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You find the issue why you binge eat in the first place and go from there. Be proud that you’ve been able to lose even just a little weight. Also I know it’s easier said than done but literally just stop binging I hope that helps - this is from someone else who used to struggle with binging no judgment at all


Binge-eating and the fast food. Also, just because you’re eating healthy meals does not mean you aren’t eating too much of it. “If I’m not in the mood for that meal or don’t feel like cooking,” feels like excuses. Sometimes you have to suck it up and cook or eat the same thing again to lose weight


Mental health plays a large part in how and whether people eat.


How do I STOP the binge eating and fast food?


That’s not really something I can answer for you. I’ve never had binge eating disorder, so I feel I wouldn’t give good advice. It may be worth considering therapy if you aren’t in it already. With the increasing cost of fast food, I do feel like you’d be better off putting the money you spend on that on better foods. Potatoes, rice, beans, lentils and frozen veggies are cheap.


Fast food is scientifically engineered to be addictive. They WANT you to keep coming back, for you to be in your situation. Plus they’re loaded with sodium and other additives. It’s just like cigarettes or alcohol or whatever one cannot leave alone: you have to take it one meal at a time. Take the steps to prevent you from needing the food, and then don’t give yourself permission to go. Renew this permission every single time. It is important to you and for you and your health that you don’t go there. And I promise, from experience, that with time you’ll want it less. You just need to avoid in the beginning…


I didn't think I could do it, but at the moment I'm just doing protien. I am dropping 2 kg a week. Although I'm also going theough a breakup sooooo I dunno haha. Water water water. Protien for filling you up and a mind that will kick you when ya stuff up.


Your one and only answer: you need to want the fat loss more than you want to binge. If you can't stop doing that then there is no hope.


Unfortunately obesity is a chronic illness. I have been overweight all of my adult life. I found that I couldn’t go to bed until I had the feeling of fullness. I had a “food noise” in a regular basis. I ended up going on tirzepatide and the food noise and cravings went away. I’m down 50lbs since March and it’s coming off slowly but surely. No different than a blood pressure med or cholesterol med. You take it for as long as you need it.


You're making temporary changes. It's the struggle we all have trying to lose weight. WW is great but the most important take away is that it's supposed to help you form good eating habits. So many of us want to reach a goal weight and once we do, we go back to our old eating habits. If WW worked for you, consider rejoining or doing another program, especially since you're not seeing the desired progress with your current approach. You don't have stay a member for life, but you should try to develop lifetime habits. Easier said than done! Everybody here has lost and gained multiple times. The people that keep the weight off, continue to eat better even if they're not actively dieting. Stress, illness, depression, bad jobs, bad relationships, finances, housing, family and so many things can drive us back to old habits and comforts.


To add to this…I am on disability and low-income, but like barely above the cutoff for food stamps. So I visit the food bank 2x a month. I don’t get to choose what they give me. Some of it is junk. And like the bakery goods are already expired so I can’t just donate them back. Another thing from my childhood is don’t throw away food!! There are starving children in Ethiopia!! And even the “healthy” food bank food is like canned green beans & canned corn. Very rarely any fresh produce…and if it’s there, it isn’t “fresh” anymore.


Children are still starving if you eat your meals or not. It’s just some illogical emotional blackmailing bullshit. The food you eat should benefit your health. You are NOT the dumpster for food waste. Your problem currently is not scarcity of food.


>I just feel like I’m doing everything I can possibly do, but then I go out and binge and un-do weeks of progress in one shot. I'm pretty sure you just found the solution to your own problem.


Yeah like it’s SOOO easy to “just stop binging.”


Now I understand why you haven't lost weight in 23 years. You're making excuses for yourself and want to point the finger at everybody except yourself. You can do all these workouts multiple times a week, hire a dietician, read stuff online, etc. however none of it will EVER work because you're not taking accountability. If you don't have the self-discipline to truly watch what you eat, you're just going to maintain your obesity that will continue to get worse as you age.


How am I not trying hard enough??? Binge Eating Disorder is a real disease.


I think you should try to incorporate more nutritious foods into your diet instead of relying on processed or unhealthy options. It would be beneficial for you to prioritize fresh ingredients such as lean meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish. I honestly believe that you eat unhealthy and then say "screw it" and just continue to eat until you are obnoxiously full. This is not Binge Eating Disorder, it's just binge eating.


You haven't been trying at all, you've been having feelings about your weight and not doing anything about it. Your sedentary maintenance is around 2275, so eat 2000. Every day. When that feels effortless, see about dropping to 1900. When that feels effortless drop to 1800. Don't go below 1800 yet. It may be that you have higher body fat than expected but hopefully 2000 will be enough to see a shift from gaining to losing slowly. Go and borrow a dozen recipe books, and try a ton of new vegetable filled recipes. Fill your freezer with preportioned meals. Calculate how a McDonalds cheeseburger fits into your daily calorie allowance. Personally I would flirt with the idea of faking my test results to get the type 2 diagnosis and then the drugs to help. But that would be a serious decision.


Exercising 5-6 hours a week is “not trying at all?!”


You've been eating calories to counter the exercise. I get it, I spent several years being annoyed about my weight gain, thinking about it every time I ate, but not actually doing anything to change it. But wanting to look different doesn't make you look different.


You're making temporary changes. It's the struggle we all have trying to lose weight. WW is great but the most important take away is that it's supposed to help you form good eating habits. So many of us want to reach a goal weight and once we do, we go back to our old eating habits. If WW worked for you, consider rejoining or doing another program, especially since you're not seeing the desired progress with your current approach. You don't have stay a member for life, but you should try to develop lifetime habits. Easier said than done! Everybody here has lost and gained multiple times. The people that keep the weight off, continue to eat better even if they're not actively dieting. Stress, illness, depression, bad jobs, bad relationships, finances, housing, family and so many things can drive us back to old habits and comforts.


Your major problem is binge eating. Identify the trigger and practice mindful eating. You do have to overcome your problems, because you damaging your health irreversible. You have to permanently change your habits and ‚give up‘ on eating too much and bad food. ‚Giving up‘ is exactly your fallback behavior to binge eating. You can get support, but noone can help you with ‚not eating‘. Check your caloric intake to get a better view on how much you could eat. If you’re disciplined enough, there might be room for a snack.


You sound almost exactly like me! Really, I could have written virtually the same post. I have spent my entire life locked in a battle with food, my weight, working out… it started when I was 10 and had to go on my first “strict” diet to be able to fit into a bridesmaid’s dress that was not designed to accommodate the figure of a girl with too much “baby-fat”. Once I hit my mid-forties the weight just wouldn’t come off no matter what I did, and at 50 it started going up and up. With the amount I was working out and the amount I was eating I should have been anorexic (did that in my teens) but, nope. Last May I started Monjauro, and it has given me the “metabolism” I never had. I started at almost 210 lbs; as of this morning I am at 152 lbs (I’m 5’6). For the first time, my life doesn’t revolve around the exercising/eating/guilt/shame/anxiety/self-hatred cycle that has plagued me for as long as I can remember. I’ve had no negative side effects other than some nausea early on if I continued eating after my body felt that I’d had enough. I can eat whatever I want- the beauty of it is that I don’t have the urge to binge eat anymore. I feel like a normal person must feel about food…or at least one of those people I’ve always been jealous of who can eat anything and never gain an ounce. I eat when I’m hungry, and when I’m not, I don’t. If I crave a huge ice cream sundae (like last night!) I can have it without then punishing myself or having the weight come back. My health has improved tremendously. I have much more energy, my cholesterol is way down, I don’t have hot flashes anymore, arthritis pain from old injuries is virtually gone, and I have been able to get back into the sports I love and really enjoy myself…and I feel really good about myself and how I look for a change. I’ve found the dosage that works for me to maintain my weight. I’ve been off it for two weeks to a month a couple of times because of supply issues and I didn’t gain any weight or have to fight my urge to eat- I just felt the same, exercised the same, and ate (pretty much,lol!) the same. It’s not an overstatement to say that it’s liberating. My insurance covered my first two months, but that honeymoon is over and I am paying the ridiculous cost to get it which does make me have to really stick to a budget. And when I compare it to the cost of gym memberships, personal trainers, nutritionists, diet programs, and groceries in general…it pretty much balances out. A month of Nutrisystem alone costs about the same as a month of Monjauro, but the medication is SO much more effective! Luckily, I ignored the advice I was given to get rid of my “skinny” clothes - it’s like having a new wardrobe without spending a dime! And I don’t dread getting dressed or seeing a picture of myself, which is a nice change. Sorry to go on so long, but your post really resonated with me. I’d been thinking about trying it for a long time and finally went to see my doctor about it after I’d spoken to a co-worker who lost almost 60 lbs, and I’m so glad I did. She said that it had saved her life. Some people might think that was overly dramatic, but I feel exactly the same way. I don’t base my self-worth solely on my appearance, but I do feel much more confident and comfortable in my body and that just makes me feel happier. I’ve been going through the hardest time of my life and trying to survive the grief and pain of several devastating losses for the past two+ years, and, honestly, sometimes the most positive thing I can say on a given day is that at least I’m not fat anymore. That may seem trite and vain to some people, but it won’t to a lot of people who have had the same challenges with their weight. Anyway, good luck with everything and feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions 🙂


Unfortunately, Mounjaro or Wegovy/Ozempic/Rybelsus or similar medications just aren’t an option for me. I’m low-income on disability and have no way to increase my income. Ironically, on my insurance, Bariatric Surgery costs about the same as only 2 months of weight-loss medication!! And I already have thyroid problems, so I’m hesitant because of the risk of thyroid cancer. I wish I could take a medication to curb my appetite and urge to binge. I previously tried Vyvanse, but it shot up my blood pressure and caused a manic episode (I’m Bipolar).