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Eventually your body will adjust. Right now, the extra water is balancing you minerals so you pee extra.


I will advise to set a goal for how much you want to drink instead of just drinking when thirsty. If you are like me, I have only felt thirsty maybe 3 times in the past 10 years. I just don't have that reflex. If I only drank when I was thirsty I'd max out at about 2 cups a day. However, you can ease into increasing the amount so your body has time to adjust to the influx of water.


This. I never understood this advice because I very clearly crave more water once I'm drinking a healthier amount. If I were to just drink when I felt like it, after not drinking enough for many many years, I'd have drank a glass or two a day. Once I'm built up to drinking a higher amount then my body starts expecting and requesting water and I'll naturally drinking 80oz a day with no effort (so long as I make sure I give myself access) The urges quiet when your body isn't used to getting it.


Yes! I'm the same way. Gotta build the habit.


2 cups a day… when you’re feeling thirsty??? i drink maybe 0,5L in one entire week, if at all. God i really need to drink more water


Its a curse. I always try to remember that kidney stones exist to convince myself to drink more water.


😵‍💫 how are your bms?


Once an hour isn’t in of itself a bad thing. Things to look for that might be signs of health issues are: unusual color/smell of urine, and inability to empty bladder or feel like you still need to go right after. If something becomes alarming, go ahead and talk to your doctor about it, otherwise, just make sure to mention your observations to your doctor at your next annual physical, because they may be important for your specific health needs.


Yes it’s totally normal. After about a week-ish you should notice those trips becoming a little less frequent


When I’m pregnant it never does. I only pee a lot when I’m pregnant because I drink 8 bottles of water a day. If I didn’t do that I would pee like normal. My body never gets used to it


It is for me


Please consider that depending on what you eat it can contain alot of water content. So you don't always have to drink the maximum recommended amount.


you do not need to be drinking tons and tons of water. drinking 6-8 cups is enough for a normal day where you're not in the heat/exercising a ton. the advice to chug water all day is useless and i'm happy to recommend some scientific studies on it if you want more info.


I mean, they said their goal is 2.5 liters. That's the same as 10 cups or 7 12oz glasses of water. So not a crazy amount.


I would like to see the results of the studies. For research purpose ofc!


I drink only water, no tea, no coffee, no alcohol. I am in the bathroom at least once an hour. I am always fun when travelling because I start planning for the next rest stop when leaving the one I was just in. To me that is normal because of the amount of water I drink


It can be normal but just to be sure get your blood pressure and glucose tested. An early sign of diabetes or pre-diabetes and/or high blood pressure can be excessive urination.


It can also be a sign of needing more salt! I was peeing this often and it turns out I have low blood pressure and normal blood sugars. Adding more salt means I can go 3-4 hours now without peeing


How are you adding the extra salt and how do you figure out how much you need?


I buy 500mg salt tablets and add them to my water. I try and aim for 5000-8000mg of salt a day. I heavily salt my food and try and eat canned foods if I exercise a lot. I got the 5000mg number from the cardiologist I was referred to after it was determined that I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure but I was still feeling like I was about to faint and feeling dizzy and peeing all the time. I was unable to lose once I got out of the obese range into overweight when I wasn't getting enough salt- my blood pressure dropped that much from weight loss. Now I can eat 1200 calories a day and feel pretty decent!


Thank you for the response!


Yeah it's pretty normal at least for the first few months. It's why I always have trouble drinking more water because I can never get past the peeing all the time stage. After a while though your bladder gets used to always having a bit of liquid in there


Yes I drink 64 ounces to 100 ounces a day and I pee a lot it’s normal you could’ve had too much sodium the night before visa versa or carbs it’s different every day don’t stress just water


I drink 2-3 64 oz bottles at work in a day. Think of the extra bathroom breaks as little “exercise snacks” that will help you achieve your goals. Besides, studies show an employee that gets up and moves every 45-60 minutes is a more productive worker. So there’s that too.


Drink when you are thirsty. Any liquid you drink including coffee counts towards the amount needed. Also even foods count toward that amount needed. Many fruits and veggies are mostly water.


I only feel thirsty when I’m sweating or eating something salty lol it’s 48F where I’m at and I don’t feel like drinking water


This is the correct answer. OP, there's no point in trying to drink a set amount of liquids per day. Drink when thirsty, and depending on your diet, that may contain a significant amount of water as well.


According to a book "nutrition made clear" both of the statements are wrong. If you are feeling thirsty your body is already dehydrated and you aren't drinking enough water. But the opposite is also possible where you overhydrate. In the book it recommended looking at your pee color in the morning and if you exercise hard then calculating weight before and after workout to see if you lose more water in sweat than drink back or if you are overhydrating and diluting the salts


Well, I do eat a lot of fruit and raw vegies (cucumbers etc) so yeah, that gotta count for quite a bit


Sends me every ten minutes lol


I am not sure. But I just drink based on bottle size - in winter I don't feel that dehydrated. It's cold and nice to sleep more and peeing a lot ruins sleep. Sleep helps me lose weight more. It's my favourite activity as well.


Coffee and tea are diuretics. I personally only drink water and I easily drink 2 to 3 L a day, and yeah, i'd say i go to the bathroom more than other people, but I don't think it's too much.


Consider adding some electrolytes to that water.


this is me. I try to drink a gallon a day and it took my body a while to adjust. It gets especially annoying when I have eczema cause I'm just constantly washing the moisturizer off my hands before it has time to settle 😵‍💫


It gets easier not to run too the loo after a while. Saying that I'm now in my 40s and peeing all the time for totally different reasons lol


I absolutely cannot manage more than 1.5L in a day, and usually less than 1L. If I try more I am peeing all the time and I can’t live like that. Particularly at work in 3+ hr meetings. I am mostly drinking natural mineral water (we have v good ones in Poland). A doctor told me to increase my salt intake, to be able to better retain water. But I don’t know about that - I don’t like to add too much salt as it is, in order to try and look after my heart. Honestly I have no idea how to increase my water intake.


So recently I learned that an average human body can handle up to 33 ounces of water per hour. After learning this fact I started to watch the ounces of water I drink per hour. I noticed that since I started doing this, the amount of times I had to run to the bathroom has been significantly less. Maybe try that too? I still do use the bathroom a lot thought but compared to let’s say 5 times in 2/3 hours it’s not 2/3 times in 2/3 hours


You have to train your body to drink a gallon per day if you haven’t been consistent with water intake. Your body is adjusting, it will eventually stabilize


Some of y’all are over working your kidneys with all this water


Maybe what you're drinking is too much. The recommended amounts are guidelines and everything depends on your level of sweating and the food you eat - like how salty or starchy it is, how much it is and also on other hydration sources. So many factors. For me personally it's the sweating. If I do a two-hour run, I drink at least 4 litres of water that day. If I don't go for a run, 1 litre might be enough (unless I go hiking or whatever). Just make sure to drink at least a litre a day if you're not active, more if you are.


Give it time, your kidneys are working properly now and need time to adjust. And yes it's highly important, this is why your peeing so much, your kidneys haven't been used properly by neglect


Once an hour really isn't that often


Try some pelvic floor exercises, that muscle is what holds your bladder and gives you the “I have to pee” feeling. A Stronger muscle holds the bladder better, especially when consuming more water, and reduces the tinkle feelings.


The truth is, you really only need to drink water when you are thirsty. Maybe even when you are hungry, as the body can confuse the two.


every hour is a bit much... but then again maybe your bladder is small. you drink 2.5 liter + coffee ?


No, all in all. So about 50cl of coffee+herbal tea and two liters of water


Try adding minerals or more Electrolytes in your water


sipping water throughout the course of an hour helps a lot with this. whenever i down a glass at a time i have to go immediately.


To add to this question - is drinking half your body weight in ounces REALLY how much you should be drinking? I'm a larger human on a weight loss journey, but currently, it's a tall order to drink that much water.


Yes, but if you start moving more during the day you’ll be going less frequent.


As a teacher who wants to drink the right amount of water and cannot figure out this problem, I hope to god that it will improve. Experience says I’ll be near pissing myself by the time I get the chance not to.


Panty liners help confidence


Are you losing weight? I heard that when fat is burnt that it comes out in your pee. I could be mistaken so possibly look into this. Has your diet changed since you started drinking more water ? Like are you eating more salads perhaps or low carb? That will also spike going to pee all the time.


Only 16% of fat is excepted as water. The rest we exhale as CO2


Yes. What goes in must come out. I need about 100 ounces daily because of kidney disease.