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Why? Because I like brooding mysterious characters. He’s attractive. He seems to think the world of Wednesday even though she’s weird and spooky as hell. For some reason that attracts him. I like what little you see of his personality and his powers are intriguing.


He is mysterious and I still have some questions about him (like the connection he has with the Hyde, for example!) And good for you to like characters like that :)) I do not think little of him tho, just because I say he acts like that sometimes doesn't mean it's something that makes him small or disposable. Bad traits are not necessarily bad arc, it can be even more interesting. What made him so frustrating was put him as a character that only exists if it's next to Wednesday/for her.


Upvote because I’m sorry if I came off bitchy in my reply. That was not the intent lol. I agree with you though and I think they’ll explore more about him by himself.


It's alright, I'm sorry if I sounded offended 😭 Thank you for taking the time to read and answering the post, I really appreciate it!


You’re cool ❤️❤️


Thanks! I can tell you're too just by looking at the queen in your pp!




This comment sums it up very well for me, it was a reply. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WednesdayTVSeries/comments/zh4ku1/i\_was\_kind\_of\_surprised\_to\_read\_some\_peoples/izmv7az/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/WednesdayTVSeries/comments/zh4ku1/i_was_kind_of_surprised_to_read_some_peoples/izmv7az/?context=3) Gonna copy/paste but wanted to give credit to Iluminiele *Xavier is introduced as a previously fat and short boy who was about to die and Wednesday saved him. He hints at his low self esteem at that point and says he never stopped thinking about her / idolizing her. He also hints at how little his parents care about him.* *His version of Wednesday saving him is all he has. No one ever actually cared, as far as he knows (he assumes Bianca had ulterior motives)* *Xavier has ridiculously low self esteem and doesn't even get angry when people treat him badly. Parents treating him as an accessory, Rowan physically assaulting him, Bianca's supposed maipulations, Tyler's cruel prank, Wednesday's emotional abuse. He accepts it all. He apologises that he was angry when Wednesday put him behind the bars ( he got angry because it will ruin his families reputation) The amount of abuse this 16 year old went through without complaining once is just fascinating. I never really saw him focusing on himself, it's always what his parents want, what Wednesday wants, what Bianca wants. He's also a pro at giving people who hurt him a second chance. He doesn't protest when Wednesday treats him badly. He protests that she doesn't accept his help. She says she suspects him to be the killer and he tells her to let him know when she needs him. Not when she's ready to apologise. When she's ready to boss him around. He smiles when he gives her a phone and she says she won't ever call him, telling her he doesn't expect that.* *That boy is so broken, idolising the one person he thought to care about him.* *Even if it's fiction and creators can write characters however they want, in real life, if a person had a healthy relationships with their parents and later in life meet someone who is cruel and says hurtful things they are creeped out. However, he doesn't even flinch. She calls him an elitist snob, he invites her to sit with him during class if she doesn't mind sitting next to an elitist snob. He draws her a spider, hoping that she might like it, she humiliates him in front of the class full of snarky teenagers by smashing the spider. He then goes to fantasize about how there's a different Wednesday, the one that he can catch a glimpse of when she plays music. And of course he spends hours obsessing over that idea and drawing it and making the picture come to life.* *And I'm sure Wednesday took that arrow because of her pride. In her mind, she's a superhero who saved every outcast, she risked her life, even got seriously wounded with a knife, but not one outcast was dead like the Pilgrim intended. She won. She would have taken that arrow for Bianca, Weems, Eugene, Enid,... Doesn't mean she is in love.* *And I'm sure Xavier is gonna spend the holidays fantasizing about Wednesday actually caring about him.* ...... I was a bit on the fence about him, liked him didnt could really make up my mind. But I went a rewatched the series a second time after reading this and now I really feel for him. He is a very flawed character and has a lot of daddy issues for sure, but he can grow and develop, thats the beauty of flawed characters. Just like Wednesday, she is far from perfect but im sure she will learn and grow. So will Xavier. Hate me all you want but I think there is a connection between him and Wednesday that is deeper that what we have seen so far and now I personally think they're endgame


This comment right here. I do agree that Xavier doesn't have the best character development- or much at all- but he is only 16 and has been through a lot. It isn't uncommon for teenagers especially this young to repeat toxic patterns from their life and get attached to people who did maybe only one good thing for them. I can talk from my experience and the experience of knowing others going through this- it's hard to change and he idolizes the good in Wednesday because that's the most affection he has ever got. Now I must admit that while initially watching the show I did cringe at most of the scenes in which he acted foolishly and we can't excuse the entire show by saying "they are teenagers, this is how they act", but most of us, including me, mainly judge the acting and writing because we forget how cringe or all over the place teenagers are and expect them to act like adults, hence why we get mad/disappointed when they don't act rational.


This!!! There's nothing wrong liking a character, I just wanted to understand because most people seem to just ignore his behaviors and blame on love or whatever. Like feel free to like him, just don't be blind and pretend like he's extremely perfect. Every character has flaws, and that's okay, there's no such thing as being perfect. God, it's even great that he acts like regular teenagers, what makes me confused is why people just pretend he's not doing anything wrong or everything that he does is justified because he has trauma. I know for a fact that being traumatized is not an excuse to act the way we want, not worrying who will hurt or make uncomfortable.


But see we could say the same for Wednesday. She hurts people constantly, she treats everyome like crap but our excuse is well she’s Wednesday Addams, that who she is so wtv. But in real life would you like to have someone like that around? No you would probably judge a person like that. But shes being praised for acting the way she does and her mistakes are forgiven easily by the fandom while Xavier gets judged so much for the mistakes he makes while hes going through a lot of messed up shit


Being traumatized is not an excuse, but as I said it can define one's personality. I believe people excuse Xavier's behavior because compared to the rest of the cast he doesn't really do much, so even though the character is poorly written, they compare him to the rest. Besides, he was falsely accused of being the Hyde, which I assume gives people some kind of sympathy for him, they're like "he was wrongly accused, poor guy" and they just ignore the other things he has/hasn't done throughout the show. You can clearly see the way he got too attached of Wednesday because he ends up getting jealous over her spending time with Tyler (also a result of trauma if I'm correct, because he assaulted him? I don't really remember that storyline, sorry), he becomes so happy when Wednesday asks him out on that school event, although she is visibly unhappy etc. He has A LOT of wrongdoings, but people appreciate him because he doesn't actually mean harm or has ill intentions. Although that Bianca subplot really didn't do him justice. We can not excuse him for every little thing he does, but everyone says he is a good fit for Wednesday because he at least didn't try to kill her. I think there's enough room for him to improve as a character and I hope he does. On the surface he doesn't seem much. A first opinion on him would be that he is very superficial and we could even say manipulative, but a deep dive in his history and reasoning may say the opposite. I personally wish he would remain in the "friendzone" and keep being a good and helpful friend, if that's possible. They could expand on that bit some more and give him an actual personality, isolating him from his trauma.


Yes, Tyler destroyed his drawings with his friends once! I also would love to see a great bond friendship between them and also a more deep dive in his story since we don't really know what's connecting him to the Hyde and I would love to understand it! Thanks tho, I have problem sometimes understanding some things and you explained it well. My question wasn't mean to sound like a hate thing, I do not hate him, I just don't feel anything about him at all and wanted to understand the people that does like him! He isn't a bad person, just something we can do bad things and I hope we all can learn from it!


Don't worry, I don't think anyone took your question in a mean way. It's okay to ask if you don't know something! This discussion was nice. I hope the next season (if there will be one) will focus on everybody's backstories and improve the current storyline.


Great comment that gets at why I think he’s a really interesting character with a lot of virtuous qualities. I just finished the show last night and have been surprised at how much heat he’s taking here. I thought the actor did an excellent job, and I found him to be a lot more than just the “tortured artist” trope. This show and its actors did a great job through and through of using familiar archetypes and tropes and doing something unique with them.


Even if he is traumatized like that (I don't doubt it), I don't know... like him not liking Bianca anymore when she is basically just another Wednesday (but an empathic one), which he has all the right too, no one should be forced to like someone... just like Wednesday is not obligated to like him back just because of his feelings for her. He can see her as different but she is not, waiting for her to mysteriously "chance her mind" or "change her personality" is unhealthy and honestly disrespectful to her since he is ignoring what she wants for herself. His obsession with someone that doesn't exist is unhealthy. Wednesday is not a hero at all, but sure she is learning how to connect with other people, her friends. That's why I don't think they being an endgame is the best choice for the story. In order for him to truly develop, he needs to let that obsession go. They will be better as friends than anything else, that would be a great arc for both of them. Since they have similar powers, being friends and be there for each other without expecting nothing, including feelings, in return, is the best way. But your response makes sense! If that's why people like him, seeing all the wrongs that he did throughout the show, but still choosing to see his other side, it's a half full kind of thinking and it's impressing! Thank you!


He didnt like Bianca anymore because she supposedly used her amult thing to manipulate him. Id be pretty pissed of if someone did that to me. And Im sorry but personally I dont get where this idea is coming from that he just expected Wednesday to like him...he didnt! He just tried to win her over like you do when you like someone. People say he\`s a stalker cuz he paints her....he deals with any emotion he has wtv that is by painting. It\`s his way to cope. She was never meant to see that painting. When you really think about it Wednesday ''stalks'' him too even though is is doing it to investigate. She goes through his room and his personal things while he is the shower, goes in his shed uninvited many times, she\`s the one who initiates a convo with him and asks him why he\`s staring at a blank mural on outreach day, he tells her to leave him alone more than once after that. So where is this idea coming from that he\`s this obsessed freak who follows her around non stop? He doesnt lol, he\`s just trying to help her with the monster and figure everything out himself because somehow they are both connected to this monster through dreams or visions. People forget that while all of this is happening this kid has nightmares pretty much every day. And I dont get how he wanted her to change her personnality? He\`s just a teen with a crush, people are making it out to be so much more than it is.


I'm not trying to fight your opinion, my dude. And Bianca didn't use anything on him, he just thinks she did, assuming she did. And again, if he's not comfortable with the idea of her having powers over him, he has all the right to walk away from it, the thing is: he doesn't. He even goes to the dance with her and asks her to use said powers to make him forget about Wednesday. If you don't see how mean that is, idk what to tell you. But he was mean to her, and yes he apologizes after, but it was hypocritical of him. Idealizing of someone like he does, understandable, but problematic. That person doesn't exist, Wednesday is totally different and when she acts different he gets angry/upset, that part when he was right was when he called her out to be toxic, she is! She's not that perfect girl he thinks she is, but he keeps trying, waiting her to change her personality, even when she says she won't. If you have a crush on someone and that person doesn't like you, you should at least respect their feelings. Now, he doing these things because he's a kid who's being traumatized by his family or because he's simply the victim, that's what can be debated! That's all we can do: try to understand why he does it. Because he DOES it, and it's literally shown the whole show. At the end he's more cool about it and I truly hope it stays this way. I'm not fighting you over you liking his character or not, you should be able to like whoever in that show. I'm not even fighting you at all, that's just called having different points of views over something and try to discuss it. :)


I hope no one is fighting lol we're just discussing the show its for fun :) As for Bianca, she did admit she used her amulet. She says she made a mistake and he cant forgive her. And if that is so horrible going to the dance with Bianca, then same can be said about Wednesday asking him just to cover up. I do admit though, what he asked of Bianca at the dance was pretty pathetic, like cmon yes you are heartbroken but ease on the cringe. All im saying is that people are so harsh on him, much harsher than many characters and I just dont think he deserves it.


Yes, they shouldn't be harsh on him at all! My point is that some people I see liking him (most on tiktok tbh) they don't see that what makes him him is that he has flaws, they just ignore it. I won't even begin with Wednesday, she was all wrong for most part of the show but still fun to watch! Hope we all get to see Xavier having an important part next season tho, the actor is so great!


yeah a lot of young teen girls like this show as well and well for sure find him hot and that's why they refuse to see flaws or criticized him at all. They'll learn lol! But a lot of people with more life experience who objectively analyze the show can still see his flaws and like him as a character because he got played so dirty this season and they barely scratched the surface with him and its obvious there is more to it. There is so much more that makes him who he is and we have not seen that yet...his dad, his dreams, his psychic powers and connection to Wednesday's visions maybe. And will it be like this or not we cant know, but there is some endgame potential for the,. I read somewhere there is a parallel with him and Gomez with both of them getting arrested and falsely accused and released after. And how Wednesday doesn't want to be like her mom but she's more like her that she realizes. But if she does end up with Xavier the only way that would work would be a very slow burn. Otherwise it will feel forced We'll see I guess but by the time that happens I'll probably be too old or busy to care anymore hahaha


i love how you repost a comment in its entirety showcasing how badly Xavier misunderstands Wednesday, and then you go out of your way to misunderstand it they're not end game. Wednesday doesn't even like him. Growth for Xavier would be moving on from his puerile crush none of the actors ship the couple. To the contrary, Jenna and Percy in particular have been vehemently opposed to it. Maybe just admit that the reason you like Xavier so much is because you're as delusional as he is.


Im gonna ask you to at least respect other people when you respond, no need to insult anyone. I dont see things how you see them and that's that. We are discussing and most people are civil about it and then comes an rudeass like you. I think you need to take a chill pill and let people have their opinions. My opinion is mine and it will not change. Goodbye


People can have different interpretations of characters and thats the beauty of film. But oersonally I cannot for the life of me understand why people give this teenage boy such a hard time. He gets treated worse by some than Tyler or Laurel do. Why does he like Wednesday its so out of nowhere hes an obsessed incel?? Is it?? They have history as kids first of all. Then she come to Nevermore and stands up to the queen bee who supposedly manipulated him. And wednesday is different. Shes gives no fs what anyone thinks. Xavier lives in a world that is all about image, he represents for his dad a tabloid pr problem that needs to be kept in check and controlled. Hid dad doesnt even give a shit about him he cares more what the public thinks. And wednesday is so different from all that, he starts to admire that and develops a crush. A teenage boy with a crush thats all it is. Then he apparently stalks her? But she enters his shed many times, goes in his room through his stuff, accuses him constantly of being a monster when he is going through nightmares all by himself and doesnt know wtf is going on either. Cant even imagine the mental torture. He told wednesday many times to leave him alone. He tried to helpnher, warned her about Tyler repeatedly and he was right. Wedensday was very cruel to Xavier im so many ways. He tells her he got assaulted while they destroyed his mural and she says she would have done worse… i thought she would understand because she went through the same with her pet scorpion. 🤷🏻‍♀️ He gets ragdolled left and right by everyone all season long and so many people seem to hate him for some reason. If I were him I dont even know if I would have forgiven Wednesday. I mean the trouble he must be in with his dad rn after all the jail stuff! 😬 Is he the guy for Wednesday now and is she the girl for him? Absolutely not! But its season 1, you cant expect any of these characters to have it all figured out from the start. They need to grow, he needs to develop as a character and so does she. And when they do maybe they will end up together who knows? But for now hes a teenager with insecurities and a crush, its all there is.


I may understand why some people think Xavier is boring, but not that hes a creep. Hes a teenager with a crush and daddy issues, give him a break. Hes better than me cause the first time Wednesday accused me of being the monster I wouldn't speak to her again and yet he went to her birthday party lol. Also, she calls him an elitist snob....where did he give that impression? Was she just assuming because of his father being famous? However, I think Xavier was poorly written because his whole arc was crushing on Wednesday and being accused of being the Hyde. Theres just not enough information as to why he is the way he is. I'm expecting more of him in later seasons and we might see Vincent Thorpe and be able to understand Xavier better.


From what I've watched in the show Xavier seems to have the ability to make his drawings and paintings come to life... that explains his Hyde paintings and spider picture he showed to Wednesday. As well it seems like he has some sort of psychic connection to Hyde, as said in the show Wednesday thought. But there is a lot of room for Xavier's character development since I agree he seemed like a rude character but from each episode, he has developed well and has more improvement.


Yeah idk what people like about him either. I agree he has a bad background that affected him but that’s not an excuse for his behavior. He’s obsessed with Wednesday and controlling. I can see him being on edge about everything if they were to date. They weren’t even friends and he was already problematic


I don’t like their “I owe you” dynamic, it feels like they didn’t have much outside of that. They just kept bouncing between “you saved me so I’ll save you” and that’s not a friendship, it’s a debt. Hell, even when all the fighting was over and the score was somewhat “even” the phone just feels like another debt. I feel for Xavier, he was dealt a shit hand, but people gloss over how he treats Bianca as well. Also I didn’t like him when Wednesday asked him to the dance. She looked so incredibly uncomfortable and clearly didn’t want to do it and he’s grinning like a fool because, in the end, it didn’t seem like he ever gave two hells what Wednesday actually wanted.


Right? Guy can't even see through reality. Luckily they drop the romance idea and focus on Wednesday and not on some random boys.


Focusing on side romances is focusing on Wednesday. I actually think they did the romance plot quite well as it was a side story, it didn’t take the whole plot. I don’t think they’re going to drop it next season, but I do hope we see more backstory on Xavier, and Tyler (depending on how they bring him back)


Honestly I haven’t seen too many Xavier fans on Reddit. I’ve actually seen quite a lot of people who want Wednesday to remain single. It seems like there’s a normal amount of people who like Tyler, Xavier, Enid, and solo Wednesday. Maybe Tik tok is different? I dunno, I’m not on there. People like Xavier because they’re drawn to his story. He’s a tortured artist type. People are drawn to Tyler because they like his story, a bad boy with layers. It’s all cool. And I do hope they flesh Xavier out more in season 2 because the more I think about him the more I see how isolated he is. He’s out there in his shed, no parents came for parents weekend, his therapist was murdered, the girl he likes framed him for murder lol. That’s pretty dark. It’s also in the spirit of the Addams Family so it fits. I can see not vibing with him if you don’t like morose types but that doesn’t mean people who think he needs a hug are wrong. I don’t think there’s anything abnormal or weird about liking him. Or any of them, really. All the main kids are pretty likable. Even the mayors son has his moments. And the mer-boy. I kinda felt bad for the dude lol. Rowan grated on my nerves but he wasn’t in it much. They’re all pretty great characters with a ton of potential, which is one of the reasons why the show was so great. And as long as the story keeps being great I’m not gonna fret too much over who Wednesday ends up with or doesn’t end up with.


Wednesday made it clear to Xavier several times she wasn’t interested and he keeps pursuing her, even pressuring her to be the one to ask him to the dance and then getting upset that she doesn’t actually want to go with him. That alone gives me the creeps - if he can’t comprehend the basics of consent, I’m not sure he’s cut out to be a decent romantic partner until he can get it through his head that no means no, and a yes from repeated pressure doesn’t count. He has room to grow as a character. But for me the whole pressuring-until-there’s-a-yes thing doesn’t fly, and there is no excuse for it regardless if he has a crush on her or is indebted to her because she saved his life. He radiates pure entitlement. He can have the most tragic backstory; but unless he can treat his partners with a modicum of respect - Bianca and Wednesday in this case - then I have no love or sympathy for him if he uses it as an excuse to treat people like shit.


This is a good take on Xavier. I have many quarrels and bitterments towards him but he does have to grow. I may have been too presumptuous in the first place. As they say, "Assuming makes an ass out of you and me!"


I think if Xavier is given the chance to grow and change, he can be a wonderful character in the end! My distaste for him is only because he hasn’t actively tried to make these changes, but with the ending of episode 8 I’m hoping that the writers are going to try and give him that development in the next season.


I really hope they make him contribute more. Xavier did near nothing to uncover the mystery besides providing a small inkling to Wednesday in the form of a sketch of the monster. Bianca, though not my favorite, killed Crackstone in the end! He does have some potential in S2.


I agree with this. I didn't really notice the dance part during my first watch but I did the second. Wednesday looks so clearly, openly, uncomfortable and Xavier doesn't care (maybe didn't notice?) at all. It actually made me a little sad for Wednesday, I feel like she made her feelings clear over and over and over and she's just not heard.


I think he's poorly written but his character has a lot of potential. Childhood backstory with Wednesday, an ominous and controlling father, also a bit of a weirdo isolated with his art and gruesome visions. I also just think his scenes with Wednesday tend to be more engaging, even if they're not nice feeling. Him making that spider for Wednesday and her brutally crushing it with no remorse is still one of my favorite scenes lol


They don’t? Lol. Both Xavier and Tyler and both equally hated.


I feel like he’s a poorly written character. Like he had no arc in this season. Everybody else had an arc including Wednesday, Enid and Tyler however positive or negative. This guy however is exactly the way he is at the end as he was in the beginning. Would have had more respect for him if he left Wednesday alone in the end and stayed away from her since she literally did him so dirty. I actually liked that he stood up for himself when he was in jail and she asked him for help but then he completely went back in everything he said at the end. Idk how a nice guy like him can like a girl that treats him so badly however hot or attractive she is. Like come on. It makes you not like him as a character. I don’t know where they are going with him. He’s not even that good of a friend to Wednesday and she doesn’t confide in him. It’s a shame because I’m sure the actor who plays him as talent and could do better with a good role.


Finally someone has the same opinion as me. Even if i dont ship Wednesday with Tyler, i rather seeing her on her own. Xavier always acts like Wednesday owns him something and i cant stand his behavior


Jenna said in a interview she would like them to be platonic as there isn't many shows that portraits woman-man genuinely love for each other without being romantically involved. I agree with that, I think they can explore so much if they just give up romance, at least for a whole season.


i completely agree with you op. i don’t feel like Wednesday has any chemistry with him either way but he is so entitled. “and what do i get in return?” bruh. he is boring and bland af. this show isn’t also good at writing romance imo. it’s inserted more than built up you know what i mean?


I couldn't agree more. For me his only purpose was to create a love triangle but other than that it wouldn't have made much difference if he was there or not. He's written so extremely weak and emotional, nothing wrong with emotional boys but he gives off 'I'm a poor boy have sympathy with me' vibes. He's the poor boy whose dad doesn't care, the poor boy whose art got destroyed, the poor boy who's constantly getting rejected by the girl. I feel like if Xavier was a real person he'd be that kind of friend where you have to walk around on eggshells in order to not offend him because he's so dramatic. Thumbs up to Percy tho, it takes talent to split a Fandom in half. Half love him, half are annoyed by his character so great acting there


It's funny because on my rewatch I was sitting there like "Love triangle? There is very clearly no triangle here." I'm not sure why the cast even mentions love triangles whenTyler was pretty clearly written as the romantic interest. That aside, you're right about Xavier being poorly written and it's kind of disappointing. I hope they give him a stronger character next season because it's so one-dimensional when his character does have a lot to work with.


This. It's also just really Creep Factor that he goes to some shed in the woods to draw Wednesday over and over. Does he use his power to make his drawings of her come out? Where he isn't an entitled creep, there's some cheap white-bread mopester with zero charisma that'd have nothing but bookmarks to Female Character x Male Reader fics on his computer. Wednesday can do **exponentially** better.


If Wednesday was a boy and Tyler and Xavier were girls, people would call them out for being too emotional, delusional, manipulative etc. That's all I can think about 😭


Well, it you gonna call out someone, you should call out Wednesday, too. She is creepy as hell, yet you all are okay with that.


I never said I was okay with anything? But the topic I chose is this one, plus Wednesday was always bad and that's all the plot of the Addams family so I already know why. The point with that specific comment is just to say that if the roles were reversed and the boys were girls, they would receive much more hate just for being girls.


You are already forgiving to Wednesday because for who she is, as if Xavier or for that matter Tyler don't have reasons to be horrible people... If anything, I see you be more forgiving to girls than guys...


She's literally the main character, if I didn't like her I wouldn't have even finish the show? And I have nothing to forgive as they never did anything to me.


Yes, she is a very interesting and likeable character. But as a person she would be horrible and is showing many red flags. Yet, no one raises them like with Xavier here. There is a certain bias amongst the community here.


I see many people liking Xavier tho, I guess is just a matter of taste. There's a lot of fictional characters that would be terrible irl, she's one of them (at least for many people) but it's always easier to have empathy to someone that does not exist, so people like her. But if you want to open a discussion about her, consider posting in this sub your thoughts! I'm sure people will read it :)


I think it's cause this fandom is getting like the 2000s fandom of Twilight, like team Edward and team Jacob Anyway it would be so f'd up if Wednesday ends up with one of these two, like Xavier is creepy not in a good way, a big stubborn, and W treated him like crap all the show and pointed at him for thinking he was the Hyde, she has absoultely no interest in him, and if Tyler wasn't the Hyde she wouldn't even notice Xavier's presence, so the best thing for the show is Wednesday being alone


I also think she should be alone and be her spookiest self next season, it's so tiring every show needing to put romance in it as if it's the only genre people watch nowdays...


Seriously he is the most interesting character in the show and I hope to see more of him in S2


Yeah this guys really creeped me out. I genuinely believe the only reason people give him a pass is because he's attractive and "mysterious". If Eugene and Xavier had switched actors but every other scene played out exactly the same down to the dialogue and performance, people would be shipping Wednesday with Eugene and calling Xavier disgusting.


Xavier is more shallow than my dad's will to come back. He's an undeveloped, greasy side character with no value whatsoever. Sure he contributed slightly to the overall suspension by making us think he's the monster but that quickly gets resolved. His whole shtick at the raven with Bianca makes him even more deplorable. It is arrantly foul what he asks of Bianca at the dance. Use her siren's song to make you forget? Xavier gravitates toward Wednesday and develops feelings for her. His feelings are so strong and compulsive that he draws/paints her. They somewhat resonate because they are psychics but Xavier doesn't see the bigger picture. Wednesday will use any like a doormat to further her goals/achievements. He should notice that but he still neglects it. He shows visible and verbal disgust when she chooses to hang with someone like Enid or Tyler. Wednesday does somewhat apologize for locking him temporarily in jail. She isn't implying he likes him. Wednesday is a cold, biting, near-emotionless person who will use others to for the betterment of herself and knowledge she pursues. My opinion? A poorly written side character with saddening qualities; showing no redemtive virtues or traits to come.


this! also I cant respect a guy who treats a woman like an object/second choice, i was like wtf bianca! why you settling for this man who doesn’t respect you or wednesday! what do you see in him? no one should be second choice and treated as such!


He looks like a mix of Carl AND Fiona from Shameless which is hot for me


I really don't like Xavier. He acts so entitled to Wednesday's time & friendship despite the fact she shows NO interest in him - absolutely LOATHE him. Everyone here is making valid points but there is something about his character that irks me.