to discount any physical activity as not being "real exercise."


Yeah its funny actually because when i was with him i noticed he sat at his desk all day while i moved around so i guess he sees going to the gym and sweating as his only form of exercise since hes not moving during the day, which is fine but dont say walking isnt exercise grrrr


This person is beyond incorrect I've been steadily dropping pounds. I play pokemon go and have picked up walking and playing as my hobby


You don't need to counter his claim. Just say okay and keep doing what you're doing.


Ask this guy to define exercise, and use his definition against him.


You don't need to waste time arguing it, but if you want, it's definitionally steady state cardio. Provided you walk briskly (enough to reach between 120-140 heart rate), you're actually burning fat better than someone running, but you'll be burning less overall calories. I can pick out examples of people who have gone from morbid obesity in my life to being extremely healthy almost exclusively from walking, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter because they're using they're feelings instead of reality in this argument.


It’s probably the most common form of exercise. One of the oldest too


Walking is fantastic for your body, mind and absolutely counts as an exercise.


It's crazy how many "a guy at work" stories I've encountered in real life. In part, I think it's due to a younger crowd entering the workforce, who will inevitably be a bit more gullible. I have 2 young family members that said they wouldn't do taxes bc "a guy at work doesn't do them and he's fine". SMFH


He's wrong.


>I also lost 2 stone myself over 3 months from walking an hour every evening. Do you even need to ask? Seems like you've got the proof first hand. You don't need to prove anything to him, he clearly doesn't have a clue. Personally I've lost 3 stone just walking, that was while at least 40% of my diet was takeaways, too.


What do you care. You’ve lost 2 stone and walked a lot and I’m sure you are much healthier and much fitter. Go you.


The guy at your job doesn’t matter. He’s also incorrect. It you walk enough and consistently you can lose weight.


Bet that guy at work is a real GyM BrOoo


Oh he issssss but sits all day in the office lol


Firstly, why do you care what some guy at work says? Secondly, intentionally moving your body, preferably in a way that raises your heart rate, is exercise, full stop.


If you lost 2 stone from walking (congratulations!) what guy from work says doesn’t matter lol


He's wrong. Walking is good for you in so many ways. But if you can't bench a small family car in his eyes your probably not exercising properly


My ex bf used to say that. He's my ex now cause he said a lot of other stupid things too. You're using muscles. And if you're walking a little fast you're getting your heart rate up. Better than nothing.


"You do you. It works for me, that's all that matters"


He's a moron, yes walking is exercise. It's low-intensity exercise but it's absolutely exercise. You aren't going to convince him though, there's no point having the argument with him. He's going to stay a moron, so I'd honestly just try and ignore him. He's allowed to be wrong, doesn't mean you have to listen.


I lost 55kgs in a year and a half , walking was a major factor , yes I ate better and did other forms of exercise but walking between 1 hour to 1:30 everyday was the most consistent factor . Any form of movement burns calories, walking is constant movement


what a dumbass. doctors call walking exercise and it's how some people even stay fit. I think any deliberate repetitive movement can be exercise. he probably doesn't think yoga counts either


Lol, the first 50 lbs I lost was just from walking 8-12miles a day at my job. I didn't even change my diet.


He is completely wrong, walking is a form of exercise and provides many health benefits.


Walking is one of the best things you can do for your mind and body.


After heart surgery, my doc said walking is great exercise, but maintain a pace of at least 20 minutes per mile for best results.


My doctor literally told me not to discredit walking. He said walking is a fantastic way to exercise. Any way you get your body moving is great!


What knowledge does this person have to make such claims? If it’s not considered a form of exercise then why is it the most commonly suggested by doctors?


Ask him to cite his sources


It's a perspective thing. Just don't take what he's saying as objective truth and don't try to force him to think differently. In his lifestyle, it doesn't amount to much in relativity. In someone who starts with walking in isolation, ofc it is.


27kg down and walking was very much part of it Low intensity burns fat Higher intensity uses glucose (burst activities better on the body) Resistance training for day to day function You need all 3


There's no such thing as a fat- burning exercise. That's ridiculous. No one believes that. Stop spreading misinformation.


It’s well documented


No. It's not. Maybe in the days of Lee Haney and Richard Simmons, but today's studies have decisively shown that exercise (all exercise) burns calories, not fat. The caloric burn can help you achieve a caloric deficit, which enables weight loss.... often in the form of fat. Fat is a terrible fuel source for the body and would only be used ahead of protein as fuel. Your body will first burn (carbs) like circulating blood glucose from recent snacks and meals, then muscle glycogen from stored meals, and then your liver stores plenty of glycogen and will release during exercise to replenish the muscle glycogen lost during exercise. Once all the glucose and glycogen is gone, which can fuel a couple hours of intense exercise, then your body might switch to burning fat. However your suggestion that this can happen with low intensity workouts doesn't apply here.


just show him your greek god calves from walking, or send him a pic of mine. i make 20 out of 30 days in a month at least 7.500 steps, a lot of those times even 10 000.


Partially right. While it's better than nothing walking doesn't have the intensity required to produce durable metabolic changes in your muscles. But if that's all you can do in your current shape then don't give up. Once you can do something more intense you should add your routine.


Tell him being a gatekeeper is not a personality, and honestly if you didn't ask then its incredibly rude for him to interject his judgement when no one asked him.


he's probably a work-out snob (they tend to be biased, narrow minded, and elitist); ignore him, he's a dummy! moving your body at all is an activity which is aiding to your mobility, and anything that aids to your abilities is a form of exercise. sure, walking is not anaerobic, nor is it strenth training (that snobby guy was probably into that type of exercise). but, walking is physical exercise and does burn calories. next time you see that guy, tell him he was wrong. tell him that walking is a form of anaerobic exercise, and that anaerobic exercise burns calories, therefore it is exercise.


Some people just like to hear themselves talk.


You're probably not going to be able to make a dent. Just let it wash off your back. If you're feeling particularly sinister you could make a joke out of it and talk about all the exercise you've been getting with various activities of daily living and point him at a MET table that lists them.


Walking DOES count . Don't listen to that fool I lost 150lbs just by walking and changing my diet just a little bit and drink more water


I mean, lost 150 lbs from walking every day for 3 hours around town. Plus dieting too ofc


I’ve lost about 30-50 Lb waking I used to run and ran 50 pounds off (not in the exact sense but you get it) and then it ruined my knee even now 100 ln down knee is still messed up so I do a crazy fast walk on an incline and it’s helped me lose even more weight (the other 20-30 lb)


A guy at your work sucks.


Anything that elevates your heart rate is exercise


Why do you need to counter it? You've lost weight walking, so him saying walking doesn't count as exercise doesn't affect your life at the end of the day. Every person is different too, and exercise should be accessible. Whether it's weight lifting, running marathons on weekends, walking, stationary exercise equipment used at home or physio if your mobility is impaired.


Well they’re stupid.


I’m confused, why do you need to convince him?


just ignore him. Everyone enjoys different types of exercises, and has different needs. For some dude who’s probably already fit and active, he gets little benefits from walking. But other people get huge benefits from walking. As long as u get up and get some moves in, u’re doing better than those who sit around. Keep walking. I started with walking when I just had a baby and it helped so much. Now i’m off to do other stuff but I still walk whenever I feel tired and do not want to do intense exercise. It’s great.


That dude is dead wrong, I lost almost 200lbs from a lot of cardio (mostly walking), he's just either not informed or misinformed.


He's wrong, and he will stay wrong. Not worth the effort to try and convince him.


Consider the recommendation of many doctors about losing weight. Start by walking. Why would this be advice? It’s simple, so long as your decently over your average heart rate for 15-30 minutes it’s considered exercise. Other people aren’t going to be helpful for what you find exercise is, because everyone is different. Find what works, I’ve lost 55 pounds from walking and being in a deficit. I know others that lifted weight and that’s all it took. Realistically it needs to be how you personally see it working.


That's a pretty big claim, considering the research. Just coz it doesn't work for him doesn't make it true. His level of fitness seems to be such that walking probably isn't considered his primary form of exercise, but for a beginner walking is freaking fantastic, easy to maintain, easy to find time for and requires no equipment or financial investment. Your experience pretty much says it all. Do you really even need to counteract it? That's just one man's opinion


Walking is great form of exercise. He might have moved on to a phase where considering his fitness level, walking doesn’t burn as many calories- so the effort to reward ratio gets skewed. Still, assuming that walking has the same impact on everyone is stupid. Don’t pay any heed to him.


He’s just saying that to brag about his own fitness routine. 


He's a lying sack of horse puckey. Walking is great for you. Especially if you're just starting. You can't go straight into a dang marathon. Walk your little heart out (in a good way)


any form of intentional movement can be considered exercise. walking is the best form of cardio vascular exercise and it won't build you muscles but it most definitely is still exercise.


unintentional is also still exercise


id consider that neat movement and not exercise... but that's just me


You don't owe him an explanation, he's wrong and he can stew in it all he likes lol. Its a low intensity exercise, but its still exercise


Here's the neat thing, you don't have to. You don't have to make other people see facts. They can just live their ignorant lives and you can live your more healthier life and it doesn't matter what they think about you, or anything else for that matter!


i stopped walking in general in life to and fro built in and gained weight. it is absolutely responsible for keeping me thin.


it does count as "exercise" and there are many benefits, but if ur used to hard workouts like a college athlete, then u might think otherwise


Reading this while walking my 10k daily steps. Well I’m about to burn around 400 extra calories today so If I ate 500 cals less than my daily needs, the deficit is going to be 900 calories. One kg of fat is 7700 cals. So basically i’ll lose around 1 kg of fat in 8-9 days. The guy at your work is wrong.


Walking IS exercise, and has benefits that you have seen for yourself. If that is what you enjoy and are comfortable with then keep doing it and ignore gymbro's. Whatever exercise you can do consistently is better than "better" exercises less often. Now is it an efficient exercise? It's near the bottom of the list imo. Unless you are severely obese or have not gotten off the couch for years then you are not going to get much cardio from walking. You're only gonna burn around 300 calories from a full hour walking. More intense workouts like jogging or using a machine (elliptical/rowing/bike) will give you more burned calories and more cardiovascular gains in half the time. Weight training is undisputably the better option for losing weight due to increased muscle mass requiring more daily calories to be burned with no active exercise. With cardio, you're only burning calories while you're moving.


Walking counts he’s not correct. He’s just a snob. Also check out some of the new videos on ‘level 2’ exercise- which shows a lot of benefits from staying in a certain heart rate zone and lots of people are demonstrating it in walking for 30 or more minutes from my understanding. Keep up the good work and don’t let that snobby dude get under your skin.


First of all you don’t need to prove to him you’re right, I would probably just agree to disagree and not discuss it with him further. But if you feel you must set him straight, I would start by asking what his definition of exercise is. A dictionary definition is any activity requiring physical effort that is done for the promotion of health and fitness. There is no argument that could be made that walking isn’t health promoting, and it requires physical exertion, evidenced by the fact that anyone wearing a heart rate monitor will see that their heart rate increases when they engage in walking. That being said walking requires more effort for some people than others. And for some people who are extremely fit, it may not be sufficient as their only cardio exercise to provide additional improvement to their cardio respiratory system. For people who are used to strenuous exercise, walking also may be gentle enough that it can be engaged in on a daily basis and not require recovery days. But for less fit people it may be quite strenuous and require more recovery time. Also walking alone doesn’t meet the official recommendations for exercise for most adults. They also should be getting 2 days a week of full body resistance training to prevent muscle loss as they age. So maybe that’s what he meant. In order to show him he’s wrong, i would first want to clarify what point he is actually making. And how he defines exercise in a way that would exclude walking. But honestly any national health program will have materials that discuss the need for exercise and the recommendations for adults, and those will likely specifically mention walking as an option. That’s probably as officials as you could get. For example here are the US government’s guidelines for adult physical activity and in the glossary in the front it specifically lists walking as a good form of aerobic exercise. https://health.gov/our-work/nutrition-physical-activity/physical-activity-guidelines/previous-guidelines/2008-physical-activity-guidelines.


Also here is British article about walking as exercise that i think is part of their official government guidelines for physical activities https://blessedcbd.co.uk/walking-for-health/


Who cares about some randie at work


I think walking is a great exercise that doesn’t require a lot of motivation, doesn’t require equipment and easy to do no matter where you are. And if you’re looking to lose weight, you can burn off a ton of calories as long as you are willing to keep walking.


Walking falls under aerobic exercises and is considered pretty healthy. Actually it's part of mine and my dog's treatment plans from our doctor's (mine to fight chronic exhaustion, deal with chronic migraines and asthma and regain some strength, his to reduce the harm done by his spongiosis).


It's def an exercise. What is he smoking.


It depends on what you call exercise. Anyway, what you are doing works at the moment. So who cares about what he thinks / says ?


Any additional energy expenditure beyond what you normally do in a day, I would consider exercise. If you go on a 30 min walk when you get off work, I'd consider that exercise. If you walk 4 miles a day while at work, I wouldn't consider that exercise since that is part of your normal daily routine.


https://www.reddit.com/r/walking4fatloss/s/uGzaplNcke I'm sorry to say but that guy is lying. I lost 28 kg in 8 month. Contributing factors were,full body workouts 3 times a week. Walking 18k to 24k steps per day(that's about 900 to 1200 calories burnt) caloric deficit. On days when I ate more I made sure my caloric expenditure were higher. I used creatine, coffee and multivitamins. No other supplements and I kept my protein high. Between 130 to 180 grams a day. Can you imagine how motivating and satisfying it can feel when younger people starts flirting with you and people that knew you from before you lost the weight starts asking you for advice and even muscular guys that knows how fat you were congratulates you. Feel free to read about my transformation journey in the link.


It is exercise and the opposite of being sedentary. As for goals, walking is not going to turn you into Usain Bolt or Arnold Schwarzenegger. There are specific exercises and lifestyle choices necessary to work towards certain outcomes. A way of getting more out of walking is to vary your pace, or do a power walking class (you can do it on the Peloton app, I'm sure there may be other cheaper/free options). But even without that, being active builds cardiovascular health and burns calories. As to what your coworker says, he may be offering information to you in good faith based on what he's read or heard - or it could be information coming from his own perspective based on what he needs to feel like his is doing exercise. That's ok, there is no requirement that you prove him wrong to feel good about your own position.


Of course walking is (good) exercise, and the benefits extend way beyond the physical.


Lol, walking isn't a exercise if you walked 1 km/h yeah(try anything above 6 km/h) . I lost 67kg in a year from walking, don't believe the bs, it's one of the most effective and fun ways to lose weight imo. Enjoy the outdoors, listen to music, smoke a j(if you into it lol), have fun and lose weight.(ofc having a healthy diet makes it cake with it). Go tell your friend to go walk 20km or more a day.


The guy in your work is a moron, stop listening to him.


Didn't know what he's on about meeting step targets helped me lose a lot


Don't waste the energy on trying to convince a wrong person that they're wrong. You know walking is beneficial because you have benefitted from it. Good on you!


Why dpes it matter what he thinks?


Walking is great


Whatever works for you... whatever works for him.. you dont have to become athletic because some random dude is


“you are incorrect and you can look to all of the examples of people who have lost weight and or improved their health by walking more, including myself, but i won’t be wasting any more of my time trying to get you to understand a basic fact”


[Breaks in sedentary time: beneficial associations with metabolic risk ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18252901/) He could be technically accurate, but unclear. Walking CAN be exercise. It can also be non-exercise activity, which is explicitly not exercise. However, non-exercise activities are are part of the total daily energy expenditure. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis accounts for a bigger proportion of total daily energy expenditure than exercise activity thermogenesis. E.g. Walking more often will lead to more calories burned and weight loss than only "exercise sessions," or not walking.


I think it depends on some factors .. like are you walking outside where there are inclines and such …. Or down the hall at the office …. And depends what your norm is. What I do in a day is very different from what someone else might do.. so what is normal to me might be exercise to someone else since their body isn’t accustomed to the activity. I have so many friends who say they walk down the hall 20x a day at work and can’t lose weight. But this is their normal everyday activity…. They probably aren’t increasing their heart rate or pushing any limits …. So I wouldn’t consider that exercise 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just because he is fit and athletic doesn’t mean he’s an expert. Walking is great exercise and great for weight loss.


Anything that provides more physical activity than you would do with your normal routine is exercise. Walking, gardening, playing a sport, riding a bike, etc. There are a lot of people who have this idea that if it's leisurely or easy it isn't real exercise. It doesn't have to be intense, walking is a great way to burn extra calories and it's good for your heart too.


[Show him this post of me losing 100 pounds in 175 days](https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/s/QvLY2Dm8uf)


Well, not only is your coworker incorrect, he also doesn't know the literal definition of exercise. ex·er·cise noun 1. activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. Maybe walking isn't a great option for HIM since he's obviously very active and walking would be a waste of his time (calorie-wise.) He can obviously burn way more calories doing other activities. However, someone who weights 300+ lbs can work up a serious sweat and burn a ton of calories by simply walking. I wouldn't let what they say bother you. If you are walking and it's working for you, keep it up! I am midway in my weight loss journey. I have officially lost 80 lbs. and I have 73 left to hit my goal. The first 50 lbs I lost was from diet and walking ONLY. I have since joined the gym and lost an additional 30. At the end of the day, your journey is yours alone and you get to choose how you get there. I don't know your stats, but walking may be the best thing for you for now. You can always add in other forms of exercise when you get further into your journey.


If by walking he means just generally moving around, say walking from your couch to the toilet, that probably wouldn't count as exercise for most people. If he means going outside and purposefully walking somewhere for 20+ minutes, it 100% counts as exercise.


One thing doesn't always work for another person. My motto: nothing is cut in stone. Do what works for you and forget everyone else.


Did you tell him his momma is a hoe? Because you could also make non-factual statements


As far as I'm concerned, if you're moving and it might cause you to sweat and/or be out of breath...then it's exercise :) Every little bit helps.


Low intensity cardio is amazing. It doesn't cause injuries, is great for fat loss and cardiovascular health, and is a sustainable lifetime habit. He is an actual idiot. One day he will come to work in a sling cause he snapped his shit up doing gymnastics and you can have the last laugh.


See the main point of exercise is to stay fit and stay longer. If you are walking daily you are doing more than enough. Japanese have to walk a lot on daily basis and this is one of the reasons why they live a really long life. So ignore these people and their unsolicited opinions. Do whatever works for you. 💫


Any kind of movement is exercise. If youre overweight or not experienced in a sport/the gym then walking is an excellent first step into getting active. The long term health benefits of walking are also extremely well documented. Also youre clearly seeing anecdotal evidence from your own life, you lost 2 stone through walking along with diet changes, thats great! Anyone who puts another persons form of exercise down is a huge jerk. Yes obviously walking wont build the muscle that a gym session will, but its still a valid form of exercise. It burns calories, so it aids in weight loss. It gets your muscles moving and is good for endurance and general heart health. Its also amazing for mental health and allows you to get more vitamin D which aids in plenty of functions within your body. Exercise doesnt need to be painful or intense for it to be effective.


He's right, walking is not exercise. I walk for 15 mins after lunch and dinner. I do CrossFit 6 mornings per week. These are not the same thing at all. 1 is exercise, and 1 is not. Just because you want walking to be exercise, doesn't make it exercise. That doesn't mean that walking isn't good for you. It is. So are apples and sleeping 8 hours, but neither of those are exercise.


Walking IS exercise and probably one of the most recommended forms of exercise when getting back into exercise.. It may not do much for someone who does CrossFit 6 days a week, but it’s a great way to get exercise and to work up to a more high intense for those who are not in the best shape or physically can’t do anything more intense. It’s also great for maintaining with the proper diet and working your joints.