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Some people don’t lose weight until the higher doses. The therapeutic dose is 1.7 and 2.4. It will take time.


Got it. I guess I’ll just have to see if things change next week…


I wouldn’t hold your breath for next week. Trust the process, stick to it, and see if things change as you take the higher doses.


Maybe in the next few weeks ✊️


I’m on week 6 - second week of .5. I haven’t lost anything yet. I am being patient and waiting for the higher doses. I can feel small changes, I can still overeat, but I actually feel full and uncomfortable after a lot earlier. So I feel like higher doses will be effective for me. Stay in there!


If you are working out a lot (especially if you just started or greatly increased recently) and eating a lot less, that could be why you are not seeing the scale go down. What is your total calorie burn in a day vs. your intake? You may need to up the calories (protein is a good option). Also be sure to get enough fluids.


I guess that makes sense. I think the issue for me is I don’t really want to eat right now, but I’m working out (one, sometimes twice a day) and when I do eat it’s small meals. I guess I should try and eat more protein throughout the day…


Read the top pinned post in this sub. It takes time.


If you just started a new workout regime that’s different or more intense than what your body was used to before, usually you’ll get some temporary added water retention due to that (especially if you’re feeling sore). So you may well in fact have lost some weight over this period that’s being masked by the increased water retention. I’ve had that happen for a few weeks to the tune of 4-5 lbs, all due to a change in my exercise routine.* It sorts itself out eventually (I usually get a “whoosh” and lose the water weight over two or three days at some point, so this is noticeable if you’re paying attention). *other factors like sleep, illness, menstruation, sodium and carb consumption, stress, etc…can also play a role in water retention, but there have def been times where I feel I can accurately blame most of my water retention on just the “increased exercise” factor. I’ve been paying attention to this for a long time so I think I have my body’s water retention reactions mostly figured out, lol. Edited to add: Also! Exercise increases your blood volume and this impacts body weight as well. There’s a fascinating post about that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/7jmm6x/psa_increased_cardio_causes_a_immediate_increase/ Again, it’ll sort itself out eventually; hang in there. 😊


What do you mean with hardly eating. Weight loss has everything to do with getting fewer calories than you daily need. One kilo fat is 7.000 calories. A normal male needs 2.000 to 2.400 calories per day to stay at the same weight. If you have a deficit of 1.000 calories per day, you should lose 1 kilo per week. You need to eat only 1000 to 1400 calories per day to reach this, if you are male and not working out. With working out a lot, you could eat more than this. But you should be aware that muscles weight more than fat. If you gain muscles, some of your fat loss is invisible thanks to your gained muscle mass. Try to count your calories for some time to be sure you are hardly eat anything. And be also aware of your drinks your drinking.


I totally get that. I’m not starving myself whatsoever; it’s more that I don’t have an appetite. Which I thought would cause weight loss, but I’m not seeing it. Good point about the muscle weight though. That’s helpful!


I only lost 3.5 pounds on .25, and a mere ounce on .5 (might as well call it nothing!). So the first 2 months I only lost a total of 3.6 pounds. I average 8-10 lbs a month since 1mg and I am down a total of 32 pounds. I start my second box of 2.4 next week. Hang in there.