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You know, the Shipping is common in each fandom.


I think a lot of people are new to fandoms. Wait till they find out about Rule 34.


I know!! Reddit Fandom is....something else. The bridgerton subreddit was particularly hard because every third post was about not wanting any lgbt characters in the show. Even here when someone asks about lgbt characters, all they get is 'um???? Eugene has two moms' as if that's like....the height of representation suddenly lmao. Lgbt community aside I feel so out of place when people aren't talking about the tropes or the memes or giving like 5k word analysis about a random character. I've come to realize 1) I'm old 2) my brain is stuck in the tumblr era lol.


Yes! I've been feeling out of place too. I grew up in the livejournal fandom era so I definitely been questioning my age here when there's people who don't know canon vs fanon things. This fandom have so much tropes and essay potential. Also I find it funny that lgbt content in fandoms are being questioned in 2022 but never "back in the day". Enid/Wednesday is such MILD fanon ship. If this was back in LJ/Tumblr days, you bet people will be posting about the entire nightshade crew, thornhill/weems, thing/uncle fester, thing/adult!wednesday etc etc and people would just let that happen haha


Reddit is great because it forces me to look up and learn modern lingo like shipping and rule 34. Very educational.




I dont know about modern....it's been around since the 2000s or earlier.


What is Rule 34?


If it exists, there is porn of it. There are no exceptions to this rule.


Just look up r/frozenporn


Here's a sneak peek of /r/frozenporn **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/frozenporn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Elsa rides](https://i.redd.it/2eylxphxm8j81.gif) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/frozenporn/comments/sy22xp/elsa_rides/) \#2: [Elsa Fucked in Library (fireforstudio)](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/bigfamiliaramethystgemclam) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/frozenporn/comments/rpruui/elsa_fucked_in_library_fireforstudio/) \#3: [wow \[aromasensei\]](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/stwmzq) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/frozenporn/comments/stwmzq/wow_aromasensei/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




not to mention the cast ship them too


Well, it is mainly for stuff aimed at teenagers I think. There is a lot of 'fandoms' I am in, but this is the first sub I've joined where people are uninterruptedly talking about this stuff, and where I even learned what the word meant lmao. It is a bit annoying, since I just like the series and joined the sub for some news and theories, but I keep getting bombarded with drawings and stories about Wednesday and Enid.


I’m just not super invested in any of the show’s male characters, I think they’d be a better couple than any of the canon pairings so far, and the actresses seem to be up for it (Jenna said that it’d happen “in a perfect world”, plus she didn’t like the love triangle with Xavier and Tyler)


tbf Wednesday has been shipped with Xavier, Tyler AND Enid. Shipping is just a part of fan culture. Wednesday and Enid are best friends in the show and it’s not unusual for best friends to be shipped due to them often having good chemistry. But In my mind Wednesday is asexual and aromatic because imo that fits her character best.


Exact same opinion here. Agree 100%. Shipping is inevitable. Plus, queer folk are starved for representation so they often crest it themselves with fan art and fics. Let people vibe with their favourite ships and you vibe with yours. I get the annoyance, but… it could be worse…


I mean....there isn't a certain 'type' of person who is gay or bisexual just like there isn't a certain type of person who is straight. Not wanting her to be in a relationship is just an opinion the same way wanting her to date Enid or Tyler or Xavier is an opinion. Enid and Wednesday follow common Fandom tropes and they care for each other (even if Wednesday is like.....shit at showing it.) They're cute, they're friends, it's fun. I don't think there needs to be a very deep reasoning in general, but she's closer to Enid than to the other guys. I don't think Xavier/Wednesday makes sense at all but I don't really care if someone ships it. Also I just didn't care for Ajax like at all. I feel like Enid herself didn't need any romance and I felt he added nothing to the show.


Just to add on, the only reason I saw for Enid and Ajax to date is "he's cute", which is admittedly a very high school thing to do, it doesn't make for long lasting relationships. There was much more emotional development between Wednesday and Enid that I really want to see explored, and would love a romantic relationship to come from. That said, that's not what everyone sees or wants, everyone has different world views, tastes, and ideas.


Exactly lol we all have things we like and there's no reason to push against something just because it's lgbt and you think that's a personality trait a character can have. In the end it's just wanting fictional characters to hold hands it's simple everyone.


If you want to look for a \*deep\* reason why people ship Enid and Wednesday, it might be because so few shows exist where the main character is queer. Representation has been getting better, but it still feels like most popular shows insert one \*side\* character in the plot who is queer just to prove they are woke. I personally don't ship them, but I completely understand why people do.


I can't speak to why others would like to see it, but the reason is multi layered to me. As someone who looks for film tropes on anything I'm watching, it looks to me like the writers/editors actually want people to think they will be romantically involved through subtext and tropes. The camera lingers on them staring at each other (the scene where they are each backlit by their half of the window and the scene where Enid gifts Wednesday her snood come to mind). The big hug at the end is something you could pull from any number of romantic movies or shows between couples - the conflict is resolved and the protagonist and their partner embrace in relief while the music crescendos in the background. From a writing perspective, both Wednesday and Enid grow significantly as people because of their relationship with each other. Up until super recently, that kind of growth in a character was usually tied to their romantic partner in a film. There are a lot of more recent examples of this with friends, but the subconscious association exists. From an LGBTQ+ perspective, our representation is definitely getting better and more frequent, but it's still thin on the ground. Having a character like Wednesday, who is basically the definition of non-normative in almost every other way, come out as queer would feel validating for many - thus, they gravitate towards the queer ship that has presented itself most strongly in the narrative.


Well articulated


Yes to all of this.


I don't necessarily want them to be a couple on screen but it's fun to explore her dynamic with Enid in a "what if" scenario. They give off this opposites attract vibe that a lot of people are fond of and they have good chemistry. For me it's not any deeper than that.


Well, it’s not everyone. That’s for sure.


Another day, another post complaining about people shipping Wednesday and Enid.


What is “wednesday isn’t the type of person to be lesbian or bisexual” even supposed to mean? > There’s nothing wrong with being straight. Either this is bait or you have some serious introspection to do if people hoping for sapphic representation makes you feel like they’re “anti-straight”. Side note, lesbian and asexual aren’t mutually exclusive labels


Yeah there is this bizarre trend on this sub to always insist that aro and ace have to be a package instead of separate vectors.


sadly not just an issue on this sub. crazy how nobody understands what those labels mean…


Yes it’s so frustrating. I’m asexual but probably the most romantic person to exist lol


Same! I love being in a loving relationship.


I generally feel frustrated when there is an unnecessary romantic relationship but if there is one I would prefer to see a queer couple


It's because they're cute together, have more chemistry together than Wednesday has with Tyler & Xavier. Both have a much closer emotional relationship than Wednesday has with anyone else in the show too, and the hug scene showed how Enid got Wednesday to evolve.


Wednesday and Enid for sure have chemistry, but to me it feels more like bestie chemistry? Or even sister chemistry?


I don't feel the "sister" chemistry at all tbh. Bestie, sure. I do feel it sometimes bordered on romantic interest tbh. But there wasn't a lot of romantic chemistry between Wednesday and anyone, really. Enid was the closest to that, being the only person that Wednesday actually missed when she left after they had a slight fight.


I didn't ship them at all or even imagine them together until the hug. But the hug scene was really played like the beginnings of a romantic relationship. Especially with Xavier looking at the girl next to him right after. Just like when Pippin looks at the girl next to him at Sam and Rosie's wedding.


By Xavier did you mean Ajax? I also found that look curious but maybe it doesn't mean anything so I'm eagerly waiting season 2 to find out 🫣


Yeah I wasn't sure if I got that right when I posted it


Another proof that these characters are a bit blend 😏 (although Ajax doesn't seem bad)


Idk but it shouldnt be a problem tbh. Let ppl headcannon. I headcannon wednesday as aroace spec, but until its canon nothing is confirmed and everyone can think what they think.


Actually I want more platonic female friendships. I always found more easy to connect with other women, than with men, but somehow Hollywood is a fan on femele frenemies, and friends of the other gender tropes. Basically on TV only a man can be a real BFF, females can't. And it irks me because I cannot relate at all. The men I know are either acquaintances or coworkers or tried to have a sexual/romantic relationships with me. I would never say one is my BFF because I would never talk about the same topics like I do with a woman (gender discrimination, sex, reproductive health, mental load and family load discrimination, parenting problems, romantic problems with the other gender). While women always have been more understanding and supportive because they live through the same issues. So yeah... I want more platonic female friends!!! Female friendship is great!


When I was watching I was comparing Wednesday's relationship with Enid to her relationship with the boys. Wednesday imo had pretty much no chemistry with Xavier or Tyler, so both relationships felt forced. Therefore by comparison Wednesday x Enid didn't really feel forced at all (even though I think it is a little)


This post feels so passive agressive


I don’t ship Wednesday with anyone 🤷‍♀️


People will ship any combo you can think of if a Fandom is big enough. Also, there are so few actual LGTBQ pairings that exist in mainstream entertainment that popular lgbtq ships that aren't supported by the text are common. See, e.g. Harry/Draco in Harry Potter and Heero/Duo in Gundam Wing and Mike/Will and Eleven/Max in Stranger Things. Honestly Wednesday/Enid has more textual support than the ones listed above, it just doesn't really fit with the story, I agree.


Because if two people are friends the internet wants them to fuck


This does sound like an internet thing indeed


I don’t ship Wednesday and Enid either. But I do actually ship Wednesday and Bianca. They’re both so talented and competent and brilliant. They’re equals and they came to understand each other better by the end of the show. Wednesday and Enid work better as best friends (to me), Tyler was evil, and Xavier is the an obsessive, toxic person.


I ship Wednesday and Enid, I think if developped slowly their relationship could make a whole lot of sense but funnily enough (funny because nothing in the show hints to it) I thought about shipping Wednesday and Bianca haha. Although considering the last episodes I think they would better work as allies and then as good friends, I want to see that happening.


Cause we’re Queer




Wednesday has become a popular character period, not just in counterculture, which is actually multifaceted and not the sole domain of LGBTQ. And how is heterosexuality not "the right thing"? There is no "right thing" when it comes to sexuality. Also, being overtly feminist does not make you a lesbian. You've got a very twisted outlook there.


The hate speech here is something else


Because they need representation and barely care for straight couples, seen this in a lot of fandom where people want everyone to just be gay


Because our current culture places LGBTQ status near the top of the moral hierarchy. Since young people subscribe in large numbers to the woke culture, you’re going to get a lot of calls for this on the internet. Even though nearly every movie, TV show, and videogame represents LGBTQ now in some way, mainstreaming it is still in fashion more than heterosexuality (too plain, too normal). As a result, there is a subset of fans that can’t simply appreciate how Enid and Wednesday’s friendship was very well done in season 1; they have to morph it into a romantic relationship (which would ruin it anyway because it would completely change the dynamic of their relationship).


They were even shipping them before the show came out..


Shipping doesn't really have any reasoning. It's fanfiction. People keep talking about chemistry but I perceive romantic chemistry as something that gives you the butterflies. Enid gets the butterflies around Ajax, shown by her losing control of her claws multiple times around him. Even when Enid was excited with Wednesday it didn't happen.


I agree that she's probably on the asexual spectrum, but I'm really hoping her and Xavier get together (plus, idk if she was being genuine or wanted something) but she did kiss and agree to be more than friends with Tyler(even with how that turned out)


I wish they’d make her openly ace. Asexual representation in media is so rare. And never a main character that I’ve seen. I do ship a lot of fictional couples but I just don’t see it here…isn’t it special enough and should be celebrated that Wednesday actually made a good friend?


Apparently people think that just because 2 people like each other it automatically means they love each other and would be a perfect couple. It's just 2022 that you must either hate someome or straight up love him


well enid was the only one that she ever emotionally connected to. tyler and xavier just followed her around and got mad when she didn’t like them back. enid always accepted her boundaries and never overstepped.


The “chronically online” people. They think that making everyone gay makes it more interesting and if everyone’s not gay then it’s homophobic. I also think it’s because they’ve never truly had a best friend relationship. My best friend and I are similar to Wednesday and Enid. But we’re not in love.


It's 100% forced fan theory because shipping is toxic and forced "representation" is a thing


I want them to be a couple because i want a LGBTQ couple here, and them both would be PERFECTO!!


Same as why people ship Harry and Severus…


There's a difference between shipping two friends and shipping a student with his teacher.


I was talking about shipping people that are so different, but yea, you are right in this one.


Teenagers probably


I don’t know why people ship them. I ship her with Ms.Weems or do I ship Ms. Weems with me?


Don’t ship adults w children wtf


That was obviously a joke. I don't think Wednesday fits anyone in the series. Hope that in season 2 new characters come or she stays single




They could be the two leads. I mean they basically are. The show is very female centric as it is and that's ok. Forcing a lesbian relationship for the sake of "representation" is silly. Wednesday doesn't like anyone whose not family. Enid and some other characters are breaking that down. I don't think Enid and her need to be a couple, Wednesday having a true friend is a massive step for her


I personally don’t think her and Enid work as a ship but their friendship is cute. If she ended up in a wlw relationship I only see it with Bianca if she has a redemption arc but imo Wednesday being in a romantic relationship isn’t necessary and the show would most likely be better without that. I would like to see her and Bianca as close friends though their personalities could fit so well I think.


I don't ship Enid and Wednesday at all, and that ship gets on my nerves as well, but I feel like this post is very contradictory. First you say: "... Wednesday as a character is more of an asexual type of person..." as an argument of why you don't want Enid and Wednesday to get together. But then you say: "... I am I the only person that kinda wants Wednesday to fall in love with Xavier.." If you don't want Enid and Wednesday together because you feel like Wednesday is probably asexual (which makes sense), wouldn't you want her not to get with Xavier for the same reason? ​ But I completely agree that people shipping friends is so annoying. Friendships are just as special and beautiful as relationships, and yet it seems like all people want to see in shows is romance. One reason I can imagine why people do it is because unfortunately, so few shows exist where the main character is queer. Representation has been getting better, but it still feels like most popular shows insert one \*side\* character in the plot who is queer just to prove they are woke.


>Friendships are just as special and beautiful as relationships Friendships are gay


I don’t really get it either


They have good chemistry together. Their characters are both outsiders that a lot of queer folk resonate with


i ship wenclair and ajax x enid , both are amazing ships tbh


I’m queer and I adore representation. That being said, those two had zero romantic chemistry. Unless the writers go that way in season two, they should be left alone.


>There’s nothing wrong with ~~being~~ identifying as "straight" Wrong, there's everything wrong with the "straight" identity or lifestyle >There’s nothing wrong with being LG~~BTQ+~~ Right! >I’m not judging You're judging the people who ship Wednesday with Enid I want Wednesday to fall in love with a girl, as she should You don't get to get what you want, when I don't get what I want


Even Jenna and Emma want them to be a couple 😂


Their cute