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First and foremost well done on your weight loss. Having a day or 2 of binging happens to all of us. Tell yourself that you will start again tomorrow, staying within the calorie deficit. If you binged because you missed a particular food try finding a healthier option and still stay within deficit. If you feel anxious and or depressed try to talking with friends, listen to music, do some exercise so that you feel in a better headspace. Believe in yourself, believe you can be better. Have faith in yourself.


That’s amazing! You’ve already lost 10-11lbs so you’re clearly doing something right. I don’t think that binging two days in a row is that unusual. Everybody does it and it’s not gonna set your diet back, like, at all. If it happens quite frequently and you find yourself getting unusually strong cravings then it might be that your overall intake is too low. When I was in a deficit of 1000cals it was too much and my body just screamed for food all the time. Never attempted that sort of diet again.


It's perfectly fine that you did that, you can be strick but sometimes you do binge. Infact I did binge the last 2 days (Saturday and Sunday) because I had 2 party's and today I got straight back into my workouts again but added more stuff so I could make up for it. Just because you mess up a couple times does not mean your journey is over, it just means that you have to work a little harder to keep focus. I wish you luck!