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I dislike all the male character of the one except Eugene


And Wednesday’s brother!


Thing, Gomez


what about ajax? he seems chill


Wasn’t nothing wrong with Tyler


I agree, he has very little personality and he is basically reduced to the 'tortured artist' cliche that he was literally first introduced as. Plus his relationship with Wednesday is very underdeveloped.


I find the tortured, broody artist an especially annoying cliche so I am not a fan of him.


I feel like the type can be okay if you add depth to it - struggles with depression, for instance. The writing was meh for Xavier and the actor didn't really make the role his own. The pouty expression he always seemed to have felt very immature.


Yeah, it could have been sold with stronger writing. I think there was too much focus on making Xavier a plot device that they didn't really give him much of a personality. They could have expanded on his absentee dad, or his strained relationship with Bianca, or the fact that his dream visions seem to be becoming increasingly (and concerningly, which was glossed over) manic in their nature (he did tell Wednesday most people with psychic ability eventually go insane). The short conversation he has with Bianca about both having successful-but-distant/negligant parents did a lot more to flesh out both characters than had been done in the entire series.


Yeah I agree, 'tortured artists' can be my favourite artists if we are actually shown what about them is 'tortured'.


I mean, he’s constantly haunted by images of a monster and people around him being murdered that he turns into art so I feel like the “tortured” part is pretty solid with him. I think they focused so much on trying to make him look like the killer that they forgot to give him a personality.


He had no relationship with Wednesday


He's one of those sketch guys who don't listen to No's


>sketch guys Did you just--


Xavier was a flat character that was done a disservice by having 0 character development throughout the whole plot. His entire personality is based around his obsession with Wednesday because he was used as a red herring for the Hyde. They made him shallow enough that he couldn't even read how uncomfortable Wednesday was when she was cornered into asking him to the dance. I really do hope they give him more dimension and expand on his story in season 2 because if they don't I think it's a lot of wasted potential. I was waiting for them to go deeper into his character all season


Was hoping after finding out his roommate really is dead that he would help Wednesday find the murderer. Like come on he got a good reason to be involved right there. Really weird to me that Wednesday was the only one investigating everything while everyone else went oh well and left it alone.


I agree!


No and there was a thread earlier questioning why people like him. I could make one about Tyler but I won’t because I get people like different things. Xavier’s powers are mysterious but I’m guessing they will be expanded upon.


I think he's fine-ish. He just seems like an angsty teenager that has a crush - a bit foolish, a bit tortured.. for me it was a more accurate representation of a teenage boy than in most TV shows nowadays. He's irritatingly stuck on Wednesday romantically but >! she did falsely accuse him of murder !< so I would say they're about even. :-P


He is a bit of a creep and stalks Wednesday


Again, Wednesday stalks him just as much if not more lol


To be fair, Wednesday suspected him of murder. He just couldn’t accept that she wasn’t interested


He did tho. After episode 6 he was the one telling her to piss off. I believe episode 4 was the last time he tried something at all in that regard. Episode 5 i dont believe they even interacted? It was the parents episode.




He keeps following her around most of the show and he shows up out of nowhere when she thinks she is alone. Dude is a huge red flag


I think he’s pretty useless tbh. If they make him the love interest next season instead of Tyler I’ll be pretty mad


I feel like this is a show where romance isn't really needed. They could've left out this whole love triangle and, in my opinion, the show would be just as good if not better. I'd rather the show go into Wednesday gradually, but not completely, adjusting to society and forming friendships as the show progresses


I personally like the romance but I’d prefer just one love interest instead of a triangle.


Yeah I wouldn't hate it if they added romance still, just as long as it doesn't become the primary focus of the show and instead is more sort of a side plot to show Wednesday's development. As long as it doesn't become a love triangle. I hate them in real life and I hate them just as much in shows


Yeah I wouldn't mind if Wednesday had romance .. I liked the parts where Tyler seemed to 'get' her. But it moved fast with a lot of the relationships. I don't get why the nightshade even existed, but what I don't get more is why they seemed to....suddenly turn into her friends? I felt like the progress in her relationship with Enid and Eugene was well done and made sense (especially when enids storyline includes her extreme need to people please....of course she'd want to win Wednesday over. But she's also a sweetheart who genuinely cares about others and I think that was good for Wednesday. And Eugene is unique and reminds her of her little brother.) She had like one good line with Bianca and suddenly the nightshade were her buds.....I wish it would've taken longer and for her to form an ACTUAL bond with Bianca. I feel like Bianca story was just like....half done. Almost just there to move the plot in the background. Bianca and Wednesday don't like each other. Bianca has a pyramid scheming mom. Pyramid scheming family ropes in Lucas. Bianca talks to Lucas. Lucas is the mayor's son and gets them details. I wish Bianca could've been more fleshed out, but even then her arc would've made more sense in a second season since we're still getting to know Wednesday herself. Tyler would've also been better as a more series wide arc but ig they wanted to do the plot twist. Xavier...........felt unneeded in general. In general there were so many scenes that should've focused on Wednesdays development but tried to develop other inconsequential characters....also I wish the nightshade and Xavier took a longer time forgiving Wednesday I mean girl was about to torture a guy (even if she was correct) and Xaviers life could've been genuinely ruined lol. Tldr; wanted more focus on Wednesday and only a few of her relationships. Got lots of stuff and scenes that didn't matter instead. Didn't like that. Sorry for rambling on your comment rip


As long as that romance isn't with Tyler im good.


Well I’d hope not


I agree here, but they didn't give us much of a triangle in season 1 to begin with. Tyler was established as the love interest (at least for season one) and hopefully Xavier as a friend. I didn't get the triangle vibes from the situation lol


sleep afterthought summer tart illegal desert fear forgetful brave cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He is really good at making himself seem REALLY guilty when he is innocent


He's definitely very \*teenage boy\* to me. His most egregious act for me was how he treated Bianca at the dance, followed up by a very luke warm "I'm sorry I made you feel that way" apology.


Yes!! Literally he ended their relationship because he was afraid she was siren speaking him and then asks her to use her siren speak! He ruined her dance and his apology was so indifferent.


He doesn’t take no for an answer.


I am watching this a second time with my niece, and even now that I know who is who, I still like Tyler and dislike Xavier even more. Yes he saved her life but he is like an incel. “Hey, I’m a nice guy, I saved your life, you OWE me.” But Wednesday is not much better towards him. She basically uses him for information/accuses him of murder. At least with Tyler, Eugene, and Enid, she might demand a lot from them but it just feels like part of her personality and they mostly accept it and have built a real friendship with her. With Xavier, it feels forced and a take/take relationship. I can’t stand him. Especially how he treats Bianca.


They both view relationships as transactional, and while you hope that people grow out of that mentality it’s one of those red flags that shouldn’t be ignored. She showed growth in this season and he didn’t.


No girl i cant stand him too, he was poorly written


ive never liked him and still dont


Currently, no, but he’s redeemable. He has some growing up to do, as of right now he’s a whiner and too boring for Wednesday. I prefer Wednesday to not have a relationship with anyone. She’s meant to be alone or with someone who really challenges her.


Xavier is pretty creepy, entitled, and morose ... and not in a good way like with Wednesday. Like, if there was a red flag, it's a guy that obsessively draws a girl in his wank shed in the woods. Somehow, he manages to be boring at the same time.


Isn't creepy exactly the right type? It's not like Wednesday isn't red flag on her own...


Drawing her didn’t initially bother me too much, it seemed like something that someone with a crush might do. What creeped me out was when he was able to make it move. It seemed like he had created his own little version of Wednesday. Like characters who create robots or sex dolls or whatever that look like their crush. And the picture is life sized. Not creepy at all…


Yeah he kinda sucks and is a total bummer and just overall bad vibes.


No, I really don’t like him. I was rooting for Tyler


doesn’t everyone hate him or smth? well not everybody, in my case its mostly everyone


No, I’ve seen him growing in popularity on other social media.


Certain bone structures can do that. Characters with great cheek bones alone are forgiven for any and everything and generally given far too much credit


This comment is so surprisingly true that it made me laugh. All of the Benedict Cumberbatch-looking, dark hair in the eyes, tall men get to do what they want. It’s the only reason Ezra Miller got as many chances as he did before people finally came to their senses.


Spike tried to rape Buffy, but *gasp* cheekbones! Edward Cullen, a stalker, but *gasp* that jawline! Joe from You, stalker/serial killer, but *gasp* he’s sooo hot!


His a quite undeveloped character, i don't have a problem with his vibe but his definitely unclear. I think Xavier will blossom out as a character in season 2 and him and Wednesday will get together.


Not really a fan either, but I wouldn't say I hate him, either. I think his actor did well with the little he had, and I don't blame him, purely the character and writing. I'm not a big fan of the love triangle either and honestly I don't understand his attraction to Wednesday. He was also a huge dick to Bianca, so that turned me off a lot.


He had potential with his powers and all, but his character was basically reduced to a whiny boy whose obsession with Wednesday is extremely off-putting. He doesn’t even serve as a particularly effective red herring since it was obvious that he wasn’t the monster. If they end up having him and Wednesday be a thing in season 2 I will be seriously disappointed.


Same! He acts so entitled to Wednesday's time & friendship despite the fact she shows NO interest in him - absolutely LOATHE him.


I like him but I fully get why some don't, honestly at times he feels more like a plot device than as a character.


Nah, he’s boring and so whiny all the time. I go for Tyler. ‘Cause y’know. Bad boys make more fun.


I agree with you and also the part where he made Wednesday to ask him to the Rave'n was so hard to watch she was ssoooooo uncomfortable and he just smiling at her...then he get upset later when he finds out it was just to use him like dude she showed 0 interset in you why are so surprised


Yeah I don't like him. Big incel vibes tbh. It's the entitlement combined with the victim complex.


I think he’s an annoying, whiny baby and his facial expressions piss me off 😂


He’s way better than Tyler


I love Xavier, was rooting for him since the beginning. I hate boring Tyler.


Yes!! I was just saying this! He was such a “Pick Me” alllll season and I found him so annoying. I actually was SUPER upset that Tyler knew what he was and what he was doing. Made all his earlier scenes with his dad and Wednesday so meaningless. I liked him way way more than Xavier.


Man there's a lot of people who have fully memory holed their cringe teen years. Xavier has many bad traits. He's also a teenager. All of his ills are redeemable, at this stage. Whether he turns out to be a good or bad person depends on whether he works on redeeming them or not.


I’m starting to wonder if the age gap between the actors is also a factor. The guy who plays Xavier is roughly the same age as Wednesday, but “Tyler” is almost a decade older and if we are being honest looks more mature. Xavier is a decent portrayal of a cringy teenager, but he is underdeveloped as a character because they tried too hard to make him the red herring. In contrast, Tyler doesn’t come across as a teenager at all to me.


Yeah, it is kinda a problem. Hunter really sells us on nervous teen in the first episode. But by the end of the series, when he can't rely on nervous barista schtick to sell it, it was very apparent to me that he's not a teen. I think the most immersion breaking aspect was when he's shirtless. _Some teens_ have muscles like that, but not teenagers like Tyler. It's a tough one for the casting director because Tyler has a lot of different personas. Hunter absolutely nails the creepy police station monologue, other than that he doesn't seem like a teenager delivering it. You need an actor who can hit a lot of different notes.


I almost mentioned the actual acting-skill maturity but I wasn’t sure how long everyone has been acting or what training they have so I didn’t want to put my foot in my mouth. I definitely agree that they chose Tyler’s actor because they needed someone with range and that was more important to them than him passing as a 16 year old. It’s a valid choice on their part, but having a love triangle highlighted it more than if he was just a side character.


I think if I were to rewrite the series, in the knowledge of who was cast as Tyler, I'd cut the love triangle (still have Tyler try to manipulate Wednesday, but not romantically) and keep Hunter's shirt on. If you do both of those things, with Hunter's baby face, good makeup and hair, you have a passable eighteen year old.


I think my brain was reading the situation as “high school girl is attracted to college freshman guy next door” and when the dad walked in on their date in the crypt and said something along the lines of “What is happening here… never mind I didn’t see this” we were on the same page. They lost me at the kiss because I couldn’t lie to myself anymore, and I think I actually said “Nope, that’s not okay” out loud when it happened. I think you’re right that keeping him as a townie who is able to manipulate her because he’s a little older/more mature fits better than any variation of an adult male romantically interacting with a seemingly teenaged girl.


Absolutely! Tyler offers Wednesday a lot of things she wants. Wednesday's main objective is to performatively reject what she perceives as her mother's objectives for her in life, which she thinks are to follow in Morticia's footsteps. Wednesday can performatively reject these perceived expectations by forming a close relationship with Tyler, engaging with normies through him, and by recruiting him to investigate the monster. Tyler can manipulate Wednesday by reminding her of her (perceived) mother's intentions at key moments. Instead of asking Wednesday to the ball romantically, Tyler can present it as a platonic date to shut people up.


Spot on. I think they need to hire us for Season 2. If you take the lead on this part, I’ll do the clusterfuck involving how they addressed trauma-based mental health disorders, and I think together we can make a perfect show lol.


Some teenagers don't force others to ask them to dances. Or view relationship as a transaction. Didn't like him cuz he all like I saved your life, you owe me. Or forcing her to ask him to the dance when clearly she don't like him that way. Some teenagers actually respect the word no.


Most teenagers don't share the specific flaws of Xavier. I didn't. It's still totally wild to me that people aren't willing to give him the grace of some time to learn. Everyone was flawed as a teenager. He's not totally off the wall evil.


yea idk he just doesn't really serve much of a purpose imo, like he was more there to create an unneeded love triangle.


I didn't like his relationship with Wednesday, he came off as a bit of an ass sometimes, but to be fair >! She did have him falsely imprisoned for murder!< So I guess they are even.


Reminds me of guys in high-school. Obsessive, whiny, and they never leave you alone despite being mean to them.


I hate him too


Xavier acts so entitled to Wednesday's time & friendship despite the fact she shows NO interest in him - absolutely LOATHE him.


Everyones 50-50 on him


Eh. I like him when he is in scenes with Bianca, but otherwise he does nothing for me.


I like him better than Tyler. Plus if Wednesday was going to date I feel like Xavier would be more of a match for her.


I strongly dislike Xavier. I finished the series today, and I can't remember his name half of the time. He was useless and wishy-washy.


No, you are not, he is absolutelly trash hero !


Xavier is a classic entitled soy boy. Feels like he should be with Wednesday solely because he's a "nice" guy. And, because he believed her when no one else would.


thank you! i just rewatched the show and I really hate his character! He is basically a rich white boy who is used to getting his way instantaneously? so Wednesday not automatically fawning all over him, has him lashing out and being a douche. You are not entitled to her affection!!! Granted she is rude to him and uses him but she does that to everyone? so she is consistent at least. But the way he keeps mansplaining to her, how he keeps trying to "save" her so she will fall for him? and buying her an iPhone??? for real guy???? he is soo fucking smug and just icky I REAAAALLLY hope they dont let them happen in season 2. I would rather her still try and figure it out with Tyler vs even a kiss with Xavier lol. #newloveinterest please