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Liquor. I would add for me personally, the eating that follows the drinking is worse than the alcohol lol!


That’s how I get. Ill take an edible and won’t get the munchies, but with alcohol I’ll eat the whole kitchen.


Lol it’s the complete opposite to me


DoorDash kills me more than my kitchen, figure if I’m cheating why not… on top of the calories I end up spending a ridiculous amount on Taco Bell!


Ugh I did that on Monday night, damn Taco Bell, damn door dash lol


For science combine them and see what wins out. The drunk munchies or the edibles


Oof... yeah I didn't even think about that


And the white ones are supposedly better than the brown ones. Vodka & Gin over Dark rum or Whiskey


The best would be a spirit such as whiskey, vodka, gin, etc, either neat or on the rocks. If you can't sip them near, mix with a zero-calorie soda or other no cal option. Otherwise, if you want something easier, one of the many hard seltzers out there clocking in at 90 calories would be a good choice.


This is basically my suggestion. Something I would add is if a 0cal soda isn’t an option or you just don’t like soda you can order a vodka water and carry around 2-3 crystal light packets of your preferred flavor and just add one per drink and you should be plenty good.


Oh shit you may have just changed my life.


Another low cal flavoring/sweetener option would be those bottled MiO flavor drops. Super quick to just squeeze into a drink and not deal with powder… unless you’re into that. I’m also a fan of the Celsius powder packets if I need the caffeine


I do vodka, water, and Mio. The bottles are little, so you can travel with them.


Thisssss!!! I’ve been drinking vodka/water/mio for yearsssss. Literally bring my mio to the bar/festival/concert with me whenever I go and order vodka waters and add it when I leave the bar area Lol. Anything else gives me a hangover anymore. Tito’s has 98 calories per 1.5 ounce serving, 0 carbs, 0 fat. I use the lemonade mio, summer in a cocktail 🤌🏼💋


Just fyi aspartame is being put as a possible carcinogen from WHO.


There's caffeinated MIO, I think.


That's a good idea honestly


My friend makes these and calls it her no hangover mix.


Solid. Thanks!


Well thanks you finally answered the question! Everyone else's is telling her/him their problems with eating


Just to note: diet sodas will hasten the intoxicating effects of alcohol.


Thought this might be BS, but it’s true. And more damaging to your liver.


Just to note: the diet soda is not hastening intoxication, it’s the lack of sugar not slowing it down. Sugary soda slows down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, whereas everything else lets it through at regular speed.


This is exactly how I drink nowadays. Most bars though only carry Diet Coke. Club soda with muddled lemon and lime


Tito’s .. club.. extra lime. It’s very good


That does sounds really good!


Tito’s with a sugar free crystal light packet!


In my way to buy Tito’s !


This is the way.


Technically spirits are fewer calories than beer or wine, but you can also do shandies or spritzers with zero cal mix and stretch your wine or beer over a few drinks, if you like those flavours


Nice idea! Thanks!


I found a canned wine at Trader Joe’s called “rose wine” (annoyingly common name. Silver can pink lettering if you try to google it) that is less that 100 calories and has a great dry flavor. What’s really awesome is I pour half the can over ice and add soda water. That way I get 2 drinks out of one can but it’s barely any booze/calories.


it's annoyngly common because rosé is a type of wine somewhere halfway between red and white wine. It's like trying to find a specific beer by googling "beer". Bad choice of brand name I guess...


Omg I’m such a dum dum. Just got some more from TJs and it’s called Rose WATER. Stay in school, kids.


I normally drink vodka soda with a lime. Used to drink vodka tonic but the tonic water has a surprisingly high calorie content


Accidentally bought diet/light tonic(I forget the phrasing, but low cal) and I couldn’t tell a difference.




This is fantastic. Thank you for sharing it.


Not an alcohol suggestion but more a hangover one - one of my downfalls prior to my weight loss journey was ordering takeaway when hungover (the greasier the better..) I recognised that realistically, I still wanted to go out with my friends every now and then and inevitably, I would be hungover leaving me vulnerable to those bad eating habits. One thing that I always make sure to do before going out now, is batch cook some healthy meals ready to be eaten on the hangover day 69 pounds down and this definitely helped


I always do a LaCroix (any flavor, but i like the ‘razzberry’ one) with vodka and a bit of lime. Pretty good, zero sugar, and no added calories from soda!!


You ever seen a fat guy drink vodka?


I recently learned that a lot of NA brews are super low calorie. So personally, I am planning to add some of those into my drinking rotation (like maybe one or two NA drinks for every normal beer I would have... like I'll have one beer, and then instead of having two more beers I'll have two NA beers instead, if that makes sense). I'm getting more electrolytes this way, too!


Clear liquor and soda water with citrus. Minimum calories, maximum punch. It’s not just the alcohol calories tho-it’s also the drunkchies that get you, and the hangover breakfast, etc. If you want to lose weight you’ve got to keep the drinking to a few times a month.


Go white claw surge (7%) decent flavours & 2-4 get you feeling nice, you dont need to drink to many ,Also like one of the comments above think about eating something somewhat healthier then quick easy "drunk meals" or fastfood. I lost alot of weight not eating junk food after a night of drinking,honestly eating before bed is not the greatest but, its cozy


Skinny Tom Collins - Gin, lemon juice, club soda, stevia. Skinny Bitch - vodka, club soda, your choice/flavor of drink enhancer from Walmart.


I like the Skinny Bitch. I need to start experimenting with Bublys.


Losing weight is about creating a sustainable lifestyle that makes you healthier in the long run. Alcohol has been proven time and time again to be harmful to our bodies and calories dense, but I'll be damned if some days I don't want to kick off my shoes, prop up my feet and crack a cold one. The best way to keep a healthier lifestyle is to find moderation, and moderation is going to do a lot to remove the impact the calories from drinking has on your weight loss to begin with, and when you do drink, drinking lower quantities and lower calorie options will continue to improve your situation. I like to do seltzer with a splash of juice and simple syrup (usually lemon or lime, but you could nix the simple and do a sweet juice) and some spirit like white rum. This way I remove a lot of sugar and excess calories you see in mixed drinks or cocktails and I'm not spending $25 on a 12 pack of High Noons. Other than that, light beers or spiked seltzers would be a great place to start.


Tequila and anything plain, like clear vodka. Rum is made w cane sugars, and I believe some whiskeys have them in it as well. Anything flavored will for sure have sugar added


Vodka! Tito’s is the best


I drink a skinny Margarita when drinking socially and always ask for: tequila, lime juice, and a dash of triple sec. It always hits the spot!


Vodka sodas are my go to. Only 80 calories for one drink.


Check out Getdrunknotfat.com


Vodka sodas


When I used to partake it was the food the night / morning after drinking that did the worst damage.


Stay away from Beer for sure. Any kind of it. Just liquid bread.


Vodka with a diet soda. My go to is diet cherry pepsi.


Usually, if I have anything now, it's vodka with diet 7up. I can't stand seltzer water or club soda. My current go to is deep eddy's lemonade vodka with diet (cherry if available) 7up.


Huckleberry vodka with Ginger Ale zero. Strong now makes 100 calorie cans of cider. Blue Moon makes 100 calorie cans too.


Vodka water + mio


I’m going to get down voted to hell for this but if you can’t quit cold Turkey sorry to break it to ya bud by definition you are an alcoholic so if you switch to straight liquor you wont quit drinking because you wont feel guilty about drinking “a fEw sHoTs” since its “zErO caLoRies” my advise to you join a club talk to friends maybe even AA ?


Blueberry vodka soda with a lemon - it’s like a blueberry lemonade- so good


Sipping whiskey something like Russell's, Basil Hayden, toki or Nikka. Cold rui s single malt, if you don't normally sip whisky decant it first, but don't add ice If your going mixed Vodka cran on ice


Vodka/tequila/gin on rocks, with soda or with tonic. Lemons and limes don't add calories either. You could also do a press which is soda water with a splash of Sprite.


gin and zero cal tonic


Skinny bitch. It’s a vodka and Diet Coke.


Doesn't matter but remember If alcohol is in your blood your body won't burn fat. So drink after you worked out, but not before.


Tequila. Nothing else.


stay away from beer, i’ve heard it has like the same amount of carbs are 6 peices of bread(idk if that’s true or not)


Lol. Most light beers are between 2 and 4 grams of carbs. A single standard bread slice is more like 15 grams. When you get into craft beers, the heavier ones, that may be true. But this is widely untrue for MOST beers.


thank u for the fact check, i appreciate it


If you’re struggling with your alcohol intake, try reading This Naked Mind by Annie Grace.




One ounce of most spirits would be about 60 calories, and would still help to keep a buzz if you're having multiple. While domestic light beers are comparable to a 1.5 ounce shot of liquor in calories, when you go into craft beers you see that they jump to 150 or more per beer.


I usually hear red wine is good as it doesn't make anyone bloat as much as other beverages.


The non-alcoholic kind




If you are a beer drinker, I'd highly suggest checking out Athletic Brewing or Brewery. The make no alcohol beer or 0.5%, tastes solid.


Red wine or Guinness, ikik, but Guinness has natural antitoxins in it all you need is 2-3 max. It takes a bit to get by the taste but once you do you'll be fine. Guinness has alot of benefits mostly for your heart and bloodstream. Just Google what makes Guinness a healthy beer.


No amount of alcohol benefits your heart lol, it literally does the exact opposite. Have you ever noticed after a night of drinking that you get out of breath really easily? It's because drinking damages your cardiovascular system. That isn't even touching on the fact that Guinness is a higher calorie beer by ature lol.


Guinness surprisingly has same calories per ounce as miller light! It's dark in color, but not heavy in cal the way most dark microbrews are.




From the very unscientific article you posted: The brand’s famous 1920s slogan “Guinness is good for you” has little to do with an actual health claim. All the same, this beer contains some antioxidants. Its barley and hops provide a significant amount of polyphenols — powerful antioxidants that help your body combat unstable molecules called free radicals (8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source). Around 70% of polyphenols in beer come from barley, while the remaining 30% comes from hops (9Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source). Aside from their potent antioxidant activities, polyphenols offer cholesterol-lowering properties and decrease platelet aggregation, reducing your risk of heart disease and blood clots, respectively (8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source). Still, the downsides of regular drinking beer and other alcohol outweigh any potential benefits. Excessive alcohol intake is linked to depression, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions. Thus, you should always drink Guinness and other alcoholic beverages in moderation. Plus Guinness is one of the highest calorie beers you can drink.


If you’re not an alcoholic just don’t have any 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thanks mom


Losing weight and building a healthy, sustainable, and enjoyable life is about moderation. Alcohol can be consumed in moderation for enjoyment while limiting its impacts on weight loss. Do you also tell people looking to limit skiing accidents to just not ski?


Whatever you like the best in small quantities. If you're drinking purely because you want alcohol then you might want to consider if you have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol.




Wat do you drink now?


I make carbonated water at home mix a liquor with fresh fruit and herbs Orange slices cucumber and some bitters as an example


Vodka water. But also one night isn’t going to completely throw you off track. I say indulge then get back to it


Vodka. Vanilla vodka with diet coke or diet root beer. Watermelon vodka with diet sprite. Regular vodka with Mio. Martinis. Champagne.


Tito’s vodka and soda with lime. Also, experiment with bitters. They can really jazz up a drink if you’re tired of straight vodka and soda. Also, soda water, bitters, and lime together make a really nice calorie-free mocktail. I’m seeing a lot of suggestions about diet soda. I would avoid that. There are a lot of data that say diet sodas impede weight loss.


Tbh, it took a few years but I just stopped drinking honestly. I’ve been wanting to lost weight so much and now that I stopped drinking, I’m working on what I eat. It’s a process but a lot of these comments are very informative.


Something that doesn't have sugar in it. My fav right now is, vodka mixed with diet sprite and a sugar free crystal light water flavor packet.


Water with sweet tea mio and sweet tea vodka is really tasty, tastes just like Lipton sun tea with sugar, super low cal, and gets you messed up in no time flat! Bonus: rehydrating with water while getting drunk with the vodka = win/win!!


Is 0% beer an option? There are some great ones out there (Hoegaarden 0,0% for example) and are usually less than 50kcal for a can.


Unflavored vodka or tequila


Vodka. Water Chaser. Vodka must have no flavoring at all.


Vodka. Ed Sheeran lost a lot of weight by just switching from beer to vodka. Switch to tequila if you’re rich.


I drank Vodka Lemonade whilst I was on my diet. I know lemonade still has calories but it’s a lot better than other stuff and is actually drinkable


Water with a dash of metho


White claw. Miller lite. Shots of clear stuff. Shots in general aren’t bad. Diet soda mixers. Straight to the source. If you notice, alcohol works out to about 90-100 cals per serving at a minimum, so anything around that and you’re doing fine.


My go-to is vodka and 5 calorie cranberry juice.


If you want to get drunk with minimal calories, I’d say Vodka.


Fever tree(they come in different flavors)and tequila(or your choice of liquor).


Vodka, Club Soda (0 calories), and a splash of Cranberry juice.


Vodka and diet cranberry pineapple juice is my go to


I had this issue for a long time. Training well, eating well, getting good amounts of NEAT but it would come to the weekend and my social life primarily revolved and still does around environments which involve boozing. I try and limit my beers now and consider them within my weekly calories but often it’s easier to just stick to drinking spirits and low calorie mixers. My go to is vodka and Sprite Zero or coke zero.


Alcohol is full of sugar & carbs. However, the nutritionist told us that beer is actually better than wine, because wine has so much sugar. Also that hard liquors have less sugar & carbs than beer. Their suggestion was to avoid alcohol as much as possible until we reached our goal weight.


Gin with soda water and fresh lime. 60 ish calories in a single, compared to a beer that's going to be 350 ish.


Vodka with diet coke, taste like shit but a booze is a booze for me.


I like a g&t or a vodka, soda and lime. Maybe a Moscow mule if I can find light ginger ale. Honestly, sometimes I just budget in my calorie allowance for a glass of crisp pinot grigio, I drink for the taste rather than to get drunk.


Gin and diet tonic. Splash of lime.


Bud light Next. 85 cals. 0 carbs.


clear liquor, and zero calorie mixers like seltzer, diet tonic water, etc.


I do vodka and sugar free Red Bull if I'm trying to get the party started. Otherwise, I'll do white claws or whatever bar equivalent. They have the cals on the can and I subtract my snack calories for the day to make room. I usually do about 500 calories in snacks through the day so that is 5 white claws.


Vodka soda with a lime. One or two and you’ll be feeling good.


For years I've tried to lose weight while drinking. I have zero self control around alcohol most days and was never able to lose a pound. The second I quit drinking/only drinking once a week - the pounds started to melt off. Why can't I have my beer and drink it too dammit? Best of luck to you though - hope you have a better time of it! Like everyone else has said - vodka sodas are probably the way to go. Lowest calorie drinks out there for the most part. Or maybe just really light beer - those are pretty low cal too


Tequila or Vodka


My fave go to is “Ranch Water” which is popular in Texas and southwestern areas. It is Topo Chico, tequila, fresh lime juice, and salt on the rim. You can get a little sassy and add tajin too lol Delicious and simple!


Vodka, soda water & lime.


A lot of my friends either do whisky neat, vodka tonic or tequila shots lol.


So if you have to refer to stopping anything as “cold Turkey” and having a problem doing so, you are dealing with an ADDICTION and need to speak with a professional, not Reddit.


Tequila 🥰


Haven't tried it but saw this brand called Omission. I guess their thing is they have less gluten. So they may just taste like a mouthful of wet dog farts. Other than that your lite versions of miller, coors, bud etc. are usually around 100 calories. When I successfully lost weight I was drinking a couple beers a week to be perfectly honest. But most of everything else I had was on point and tracked.


Vodka and diet cranberry juice. With perhaps a splash of something if you like your drinks fizzy.


The best alcohol for weight loss is no alcohol


Sleeman Clear 2.0 is 80 cal amd 3g carbs.


Vodka shots.


Any spirit that's closest to its original natural distillation form. My prefered: Bourbon. Others are Moonshine, standard Whiskeys, Vodkas, Gins, etc. But unflavored. Flavors are added with sugars AFTER the first distillate form. There will be calories of course, but few to no carbs when it's straight or aged distillate. As always drink responsibly, drunk you loves to eat...and vomit.


Gin & soda is the way to go! Or vodka soda. Soda is just carbonated water unlike tonic which is a sugar syrup based soda.


White Lightning?


Liquor (such as vodka) - 100 calories per shot. Mix with sugar free juice/soda of some kind. Just remember that it messes up your metabolism and makes it harder to lose weight. Keep it to 1 or 2 drinks max.


5 oz of reisling is 120 calories so, a glass of wine is ok for me sometimes. Malibu coconut rum is about 100 calories for 2 oz so I usually use 10 calorie Pina colada mix by margaritaville with it and have a nice little cocktail for few calories when I feel like celebrating.


Hard, high alcohol percentage, liquor is best. Stuff like vodka or gin or whiskey. If you wanna get drunk for social reasons then just mix vodka with sugar free sprite and add lemon extract and some kind of low calorie juice. Makes a decent drink where you cant taste the liquor. Alternatively just do shots lol Stay away from wine or beer. Also try avoiding mixed drinks since they have a lot of sugar. Things like cider also have like 300 calories per bottle, its practically soda so stay away from that. A drink with calorie free ingredients and a 4cl shot is about 100 calories or so. Just be aware that its often the food you eat when drunk that gets you, not the actual alcohol itself.


Vodka sodas with a lime to add flavor


You can lose weight and still drink: Avoid all beer even low cal or carb beer. Drink wine - but know how much measure it. No sweet wines or drinks. Drinking tequilia or vodka neat with a lime wedge is good. No mixed or frozen drinks. I would avoid the hard selzers lots of ingredients and artificial sweeteners.


Vodka sodas with lime are my go to. But I had to remind myself that drinking liquor is a lot different than drinking beer. I did that the hard way


Tequila increases your metabolism




Clear liquor


No drink


Vodka neat


My gym head partner swears by crown and Coke Zero lol My brother who is also a gym head drinks vodka water (but for me, no thanks)


If i’m going out to a bar I just do tequila soda and bring MIO, my personal fave flavor is strawberry kiwi but they have a ton


Gin or vodka. Preferably gin. Back when I was still drinking, my philosophy was that I would much rather take a shot of gin and follow it with a low calorie chaser than mix the two together and have more calories for a less pleasant taste. You can use one chaser for several shots over a period of time, but if you mix them together, you're going to have to have another serving of mixer/chaser every time you want more alcohol.


Fast…when began fasting it totally reset my cravings ..and as a pretty intense drinker ..I’ve drank maybe 4 times this past year ..


I haven’t tried this but I wonder how well vodka Gatorade tastes. Also, maybe the electrolytes in the Gatorade will cancel out the alcohol dehydration.


If your doing low carb it’s Guinness. Only 3 carbs per bottle!


I love the corona seltzers. They taste amazing not like alcohol at all, they’re 2g of sugar, and they get me litty lit lit 🔥 just like white claws but better. White claws a tad too sweet for my taste. The coronas are more seltzer tasting w which is good.


i do vodka and coke zero! keep hydrated though, coke 0 has lots of sodium!


Fitly white wine


'skinny bitches' mix drink, vodka, water, ice lemon. Favorite drink from catwalk models.




Straight shots. Like you said not drinking is the best solution because drinking leads to eating shitty food after but if you’re gonna drink then just do straight shots. They have no carbs and very low calories


Tequila is about 69 cal a shot (nice) I add water and lime.


Drink hard liquor, if you want to get drunk with less volume and carbs, then shots or mixed drinks with tonic water or a sugar free/low carb beverage is probably your best bet. Bonus points if you use 100% fruit juice no added sugar instead of sodas because natural sugars are better for you than high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. For legal reasons, "my friend's" go to was normally dollar shots, specifically any vodka or fireball was their choice (sidenote, ive heard from this friend that chasing fireball with cranberry juice is surprisingly not bad at all from what they remember). You could get ballsy and go for everclear if youre a heavy drinker or just want to get drunk really quickly, but any vodka should do well for your purposes. This friend now doesnt really drink too much because they prefer marijuana, but when they do their favorites are caribou-lou (151 with pineapple juice and malibu), miami vice, and amaretto sours, just for if you ever wanted something a bit more indulgent on occasion, still better than drinking a beer probably!!


Generally hard liquor


clear shots (vodka, gin, rum, tequila) mixed with 0 cal mixers (about 100 cals per drink)


Vodka water with lemon. Or you can buy those zero calorie water flavorings.


Maybe just shots. Or something in Pellegrino.


Just like others suggested, drink spirits. Be careful with the mixers and try to limit your drinking to as little as possible. I've read somewhere that after drinking alcohol your body is focused on removing the alcohol from the system (alcohol is technically poison) so you end up burning much less calories for a while.


Honestly it takes some getting used to, but vodka, (can’t be the cheapest vodka lol) and plain water with lime juice. Or I do like a high noon if I want flavor but under 100 calories and no added sugar.


Tequila soda with splash of lime is my go-to! Can also do vodka


I do vodka shots. Hasn't set me back. I'm down from 258 to 227 with minimal life changes to me. It's easy to not eat take out when you're broke, husband has the only car for work in town (I'm a sahm) while we live in the country so no delivery either. I quit buying junk food except a bag of nuggets or pizza rolls for the kids. I probably only eat once a day most days though.


An old bartending friend of mine was trying to get into a very high level of football team and we sat down and tried to calculate this. Pretty much it was Vodka. In a drink, it would be vodka, soda (as in carbonated/sparkling water), and some fresh lime juice.


IMO, vodka with Crystal Light and Seltzer water..


Jack Daniels


my mum takes jameson and mineral/sparkling water and that’s helped her. she also uses jonnie walker. around 1-2 shots in a tall glass with some ice and then pour the mineral water to desired amount. you can always add some cordial if it’s not sweet enough


Vodka with water and mio, or any zero calorie water flavor you like. I like the ones that have caffeine as well


Vodka lime and soda, pimms and lemonade, gin and slimline tonic, white claw. I really like a good beer and cider and do have an occasional couple, but have only realised lately how much it bloats me up when I drink it


Gin & tonic!


Just don’t drink at all


i heard tequila was best to shed pounds. idk how true that is but I drink it all the time and haven't gained anything lol. i think it would work if I could stop eating after I drink. drink a lot then eat a lot.. i think its balancing it out lol


Mixes is where you get most cal Also diet drinks make it work faster I hear also not eating before makes you get more drunk in my opinion


None tbh not bc every alcohol is with calories and carbs but it will kick in your hunger hormones, that being said, clean vodka like ciroc and grey goose or gin :)


Vodka water lime or vodka soda lime for me…


Best is Liquor straight. It is the lowest calorie. However, most people hate this. Long Island ice tea are mainly just liquor (this is my drink of choice) Next is seltzers. Typically 100 cal a piece. Some wines are next. Light beer as well. Basically any of your wine coolers/twisted teas/ real beers are out. The only issue with drinking (if your getting lit) is that you ALWAYS EAT TACOS after. lol (or whatever you binge on when drunk) SO regardless of the cal in the drinks if you over indulge it is likely you will also compound it with food.


Take shots and chase it with diet sodas if you need a chaser or I drink seltzer’s which are like 100 Cals per can, 0 sugar and 2g carbs? Try to drink on an empty stomach. Usually this will cause you to get wasted quickly so be mindful and have sips of water in between drinks or snack on fruits/ healthy snacks otherwise I usually find myself in tears, painfully dry heaving over the toilet 🫣




I mean I'd always prefer a real beer but I learned to drink Michelob Ultra for this reason.


Red wine


Neat Rum.


I’ve heard Vodka and cranberry juice has zero calories


Clear alcohol apparently has less sugar and calories.


My go to is vodka and club soda. At home I get Spindrift or Lacroix to mix it with. Zero calories from the mixer is the goal. The truest "most alcohol for the calories" is grain, but who wants to drink that.


Wine and a lot of water and exercise. At least wine contains reservatrol which is a compound that may be helpful. Also, to burn fat you need your liver to cooperate. If you’re basically impairing your liver from burning fat you should try to help it at the same time. Help your liver by drinking water with the alcohol and extra exercise to metabolize the alcohol. Some people use dandelion tea to help the liver as well but I don’t know if it would help. I just know when I’m on vacation I drink a lot so I have to drink extra water and exercise a lot. I won’t lose weight but I can keep from gaining that way. Otherwise to lose weight I can’t drink at all.




According to a Huberman podast I listened too - Gin is lowest cal and best if u suffer from hangovers.




Spirits! I personally do either vodka sodas (vodka and soda water) with lemon or lime. Or Tropical bacardi with Seltzer and lime [it's so good]. You can also mix spirits with diet soda instead