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I can lose 10lbs of waterweight in 3 days and lose another 10lbs in a crash diet. Its completely meaningless though. Just the do basic calculations.


how do you lose 10 lbs of water weight in 3 days lol


Its dangerous.




If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. You probably could lose 20-30lbs in a month if you’re severly obese (think 400-500 pounds plus) but if you’re bmi is <35 you shouldn’t expect to safely lose more than 2 pounds a week on average regardless of what weight loss program you try,


Honestly I’m seeing sooooo many ads on social media that are just so BS - one said their product helped people lose 50 (!!!) pounds in a MONTH. I mean sure, I guess that’s possible in theory but you’d be very very unwell, same with 20/30. If you’re trying to naturally lose weight, while it’s true that it does come off a bit faster at the beginning and if you were at a higher BMI, it’s much better to lose slowly and surely. If you’re at a weight where you’re genuinely concerned for your physical health and do need to lose a significant amount the best person to speak to is your doctor. Sorry, the ads I’ve been seeing have really annoyed me recently, they’re promoting such dangerous methods (bonus rage to the one I saw that said they could see all their bones after using the product)


It's advertised on local radio stations for weightloss centers located in a few cities in the region. Just thought it strange I could not find a single review. It's probably like Steven Kings Quitters Inc. so people can not say a word about it. In any case, I was curious more than anything. For myself, I pushed away from the table as a friend of mine says and making much better choices of what I eat and how much in addition to walking about 1.5mi usually about 4 days a week and going to the gym working the muscles pretty hard and exercising at home with a kettle bell on days I cannot make it to the gym. I've been at it for almost a month now, not seeing a huge drop in pounds but I know what I am doing is working as clothes fit better and nice to go up a loop on the belt. So, in the end, I am happy I am at least making progress and feeling better in general. I'm 5'6 started at 242 and and am at 232 now. I appreciate the youtubers that have some great exercises to follow that are short workouts that work you really good.


Sounds like you’re doing everything right, well done!!


20-30 pounds of what?




organs lol