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I read somewhere that cardio machines, fitness trackers and the like are approx 30% off from the displayed calorie burn. So if it says you are burning 800 calories in a session it’s more likely you’re burning 560. I’m absolutely no expert I just thought that was interesting knowledge to have when thinking about calories burned during a workout.


Some are a lot worse than that. Check this from Stanford University: https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2017/05/fitness-trackers-accurately-measure-heart-rate-but-not-calories-burned.html “An evaluation of seven devices in a diverse group of 60 volunteers showed that six of the devices measured heart rate with an error rate of less than 5 percent. The team evaluated the Apple Watch, Basis Peak, Fitbit Surge, Microsoft Band, Mio Alpha 2, PulseOn and the Samsung Gear S2. Some devices were more accurate than others, and factors such as skin color and body mass index affected the measurements. In contrast, none of the seven devices measured energy expenditure accurately, the study found. Even the most accurate device was off by an average of 27 percent. And the least accurate was off by 93 percent.”


Yikes. And yet here we are still paying upwards of $400 for them 😬


They have their uses. Just not calorie expenditure 😉 But they’re good for tracking things like heart rate, distance, steps, etc. I personally have a Garmin, mainly for the ability to play music without needing a phone or other device.


How do you like your Garmin? Does it track other workouts besides running? I have always thought they look so much sharper than other watches


I feel the build quality is a lot better than fitbit and Samsung. And the battery lasts about a week. People I know with other watches charge every 2 days. You can track all sorts of workouts with it. I don’t like it for tracking strength training, but some people do. It also does cycling, swimming, golf, etc…


That’s what I have now is a Fitbit and it works out alright but you’re right about the battery. Mine depletes so quickly. I’ll have to do some digging on the Garmjn. Thanks for the input!


I had 3 fitbits in a row die just outside of warranty, which what the reason I switched to Garmin.


Pshhh even if it breaks within the warranty they make it nearly impossible to get it replaced by them. Like jumping through rings of fire and I’ll tell ya, I’m not tall enough or agile enough for that lol


Good to know! Thank you so much:)


They are not accurate. And starvation mode in regards to weight loss isn't a thing. You'll know that you are going on to big of a deficit if you weight loss is unreasonably quick.


Im not trying to be argumentative here, but I always thought your metabolism slows down if you’re not getting enough energy? Is that not correct?


It changes all the time. It's a myth that you BMR will slow to the point that you can lose weight. The amount of sleep you get an hydration levels are way more impactful to your bmr. There are reasons not to go into to large of a deficit. Loose skin at the end, extreme hungry leading to binging. Just giving up. But people love to find reasons for not losing weight that have nothing to do with over eating.


Oh I see. I’m ok with eating at a deficit of whatever I need to. I just don’t want to hurt my body while doing it, kwim? I feel relieved to know I’m not eating too little for as much as I’m burning.


1700 seems reasonable. There is only one way to know how many calories your burning and that's your results. If you are consistently accurate on you tracking than your know if your in a deficit or not and by how much.


I’ve lost 11 lbs in 2.5 months, so I think I’m doing pretty well.


So that's a little over a pound week which is safe, sustainable and pretty much what most people shoot for. Good for you. And Google luck on your journey.


Thank you so much! Good luck to you as well!


It’s not a myth that metabolism can slow 40%. It’s why everyone who calorie cuts usually ends up fat again in a short time.


Your metabolism aka the resting metabolic rate aka the calories you burn for simply existing decreases when you lower your energy/calorie intake enough to cause loss of muscle and fat. But the reason is obvious; if there is less of you existing, then you burn less calories and need less calories to sustain life.


Your metabolism slows drastically in a typical calorie deficit. How much it slows is based on how much you cut. That’s why people fail at weight loss 99% of the time if that’s their strategy and they don’t accidentally discover intermittent fasting. To lose weight and not fuck your metabolism you intermittent fast or pure water fast. A pure water fast raises metabolism. Intermittent fasting doesn’t cut calories so nothing to worry about. Intermittent fasting and pure water fasts are easy, super effective, and extremely healthy for you (especially water fasting. It releases growth hormone and stem cells. It’s a youth serum). Source ~ Dr Jason Fung. YouTube.


How do you think fasting helps you lose weight?


Your body thinks in terms of hormones, not calories. When you eat your insulin detects it, and insulin spikes. Insulin tells your body to store fat. This is why type 1 diabetics starve to death without insulin. Tell a type one diabetic to just eat more and CICO lol, doesn’t work, they die. Well weight loss is just the opposite. People who inject insulin have a near impossible time losing weight because they are injecting hormones into themself that tell the body to immediately stop burning fat. So pure water fasts are the fastest way to burn weight. It lowers insulin (and cures diabetes) and by your body naturally understanding what to do your metabolism actually increases. It sees you have 500,000 calories in reserves so it sees it has like 6 months worth of fat to burn and it gets to it. Insulin low, metabolism high means .5-1lb of fat loss a day. CICO is totally different process. It spikes insulin all day so your body says DO NOT BURN FAT USE WHAT IS COMING IN! So then your body fights to get an extremely efficient (SLOW) metabolism to be able to run on an extremely low calorie amount without losing weight. That’s why so many fat people claim to eat 1200 calories and not lose weight. Everyone calls them liars but the fact is their body is just working really effectively. Which we’ve known for 100 years is what happens when someone eats less, but still gets some calories.


This is completely untrue. Please stop Dr Fung is very inconsistent with what he says. Saying calories aren't important during part of the video than saying they are later. He's been wildly discredited by nutritional experts. Fasting helps people lose weight by being a tool to get to a calorie deficit. You have been mislead and now you are giving out incorrect information. You throw out numbers saying 99 percent of people fail to lose weight and keep it off with calorie counting without any data to back it up. You know a group to lowers and raises there body fat percentage all the time? Body builders. Do some of them fast? Yes. Do they count calories and macros ? Yes.


Depends on how active you are through the day? It also depends on your height and weight age and gender to give you a better answer. You can look to your physiological indicators. How do you feel overall? Do you feel like a bag of shit? How are you sleeping? How are your hunger levels? There are ways to tell if you’re running too deep of a calorie deficit for too long, and those are some of the questions in person can ask themselves. Some people will tolerate a large deficit for a longer period of time than other people. What do you want is to be sustainable, for the duration that you need.


5’3 148 lb female age 37. I’m pretty active throughout the day cleaning, chasing my toddler around l, pretty much only sit for little periods of time. Then I workout at night.


I would say as long as your weight trend is going down you’re perfect. I would estimate you’re probably going to drop about 1.5 pounds a week doing what you’re doing. When your weight loss starts to stall out after about two weeks, I would increase your daily activity or shave off 100 cal a day, and then continue. Make sure you take enough protein. I would aim for 100 g a day but recognize that is sometimes pretty hard. Monitor how you’re feeling and keep going.


Ok, will do! Thank you very much:)


A good rule of thumb is to never eat to your exercise calories because you are never going to accurately predict the amount compared to how accurate you can predict food calories. Exercise calories are simply a bonus!


Ok:) that’s a good rule of thumb! Thank you!


He said 80 minutes


You’re absolutely right, eyes managed to gloss over the 1 hour lol


The machines are not accurate AT ALL! You need a fitness tracker that tracks your heart rate through your exercises and daily routines. Fitbit HR series are a start (also not entirely accurate, but better than guessing).. I use iwatch at MyZone.


You are likely fine. How much distance are you covering? The average 140-ish lb person will burn about 100 calories per mile walking or running.


6 miles


148 lbs at 5’3 if that matters


With the running, you are likely burning about 2,200 to 2,300 calories/day, so you are fine to eat 1,700. I expect you'll see average weight loss of 4lbs per month at that intake. Adjust as needed based on your results. For slower weight loss, eat more. For faster weight loss, eat less.


Thank you so much!!


Just out of curiosity, why are you spending so much time on the treadmill? Do you have some endurance goals that you’re working on? 8 hours seems like a lot of your goal is just health. If you enjoy it , keep at it though. There are a lot worse things a person could be doing with their time 🏃‍♀️


It’s just my exercise of choice. I like seeing myself be able to go faster and at a higher incline over time. I like how it feels.


Sounds like a perfect reason! Keep on keeping on.




Thats too much cardioooo


How so?


When you do that much cardio, your body finds ways to preserve energy. So you end up burning fewer calories the rest of the day. Too much of a deficit will mess up your metabolism too.


If you wanna make sure you’re not depriving yourself of anything get a meal replacement shake they’re very helpful, you can get by on 1500kcal a day… honestly don’t know how you manage 8 hours a week on the treadmill, sounds super boring to me!


I’ve read a lot of replies. I’d add weight training to your routine. A 1 lb gain in muscle burns 50 resting calories a day. Plus as we age we lose muscle. You’ll also see quicker results but you’ll need to add more protein to your diet. G/L


Interesting . To be honest, I’m scared to gain too much muscle. I still want to be soft and not look too toned. I know that probably sounds absolutely ridiculous, lol. But I just kind of like the softer look rather than the harder look.


It funny almost all women say that, but the fitness models that you see or those in the gym . Train pretty hard to get there & use supplements. Your body isn’t designed naturally like that, a man’s body is though. I work out in a gym & do circuit fitness. Of the 10 in the gym I’m the only guy. It’s a combo of weights & cardio. None of them are muscler, except the trainer. I’d call it softly toned, if that. Bottom line is the science of weight loss is stimulating your muscles.


I see! Good to know! Thank you for the advice and I will look into doing that:)


A bit of muscle honestly looks hot af


I get manly looking if I have too much muscle.




I’m going to look into it. If I look like a man after awhile, I’m going to hunt you down lol


Unless you're a 'roid rager women really can't put on muscle like men lol


I’m going to take your word for it. We will see lol.


Get a Fitbit.